HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-07-19, Page 5CLINTON INF.W.84=QaD, THV1RSDAY, 1/Wolf 19, 1073-4 lariscou (0.2 m ,IL 2 6 • ., co • la ' le .., I I ci USED But NOT Abused SEE GERALD'S DATSUN LTD. • FOR A-1 USED ECONOMY CARS 1971 Datsun PL510, 4-speed, radio 1970 Datsun PL510, automatic, radio 1970 Datsun Stationwagon, 4-speed, radio 1970 Toyota Stationwagon, 4-speed, rebuilt engine 1970 Maverick, 3-speed, clean 1969 Meteor, one owner, automatic 1969 Pontiac, 350 engine, automatic, power equipped 1972 Honda Motorcycle 450, 5-speed, like new GERALD'S DATSUN LTD. 22 Goderich St. W. SEAFORTH_ Phone 527-1010 OPEN TILL 9 O'CLOCK EVERY NIGHT plumbing L hooting R.N. 5, GODERICH, ONT. Gas cortnetittonp, estimales for. houses, apart- ments, warehouses and renovations. BAYFIELD BUSINESSMEN a. - t This is a new face you'll be seeing in your area ... Dave Williams, Dave will be representing THE UNION NEWS-RECORD in Bayfield "EVERY THURSDAY" FOR BEST MERCHANDISING RESULTS - CONSULT WITH DAVE ON ALL OF YOUR ADVERTISING NEEDS - HE IS 1N BAYFIELD TO HELP YOU Gee Phone 4$2-3443 1971 PLYMOUTH FURY 11 TWO DOOR HARDTOP — Power steering, 318 V-8 automatic, radio, rear defogger, vinyl top. Good local car. HERE TOO LONG. MID 031 ONE WEEK ONLY '219 1971 BUICK Le SABRE CUSTOM OUR-DOOR HARDTOP - 350 V-B, automatic, power Gering; power brakes, radio, rear defogger, tinted win-$3295 shield, vinyl top. 35,000 miles. Clean as new. FHF 803 1971 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN - 302 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear defogger. Excellent car. BUT HERE TOO LONG. CMM 850 .ONE WEEK ONLY • " $2149 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER TWO-DOOR COUPE - Six cylinder, automatic, radio,s2195 wheel discs. Lady driven. CUR 514 1970 BUICK LeSABRE voting, power brake', fedi°. AU new belted whitewalls. automatic, power$2495 OUR-DOOR HARDTOP - 350 V-B, DHC 875 EXTRA SHARP 1 970 PONTIAC 130N1NEV111LE FOUR-DOOR HARDTOP - Powerful 455 V-8, itutOmatiO, power steering, powOr brakes, poWer windows, tear defogger, radio, rear speaker, tinted windshield, t.....269 mileage. Driven South eadh winter. MUST BE SEEN. 13i1C4 193 1968 BUICK WILDCAT CUSTOM TWO-DOOR HARDTOP y 430 V-8, console, automatic, Wicket teats, power heats, power brakes, power win- dow., poWer aerial, vinyl tdp, tinted windshield, radio, $ 179 mar defogger, extra Ono* Urea. Low mileage. DliF14.1 1970 CHEV BISCAYNE SEDAN - Six cylinder, automatic, radio. New lime. VHD $199 755 two 1970 CHEVELLE 300 DELUXE SEDANS SIX AUTOMATICS DIIN(029 1101949 1966 CHEV SUPER SPORT IWO-DOOR HARDTOP - 18.3 V-8, console automatic, bucket seats, pOwer Steering, poWer brakes, radio, rear 46 95 opoOttor, vinyl top. Fully checked over. DHD181. 1968 GMC PICKUP I ft. body, heavy duty suspension, safety checked and$ 119 repainted, C20171 OTHER MAKES & MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM EE PONTIAC-MACK GoDERIcH -524 839 I Another successful Pioneer Park Assoc. rummage sale was reported when proceeds amounted to nearly $800. Featured at the sale were a garden centre, linens, draperies, shoes, clothing, toys, furniture, barbecues, a motor- cycle, ladies'wigs, millinery and dishes. Treasures of all kinds to interest the young and old, Mrs. Mellisa Kurtz and Mrs. Lola Cook, conveners, ex- pressed their thanks to those who made donations and con- tributed so much of their time and effort, and to the local merchants and organizations who made the sale a success. The proceeds go towards the upkeep of Pioneer Park, which overlooks Lake Huron, where residents and visitors can relax and watch the boats on the Lake or the beautiful sunsets. WELCOME A very special welcome to Eric and Kathe Krohmer and family who have just built a beautiful new Bavarian Inn in our neighbourhood and recen- tly opened for business. The interior is furnished with red padded leather Captain's Chairs, dark tables and beer barrel lighting fixtures. The building which seats 80 people is panelled in. Cedar woodgrairi with large exposed rafters. The bar is constructed of Old Dutch brick. With the soft polka music playing in the background, the air- conditioning, the lovely young waitresses in Bavarian style costume and the exotic aroma of food, the Inn has a very pleasing atmosphere. On the menu are such Bavarian style dishes as Wiener Schnitzel, Cabbage Rolls, Sauerkraut and Bayerische Schlachplatte, as well as American food and short orders. Last week we inadvertently wrongly recorded the telephone number for the Bavarian Inn, You should call 565-2554 if you wish to make reservations. • SENIOR-CITIZENS . • ..t. The Senior Citizens Club and a few friends enjoyed a Bus Trip on Thursday, June 28 to the Safari at Rockton, where they had a picnic lunch, and then to Brantford to see the beautiful little Mohawk Chapel and adjoining Cemetery. They also visited the Bell Homestead and the Henderson Home where all the old time telephone equipment is stored. They spent an hour shopping in Woodstock and then to London where they enjoyed a lovely roast beef dinner. Everyone ex- pressed their thanks to President Clair Merner and his committee for the lovely trip. Tuesday evening, July 10, the Club held their annual Pot- luck supper in Clan Gregor Square where a bountiful hot and cold supper was enjoyed. Special guests were Stephen and Michael Farris, Presbyterian Church student ministers, Afterwards, some of the members went to the Municipal Building where cards were played for a couple of hours. CONFIRMATION Brian, Rick and Brenda Talbot were confirmed and received as members of the Church on Sunday July 15 in Knox , Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, during the Com- munion Service. Officiating was Rev. Dennis Clarke of Atwood, who was also guest preacher, The congregation gathered at the cottage of Dr, and Mrs. Chan at Sunset Cove for an evening get-together which was much enjoyed. PERSONALS Miss Marcia Weaver who is with the Department of En- vironment, Toronto, was a registered guest at the Albion Hotel last week while working in this area taking samples of community well water. Other guests registered at the Albion included Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Shriner, London; Mr. and Mrs. A.S. McCormick, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Colin Auster- berry, Welland; Ted and Naida Malmowski, Detroit, Mich.,Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patterson, Strat- ford, entertained their son on his seventh birthday with a bir- thday dinner at the Albion on Saturday evening and Mrs. Tom Hawkins, Hamilton with her Mother Mrs. John MacKin- non entertained Margaret Sloman and Mrs. Fred Sloman of Clinton at dinner on Satur- day. Mr. John Thiel, British Columbia, Simon Thiel of Kit- chener and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Lasing also of Kitchener, visited last week with their cousin Mrs. Percy Weston. Mr, and Mrs. J.B. Higgins returned from a visit with their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bohm of Linden, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Art LeBeau, British Columbia, spent last week with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeBeau. Mrs. Fletcher McLaughlin, Meagan, Alfie and Courtney, Toronto were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeBeau. Courtney remained for a two-week visit with her gran- dparents. Mr. and Mrs. George Bates visited for the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. J.B. Higgins at "The Maples". Mr. Norman F. Cooper, Mount Clemens, Mich., spent the weekend with his wife at their Village residence. Sunday visitors with the Coopers were Mr. Gawain Johns, William Vallenti, John Rawls and Frank Frisk all of Mount Clemens, Michigan. A Wed- nesday guest with Mrs. Cooper was Mrs. Margaret Day of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scot- chmer, Robert and Lori, Chatham, are visiting with his Mother, Mrs. L.W. Scotchmer. Howard is taking a summer course at the University of Western Ontario London for five weeks and commutes from Bayfield each day. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Knight, and Kathryn, Toronto were Real honest to goodness fishermeri know about the superlight 2 h.p. and the twin cylinder, smooth running 4. The forward- neutral-reverse shifting 6 and the famous 9 112-only 60 pounds light. These are fishing motors! And we've got 'ern. Come on• the fish are waiting for you. weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. G,L. Knight. On their return home they were accom- panied by Christy Latimer and Laura Wallis, who had spent the past two weeks with the for- mer's grandmother, Mrs. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Parker, Charlie, Kim and Jennifer, London; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker, Pam, Jack and David of Dorchester were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker for the weekend, Satur- day evening they held a family dinner at the Bavarian Inn, to honour their parents who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on July 11. Mrs. Viola Gullen, Florida, is presently visiting her niece Mrs. W.C. Parker at the home of Mrs. Helen Fraser in the village. James E. Reaburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Eric Reaburn of Colborne Township, graduated from Depot Division R.C.M.P. Regina recently, Constable Reaburn Is temporarily stationed at Regina on Centennial duties as a member of the Depot Division Recruit Band which played during the Queen's visit. Following this he will be posted in British Columbia late in July. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse and family, London, spent the weekend with ber'rnother, Mrs, L.B, Smith, Jill and Dale who had been with their grandma for the past two weeks returned home with their parents, Catherine Rowse and her girlfriend Lisa Wardell are spending their vacation with the formes grandmother, Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Sturgeon, Jeff and Rollie, Orangeville visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B, Sturgeon, Bud and Andrew for the weekend. Jeff remained for a few days visit with his aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker at- tended the Closing and Reunion of Stratford Teachers College in Stratford on Sunday. Mrs, Parker is a graduate of the deg of '26. Others atten- ding from the Village were Mrs. Anna Scotchmer, Mrs. Charlene Porter and Mrs. Margaret York. Mr. Renouf Johns, Mount Clemens, Michigan is spending several days at his Village home. Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Larson returned home from a visit at Borden with their daughter, Cpl. and Mrs. Stan Smith and Lisa, who accompanied them home and remained for the weekend. THANK YOU To Rathwell's Auction Service, to those who donated articles and to those who volunteered their services - In order to make our auction, held recently, a very successful undertaking. The Minister and Congregation St. Andrew's United Church Bayfield 29h ,1c31-1,--1.cs CILJTE101=04C3S for Fitherrnen CHOWEN_ POWER sPoinrs RR 3, CLINTON ?*$ *mileemassi 482-97 , i ,