HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-07-19, Page 7Clinton playground GO-Ordinater, Christine Hartley, seated right, helps the children make decorations for their parade, which was held in Clinton last Friday afternoon. The program was possible because of a $3,000 Ontario, government grant, (News-Record photo) Constance Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer ke..A., is Shipping Choy Prom Vents Stockyard CALL SAYFIELD 543-2434 Sy 7:30 1,m. *seamy Per PretnIM ittivIat Ng Charges me Pkitase if rwe 01.0-TMIER 5:441S: a '710 PR:. YOU CAN'T MKE THE saw/ mu WON'T WONT WHEN TNE ROIL 1$ OWED UP YONDER... S. n 0 DON BELL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 225 MAPLE ST. CLINTON 482.9550 SUMMER FABRICS REDUCED TO CLEAR COTTONS POLYESTERS COTTON & AVRILS AS WELL AS OTHER MIXTURES CREPE FINISHES LINEN SEERSUCKERS JERSEYS ALL IN THE LATEST SUMMER SHADES REDUCED 20% SEWING CENTRE - DRY GOODS Clinton, Ontario 41111111•11111111111•011.1 11111111.011111.0.0•1111.11111.1.111.11111111111011.101111011 CLINTON NgWS-RPC9113D,THIIHSLIA,X4 Jy14,1( lilt -!973-!4 HOME HELP AVAILABLE 4000.,~4.01.61••rommei NO CHAIM FOR Housework, gardening, Wanting, window washing, other odd (ohs, • fro CLINTON RESIDENTS ONLY For further information PHONE 482-385 8 BEV'S HAIR STYLING 53 WINNIPEG ST. VANASTRA FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 482-9083 t, INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK Mrs. Irene GrimPldby spent a few days the past week visiting with friends in Drumbo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Brown of Calgary Mrs. Gladys Wallis of Clinton called on Tuesday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. William Van Diejen of Holland spent a few days the past week with her sister Mrs. John Wammes, Mr. Wammes and their family. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bettles of Winthrop, Mrs. Florence Brockel, Mrs. Roberta McCar- thtir both of Star City Saskat- chewan visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son, Sharop and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McClure and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClure and family spent Sun- day evening on a picnic at Elliott's Pine Lake Camp. John and Elizabeth Lawson spent a few days the past week with Barry and Bonnie Turner of Tuckersznith. Jim Thompson attended the family reunion held on Sunday at Meade Baker's in Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. George Murray and family of Guelph enjoyed the weekend at their summer home. Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Richard- son of Guelph spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dorrance. Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hun- ter of Colborne Township and Mrs. Joe Armstrong of Detroit visited on Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Thom- pson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, Melanie Meribeth and Jeffrey of Belgrave visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McClure and boys, and Mrs. Ella Jewitt visited Ott Sunday -14 ieith Me,frencr Mrs. Stitt 'Ball and family of Auburn and with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Tolly of West Virginia who are visiting with the Ball family. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Richard- son of Owen Sound are spen- ding a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dorrance. Mrs, Robert Woods and Michele and Master Allan McRae of Gananoque visited for a few days the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Storey of Goderich Township were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey. About 60 friends, neighbours, and relations of Mary MeIlwain held a miscellaneous, shower for her at the Foresters Hall on Wednesday evening July 4th. A contest the Grocery List was conducted by Velma and Janice Preszcator, Mrs. Reg Lawson gave a reading. Mary sat in a decorated chair along with her mother and Carl's mother, Mrs. Jack Met- tier and they were presented with corsages. Diane Preszcator read the address to Mary. She received many lovely gifts and thanked everyone for them. Lunch was then served. Women's Milsionary 80010Y Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, president of the A'uhurn Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society was in charge of the July meeting held id the home of Mrs. John Hallam, She opened with a call to worship and the hymn, My God I Thank Thee. She welcomed all and the roll call was an- swered by a Bible verse con- taining the word - Prayer. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Sanderson and she chose John 17 chapter for her scripture lesson, The meditation - The Fruits of a Prayer World was closed with prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by 'the secretary, Miss Minnie Wagner. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Frances Clark. An offering was taken and presented to the Auburn Daily Vacation School. The study book on India was taken by Mrs. Eleanor Brad- neck. She spoke on Indira Gan- dhi and the Indian govern- ment, policies -,and problems, The offering was received by Mrs. Clark and dedicated by prayer by Mrs. Sanderson. The meeting was closed with the hymn, Thy way not mine 0 Lord and the benediction. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Hallam assisted by Mrs. Roy Daer. Twenty Fifth Anniversary Mr. 'and Mrs. Leonard Ar- chambault were the guests of honour at their 25 wedding an- niversary celebration on Satur- day June 30, The family, Douglas and friend Cheryl Graham of St Marys, Brenda and Don Parker of Goderich, Rick and Marilyn at home, treated them to a dinner and dance which was held in the Clinton Legion Hall, A corsage of pink roses and a white boutonniere were pinned on the guests of honour. Rick proposeda toast. Mr. and M Archtniiitult were present with gifts and Mr. Cliff Satin- dercock presented a special gift from the Legion. A smorgasbord lunch was enjoyed with a three tiered wedding cake. Friends attended from Sarnia, Clinton, Goderich, Auburn, Walton, St. Marys, tondesboro, Brucefield and Kenora. Horticultural Society Mrs. Kenneth Scott president of the Auburn Horticultural Society, presided for the July Executive meeting in the Town Hall last Thursday evening, She welcomed all and thanked everyone for cards sent while she was ill also to Mrs. Dorothy Grange who had conducted the last meeting. Mrs. Scott thanked all those who had worked on the flower- beds and stated how beautiful they all were. The minutes of the previous meeting were ac- cepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Beth Lansing. It was reported that the old minute books had been found and would be placed in the Library room. A District Workshop was discussed and the secretary was instructed to write Mrs. Williatn klie for mote infor- mation. The AUBURN letters at both approaches to the village on the highway will be painted soon. Plans were made for a meeting near the end of August when Mrs, Beth Lansing and ItIrS. Celia .Taylor will give the report on the Ontario Hor- ticultural Society annual meeting held at Guelph in June, Mrs, Taylor will show pictures of this and local views. Other members will also show local pictures. Each member is asked to bring a floral arrangeinent to this August meeting. Mrs. Robert Phillips will be in charge of musical numbers and the lunch committee will be Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Mrs, Dorothy Grange and Mrs. William Straughan. Anglican Church Women The July meeting of the St. Mark's Anglican Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Davies. Mrs. Elmer Trommer opened the meeting and welcomed the members in place of Mrs. Davies, The first hymn chosen was "The Church in the Wildwood" which was accompanied by Mrs, Celia Taylor on the accor- dion. The topic was given by Mrs. Celia Taylor who chose three short talks on Confir- mation,' Preparation and Com- munion. Prayers were read by Mrs. John Daer and the General Thanksgiving was said by all. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell gave a reading entitled - The Roads. The hymn - What a Friend we have in Jesus was sung after which the Mission Theme was given by Mrs. Donald Cart- wright who chose the reading- Paper Dolls. The travelling apron received a penny for each letter in Dominion of Canada and the roll call was answered by naming a province that each member had visited. The business section of the meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Elmer Trommer. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Thomas filiggitt. As theraViaWrY WI§ business to discuss, the meeting closed with the hymn, Abide with me. A number of articles were brought for auction, the auc- tioneer being Mrs. Tommer. A lunch was served by Mrs. Cliff Bastla of London, sister of Mrs, Davies assisted by Mrs. Thomas Lawlor. Bible School Parents and friends filled Knox United Church for the closing service of the Daily Vacation Bible School last Friday evening. Pastor Alfred Fry presided and Miss Doris Naylor was at the piano, The theme of the school was "We Look to Jesus" with Mrs. Brian Hallam as the leader of the school. The leaders who were in charge of the different age groups were - Mrs. Ross Andrews, Mrs, Donald Haines, Mrs. Gerald McDowell, Mrs. Peter Verbeek, Mrs. Brian Mustard and Mrs. Brian Craft leaders were Trudy Meehan, Barbara Empey, Faye Seers, Wanda Plaetzer and Arva Ball. The helpers were Janet Cook, Wendy Beavin, Lynn Turner; Andrew Koop- mans, Jayne Arthur, Joanne Hickey and Yvonne Bean. The musical assistant was Doris Mr, and Mrs. Luther Morley at Alsia Craig. Masters Paul Helesic, of Goderich, and David Rodger of R,R. '1 Auburn are visiting with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger of R.R. Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Rodger of Goderich visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger. Mr. Benson Walters of Toronto spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Dorothy ,Grange, Master Scott Rodger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rodger had the misfortune to have bones fractured in his foot in an accident at his home last week, Mrs, Gordon Wajl of Wingham visited last Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and family. RONALD A. PENTLAND Funeral services were held last Tuesday July 10 for Ronald A. Pentland of North Bay who passed away after a short illness. He was born near Dungan- non on March 3, 1913, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pentland. He had been a resident of North Bay since 1948. In 1949 he married the for- mer Vivian E. Straughan of Auburn, He was a retired salesman associated with Pen- tland Barber Supplies of North Bay. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by one sister, Mrs. Margaret Pritchard of Toronto and five brothers, Allan North Bay, LaVerne, Detroit, Ben of. London, Frank and Wilfred of Dungannon. The service took place at Martyn's Funeral home with burial in Terrace Lawn cemetery, North Bay. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ourroliess01140111010•4011440%0 BILL'S TAXI Now .SOLD To diNTititit "f4x1" Will be in full operation com- mencing Monday - July 23, 1973 New Car Service. Phone 482-3438 it no answer 482-7282 280 Naylor and the games helpers Were David. Durnin, Sherry Verheek, Fred Hakkers, Diane de Graaf, Wayne -McDowell and Larry Plaetzer, After each class had presen- ted their program a film "A new life' for Candy" was shown. Mrs. Ross Andrews spoke a few words of appreciation to Mrs. Hallam and presented her with a book. Mrs. Ronald Hallam, the Sunday School superinten* dent thanked all who had assisted with the school which had been a great success. Members of the Unit Three of the U.C.W. provided mor- ning snacks with helpers to serve it. Social News Mr. and Mrs. John Weir of London visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay. Mrs. Hugh Bennett of Port Albert, Mrs. Harry Arthur and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock atten- ded the funeral of the late Ronald Pentland at North Bay last Tuesday. Mrs, Myrtle Munro spent a few days recently at Homestead Heights cottage with her son Mr. Robert Youngblut, Mrs. Youngblut, Susan, Bruce and Kristen of Toronto who were on vacation there. Mrs. Frances Clark spent a few days last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McIntosh and Miss Margo at Port Stanley. Mrs. Cliff Bastla of London visited a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Ed Davies and Mr. Davies. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblut and family of Toronto visited last week with the former's mother, Mrs. Myr- ' tle Munro. Miss Barbara Sanderson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Robb and infant son of London and Mr. and Mrs. Paul John- ston of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Mr. Daryl Ball recently spent a week in Minnesota where he chaperoned a bus load of 4-H exchange delegates from Bruce County. .Miss Tracy Schmidt and Master Brent- Sehtnidt of Burlington are holidaying with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Russel of Don Mills visited last week for a few days with Mrs. Myrtle Munro. Mr. Lundy McKay of Scar- boro visited last week with his sister, Mrs. William Moss and Mr. Moss. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Ball accompanied their son Daryl to Toronto Airport Friday evening where he left by Laker Airlines for a three weeks vacation in the British Isles, The sympathy of this com- munity is extended, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Craig on the death of her father, the late Mr. Jack Scruton of Clinton. Mr. Steven Popko and Mrs, Iola Ridderhouse of London visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett of Amherstburg visited last Saha., day with Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Noble nee Eleanor Monck of London visited recently with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton visited on the weekend with Vag VERANDAH SALE The Pick of the Glitter Gifts Galore! THE VILLAGE GUILD SAYFIELD (Also , be sure.to visit our neiivIV remodelled "THE STORE NEXT DOOR" ) Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday July 23 24 & 25 10 AM-9 PM i 5ALE !Niro 5ummee/ , SHOPPE'S /i (al COSTUMES} 1 40.00 NOW 30.00 11.00Nown 5P2111q4fr5UMME,22 SUITS 19.00 NOW 16.00 NOW 70.00 12.00 SWEATERS 15400 NOW lo.o0 TS 5 Lt • 7) ti BATHINIG PAN 20.00 NOW 14 00 NOW %), ' 16.00 10.00 SKIRTS 12.00 NOW 9000 18.00 NoW12.00 SUITS 30.00 NOW 20.00 TOPS 1 1o:id NOW 6.00 NOW 4.00 7.00 PANT 28.00 NOW 22.00 45.00 NOW 35.00 THE MARE - GOMM SHOPE IT? / 1$41= $ '16 steovf $50 COATS 65.00 Now um COATS 85.00 NOW 65.00 Open All bay Wednesday OpenFriday -Ni ill a 1 4 * * 0 4" " " h * * 4 . i• 0 i 04 ''.‘1*4 •1 oillmi'''''‘,4041 vogel . I 1 ill ft04►1 v " " " % * war44 1 . ma'4%••*, i. I m'a""•ft4•400 AT * * * * ft i in I .***4 a►I#4 .14****, IN * 'I* a 1 ‘ * i e04 PP4'*Amo0 11ii a 041 1**44. O e O 4 ► ° 4 : Till 4 :: 4. 4 '