HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-07-26, Page 3MR. AND MRS. JOHN DIXON Married in Lon'clesboro, will reside in Clinton ..kcpyrs. LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE 9/hither it's I tio MONUMENT • MARKER .0 INSCRIPTION You are remembering a loved one. T. PRYDEli SON LTD. HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS IN CUNTON Clarence Denomme BUS. 482-9505 VISIT , 77 ALBERT ST. RES. 482-9004 CHURCH SERVICES ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" MINISTER: LAWRENCE S. LEWIS, B.A., B. Th. Organist and Choir Director: Mrs. Doris McKinley, A. Mus. THE CONGREGATION WILL WORSHIP'AT WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH FOR THE MONTH OF JULY. Wesley-Willis—Holmesville United Churches REV. A.J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.3., D.D., Minister MR. MURRAY McNALL - ORGANIST MRS. WM. HEARN - CHOIR DIRECTOR SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1973 "THE CHURCH THAT CARES" WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH 10:45 a.m. Hymn Sing 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, Nursery & Junior Congregation THEME: "WHAT ABOUT THE NEW MORALITY?" SOLOIST — MRS. ALICE ANDREWS Ontario Street Church will worship at Wesley-Willis during July HOLMESYILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 a.m, WORSHIP SERVICE - ALL WELCOME CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Clinton 263 Princess Street Pastor Alvin Beukema, B.A., B.D. Services: 10:00 a.m., and 2:30 p.m. — (On 3rd Sundayv9:30•Amm.6-,6.“.•, • .24 ,••164b ,r !Mot!: Service at 11:00 a.m.) 'The Chur.ch of the "Back to Goil" Hour •every Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. T.C. MULHOLLAND, Minister CHARLES MERRILL, ORGANIST SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1973 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship AAA Everyone welcome BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH "EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD" — ROM. 14:12 PASTOR: REV. L.V. BIGELOW 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 1:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY PRAYER MEETING YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING EVERYONE WELCOME ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Clinton SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1973 6th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 11:30 A.M. MATINS FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE ST. (1 street west of Community Centre) 9:45 a.m.—WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE HOUR 8:30 p.m.—GOSPEL SERVICE AT DRIVE-IN Ides., 8:00 p.m.--PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For information Phone: 482-9379 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 168 Victoria Street Pastor: Leslie Hoy, 524-8823 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. Friday, Young Peoples ALL WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR: DWIGHT B. STRAIN ASSISTANT: TED RAMSAY 10:00 a.m. Sunday School at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HURON STREET, SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1973 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH WITH THE WATCHMAN QUARTETTE AND REV. MERYLE DOLAN 7:30 p.m. Special Evening Service in St. Andrews Church With SPECIAL SURPRISE QUARTETTE and REV. MERYLE DOLAN For bus Transportation see adjolnIng ad. COMING ALIVE IN '73 SUNDAY, JULY29 WAYNE McLEAN RADIO STATION MANAGER AND ANNOUNCER 'OF SARNIA WILL SPEAK AND DUETS And. TRIO & Westfield Fellowship Hour - 2 p.m. Huron Men's Chapel, Auburn - 8 p.m. ALL WELCOME Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing QUINTON J. EVEREST CRUSADE COMING IN SEPTEMBER SUNDAY AUG. 12th 10:00 SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 EVENING SERVICE SPEAKER THE PASTOR SUNDAY, JULY 29th IN ST. ANDREW'S PRES. CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PRESENTS RENOWNED EVANGELIST REV. MERYLE DOLAN AND THE WATCHMEN QUARTETTE 11:00 A.M. 7:30 P.M, COMMENCING AUGUST 5th, ALL SERVICES OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH WILL BE HELD IN UNION WITH ST. ANDREW'S AND WILL TAKE PLACE IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH for July and the month of August SUNDAY AUG. 5th 10:00 SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 EVANGELISTIC SERVICE GUEST SPEAKER REV. W.E. STRAIN of NORWICH SUN.—AUG. 19th SUN. AUG. 26th 10:00 SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 SPECIAL SERVICE FOR OPERATION TRANSPLANT GUESTS FROM GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRY RECEPTION FOLLOWING 10:00 SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 EVENING SERVICE MYSTERY SPEAKER BUS WILL LEAVE VANASTRA(CLOVER FARM)AT 10:30 A.M. EACH SUNDAY PHONE 4 8 2 704 1 For Information CLIP& SAVE CLIP & SAVE CLIP & SAVE What's new at Huronview? Couple wed in Clinton Despite the cool wind of Monday afternoon, many of the residents were able to enjoy the Band Concert at the second storey windows with about 60 others on the west lawn, The regular "Family Night" program was held on Tuesday evening this week to accom- modate a visit by a group of young musicians from the Toronto area. These young people are working under a Government sponsored program, Music Concepts Workshop, and have enter- tained a variety of audiences in South Western Ontario. Mem- bers of the band are Mike Ross, Bob McNiven, Ian MacDougall; Vince Brady, Jack Welbloom, and Mike Bern- stein. The 38th annua4 Crich Reunion was held at the Seaforth Lions Park on Sunday afternoon July 15th with an at- tendance of 56. In the afternoon the sports were as follows: pillowcase relay, Pearl Cummings team; roll the bottle, Eleanor Falcon- cers team; hammering the nail, Eleanor Falconers team; birth- day closest to the picnic, Phyllis Connell; couple married the longest, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pep- pers; oldest person present, Jim Carnochan, newest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hugill. After the sports a delicious supper was enjoyed by all. A short business meeting was conducted by president Archie Douglas. The minutes of last yeds picnic were read and seconded by Jack Turner. Two minutes silence was observed Nineteen residents attended the Octogenarian picnic and program at the, Anglican Parish Hall at Goderich on Wed- nesday. Everyone reports a most enjoyable afternoon with the McMillan Family, talents from the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital and others providing the program followed by refreshments and a social hour. Mrs. Mary Johnson, 99, and Mr. Walter Kingswell, 95, of the Home are the eldest lady and gentleman members but just didn't feel able fdr the trip. Many thanks go to those responsible for the get together as well as the gentlemen who provided the transportation. for the ones who had past away since last year's picnic. The treasurer's report was given by Phyllis Connell with a balance on hand of $16.64 Murray Crich invited everyone up to his place next year for a chicken barbecue. It was moved by Helynn Kushner and seconded by Doris Hugill that we accept the invitation, Phyllis Connell thanked Helynn Kushner for donating the prizes for the races. The Officers for 1974 are as follows: president Harold Crich; vice-president, Elmer Townsend; treasurer, Helen Lawson; secretary, Doris Crich; sports committee, Jack and Eleanor Brown, Murray and Doris Crich; Helynn and Barry Kushner; table committee, Mrs. Harold Crich, Eileen Town- send, Eleanor Falconer, Doris Hugill, Geraldine Brown. suung-gtiANAFIAN Baskets of pastel coloured shasta daisies decorated St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church Clinton for the 3 p.m, wedding on Saturday July 7 of Miss Rosalie Stauble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stauble, Ceylon and James Shanahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Shanahan of Clinton. Father , McMaster officiated for the double ring ceremony. Miss Marie Boyle of Clinton was the organist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor- length gown of Nottingham lace with yoke-effect bodice, a band at the empire waist with gathered skirt and full bishop sleeves. She wore a matching bonnet hat with full-length veil and carried a bouquet of winghim shasta daisies and baby's breath. Mrs. Donna Stauble, sister- in-law of the bride, was matron of honour and the bridesmaids were Mrs. Edna Elliott, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Florence Elliott, a friend. They wore gowns of Swiss dot, un- derlined of blue, pink and yellow with long ties forming bows at the back. They wore white picture hats trimmed with sashes matching the dress and carried bouquets of wingham shasta daisies. The flower girl, Tracey Saint of Wingham, niece of the groom, wore a mauve dress similar to the dress of the other attendants. Garry Elliott of Clinton was the best man and the ushers were Frank Stauble of Mark- dale, brother of the bride, and Terry Elliott of London, brother-in-law of the groom. The ring bearer was Shawn Elliott, nephew of the groom. All were dressed in white jackets and black pants. Following the ceremony, a The Township of Hay has a new Deputy-Reeve in the per- son of,veteran councillor John 'Pinney, and a new member of 'council in the person of Lloyd Mousseau, R.R. 2, Hensall. Both appointments were made by the council at a special meeting called for the purpose. Following the sudden death of the former deputy-reeve Harold Campbell a couple of weeks ago, the Municipal Act called for the appointment of a member of the council to fill the vacancy. Mr. Tinney was the senior member of the coun- cil. After appointing one of the councillors to the deputy post, a vacancy then existed for the reception was held in Clinton Community Centre. The bride's mother received her guests in a floor-length Carnation pink, sheer polyester georgette gown fashioned with fitted bodice, pink guipure lace encircling a stand up collar and down the front from throat to hem. The sleeves were full-length and bouffant and she wore a cor- sage of red roses. Assisting, the groom's mother wore a long gown of brown and beige crimp knit and wore a corsage of yellow roses. Out of town guests were from Toronto, Oshawa, Seaforth, London, Quebec, Owen Sound, Flesherton, Markdale, Ceylon, Priceville, Wingham and Durham. Following a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Mr. and 'Mrs. Shanahan will reside at Owen Sound. Both Mr. and Mrs. Shanahan are employees of the Bank of Montreal in that city. The bride-to-be was honoured at several showers. Miss Sharon Sinclair, friend of the bride, held a miscellaneous shower at her parentAome. A buffet luncheon was served by Mrs. Sinclair , Sharon and Ann. Mrs. Florence Elliott of Clin- ton held a miscellaneous shower at her home. Bank of Montreal employees held a pantry shower at the home of Mrs. Pat Dowdell, Owen Sound. Mrs. Merle McKenzie, Mrs. Olive Irwin, Mrs. Margaret Sinclair, Mrs. Mary Ralph, and Mrs. Shirley Sinclair, held a miscellaneous shower in Stothart Hall, Priceville where Rosalie received beautiful gifts. A thank you tea was held on Saturday July 14 at the home of Mrs. Joe Stauble where friends and relatives called to view the gifts of her daughter Rosalie. position of councillor. After- careful consideration the remaining members of council agreed to appoint Lloyd Mousseau to the 'vacant position. Mr. Mousseau is a newcomer to municipal politics, but is well qualified for the position with a wide background in both business and farming. His father served many years on the Hay Town- ship council, Both new officials were sworn into office at a special meeting of the council on Tuesday night. Clerk Wayne Horner administered the oath. of office. cIANToN NEWS-RoBE), l'HuBsp", JULY 26, 1873-,-.3 Pastel tinted shasta daisies with intertwining ribbons set the scene of the candlelight service when Donelda Judith Scott, and John David Dixon exchanged vows in a double- ring ceremony officated by Rev. Stanley MacDonald, at Lon- desboro United Church, July 6. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Jr., 214 Britannia Rd. E., Goderich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dixon, 205 Rattenbury St. E., Clinton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length gown of polyester crepe, trimmed with imported lace. It was styled with a ruffled neckline, and ruffles at the wrists. She wore a four-tier cattle d raMe ngthwith ?az1 begtdPiece bf PaStelllaivprs, Carried a- Traditiiinil Bride Bouquet of pink sweetheart roses, white stephanotis and blue, yellow, green and mauve shasta daisies, The matron of honour, Mrs. Jay Carter, of Clinton, sister of the bride, wore a full-length gown of yellow polyester crepe. It was styled with ruffles at the neckline, wrists and over the shoulders, and long ties at the back. Bridesmaids were Miss JoAnn Scott, Goderich, sister of the bride, Miss Judi Kerr, Lon- don, cousin of the groom, Miss Terri Flynn, Londesboro, and Mrs. Lynn Proctor, Vanastra, close friends of the bride. They wore dresses styled identical to that of the matron of honour in rainbow colours of mauve, green, blue, and pink. Miss Julie Lynn Scott of Goderich was the flower girl. She was dressed identical to the matron of honour. All carried Traditional Bouquets of pink, yellow, blue, green and mauve shasta daisies and miniature carnations with in- tertwining ribbons to match their dressIs and long streamers. John Hoy, Goderich, friend of the groom was the best man. Paul Dixon, Vanastra, brother of the groom, Jamie Scott, Goderich, brother of the bride, Dannyqqhnson, Bayfield,-and Doug Bylsma, Clinton Mends of the - groom, were ushers. Shawn Dixon, Vanastra, was ring bearer. The wedding reception, dance, and midnight supper were held at the Clinton Legion Hall. The bride changed into a blue and white dress for a honeymoon at Inverhuron. Prior to her marriage, the bride was honoured at showers given by Mrs. Jay Carter; Mrs. Lynn Proctor and Miss Terri Flynn. The newlyweds are residing in Clinton. Crichs meet in Seaforth New Deputy-Reeve appointed in Hay