HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-07-05, Page 9Wild, Wonderful Bakery Values! JANE PARKER WHITE, SEIM ("A PREMIUM OUALITY IOW") IRUY 3 - SAVE 20c) SANDWICH BREAD 3 24 0.. lodves 79,/ JANE PARKER, MERINGUE (SAVE 10c) Lemon Pie Fun 8 Inch, 72 0 plc 59,¢ lAnn PArlier, Pire,)pplo looped (Buy 2 p/rgs Save 17.) Sweet Rolls 2 plog of 8 89¢ JANE PARKER, ENGLISH (SAVE dc) JANE PARKER COFFEE CAKES (SAVE 10c) Fruit Cake lil,90rcal,,4.30i Danish Lemon I))(9 of 6 69' JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c1 IMO PARKER. FROSTED (SAVE 14.) Jelly Roll 9 or rake 39ce Ball Donuts pkg of 6 39¢ Exbiniloss Pliims! AilmAttehi thettoiremiAs 5-LB BOX WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTWE THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 7th, 1973, VACATIONERS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS DURING JULY AND AUGUST 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. WHITE, PINK, YELLOW CAMEO FACIAL TISSUE Just Can't Beat A&P WEO Meat! Super-Right Red Brand Grade 'A" Beef STEAKS FIRST 4 IRHIS ONLY Prime Rib Steaks Blade Steaks ,,dross Rib St‘ciks California Steaks GREAT ON A GRILLI 1141.38 16 98? lb $1.38' 1141.38 GREAT ON A GRILL! CHICKEN LEGS SX BRAND Wieners BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK, BEEF & PORK Sausages NEW ZEALAND Lamb Loin Steaks TOWN CLUB BRAND, SWEET PICKLED SUPERtRIGHT QUALITY, BULK, STORE PACK Wieners SX BRAND, FROZEN Hamburg Patties (2-LB VAC PAC $1.28) 1-16 vac pac 68/ lb 785z GREAT ON A GRILL! lb$1.28 lb 98%. 16 458fe GREAT ON A GRILL! 2-lb pk9 $1,98 Cottage rolls Vac Pac Halves lb FROZEN CHICKEN Thighs and a 981e Drumsticks California, Valencia, Sweet, Juicy , ORANGES 9 7 5-lb , 0 bag Check These Discount Prices! WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, GREEN (ACTION PRICED) YUKON CLUB GINGER ALE Grape, Cream Soth, Cola, lemon-limb, Vinte Rickey, Orange, Root Beer, Tom Collins, Club Soda, Strawberry Soda, Royal Charger Ginger Beer PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT PANTRY SHELF, SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED, RECONSTITUTED WONDERSOFT C C, TOILET TISSUE= Jur' A SUPERB BLEND OF Itabk BRAZILIAN COFFEE, INSTANT 8 O'Clock Coffee 10-oz Tar $t 35 KELLOGG'S " Corn Flakes 16 -ot Pkg 44Ai PASTAS—Pentie Rittati, Rigatoni, Rolini, Slivaletti(.1AC1I09N4PR3ICEit(D) Lancia Spaghetti , 2 6 pk CATELLI, IN TOMATO SAUCE (ACTION $1 .00 PRICED) Spaghetti 5 14.6-oz tins (PREPRICEb) REGULAR SIZE BARS Irish Spring Soap 3 /51? DETERGENT Palmolive Liquid (PREPRICED 79t) 24-11,oz plastic 6067? A&P BRAND, FANCY (ACTIO(pNit:olmIcCEEDD) Apple Sauce ARP BRAND, HEAVY DUTY 40.11. ..ti. 8 8 pf Garbage Bags 0,9 of 2599 )e YUKON CLUB, CANNED Beverages Case of 24,104oz zip top tins $2.29 GINGER ALE, COLA, ROOT BEER, temoN•umE, ORANGE, GRAPE TONIC, BREAM sODA 30-11-oz Bottles GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 39? 48-fl-oz tin THUMRDAY! MY! 1 1173 Huronview annoutic es aimmia winners PIE RECIPE BOX It's real iammy The final tally of visitors registering during Senior Citizens week was 49., which is well above last years total, Prize winners in Saturday's games were for ladies high in euchre Miss McEwan, ladies low Mrs. Leybourne; mens high Dave Elliott, mens low Dan McKinnon. Gladys Stanlake had the high score for ladies in crokinole with Henry Leishman having , the highest score for men. Mrs. Ryan won the prize for the lady playing games who had celebrated the most birth- days (97) with John McCallum winner for the men at (90), Mr. Aire Van Der Ende led the Christian Reform sing ser- vice on Sunday evening with special music by the congregation. Marie Flynn along with Mrs. , Dale and the Christian Reform volunteers assisted with Mon- day afternoon get together. Four new residents were welcomed to the home Mrs. McCartney, Mrs. Peachy; Mrs. Robins and Mrs. Buchanan. The residents had a real treat of music on Thursday Doris McKinley joined Mary Taylor, Norman Spier and Jerry Collins to provide an hour of old time tunes during the afternoon in the TV room. With a variety program arranged by Marie Flynn for Family Night. Harold Black was master of ceremonies for the program and joined his son Gary, Norman Dale and George Spier for some old time num- bers. There were step dance numbers by Debby and Cheryl Flynn, vocal and instrumentals by Sandra Dale, Ken Dale and Earl Flynn. Marie Flynn was pianist for the program. The appreciation of the residents was extended to the enter- tainers by Mrs. Orville Dale. Yield: about 4 tneylium jars -3/4 cups prepared fruit (about -1/2 pints fully ripe rawberries and 1 medium ange) cups (1-3/4 pounds) sugar tablespoons lemon juice (1 mon) 2 bottle liquid fruit pectin First prepare the fruit: ()roughly crush, one layer at ' time, about 1-1/2 pints rawberries. Measure 1-1/2 ps into large bowl or pan. ate the rind from 1 orange, easure 1/2 teaspoon, and add strawberries. Section orange, moving membrane, Chop the ctions, measure 114 cup, and it into strawberries. Then make the jam. Add gar to fruit in bowl, mix well d let stand. Mix lemon juice d liquid frUit pectin in small wl; stir into fruit mixture. First prepare the fruit. horoughly crush, one layer at time, 1-1/2 pints strawberries. feasure 1-1/2 cups into large wl or pan. Grind (do not el) about 1/2 pound rhubarb. ensure 1/2 cup. Add to the rawberries. Then make the jam. Add gar to fruit in bowl, mix well d let stand. Mix water and wdered fruit pectin in a saucepan. Bring to a boil Id boil 1 minute, stirring con- antly. Stir into fruit. Con- nie stirring about 3 minutes. few sugar crystals will main. Ladle quickly into asses. Cover at once with ht lids. Let stand at room mperature until set (may take to 24 hours); then store in ezer. If jam will be used summertime invites outdoor als - picnics, barbecues. To ghten up your menus why serve shish kabobs. The rd "shish" means a stick or wer and "kabob" to broil on hers or to grill, "Meals-on-a- :k", what a perfect descrip- n! 11 preparing kabobs, the at is usually marinated her to improve the tender- s of less expensive cuts or to e variety in flavor to the eady tender cuts. Boneless'meat - lamb, beef, i rk, ham and others - should cut in 1-inch cubes (2 ands Serve 6) and marinated ' several hours or overnight. le vegetables or fruits used in mbinatlon with the meat may to be marinated. To amenable kabobs, dip ewers ih oil dr rub with fat to ep the foods from sticking, iread meat and vegetables or sits alternately on each ewer, leaving a few inches at ch end so that the stick may held or propped on the grill. within 2 or 3 weeks, it may be stored in the refrigerator. SPICED STRAWBERRY JAM Yield: about 11 medium glasses 4-1/2 cups prepared fruit (about 2 quarts ripe strawberries) 7 cups )3 pounds sugar) 1 box poWdered fruit pectin 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon allspice 112 teaspoon cloves First prepare the fruit. Crush completely, one layer at a time, about 2 quarts fully ripe strawberries. Measure 4-1/2 cups into a large saucepan. Add , spices. Then make the jam. Measure sugar and set aside. Add powdered fruit pectin to fruit in saucepan and mix well. Place over high heat and stir until mixture comes to a hard boil. LEMON STRAWBERRY JAM Yield: about 11 medium glasses 4-1/2 cups prepared fruit (aboilt 2 quarts ripe strawberries) 7 cups )3 pounds) sugar 1 box powdered fruit pectin 2-3/4 teaspoons grated lemon rind First prepare the fruit. Crush completely, one layer at a time, about 2 quarts fully ripe strawberries. Measure 4-1/2 cups into a large saucepan. Place 1/4 teaspoon of the grated lemon rind in bottom of each glass Then make the jam. Measure sugar and set aside. Add powdered fruit pectin to fruit in saucepan and mix well. Place over high heat and stir until mixture comes to a hard boil, At once stir in sugar. Bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off foam with a metal spoon. Then `stir and skim for 5 minutes to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit, Ladle quickly into glasses and stir to blend flavours. Cover at once with 1/8 inch hot paraffin. Meals-on-a-stick Place kabobs 3 to 5 inches from coals. Turn frequently during cooking, brushing occasionally with oil or marinade. Following are suggestions for assembling and cooking kabobs, presented by Food Ad- visory Services of Agriculture Canada. Beef Kabobs - Use cubes of sirloin, porterhouse or rib steak. Cook 10 minutes for rare beef, 15 , minutes for medium and 20 Minutes for well done. Lamb Kabobs - Use cubes of lamb shoulder or leg: Cook 15 minutes for Medium, and 25 Minutes (without vegetables) for well done. Pork Kabobs - Use cubes of lean pork from loin or rib. eook 15 to 18 minutes. Ham Kabobs w Cook cubes of cooked or canned ham with vegetables or pineapple chunks, 10 to 12. Minutes, Wiener Kabobs Cook wiener pieces with pineapple wedges and baton squares, Or with cherry tomatoes and green pepper piecea,,10 to 16 minutes. New VON ilea L.Vc: a Hiw efgoLUIL An amended agreement bet- ween Huron County Council and the Victorian Order of Nurses, as suggested by the V.O.N. and recommended by the Social Services Committee, received council approval, The new agreement covers nursing services purchased from that organization by the county. The ammendment includes the new rate of $7.00 per visit, which had already been ap- proved by council. It also provides for a thir- teenth payment, or refund, each year when the actual cost per visit for any year. is known, which is usually early the following year. It was felt by the committee that the latter ammendment should result in reduced deficits and therefore should reduce any unsubsidized grants required from the County in future years. In other business from the Social Services committee County Council agreed not to concur with a resolution received from the County of Grey. The resolution requested support for a move to ask the Province of Ontario to con- tribute 50 percent of all ad- ministration costs of social ser- vice departments, rather than only salaries, staff training and travel expenses. Huron was of the opinion however that such an increased subsidy would only lead to more rigid controls and loss of local autonomy. New drag squad The Honourable John Yaremko, Q.C., Solicitor General for the Province of On- tario, has announced the for- mation of a special O.P.P. Drug Squad. • Effective July 1 the Ontario Provincial Police will assume increased responsibility for drug law enforcement ih the Province of Ontario, O.P.J. officers will handle their own investigations, law charges arid process exhibits, which until now, have been tur- ned Over to The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. To effect this change in policy, the 0.P.P, are forming a 35-Man drug enforcement -66e... tion. This unit will be part of a new branch within the special services division. ill remain.) Ladle quickly into'' Re'rnuiwe froWi' cleat and 'skim off rs. Cover at once with tight foam with a metal spoon. Then ds. Let stand at room tern- stir and skim for 5 minutes to Y county nature until set (may take up cool slightly, to prevent floating 24 hours); then store in fruit. Ladle quickly into eezer. If jam will be used glasses. Cover at once with 1/8 ithin 2 or 3 weeks, it may be inch hot paraffin. . ored in the refrigerator. STRAWBERRY- RHUBARB JAM ield: about 6 medium glasses cups prepared fruit (about 1- 2 pints fully ripe strawberries -id 1/2 pound rhubarb) cups (1-3/4 pounds) sugar 4 cup water box powdered fruit pectin At once stir in sugar. Bring to -a • ontinue stirring a. bout 7,-, 3r. Irlair.F6111WViiriiiid'Irdilliiiiif 'POil Cy S imites. (A few sugar cryittJtsmInilluetserPscrii.lifre ilesagi tati er •00-: 4N>cri,14.