HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-07-05, Page 2NORMAN'S GENERAL STORE PAT sad1011 NORMAN we would ace to thank 910r PIS Ctletcallera for th011r Patform00 and we wish to WeltrOMB MARILYN and BRUCE DAVE'' and trust yo will conlinue ID eke them your 101fal 1WPPOrt• alb • 2',CIANTON NEWS-RECORP, THURSDAY, -JULY 0, 1973 Mayor Don Symons and wife Florence celebrated their 25th wedding aniversary in a different way when theY were driven around Clinton last Thursday In the old Clinton First truck. The truck was decorated by neighbors. McKillop Township approves drain repair Sheppard will be 100 years old July 9, And Mrs. Sheppard will be N on September 17. They now reside in Bellingham, Wash, * * * * MICp1 and Mrs. Ron Bourke (nee Barbara Draper) and Becky will leave Kingston shor- tly for a tour of duty in Ger- many. They have been spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Draper, * * * A surprise dinner party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Art Aiken on Saturday, June 30 to honour Mr, and Mrs. Don Symons on their 25th wedding anniversary, As well as members of the bride's family, 22 members and friends of the groom's family from the Port Hope airea were present. * * * The Magic Circle Unit of Wesley-Willis United Church were pleased with the turnout and loyal support demon- strated at their Woodland Gar- den Castle tea, boutique and bake sale at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Howard. ****. Clinton Figure Skating Club held its draw for, the patio lawn furniture on Sunday, July 1st. The winner was Mrs. Helen Kyle of London. * * * * At the beginning of each week, out local ministers either come in or phone with the changes for the forthcoming Sunday services. This week Dr. Mowatt of Wesley-Willis United Church came in and startled us somewhat by stating that he will be leaving his Clin- ton flock to assume a charge in Victoria, B.C. After seven years in our midst, his cheery greetings will be missed. We do wish him and Mrs. Mowatt every success in their new pastorate. * * * * Also, this past Tuesday mor- ning saw us at the News- Record without our office cam- panion, Marg Rudd. By now she will be getting settled into her home on the Canadian For- ces Base at Borden. We shall miss her as we are sure many of the readers of this column will m .tS-lsw,,,,Apd no one more so an the,.present writer upon whim the;ialtre; has fallen,;-, she enlists your co-operation and loyal support. Thank-you. MP, William Wise was the guest of honour en Sunday last when members of her family sand their friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hudie to celebrate her birth- day. A picnic lunch was served, * * * Mrs, Vera Lawrence of Hamilton, Mrs, John Hudie and Miss Vicky Morin of Sud- bury and Mr. and Mrs. George Wise and Joseph of Severn Bridge were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hudie over the weekend. They also attended the Tyndall-Sheardown wed- ding in Goderich on Friday evening, * * * * Mrs. Edith Johnston and daughter, Esther and children, along with friends from Lon- don, attended a dedication ser- vice at Auburn Cemetery on Sunday. They called in at Mrs. - Johnston's mother, Mrs. T. Leppington or Clinton. * * * A former Goderich Township couple, William Sheppard and his wife (formerly Edythe Teb- butt) celebrated their 69th wed. ding anniversary June 22, Mr. By Fred McCiymont The members of L.O.L. 1035 and their families will go to Owen Sound next Saturday July 7th. to the Orange celebration in that city. The United Church will hold their annual Vacation Bible School starting July 16th with Rev. M. Morrison and a group of leaders in charge. The annual Coleman picnic will be held in the Lions Park Seaforth on July 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Erb of Sebringville called on friends here last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Morrison and son of Ilderton spent the weekend in the village, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Urquhart of Walkerton visited over the weekend with Mrs. Urquhart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston_ Misi,Fran Carpenter of Lon- don visitediviih' Mr.' and M. Mervyn Hayter on the weekend. TNE OLD'T1Mif THE fEzzowywo Tors om. OWS" HORN. HAS EVERYONE JUMP/MG TO &tip OUT OF H/S .WAY ,,..€.- )to•-.. .., t /4 41116 a N IL vention held in Sault Ste Marie in May, and s° neither had ..ever attended a Legion convention before, both enjoyed it very much. A good report was tur- ned in to the Branch and these two men both admit that more. "Legion" can be learned at such a convention in a few days than many will learn in • a lifetime, Laurie and John met Bill Reid, formerly of Clinton, in the Soo and we can readily agree that it was quite en- joyable, Bill and Mary wished to be remembered to the town- speople, The three winners of the regular monthly draw were Terry McDonald, Jim Ander- son and G. Holmes, DEBBIE'S CUSTARD OPEN 7 DAYS A.WESIc FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS OPEN TILL 2 A,M, . 24 r.. o . . •. Omit I. MR . Mr' .. • $4.0•E'LltiOifitSE.:•Atmallifis.o0F7oN ef0411Vt;001:4;*10I3;.::.' IMMO AIM MOW MINN MM., 1111111111111 ANEW sow WWII Aiwa w.iw /IMO N4> • ,„: FROZEN Pork Side RIBS 16, 111113CI BONELESS SHORT RIB or AdMirai CHEST FREEZERS for the big freeze Assorma PLAVOURS FRUIT DRINKS . "at 330 WELCH'S GRAPE JAM. • DRAPE JELLY OR WHOLE GRAPE JAM , 3%1 .00 TOP WNW CHOICE WHOLE POTATOES tg 7k 19e GLAD PLASTIC FOOD WRAP 0.(gli 59c Poly 11.5uSo Plastic Handl Gap eke. of r5 pr GARBAGE BAGS Qkst 390 . 1U GAY LEA POWDERED MILK it. 99 TOMATO OR VEGETABLE TOP VALI/ SOUP 8 "Nil .00 WESTON'S WHITE ENRICHED SLICED SANDWICH 3 gv.1 00 BREAD COLGATE USA. NO. I CALIFORNIA RED CARDINAL GRAPES lb. 69c DOLE 'MOE OF THE TROPICS ' GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS tbs. 29c .1‘litillintonite wins Legion -50-50 draw At the' general meeting 'of Legion Branch ,14. June 20, Mayor Don Syniens•n?ade three people happy when ho drew the first and only ticket 'on. the 50- 00 draw, The lucky person Was, Mrs. Carol F. Handy of B.A. 3' Ailsa Craig, who incidentally lived here until fairly recently, The captain of the sellers was Pere), " BrOia and —tile "actual seller was Marg Thornlike, The winner received $473.50 and both the captain and the seller received $26. The next two draws will be held the last Saturday of July and August respectively and it is quite possible for the purse to be larger. The meeting was the last general meeting of the Branch till September and as a result, many details were decided upon. The' executive will meet both. July and August so that any problems or items of im- portance can be looked after. It was decided that Branch 140 would sponsor the Juvenile Ball Club this year and we have been promised some good ball. Crowds at ball games mean success so it is hoped the team will have many suppor- ters. Len Arnston has accepted the position of Sports chairman of the Branch so anyone with sports in mind is asked to con- tact Len. Laurie Colquhoun and John Deeves were delegates from the Branch at the Provincial Cop k===r11ag=414.1 11 11 OUR PHONE NUMBER IS 4 8 2 -9 8 9 6 ==4*.===.1 2748t) We have just Installed a new modern, fully automatic ice cream machine for a smooth and richer ice cream, By Wilma Oke McKillop Council Tuesday accepted application. for repair and improvement of Kistner drain. C,P. Corbett Ltd. of Lucan was appointed engineer for the drain. A request for a tile drain loan $2200 was approved. Tile drain debentures for $6,100 were aP.Proved for payment. Reeve Allan Campbell will attend a meeting of select com- mittee on land drainage in Kin- cardine on July 5 to discuss problems concerning land drainage in this area. Council paid out compen- sation of $48 for a lamb killed by dogs. A request for land severance by Harold and Naomi Pryce of R R 1 Seaforth for ap- proximately 2'112 acres on the west half of lot 22, concession 8 was approved by Council. Approved for payment was the second instalment for $1,905 to the Seaforth Fire Area Board. Building permits totalling $18,400 were approved; Martin Murray, R R 1 Dublin, im- plement shed; James C. Kerr, R R 1 Seaforth, granary and renovations._ to born.; Francis Hunt, H R 1 Walton, replacing Francig Hicknell, R R 5 Seaforth, barn addition; itembrisera~mleramimeeslosieleareataallososoNse0405111600410011Merameee. Samuel Sdott, R B 2 Seaforth, silo; Kenneth P. Murray, R Ft 5 Seaforth, bulk silo addition. Passed for payment were road accounts of $20,285.02; general accounts of $56,116.09 Included in the latter were school levy payments to Huron County Board of Education for $33,390. and to Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board for $9,546.50. SHRIMP CHICKEN 'and EGG ROLL DINNERS HAMBURGERS and CHEESE BURGERS ONION RINGS FOOT LONG NOT DOGS DON BELL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 22$ MAPLE ST. CLINTON 482-9560 CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON ' $500 'F,naPHA........, ..iiiiiki:.-. lb. o Q cie:-..i., LNITI ,LB:.F%it.:r.At.40:vi40,..0;1. 4941, *ECfri4004yf71.9s.„:„ tp J! ... .... ......A :.'.*T...8.14 .-.. ...01 t 4,.. hb II 11111111 Ilusiiilli •I MINIM ,' 1.- 7 '4! w. ••• • • 1;;IMIT.:16*M.:iit4iikMILV4rtil• • .• $500 FORprie.Sg..; AN o. mils COUPON ••. •• •E'JULY 4,10 • - • ig7 . • . • ! I i,I 111 ,III 1 !1 . *WNW MM.* IIMIN•l• MEW& MEOW UMW woe ammo smog* witmemaw amino mk•mo gore Immo mai OIMNO NOMMI INN NEM SINS fr• PERSONALIZED SERVICE * THE FINEST QUALITY * THE LOWEST MEAT SPECIALS IN TOWN Look a little closer...you get a lot more from Admiral TOP VALU 5 VARIETIES SLICED FRESHLY CUT SHOULDER OR BUTT PORK CHOPS REGULAR CUT PRIME RIB 1ST Four Ribs Only COLEMAN'S VACUUM PACKED I Ib. pkg . BIEMAN FRANKFUFITS TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED I lb. pk g. SKINLESS WIENERS TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS DAVERN VACUUM PACKED I Itz. pkg. SLICED SIDE C ULSTER FRY I lb pkg SLICED SMOKED .09 SAUSAGE 97c VARIETY PACK DAVERN PORK & BEEF • BREAKFAST SAUSAGE lb MORE PROTEIN THAN t004. GROUND BEEF SUPER BURGER TOP VALU SLICED 1 111 eke MINCED HAM LOAF or SCHNEIDER $ 5 VARIETIES a oz. Chub SANDWICH 89- SPREADS- WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF 45* COLEMAN'S 1 lb, pkg. SLICED .770 BOLOGNA 79c MI NI SCHNEIDER'S I lb pkg. SIZZLERS 65c 89c ' INDIVIDUAL FROZEN FILLETS PRIMROSE FROZEN 4 cm, Portions PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSINGSATURDAY.JULY 7,1973 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT T0 LIMIT QUANTITIES Supplied and Serviced Dy M. Loeb Limited 79c Taff lb. 89c BEEF rEAKETTES SWEET PICKLED • BY THE PIECE • END CUTS PEAMEALED 2 P ,b9. • 1 • 37 89* ib lb. SCHNEIDER'S VACUUM PACKED 6 0/ pkg. SLICED COOKED c .. HAM . ... . . . .. .;0 I ....... ..... !LK • •tin SHOPSY'S 24 oz. POTATO SALAD or COLE SLA BA . :RECONSTITUTE D; • PleP4.: • .A1.0o3(1104)...! DAIRY • SPREAD . . . 1{RAt.REGULAROObn4...: SPREAD TOP VALU .REGULAR PROCESS::. CHEESE SLICES 4$ Oz.. pkg • • LARGE.SIZE. •• CF773). Sized to fit (wee/ family, every space reQUIrengOnl. Admiral puts the big freeze on Chest Freezers All models available in Glacier White. CF773 and CF1273 also available in Avocado Green or Harvest Geld. WARRANTY : 5-year warranty on corn• pressor, 1.yeer warranty on entiie freezer. 5.yoar toed protection plan at no extra cost, insures you lot up to 5300.00 againSt spoilage due to mechanical or component failure (55.00 deductible clause). can move the food into the main com- partment. All models have a Counterbalanced lid that opens up easily and a new safety lock.When you close and lock the lid, the key automatically of efts so that you can, not accidently leave the key in the lock. Other Cohvenioncl) features in most models include a drain plug with hose connection for defrosting (except CF773 and OF) 273) ; vihyl covered baskets end dividers; stain fEsistant acrylic enamel finish inside and Out; warning light to alert you to a power failure (except Loads of food space without a lot of floor space Part of the secret is in the insulation we use — the' remarkable space saving material, Urethane. It's the most efficient I151,11411011 On 'the market teday, Because of Urethane insu• lawn in the freezer walls, cabinets ere stronger than freezers insulated with other materials. Some of our models have a insl.freeze compartment to rapidly tontoCt -heilks (Dods. This ininithileS postible food &temptation, After fast-freezing, you SHOP THESE BONUS DISCOUNT INFLATION FIGHTERS IGA's I UALITY PRODUCE FRESHER BY FAR WHITE oft YELLOW DECOR NAPKIN DISPENSER Cacti 1 .29 ASSORTED VARIETIES, CARLTON CLOG SOFT DRINKS 2041PAY1 .74 °two HARVEST CRUNCH CANADA NO. 1 NTARIO MARSH, CRISP TOP VALU SLICES Ott HALVES roF Attila H E JOLLY MILLER onntio5 FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 4Vb&g: 49e FANCY SLICED. TIDBIT, ON CRUSHED he cc 43C HEAD LETTUCE.. ,C01273 tFt873 *IS 0P 2B73 CE 2173 pkg' CEREAL 16 00, N age 101, Peaty Pack,, Coed, Jar of Cowan CupDoWl PINEAPPLE , 4 '4431 0 LIQUID DETERGENT, 2gg: 87c TOP VALU OAT OR DOG vow) 1'5,4 1 .00 SEE MARL 21o, 99; DARE pkg. COOKIES Buy 1 ,Mn - GET I JAR 1000 ISLANDS FREE! JACK JUNIOR ASSORTED 79* 12 or, jar U.S.A. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA SALMON FLESH CANTALOUPES sales 590 LiZt:,k11144ENDER GROVES 8 SON ELECTRIC SALAD DRESSINGS LiFEBUOY CORAL, PINE, on WHITE BATH BAR SOAP, 6 , .00 moon YELLOW on CLUE BATHROOM 'TISSUE 2 toe 290 CREAME HONEY ,} motPoir: 1 049 PigWail APPLE oz, A50 Maria TOP VALID MIXER • CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE HUPEIIT COD A°114 CHIPS PIKt ROYALE • ASSORTED cotoons PAPER TOWELS , 31.11! CATELLYTIPAOHE/11 Or SPAOHETTINI LONG Or READY CUT MACARONI , ,•2 brixirtii OECOR, ASSORTED COLOURS DISPENSER NAPKINS CLINTON IGA etc , °lee QV, tO 61r 73c pkg. 10 HURON ST. CLINTON . A 482911141 plte 99C ti tootHipAste isug 99c