HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-07-05, Page 8ft:--,CLiNTON N.EW$RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1973
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Perhaps the
birds in the trees
don't' realize it
but everybody else does
We at the P.U.C. have a great responsibility. As your custodians we must be at you service 24 hours a
day seven days a week. When you flick a switch it's our job to see that the lights come on. This, of
course, means that we must keep your equipment in Al condition and thoroughly up to date to make
sure we can meet the demands you may make on us.
That's why we face the ever present problem, of updating equipment and building new lines.
That Is the problem we face. We find each year that added amounts we pay for labor, for transpor-
tation, for equipment and supplies are a little bigger. So far by the strictest economy and careful
management we have found it possible to operate within our existing. revenue despite increasing costs.
Now Ontario Hydro has raised the cost of the power we buy from them by 8 per cent. There no longer
is any alternative. We must go to you, the consumer, to offset this Increase in hydro cost. The P.U.C. has
absorbed the cost of power increase latter part of 1972 and 1973 to date.
Rates,, in terms of the service electricitkrifPlildes you, will still be:low: However, commencing August
l,..next billings will show'an average Increase of 10.8'per cent to reflect the Increase in the cost ,ot. thik,
power we buy. New 'Retail Rates are effective with all bills issued on end after August 1, 1973.
Effective August 1973
Present rates in effect Billing
First 100 K.W.H.
next 400
at 4.2 •per S.W.H.
at 2.0 per K.W.H.
at 1.2 per K.W.H.
4.6 per K.W.H.
2.3 per K.W.H.
1.3 per K.W.H.
Consumers with metered water heaters having elements 1000-3000 watts or over the following rates will
apply on and after August 1, 1973 billing.
Present rates in effect Effective August 1973
First 100 K.W.H.
next 400 K.W.H.
next 1000 K.W.H.
at 4.2 per K.W.H.
at 2.0 per K.W.H.
at 1.0 per K.W.H.
at 1.2 per K.W.H.
4.6 per K.W.H.
2.3 per K.W.H.
1.1 per K.W.H.
1.3 per K.W.H.
House Heating Energy supplied through regular service meter at applicable rates.
Minimum monthly bill $3.00 Rate subject to 5 per cent late payment charge.
General Service rate schedule for one month
Effective August
First 50 K.W.H. at 4.7 per K,W.H. 5.0 per K.W.H. next 200 K.W,H. al 2.3 per K.W.H. 2.5 per K.W.H. next.9,750 K.W.H. at 1.65 per K.W.H. 1.8 per K.W.H.1 Balance at 0.65 per K.W.H. 0.75 per K.W.H.
Demand charge
First 50 Kilowatts of billing demand per month-nil
Balance at $3.00 per Kilowatt Of billing demand per month
Minimum monthly bill ;3.00 rates subject to 5 per cent late payment charge.
Delayed payment
A late payment charge of 5 per cent shall apply to all bills not paid on or before the due date.
Present rates In effect 1973
Chairman, N.E.NARTLEY
Commissioners, C. BROWN, S. A. GARON
Mayor, D.E. SYMONS
Manager,- R.J. BOUSSEY
Secretary, J. WISE
50 50
at the
Main Corner Clinton
Open 2.6 Closed Weds.
July 9-21, 1973
Re-Opining July 23.
The 47 annual memorial ser-
vice was held in the church at
Ball's cemetery last Sunday
with Pastor Alfred Fry of-
ficiating. Miss Nancy Anderson
was the organist.
' Prior to the service Mr.
Frank Raithby welcomed
everyone on behalf of the
cemetery board. He spoke of
the work accomplished during
the year and thanked Mrs. Nor-
man McDowell the secretary
treasurer of the Trustee Board.
Rev. Harold Snell, formerly of
London but now• of Exeter,
read the responsive psalm. The
offering was received by Mr.
Norman McDowell, Mr. Frank
Raithby , Mr. William Wagner
and Mr. Robert Robert Arthur.
Pastor Alfred Fry sang the solo
How Great Thou Art.
Rev. Fred Carson, rector of
St. Mark's Anglican Church
was the speaker and spoke of
the tradition of honouring this
sacred land where the early set-
tlers have been laid to rest.
He paid honour to those who
had played' an important part
in the shaping of the world.
Guests were present from
Toronto, Cromarty, Seaforth,
London, Wingham, Oakville,
Blyth, Dorchester, Kincardine,
Guelph, Mitchell , Stratford
and Goderich, Exeter.
The general meeting of the
United Church Women of Knox
United Church was held in the
Sunday school room of the
church on Wednesday evening
June 27. Unit Three was in
charge with Mrs. Gordon Gross
as pianist.
The meeting was opened
with a sing-song conducted by
Miss Nancy Anderson. A report
of the Westminster College
Weekend held recently was
given by the delegates, Mrs.
Elliott Lapp, Mrs. Ted East
and Mrs. Ernest Durnin.
Mrs. Norman McDowell and
Mrs. John ,Sprung conducted
the worship-service. The scrip-
ture lessOn was read by Mrs.
Norman McDowell, followed by
prayer. The offering was
received by Mrs. William Em-
pey and Mrs. William Dodd
and dedicated with prayer. The
meditation on Wisdom was
read by Mrs. John Sprung
followed by prayer.
A film on "Four Men of In-
dia" was shown by Mrs. Gor-
don Gross , Mrs. Ted East
presided for the business. Mrs.
Beth Lansing read the minutes
which were approved as read.
It was decided to hold a
bazaar in the fall. The next
general meeting will be held in
September. The members of
Unit Three served a lunch and
a social time was enjoyed.
Knox United Church are
holding a daily vacation Bible
school in the church from July
9 to 13 from 9:30 A.M. to 11:30
A.M, All children are invited to
this Bible centred school, There
will be craft work and enter-
tainment with a staff of com-
petent teachers.
Knox United Church and the
Sunday school held a combined
service on Sunday June 24, It
marked the closing '-,of the Sun-
day school until after the
holiday beriod.
Superintendent, Mr. Ronald
Hallam assisted Pastor Alfred
Fry by reading the scriptures
and addressing the
congregation in regard to the
work of the Sunday School.
Mrs. Brian Hallam led the
children in spirited action
choruses assisted on . the piano
by Miss Doris Naylor. The
choir under the direction of
the church organist, Mrs. Nor-
man Wightman sang The
Lord's Prayer and Spirit of
Pastor Fry spoke to the
congregation on the theme
"Not Afraid". After the service
all went downstairs for a lunch,
after which they went to the
church grounds for a period of
fellowship, with games and
contests for the children.
The June meeting of the
Walkerburn Club was held at
the home of Mrs. Thomas Cun-
ningham with nine members
The president Mrs. Elliott
Papp opened the meeting with
a reading, followed by prayer
and the singing of 0 Canada.
The minutes of the previous
meeting were accepted as read
by the secretary Mrs. Worthy
Young. The treasurer Mrs. Joe
Hunking gave the financial
Thank-you notes were read
from Mrs. John Hallam and
Mrs. Douglas Parker. The roll
call was the paying of fees.
Due to the low attendance
the election of officers was post-
poned to a later date. The draw
prize was won by Mrs. Thomas
',Cunningham. plans were made
'to hold a - family picnic at 'the
home of Mrs. Joe Hunking with
program in charge of Mrs. Roy
Daer, Mrs. Leonard Archam-
bault and Mrs. Carmen Gross.
Mrs. Nick Hill introduced the
guest Mrs. Jean McKee of Ben-
miller who demonstrated how
to arrange flowers. Mrs. Elliott
Lapp won the active
arrangement. Another
arrangement, "The Roadside"
was won by Mrs. Lloyd McClin-
chey. A lunch was served by
Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Mrs. Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kitchen
of , Hamilton visited Mr. and
Mrs. William Straughan last
Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard
and Christine of West Hill, Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Gagner of
Toronto spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Mrs. Arabelle Bushel and
Mrs. Archie Robinspn of Clin-
ton visited last Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rober-
tson of Copper Cliff visited last
Friday with her parents Mr.
and Mrs, William Straughan.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Maitland Allen were Mr.
Peter Brown and Mr. Ben
Weisman of Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen and
Barbara of Agincourt visited
last Saturday with Mrs. Beth
Mrs. Fred Cook of Goderich
visited last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Ross Robinson
and Mr. Robinson.
Weekend guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Miller were
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Elliott of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Miller of London.
Miss Carol Rueger of Clinton
visited last week with her
'sister, Mrs. Donald Cartwright,
Mr. Cartwright, David, Derrick
and Lorie.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. John Arthur of London on
the birth of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Peter,
Marian and Sandra of 13ervie
visited last Sunday with Mrs.
Beth Lansing.
The Clintonian Club had a
very enjoyable time on Tuesday
afternoon June 26 at their pic-
nic held-in Clinton Community
Centre. Because of weather
condition the picnic was held
A short business meeting was
held first, with the president,
Pearl Cummings opening the
meeting. The Secretary, Mrs.
Harold Adams, read the
minutes., ef„,the is t Meeting.
Mrs. Viola Lampman gave the
financial report. Roll call was
answered by 20 members and
four visitors naming their
favorite bird. There had been
29 Hospital and 46 home calls
The Goderich Sunset Circle
invited the Clintonians to their
picnic July 9th. Final
arrangements were made for
bus to Springbank Park August
11. Mrs. Pearl Cummings is to
get a bus and look after
arrangements. The bus will
leave the Town Hall at 9:30
a.m. August 11. Draws on two
baskets of groceries were won
by Mrs. Viola La'mprnan and
Mrs. George Glazier . Mrs.
Nivins won the mystery prize.
Several games of Bingo were
played and than Mrs. Lockart,
Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon
McClinchey of Blyth and Mrs.
Fern Shackelton of Toronto
visited last Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Plunkett and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby
of Dorchester spent the
weekend with Mrs. Celia
Mrs. Frances Clark spent the
holiday weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. J.A. McIntosh and family
at Port Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston
of London spent the weekend
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Sanderson.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert Pepper
of Montreal visited over the
weekend with :her friend Miss
Judy Arthur and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Arthur and family .
Mr. Donald Medd of London
and Mrs. Robert Harvey of
Ilderton visited on Sunday
with Miss Laura Phillips and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John-
Mr. Warner Andrew left on
Monday for a trip to the
Western Provinces. Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Pierce, Anne and
Bill of Richmond Hill, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Young, William,
Sherry Lynn, Lori Lee and Lesa
Anne of Stoney Creek and Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Patterson and
David of Goderich visited last
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Worthy Young.
Mrs. Managhan and Mrs.
Baines looked after the sports
and contests with several win-
ning prizes . A Smorgasbord
Luncheon was enjoyed by all.
Next meeting will be held on
September 6 at the home of
Mrs. Tom Leppington.
`Mr'.' and Mrs. Bob Norman
and family of The White Car-
nation Holmesville, have taken
up residence on the Bayfield
Line occupying the bungalow
on the Stewart Middleton's
Recent visitors at the Mid-
dleton farm include the Rev.
Charles and Mrs. Tilbury of
Toronto, Mrs. Reta Nixon and
Mrs. Dorothy Shobbrook of
Over 40 members of the Fred
Middleton family surprised Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Campbell (nee
Kathleen Middleton) on the oc-
casion of their 25th wedding
This family gathering was
held on Sunday, June the 24th
at the Campbell residence,
Clinton (39 John St.)
Clintonian picnic success
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