HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-07-12, Page 10CHAS, has seven scholars in 1973 R. J. Hemuth, Principal of Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton, announced last week that the school has seven Ontario Scholars this year, They are Cathy and grace Benjamins, daughters of Mr, and Mrs. John Benjamins of R.R,1, Blythi Barbara Elliott, datigReir ofMr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott of Clinton; Marylyn Merrill, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Merrill of R..1, Clinton; Neil Mustard, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mustard of Brucefield; and .Tony Roest, son of Mr. and Mrs, William Roost of R.R. 1, Clinton. To qualify as an Ontario Scholar, each student must have at least an 80 per cent average. Each is awarded $150 as well. Marylyn Merrill Rhoda Munnings Neil Mustard Tony Roest Cathy Benjamins Grace Benjamins Barbara Elliott 53 WINNIPEG ST. VANASTRA FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 4 8 2 9 0 8 3 OW-Thffeoe PEOPLE, WHO SLEEP' --- IMF A BABY , 451/1?E DONT HAVE ONE... *4' DON BELL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 1 225 ,MAPLE f; , 6,1 CLIFIT9141 482.95% g4,,, Your eyes-your first line of Self-Defence. The best protective equipment you can ever own is already yours—one pair of eyes. Just knowing what's going on around you helps you avoid job accidents. So it makes good sense to look after your eyes, with protective glasses if • the job calls for them, and regular check-ups if your eyesight's below par. Take care of your eyes, and they'll see you safely through the working day. The sure way to safety is Self-Defence. Your Workmen's Compensation Board and The Safety Associations, Ontario • Recreationally speaking As..*********.I.***Idoolmill immim**********Immuimimmemmisonsimimmaimemem by BEV. WILTON Our Summer Programs are now in full swing and I think you can see that they are doing fine. The first session of swimming lessons are underway. If you would like to register yourself or any member of your family, please call Pool Supervisor Paul Crittendon at 482-3242. There are still two more sessions of lessons this summer. The "Summer of '73" which is the name for our playground program has become a tremendous success. We have registered over 150 children. The programs our super- visori have-designed are extremely good and will guarantee a good experience for all children participating. If you have any questions about the program, please call Christine Har- tley at 482-7731. Last Thursday, July 5th, a meeting was held in the Town • hall. The purpose of which was to identify some needs of disabled and senior citizens in this community. A good • representation of Clinton citizens attended and many good things came out of the meeting. Hopefully, you are aware that two students are here in Clinton working on projects which are designed to help establish recreation programs for senior citizens and the handicapped, With their help, it is my intention as Director of Recreation, to see that some action comes from our meeting and from the work being done this sutnmer. If you have any qUestions or information regarding programs for these groups please call the arena at 482-7731 and speak to either Cheryl Soderlutid, John Brotherhood or Bev. Wilton. There is a special event coming this Friday, July 13th at 2 p.m. when the annual playground parade will be touring the streets of town. Theme for this years parade is "Space Walk". All types of space costumes and gadgets, even a float will be parading by, all made by the children of the playground. So come downtown on Friday and enjoy the parade. Good Quality Exterior House Paint (Oil Base) In white only—can be tinted Exterior Latex House Paint in white only—can be tinted Better Quality tOil Base) Sun-Proof Exterior House 'Faint tor Latex) Manufacturer s suggested retail price $12 95 Walerspar Ail-Purpose Enamel .. Manufacturer s suggested 'retail price $14 95 Sun-Proof Trim Enamel . Manufacturers suggeSled rel,v1pm-e $15 70 Best Quality One-Coal Wonder White (Oil Base) Manufacturers suggested retail price $13 95 One-Coat Sun-Proof Latex White Summer Value Price $ 5,95 Gallon $ 6.75 Gallon 9.95 Gallon" $11.95 Gallon* $12.70 Gallon* $10.95 Gallon $10,95 Gallon Manufacturer's suggested retail price $13 95 Special Intrbductory Offer! New Latex Wood Stains (Interior/Exterior) $ 8.95 Gallon* PITTSBURGWPAINTS you'll love them and eave them on fora longtime ----- /Special summer prices for limited: \ time only • • • at • • ot .** I • • ••• I a participating participating '1 dealers ;$ 11111111111thitilil ffi llllllgl llfilli :;1 Manufacturers suggested retail price 512.95 per gallon 4E) Special Prices! Better Quality Exterior Oil Base or Latex... Pittsburgh Paints dealers offer you outstanding summer values on a full range of exterior paints, You'll find GOOD Quality for budget jobs at budget prices... BETTER Quality latex or oil base house paints and smooth-flowing enamels in 720 Custom Colours, all at reduced prices...and real savings on our BEST Quality, gleaming white one-coat work-savers. You can also rely on your Pittsburgh Paints dealer for the right paints, the right advice. He'll help you select the correct Pittsburgh product for your job and tell you how to apply it properly—so that it will stand up to sun, wind, rain and snow, season after season. may -be uildelf.loilor tang See mei tor net contents UGHPAINTS D.A. KAY it SON 33 Huron St.Clinton, Phone 48249542 i‘r-11.4.01411 1.11•1 ANZWO'lltr;c0HPI THURSPAY• JULY 2, 1973 Brueefield water system gets start Screen star to highlight Playhouse James Murphy, Managing Director at 'Huron Country Playhouse, announced today that George R. Robertson will be the featured player in this season's opening' production, Under the Yum-Yum Tree. Mr. Robertson, a native of Bramp- ton, has spent a great deal of his career in the United States. In New York, he has played in several off-Broadway produc- will play Hogan, the part played by Gig Young on Broad- way and Jack Lemon in the Hollywood Film. Also in a leading role is Shelly Mathews, native of Lon- don, Ontario,who has just com- pleted a very full season at Theatre London. Among her- many roles there were Emma in The Talisman, Jacquelyn in Boeing-Boeing and Ela in Charlie's Aunt. Playing op- posite Miss Mathews is Toronto actor,Thom Hayes, who appeared recently in the Toronto Workshop Produc- tions'Musical, Dear Old World We Love You Anyway; he has toured with the Stratford Children's Theatre, Land of the Young Company (Ottawa) and was a member of the 1971 Vanastra results Last Wednesday, July 4th, at the Vanastra Gun Club, John Anderson of Kippen had a per- fect night as he hit 25 targets out of' a possible 25 traps. Mer- vin Batkin hit 24, Don Cun- ningham shot 20 while Torn Allin scored 18. Last Saturday at the skeet shoot, Dr. %trine of Mitchell hit 24 out of a possible 25 targets while Mervin Batkin hit 23. Other scores include Dave Schrinamer and Louis Morello, 22; John Land 21; Bill Tornp- Son 20; Donald Bricker and Harrison Schoch, 19; Jim Hogg, 18; Herman Fisher, 17; Irk Collins, 16 and Ashley Gilbert is, about a year ago, concerned Brucefield homeowners, dissatiaifed with the present water system of individual wells and septic tanks causing a danger to health by the proximity of the sewage wastes to their water supply, got a preliminary estimate on the cost of' subscribing to a public system, As a result, construction of a public water system for the hamlet is now underway on the southeast corner of the main intersection. The project, which will reach completion about mid-August, is costing close to Rev and Mrs. Patrick Ferrier visited last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Nixon, and David, Denise and Michelle Bonneau of Mississauga spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills. Misses Susan Raithby of Preston and Lind4 Raithby of Clinton visited last week with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby. Mrs. Verna Doerr of Niagara Falls spent the week-end with her father Mr. Robert Cham- ney. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rin- derknecht of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. George Disney of St. Clair Shores, Michigan visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Oliver Anderson and her daughter Miss Nancy An- derson are visiting in England, Scotland and the Orkney Islands for a couple of weeks. Miss Carolyn Clark, Mr. Ed Goodfellow of Toronto and Miss Martha Nesbitt of Inger- soll visited on the week-end • with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Orval McPhee and her mother, Mrs. Kearns returnedon the week end from Mr. Earl Kelly Sr. and Mr. Earl Kelly Jr. of Blyth R.R. 2 visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. Mr. and Mrs. Major Youngblut celebrated their 40 th wedding anniversary last Saturday evening in the Auburn Community Memorial Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Liveatoek Dept Toronto Ship Your Livitatack with Roy Scotthmer Monday it Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL SAYPIELD S6S.24.01 By 7:30 a.m. Mani* Far Prompt Soviet !4qt Charge. on V .* tf $60,000 and is being financed and maintained by Tucker smith Township on township owned property. Of the 80 odd property owners in Brucefield, 61 have signed a petition asking that the work be under- taken, "Every year another well would go bad", said Fred McGregor, a Brucefield resident and contractor to carry out the project, "Perhaps residents have built up a cer- tain immunity to impurities in the water but some visitors were getting sick", he added. "It was only a matter of time hall. They invited their families and friends to a dinner catered to by the Auburn Women's In- stitute. Fifty-three attended from Toronto, Shumacher, Goderich, Brussels, Galt, Monkton, Thunder Bay, Sar- nia, London, Kitchener, Waterloo, Blyth and Auburn. The family presented their parents with a ,coloured television set, before the Department of Health would be cutting off the use of private wells. The lots are too small to include both a well and a septic tank and a dug well is also costly" he says. The McGregor firm recently completed a large contract wiring a new high school at Lions Head on the Bruce Peninsula and a sewage pum- ping system in Sturgeon Falls. The eight foot well, 290 feet deep, was drilled by W.D. Hop- per and Sons of R.R. 2, Seafortb, last summer. They say there is enough water to support a good sized town. Jack Mcllwain, sand and gravel ex- cavating, Seaforth, has a sub- contract for digging and laying the pipelines, 7,500' of 4" pipe and 15,000' of 2" pipe. Harold Smith, Smith Construction, Egmondville, erected the pum- phouse. TIRE TREAD Check tire tread when con- sidering the purchase of a used car, advises Consumers' Association of Canada. If the tread on any tire is worn unevenly, the front wheels are probably out of line and will need alignment. CAC national headquarters is located at 100 Gloucester Street, Ottawa. Now save faster Special Savings Accounts Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORIA and VG GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE lees Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich 524-7381 Stratford Festival Company. Completing the cast is Toronto actress, Paulene Carey, who has been a resident member of the Studio Lab Company. Her most recent engagement was with Classical Stage Productions at the Colonnade Theatre, Toronto. Guest Director for the opening production is Burton Lan- caster, whose extensive for for Theatre North-West at Thunder Bay. Under the Yum-Yum Tree opened Wednesday, July 11th. Huron Country Playhouse is located 1 mile east, one mile north from Grand Bend. Per- formances are given Wed- nesday through Sunday evenings at 9 p.m. Saturdays at 6 and 9 p.m. peared in four major films, The Grasshopper, Airport, Marooned, and Rosemary's Baby. A veteran television per- former,he appeared in the FBI, The Most Deadly Game, Lassie, Divorce, The Jackie Gleason Show, and two serials, Secret Storm and Love of Life. Mr, Robertson returned to his native Canada in 1973 where he has done ten shows backgruond in,. theatre spans , tions, ando was co-starred on for television and two films U • a thitt weAlt1.41‘;ip to .ngl",tp:I. Tut ,,"/V rback Herne"' tn I49 n "West End, tilt."3" rgadway :, in .venue M iY Holltywbod '11114 t.;4' 4°' b " lat`r•" ‘4' *ilg 000 Ot t e , ours o on••ap-'0 e •,37e se shortly. lit.. the •••' • • • and now resident artistic Dirac Youlghltit of Iii pheke'r visited Kbrope, thAIS.. and Canada, Yum-Yum Tree Mr. Robertson last kr,iday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell.