HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-07-19, Page 1113. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13, SERVICES 22. DEATHS r 25. IN MEMORIAM AUCTIONEERS arYld LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIkD 482-3120 —corn VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK gctfn VARNA 262-5748 EAVESTROUGNING, aluminum or galvanized. Estimates without obligation. Contact R,E. Rattan, R.R. 3, Wingham. Phone 35'7- 1077.-16tfn CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates-Tuesday. and Thursday TUESDAY - Beef and Pork Friday - Only 'PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237 -3314 Dasitwooci.—ci fro „ COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE And SUPPLIES Open 7 Days a Week ' Mon. thru Sat. till dark Sunday 12 to 8 ART'S Landscaping A Nursery 88 BENNET ST. E., GODERICH 5244126 HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 ICING ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL. FARM WIRING ,CLINTON 482.7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL 16tfn r- SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482.3320 ;_.gctfn BALL AUCTIONS BRUSSELS. ONTARIO DIRECTLY BEHIND THE QUEENS HOTEL SAT., JULY 21 at 8 p.m. JuSt arrived a tares ihipmint of Colonial furnishings, chest on chest bedrooM suite, colonial diningroorn suite, Boston rakers, partial listing Of new refrigeritors with matching 30" stem colors green and gold, automatic washers, dryers, 4 style* of More* stereos, new bedroom suites, chesterfields, both avallebto in Spanish, Modern, Frenth PrOvincial and Ctrionlat. Electrophonic Quality component, sets with 8 trick tape deck, and new *Ingle and double beds, 9 x 12 rugs, beautiful table lamps, swag lamps, and lovely hexagon coffee and end table sets, kitchen suites, variety of styles and totem, radios, numerous Oat, ornaments and gift items, odd chairs and tables; sets of dishes, Many more item. two numerous to mention. This is a large sale consisting of quality furniture Which will be sold to highest bidder. Terms of tale - Cash or &Waal Plin. if you are looking for new furniture and hive not get the cash on hand, we *mid like to Offer 10 yOu our handy T.K.M. budget Plan. Lots of parking and Seating -Refreihment booth with room facIl tles available. Sale conducted by ball AUctiOn, Brussels. AuCtionier - fi.11. Ball - phone 887-9363. Auction Sale of New FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & GIFTWARE et BALL AUCTIONS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO DIREOTLY BEHIND THE QUEENS HOTEL Friday, July 20 at 8 p.m. Pasturing., Matching stove and refrigerator, In evocade gold Or green, Deluxe tide by side refrigerator (foodaranta) by Leonard. Matching washer end dryer, Colour and black & white T.V.s, several sloes Of Chester/14d suites, Owlish and maple bodroom suits., bunk beds, Coffee end tables; Will tamps, *wog tempi, poi* lamps, kitchen Suites, continental best Spring and Mat r tieees, deloks,.lexy boy Chairs, autornatic xig yip ntactdribe, latortetries, dishes, swords, plus many other hen* tort num/sews to mention. Site* conductSd weekly by Bail Auctions AuOtierritiw: ILA. Bell Lunch booth and *sating provided C THE HAIR SHOP MEN'S HAIRSTYLING and BARBERING • SEAFORTH (acrose from Oornmotcfal Hotel) "YOUR HAIR CUT THE WAY YOU WANT" OPENING - THURSDAY - JULY 19 SPECIAL PENSIONERS' PENSIONERS' DAY MONDAY, JULY 23 $1.50 lorli nierereeerriel PRIVATE APPOINTMENTS ARRANGED FOR MEN & WOMEN TWIRL OR FRI. EVENINGS ••• ARCON READY MIX CONCRETE FORMING READY MIX CONCRETE PRICED RIGHT FOR THE FARMER & HOMEOWNER CUBIC YD. OF CONCRETE HAYFIELD, RD. CLINTON IIIAS LOW AS 415.50 PER PHONE 24 HOURS A DAY 482-3431 E "We Boy and Sell" PHONE 519452-9135 • Vol A 5Ccmtioart:s 0 L STONE HOUSE ANTIQUES CLINTON, ONTARIO L 2,8 MILES EAST OF CLINTON ON HIGHWAY 8 1111111M1111116. MINISTRY OP THE ENVIRONMENT CHIEF OPERATOR VANASTRA WATER AND SEWAGE SYSTEM 4159.00 - $182.00 the Project Operations Orenth required a Crier Operator to be respon. sib!' for the administration, operatiOn and Maintenance bf the Vah Asir* Water and Sewage Treatment Systems. The touixesehil applicant whl OPerste and Maintain plant equipment, porform routine laboratory fists ere a record' of emilpment, proobss Perforinseloa sod chemical usage. The Chief Operator will he assisted by one operator. QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 12 or equivalent; mechanical and/or Mod- mem maintandlice wtparienbs; Squid probes. operation experience it definite asset; good physical condition. PROJECT: Wafer reatment Plant has 300,000 gallons of day pumping Capiodiy, a_4/4 0111110i1 Mellon reservoir, and a sloths filter water sof- tener. The tease* Triatmeht Plaid provides secondary treatMent and is rated at 450,000 gallons per day. Morels provision tew chi/Meal ad- dition at a later dare to provide tertiary treatment. 12N 157 • tailor Recruitment Officer Pereonnif lariareh Ministry of the invirononwn 125 M. Clair Aydin* Wool Toronto, Ontario Applicants AM ridartited to reply in 'writing mnisloott LOCATiONt Clinton trivitotitititit thielnit Oita! St 1573 iiiitaNwilefiliNEWWWWWWWeillikeinii HAOKIRK; In loving memory of a dear father Albert (Bert) Habkirk who passedmtway two years ago, July 25, 191t, We wish so much that life could be Just as it was before, That you could be in your favorite. chair When we came through the door, - But since those special dreams of ones . Can never now come true We will be grateful for the years We had a dad like you, - Sadly missed and always remem- bered by hie family Gladys, Lois, Roy and Ross.-29b PARKER-In memory of a loving father and grandfather, Thomas Christopher Parker who passed away July 18, 1957. Deep in our hearts his memory is kept, To love and cheiish and never forget. Unseen, unheard, he is always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear, Always remembered by daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren,-29b 26. CARD OF THANKS FREEMAN-The frimily of the late Louis Freeman wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy expressed to them during their recent bereavement. For donations to Cancer' research, floral tributes, cards and messages of sym- pathy. Thanks to Joy Ball, Dr. Newland and nurses at Clinton Hospital, to Rev. S. Sharpies and to all who visited and helped in anyway in the three years of Louis' illness. The Freeman Family.-29p McKENZIE-The family of the late D. Lyle McKenzie would like to extend their sincere and heartfelt thanks to friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness, cards, floral tributes, and donations during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Pastor Morgort, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee, Constable John Gourley of the Exeter Police, Peggy, Ross and Bill Forrest, M.L. Watts Funeral Home, pallbearers, flowerbearers and to everyone who assisted at the scene of the accident.' Your kiiiitifelis-Vilt-" alivays be r8It4idillae&W29b SCOTCHMER-My sincere thanks to all who sent cards and treats while I was a patient in University Hospital, London. Ken Scotch- iner.-29b CUMMINGS; Sincere appreciation and many thanks to the nurses and staff of Clinton Hospital, to Doctors Watt, Harrett and Baker, Rev, Youmatoff and to the friends who remembered me with cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Hospital. (Mrs.) Mary Cum- mings.-29p HARRIS: My sincere thanks to all the kind friends and relatives who visited me, sent cards and flowers during my stay in Clinton Public Hospital. The kindness of first floor staff and Dr, Watts and Dr. Harrett are deeply appreciated, Verna Harris,-29b SCRUTON-The Family of the late Jack Scruton wish to express their sincere gratitude to friends and neighbours for the expressions of sympathy and the help extended to the family during their recent bereavement. A word of special ap- preciation to Rev. T.C. Mulholland and to the Ball Funeral Home.-29b ROWDEN-I wish to thank all those who remetnbered me with cards, flowers and visits while a patient in Vittoria Hospital, also for favors at hoine and transpor- tation, Bert Rowderi.-29p INTON NEWS-BK(41p, TIMIRODAY,,0110Y -It TOWN AND COVINITRY 4 LUMBER TO SELL BY AUCTION , at Varmint, 2 miles south of Clinton and follow sale signs on \ Saturday morning, July 21 at 10:00 A.M. Used Lumber - 75 sheets of 4' x 10' by 1/4" plywood; 100 part sheets of 1/4" plywood; 200 - 2" x 4" short lengths (2.3 ft.); 1" lumber all lengths; 10' doors, frames, locks;10 green guass checkboards; 150 sheets of 1/2 " drywall 2' x 8' sheets; work- bench and odds and ends; con- dui, and electrical boxes. Positively No Reserve Terms - Cash DONATION AND CONSIGNMENT AUCTION . Proceeds for the Varna United Church.Bale to be held in the Verna Arena on Saturday, July 21, at 1:15 P.M. Partial 4019 • 3000 ft. of inch lumber; two wheeled trailer; ski boots and press; 6 hp. garden tractor 33" mower; 9' * 9' tourist tent with center pole; 50 year old dining room table. There will be many more household articles, furniture, applian- ces and antiques; Plan to attend Rummage and Bike Sete same day RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 482-3120 -'13roceilloid To Donate or consign Phone - 482-3276 or 482-9654 s -- IMIMINAMORMINIAWRIMMIRINOM.1.010 ESTATE AUCTION To be held In the village of Auburn for the Estate of the Late Mrs. Christina Craig on Saturday, July 28, at 1:00 P.M. Automobile • 1970 Chev Belair Antiques and household items - 4' x 8' elate pool table; and ac- cessories; Nordhslmer piano; Philips 21" T.V.; round *Mention table; buffet; china cabinet; coffee and end tittles; chesterfield and chair; 4 washstands; commode; office desk and chair; ex- tention table; wood and metal beds; oval top table; chesterfield and two chairs; pressback rocker and arm chair; iron crib; highboy chest of drawers; 8 pc. chrome kitchen suite; pine top cupboard and' pine chairs; wringer washer; singer sewing machine; child% rocker; mantel clock; mirrors; WI lamps; Humbert school bell; depression and carnival glass; dishes and china; 3 telephones; pictures and frames; brass; crocks; souvenirs; toy dishes; school desk; quilts; kitchen appliances and utensils. Two power mowers; homemade riding mower Terms - Cash Property sold No Reserve on contents RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 4824120 - Brucefield 29,301) ellelle AM. AP „Ir FaIMMIROMMI001010~10100111111111easilea1 -HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUE AUCTION To be held at 119 Main Street North, Seaforth on Siturday, July 28, at 1:15 PIA. Consisting of Admiral 21" T.V.; 4 matching cane bottom chairs; 5 pc. chrome kitchen suits; 2 rocking chairs; arm chairs; chesterfield; cherry chest of drawers; steel and wood beds; dressers; chest of drawers; single continental bed Sim- mons mattress; General Electric stove 24"; Leonard refrigerator; wringer Washer; electrical kitchen appliances; • electric clock; mantel clock; radio; 2 wicker ferneries; card table; wood paper rack; hooked and woven rugs; lamps; pic- tures and frames; cushion tops; mirrors; lawn chairs; garden tools; T.V. aerial; and many other Items. Terms - Cash No Reserve Proprietress - Mrs. Laura Ings Mrs. Myrtle Krueger RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 4824120 Brucefield 29,30b w A AP as a GIGANTIC AUCTION SALE Of 3 area *Staten, stem furniture, and office equipment and One tOnsIgninent front Rev. Mowatt, hie tollecilont of inlaid end hind carved furniture, to be held In the Clinton arena on Wednesday, July 25, at 1:15 P.M. FUrniture and Antiques - 2 ptiMil argent; player piano; Dominion upright grand piano; mithoginy china cabinet-cUrvid glue front; set of 4 Victorian mined oak theirs; pine harvest table; pine waihstends; round elk pedestal table; solid state eterscr.tibirlit mOdril; 4 pc. bettreOrn tables; Ceder Cheat; 'blanket boxen; trunks; coffee table.; end tablet; Oak secretary; marble 100 Washstand; 2 bedroom suttee; 4 drettrers; 3 chord Of draWert; tables - all sites and shapes; arludre walnut pedestal table; Chord table; chins cabinet; wicker 'rockers and chairs; Whet-not; bOokeeetts; upholstered arm chalet; can. rocker; 4 rocking Chairs; Mandan Phyfe tildes; 2 livingroom -Junes; cherry drop leaf table; hell tree aid teat; thelterfletde; 2 kitChert threrne bats; *Anon rug and underlay; corniest glees; corn flotver; fib-blue diehint; victitrlan voile; brist01 Vest; biscuit barrel; compotes; cake itierd; ***Won glass; Athol; china and Many, many more Items. APpliancel 3 sets wieers and dryer; '3 refrigeritors; 4 sled, Mc 'skive.; dishwashersh s ; 'Mill appliances * ill ippliaticrirt in excellent vroddrre orditto• Odds and Erra -Large Qty. of books and mikozitiost blue; tom set; AMMO* steeple clock; mantel ClOCkS and Well OloCks; tempt; pictures and Mimes; fernEltre; iron; oil IIMPII; crock!; lawn furniture;laWn and garden equipment; Win- Mitiontil Hahn Metter. Office Equipment (to tell at 1:15 shirp) fire proof filing Cabinet; 24" x 37' site; electric adding machines; Cobh register; °Ike desk; Office turtrittire; dlliplriuy Mehl,* and Coun- ters; ctrithie ricks; Olin 'display neuntell 2 'Plan to attend the urgent auction to be held this year common- ding it 116 P.M. to Approrr. 9:00 kM. Limb itatteble Paddle Bidding RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Charge fair inidtiootiOn phi** 402-3120 y firriCefitikt 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE AV* BILL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Repair, to all makes and models of major appliances Phone 482-7935 JACK'S WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 482-9695 CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) c- 5tfn BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION And EXCAVATING CUSTOM BULLDOZING R.R. 2 Goderich 524.9804 CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St, 482-7652. c -I8tfn RICHARD LORI LORI EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER sad APPRAISER CLINTON. ONT. P HONE; 482 7-9431 or 482- 7898 r an SCREENED .„ ,,,,TOPSOIL --, * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482-7644 tfn Farmers Are you thinking about building? FOR A GOOD JOB AT A REASONABLE PRICE PHONE RAY LAMBERS 482-3305 25. IN MEMORIAM TYNDALL: In loving memory of a dear brother Ken Tyndall, who passed away one year ago. Wishing today as we Wished before, That God could have spared you many years more. No one knows the grief we share, When we all meet and you are not there, Life goes on, we know that true, But not the same since we lost you, Through all our troubles, yoU helped us along If we live like you, we will never go wrong, On earth you were loved, in heaven you rest. God bless you brother, you were one of the best. Sadly missed by sisters, brothers and families.---29b RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 482-3120* Brucelield 13. SERVICESAVAILABLE CITATION, Golden Falcon, Flyte, Holiday Travel Trailers; Bellevue, Woods, Olsen Tent Trailers; Truck Toppers; Crestliner, Springbok, Chrysler Boats & Motors; Hitches & Tenting Equipment. CAMP-OUT, RENTALS, SALES, Huron St. W. Stratford. 393-5938.-16-30b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and-jewellery like new Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances, Expert work done reasonably ..to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl restringing, W.N. Counter. Clinton, Ontario. - c tfn REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home, Kitchen cupboards a specialt y . •Phone 482.7676. Ken MeNnirn, — c2tfn QUICK cash to pay bills or make a purchase. Call Brad Hamilton, Trans Canada Credit, 524,8349,- c1Otf, . Terms- Cash LADIES - Have your sewing done for fall so that you are prepared.. phone 482.3198-28-3lb FURNITURE refinishing, satisfac- tion guaranteed, prompt service, reasonable rates. Phone Ernie Niblock 524.6110,-28,29,3Pb 17. LOST AND FOUND LOST-A big fluffy Calico cat, West of Clinton. Children's pet. Reward. Phone 482-74$3,-29b . • ' • .• •• •• I • ‘MWIr , 21. BIRTHS BELL----Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bell of" Vanastra are proud parents of a baby boy, born in Clinton Hospital on July 5, 1973 SOUTHIN-Roger and Sheila Southin are happy to announce the birth of their first child, Nancy Elaine, on Wednesday, July 11, 1973, at Clinton Public Hospital. Third grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. L.H.R. Theedom, Clinton; and Mr. and Mrs, Christopher Southin of Ladysmith, B.C. Special thanks to the staff and Doctors Newland, Allan and Lambert. SCHNEIDER-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schneider of Vanastra, on July 13, 1973 had a baby girl in Clinton Public Hospital. CRICH-On July 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Crich of Clinton, in Clinton Hospital, a baby girl. JONES-Grant and Lois Jones (nee Merrill), of R.R. 2 Hensel' are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby girl on July 11, 1973 in Exeter Hospital. Her name is "Chrystal Annette", first grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merrill of R.R. 2 Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, R.R. 2 Hensel]. 22. DEATHS NEALE-At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Thursday, July 12, 1973, T. Stanley Neale of 207 Mill Street, London, in his 71st year. Beloved husband of Leila G. (Stackhouse) Neale, dear father of Mis. Patricia MUnro,'Scarborough, and Ronald of Orillia. Also sur- viving are four grandchildren. Dear brother of Harry and Fred, of Thorold. Funeral services were held an Sunday July 15, 1973 at 2 p.m, Rev, Harold Snell officiated. Inter- ment Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Township. SCRUTON-At his residence, 218 ;Huron St., Clinton, on Thursday, July 12, 1973, Jack Scruton, beloved husband of the late Margaret Mero, in his 64th year, Dear father of Mrs. George (Patricia) Sills, Barrie, Mrs, Larry (Connie) Mellen, London, Mrs. Keith (Nancy) Allen, Lon- desboro, Mrs. Allen (Elaine) Craig , Auburn, one son, Don of Clinton, also surviving are one brother, Ed- ward Scruton, of Goderich, and six- teen grandchildren. The funeral was held at the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High St. Clinton on Saturday, July 14, at 11:00 a.m„friterment in the Clinton Cemetery. ANDREWS-At Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, July 15, 1973, Francis (Frank) W. Andrews of Clinton in his 86th year. Beloved husband of Mary Ellen (Hill) An- drews. Daughters, Mrs. Jack (Mary) Murch of Clinton, Mrs, Grant (Gene) Rath of Clinton, Mrs. Arthur (Ruth) Griffiths of London, Mrs. Robert (Norma) Draper of Clinton, Mrs. Grover (Joyce) Clare of Gananoque. Five sons, Homer of Clinton, Douglas of Ilderton, Donald of Clinton, William of Toronto, Richard of Oakville, one son, Charles predeceased, 31 grand- children, 27 great-grandchildren. One sister, Mrs. Len (Amy) Heard of Clinton. The funeral was held from the Beatty Funeral Home, Clinton, Wednesday, July 18 at 2 p.m. Reverend A.J. Mowatt of- ficiated. Interment -in Clinton Cemetery. VENNER-At Huronview Home, Clinton on Saturday, July 14, 1973, Annie Venner of Clinton, beloved wife of the late Chris Venner, in her 92 year. Dear mother of Mrs. John (Irene) Fotheringham of Burlington and Mrs. Walter (May) Pepper of Clinton. Also surviving are one brother, James Wilton of Stratford and four grandsons. Predeceased by one son, Harry, of Hamilton. The funeral was held from the Ball Funeral Home on Tuesday, July 17, at 2 p.m. Interment in the Clinton Cemetery. McKENZIE-D. Lyle McKenzie passed away suddenly in Usborne Township on Friday, July 6, in his 19th year. Beloved son of B.E. (Betty) and the late Donald McKenzie of Exeter. He was born at Brussels, Ontario in 1954, a student' at Central Huron Secondary School. He is survived by his mother and four sisters, Veronica, Nancy, Gloria and June all at home. He was predeceased by his father in 1956. The funeral service was held at M,L. Watts. Funeral Home, Brussels, on Mon. July 9, with the Rev, F. Morgort of Peace Lutheran Church, Exeter, officiating. The pallbearers were Wayne Hoffman, Bill Forrest and Ken Lee, Murray Glanville, Jim Coleman and Gor- don Price, Flowerbearers were Ken Nolan and Ray Glanville and 'Charlie Bremner. and Carman Ber- nard. Interment in Brussels 'Cemetery.