HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-06-28, Page 14TOWN AND COUNTRY 1515 !FREI'S; DON TAYLOR MOTORS LTD EXETER FIFTH ANNIVERSARY now In progress FREE radio and small appliance with each new car. • FREE small appliance with each used car 10% off on all parts and labour • JUNE 15 to JULY 15 'H===4 Don Taylor Motors Ltd 25-28b Phone 235-1100 "HERE'S YOUR CHANCE FOR HIGHER EARNINGS" We are a nation-wide sales organization, representing one of Canada's Ieadllrig financial corporations. If you can work hard-have sales ability and good character-you can suc- ceed with us. For details, write to Box 260 - CLINTON NEWS- RECORD. -26,29b CUSTOM • SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING To individual Requirements. 'Oa t't•tv n o;gasina.rse IdovermiirenteilitSpecteditinitf*it Modern Abbatoir , for your protection. We specialize in HICKORY SMOKED HAMS and BACONS Ail Processing Guaranteed, EXETER FROZEN FOODS Call 235-0400 C.M. Hall - c39tfn PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES NOW OPEN 8 A.M. BRING YOUR OWN QUART BOXES trwokgsneM BE PURCHASED 11/4 MILES NORTH OF HEN SALL ON NO. 4 HWY AND 11/4 MILES EAST TURN LEFT. JACK BELL PHONE 262-5878 R.R. No. 2 KIPPEN 25,26,27,28b REQUIRED DAY SHIFT "Bartenderette" Telephone 228-6649 DUFFERIN HOTEL' CENTRALIA SHORTS ARE IN SEASON COOL-CASUAL --•• COMFORTABLE MATCH A PAIR WITH A NEW T SHIRT or SPORT SHIRT Imiummoolw "i' -t -Cri'- fantia 4, t fEl MO stees, AitttismitiAttgamir'..'ks• ateisittittirioraiititc4i.",1, uii“atariuctsprsitoti4n1. 4 . •V,la ,,,xt..•Mi‘i, 1. .14414,,,itUttw 11,,t P 4 X ' r C. IP 11.4,44 ICXXIMO obrAtatsiFMRY.41t Ault** , WPP)14 gciai 14till;S*R4 it tftliAt fit14 , $ i'M gf Is VA tf kAtV quarvy; 01.001'11(*.;,g M 4P aaaa.344 VtiPg ,tiegtvglt e,,,,4, FOR FUN IN THE'SUN See our selection of Swim Suits and Cabana Seth. Pickett itt Campbell I The Store For Men CLINTON - GODERICH - KINCARDINE WE FEATURE THE LARGEST PANT SELECTION IN TOWN RIVIERA HICKOK DON PARKER LEVI CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALES FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK ' TO THIS SALE Phone - LORNE TYNDALL 482-71552 lAtf 14--,CL.INTON. NEWS-RECORD, THLT,SPAY, JUNK 28, 1873 DEADLINE CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 4. RE AL ESTATE FOR SALE 6.AdOMMODATION TO RENT 10, EMPLOYMENT WANTED IARTICLES FOR SALE LARTICLES FOR SALE .010110110111 FOR TAKING FOR SALE-Ideal summer or per- manent residence 41' x 10' general mobile home, excellent condition, Meneset Park Goderich. Call after 5 p.m, 524+6629-25,26p FOR SALE-14' boat, with motor and trailer and accessories. Phone 482-7346.---26b APAR'T'MENT TO RENT, close to rilmtown, Apply to 44 Huron Street, Clinton.-c19tfn 1$ YEAR old student with ex- perience in farm work, will do most types of outdoor work. Phone Lorne g=xtga Taylor.-482-9159-24,25,26b for CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY . - - TWO BEDROOM apartment rent, Phone 482-9766-24tfn FOR SALE-One single horse trailer. Phone 482-7756-26b EMPLOYMENT WAN- TED-Marie Bernard 17 yrs, would like any kind of full time em- ployment, Phone 482- 3880.-24,25,26x GOOD YOUNG BEEF by the quar- ter or half, cut and wrapped, Gov- ernment inspected. Phone 482- 7576-26b FOR SALE-four burner Findley electric stove with annex and shelf back, 48' T V tower, T V Rotor, Portable sewing machine (sewmore), heavy panel door, small radio, Box (tilting) 2 wheel trailer. Phone 482-9338,-26p -HOUSES for rent in Vanastra,, Clinton 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms, Phone 482-9590.-el3tfn Albert Street Office 482.3821 ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER 55 WILLIAM STREET - Hurry on this one, we have just listed this 4 bedroom home near the schools, yet on a quiet street, In- side features large kitchen, separate dining room, bath and a half, fireplace, hot water heating. Im- mediate possession with down' payment of only $1,000.00 the balance already arranged. Asking $20,500.00, try your offer, LOOKING for a retirement home or perhaps a home while the family is holidaying? Van Demme's, HOLIDAY HOME offers comfor- table surroundings and good meals to older persons for $6 a day, Con- tact Mrs. C. Van Demme, 482- 66135-24tfn FOR SALE-used mink pens, suitable for rabbit breeders, all wire or wood sided. Apply to Francis Fur Farm. Kirkton, Phone 229- 6294.-23-26p CHICKEN CATCHING, barn cleaning and haying required for two experienced men, Jim and Steven Amsing. Phone 482- 7302-24,25,26b WANTED; Safes any condition. Highest prices paid. Safes opened and repaired Locking's Safe Works. 522-2nd Ave, E. Owen Sound. Phone 376-5566-26,27,28,29b "ARTICLES FOR SALE 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-girls C.C.M. 24" bicycle in good condition, price $25. Phone 482-7744,---26b 16 YEAR OLD BOY would like steady summer employment. Will do any kind of work. Phone John Peckitt, 482-7567-26nc FOR SALE- Reconditioned sewing machines. MARY'S SEWING CENTRE, Phone 482-7036-6b COINS TWO bedroom house for rent. Available after July. No pets. Apply 344 James Street, Clinton, Ont.-26tfn 45 GAL STEEL BARRELS with open end, good for burning garbage or feed barrels on farm, Also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3.50 delivered. Phone Blyth 523.4461 or write Ron Baird, Box 51, Blyth, Ont,-26tfn 2A ARTICLES WANTED Paying top price, for Canadian and American coins, Sliver Dollars, Mint Sets, etc. also all Gold Coina. AU. DEALS CONFIDENTIAL Contact V. POPE 524-9085 GODERICH -fin "UNIT STEP, the easy way to buy better concrete steps, No waiting for concrete to set, Over 100 sizes in stock. Enhance the beauty and value of your home with precast steel reinforced concrete Unit Steps. Our installation crews work quickly and cleanly. Call Frank Kling Ltd., Phone 527.1320, Seaforth",-24,25,26b 203 HIGH STREET Well located near the schools, new aluminum siding installed, heating, wiring and plumbing all in ex- cellent condition. Large lot, 4 bedrooms, dining room, room for the larger family. Priced to sell at $17,000,00. Shown by appointment only, RELIABLE person to look after child any time during July and August. Can supply references. Phone 482-7204-26b WANTED TO BUY-Old furniture, household articles, Interesting ar- ticles wanted, any condition, single pieces or lots. H. Mitchell phone 482-7584--24,25,26,27b 3-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5, Clinton , $110 Ter month, all utilities paid. Phone 482-9742 or 482-7396 anvtime.-c46ffn 3A. - PET STOCK EMPLOYMENT WAN- TED-Marilyn Holmes 17 years is availabe for summer help, baby sit- ting experience, and clerking. Con- tact 61 Ontario Street, phone 482- 9433,-24,25,26. FOR SALE-Beautiful Male American Husky, pure white, fully trained. Phone 482-3338,-26b SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print, either 4" x 5", 5" x 7" or 8" x 10", Order at 482- 9502.--c5tfnx 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT 7. WANTED TO RENT HOME DECORATING? 10 ORANGE STREET Income property plus manufac- turing and storage area. Close to uptown, excellent rental area. Selling because of ill health of the owner. 100 NORTH STREET, SOUTH Two storey brick with room for the family to spread. Large modern kit- chen, dining room, 2 baths, 4-5 bedrooms with lots of closets, F.A. oil heating, large corner lot. Asking $19,900.00 with terms to be arranged. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY of particular interest to women. Starting out on your own in a new business takes courage and hard work to get established. Why not take advantage of a unique business dealing with sewing and sales, Your cost would be stock at invoice plus reasonable price for a well established profitable business. Records open to inspection. Please contact our office for full infor- - nation. 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. 1 Clinton and Goderich. -coin CONSTRUCTION equipment, for rent, Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 anytime.--c2tfn JAYCO Hardtops and Travel Trailers, 6 and 8 sleepers; Hardtops starting at $1450; Travel Trailers starting at $2500, Demonstrator 16 1/2' Special $2100. See us fbr all your camping accessories. Bum- stead Metal Fabricating, Josephine St., Wingham, 357-2272.-22-266 WANTED TO RENT small house or apartment Phone 482-7042 evenings or 482-6612 daytime.-26p EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Elva Keys desires employment in bank,. store, hospital, nursing home etc. Phone 482-7423-24,25,26x FOR SALE-1972 CB-750 Honda 3,900 miles, immaculate-Best of- fer, Phone 482-7075 after 6 p.m.-26b FOR SALE-New and Used Travel Trailers, Truck Campers, folding campers and fifth wheels in stock. A good selection of truck caps ranging from 26" to 36" in height. Special-1967 CBC North Lander 24' in very good condition. Contact Travel-on-sale Service Rental-3 miles West of Clinton. Phone 482- 3364-26to 29b BORROW FROM . OUR COMPLETE HOME DECINIATION AND HOME IMPROVEMENT LIBRARY-FREE See us before you 12. AUCTION SALE FOR SALE-Merry Tillers-"Work the garden not the gardener" Rent one or buy one, Steve Argyle Out- door Eqpt. Bayfield, Phone 565- 2800-26b BOX PLANTS CLEARANCE PRICE 2 5 c Per box while they last! INA'S FLOWERS FORMAL RENTALS for men ,I nd boys. Coma( Herman's Men's Wear. .182-9351. - c22ifn Over 4000 photos. BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton FOR SALE-1 used Canadian Tire riding mower. Runs well -$70 Steve Argyle Outdoor Eqpt, Bayfield. Phone 565-2800-26b HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 56 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482-7901 AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE FOR SALE-Fiberglas Drapes- gold color, Electric Floor Polisher, Chrome Bird Cage and stand. All in excellent condition. Phone 482- 3103-26p BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIRD 482-3120 --c_gtfn FAST 2-hour car hovers. Limn ser- vi.e - loans $50.00 to $5000.00 Call Iliad Hamilton. Trans Canada Credit, .521-8319, - -• - THE PRICE IS RIGHT FOR SALE-IN CLINTON 2 DUPLEXES 1 - 4 bedroom fully, remodelled home, carpeted throughout, New F. . A. Gas ,furnace, Townsend Street. 'PART TIME cleaner required, 2 days a week; also part time persons for licensed premises. Phone 482- 9772 after 8 p.m.-26h FOR SALE-1047 Dodge Sedan. Phone ;after 6 p,m. 482- 7046-26,27h •t HOLIDAY Special at Don's Bicycle Repairs. Jeunet 10 speeds reduced 25% . Sekine 10 speeds and Raleigh 5 speeds, Other new and used HELP WANTED-Need a summer job? Vacancies for young sales people 16 years and over to sell Watkins Products in Clinton, Vanastra and area.W4:1;c1a,,43 7037-25,26b PROSPEROUS GROCERY Opportunity to be your own boss. Modern well equipped store i:, showirtO:dicelleneilphss, thriving farm community. Owner wishes to retire after 22 years. Private mor- tgage can be arranged, To inspect this lucrative business please call for an appointment. BUSINESS PROPERTY 19 Albert Street, 22' frontage plus a two bedroom apartment above. Fully rented on a monthly basis. new homes under construction, wideskrapip , locat,ions, )arge. , ts., 191'11 In.-1 brif,tdiper,f6iirtgAt inq trig;, 218 foot frontage, Huron Street, Commercial property. (For sale or lease). " bicycles and tricycles, parts and ac- FOR SALE-1069 Karmann Ghia ,,,cesso;ies flisp;ankkaibletiPPiftlriPler convertible. 3500 miles Rhone. 482- mr rin0ii VirffliWicincPPIAJMSYle -ITN ,' or, ,'"AlMV-: Clintonto"AVl Repairs. 305 Ontario B Clinton, Pluine 482-9941.-26p Arena,•,--26,13 i'• TWILIGHT ' Atiction Sal 14 CARPENTER, or carpenter's helper. Phone 482-3305-24tfn of Household Effects and An tiques for Mrs. Barbara Dixon, 202 Cameron St. Goderich on Friday evening June 29 at 8:30 p.m. STUDENT, 15, desires work for summer and after school, in fall as clerk-typist (55 wpm) or sales clerk, Phone Tami Thurlow 482- 7727.-24,25,26 'Residential Lots Huron Pines Sub- ' division Large 80' - 90' frontages, ' scenic view, underground services. Frost free Frigidaire refrigerator; Westinghouse electric stove; Rogers Majestic T.V.; cabinet radio, 5 pce. chrome set; sewing machine; roll away bed; single continen- tal bed; metal bed; vanity; 2 dressers; chest of drawers; leatherette davenport and chair; coffee table with mat- ching end tables; 2 step end tables; lamps; smoker's stand; antique desk; trunks; hall tree; blanket box; dishes; pots and pans; bedding; wooden folding table; 2 lawn chairs; garden tools; power lawn mower; step- ladder etc. etc.! Terms - Cash Mike Cummings Auctioneer 524.9064 Also Lake Lots for sale Port Albert 'area. CLARKE ZINN 100 North St. S Clitltorr Phone 482.7838 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE, FOR SALE-15 acres of good mixed hay, standing. Contact Bob Norman 482.7535--26b A- FOR SALE 1,14 BAILEY FLOCK DISPERSAL of purebred Suffolk Sheep. Represented are the main bloodlines in North America, including the top selling sheep in 1972 Sale of Stars at the Royal Winter Fair. This flock has been carefully selected and rigidly culled as well as being on Ontario Perfor- mance Testing Policy for sheep. They consist of 2 main stud rams and 35 registered females, all 3 years old and under. This is a once in a lifetime chance to buy a com- plete flock of this quality, Contact John W. Holland, Kincardine or phone 396.7851 for further infor- mation.-26 111111111111111110111111111111111116111.111111161111=1•111616. FARROWING crates for sale, 2 standard models or can be custom built. Phone George Troyer 262- ;1 5.42„ Hensall-26b • LOWEST PRICES EVER SAVE $30.00 ON Viking Manual Defrost Refrigerator 10.1 cu. ft. Reg. $199.95 SALE $ 1 69 95 Viking Chest Freezer 17.6 cu. ft. Reg. $219.95 Real Estate Ltd. FOR SALE-3900 white Leghorn pullets AA 26- 16 weeks old July 12, 20 weeks old August 9. Also a limited number Harco Sex-Link the same age, Phone Roe Farms Ltd., Atwood, Ont., 356-2211.-26,27b EVERETT Lauckner JUST LISTED Exclusively decorated fine brick home in Clinton. Reasonable terms. M L S REALTOR TWO BEDROOMS, livrroom, modern kitchen, 3, piece eta, sun ram:a:It-filed well,lelectric eat, fur- nished with good Furniture-$8000 down, with 7 % mortgage, Close to lake Taxes $110. LAKEWOOD GARDENS- 3 bedroom lakefront cottage, living room with fire place, four-piece bath, electric heat, 140 ft. of lake frontage. drilled well. INCOME PROPERTY-2 separate incomes besides station; living quarters. Ideal for extra income for pensioner. BAYFIELD VILLAGE,libmmer cottate close to takb, tihree bedrooms, 2-piece bath connected to drilled well, Price $9500 with $6000 mortgage available, SUMMER COTTAGE, north of Bayfield, 3 bedrooms, living, dining room and kitchen, 3 piece bath, Breezeway and extra 2 piece shower • and toilet, lake front-owner will hold some mortgage. Nearly new 3 bedroom, ranch-style home; electric heat, double carport, in Clinton 9. WANTED (General) 13. SERVICESAVAILABLE FOR SALE- one light duty Farm wagon with new rack. One set chain-harrows and one 3 H.P. Woods electric Grinder, Phone 482- 3396-26b WANTED-Baby stroller phone 482.75,56-26b 1 112 Storey frame house on one acre of land near Auburn - 3 bedrooms, living room with panelling and carpet. Will trade for farm. CITATION, Golden Falcon, Flyte, Holiday Travel Trailers; Bellevue, Woods, Olsen Tent Trailers; Truck Toppers; Crestliner, Springbok, Chrysler Boats & Motors; Hitches & Tenting Equipment. CAMP-OUT, RENTALS, SALES. Huron St. W. Stratford. 393-5938.-16-30b B- CUSTOM WORK SALE $ 1 8 9 9 5 EATONS WANTED-To share a ride or form a car pool 5 days a week to U.W.O, London. Leave at 6:45 AN, and return at noon. Phone 482- 3850-26b '••-;-!""^" TIMBER WANTED D LIVESTOCK CUSTOM SWATHING and Baling. Call Rick 482-3136-26b --- FOR SALE-Twenty halfblood Limousin Bulls off test April thir- teenth and May twenty-eighth, John Howard R R 7 Lucknow, Ontario 519-529-7348-22,26b 14 Albert St. Clinton, Ont. Phone 482-3401 50 acres with spring fed pond and excellent old brick home, 2 miles north of Clinton on Highway 4. Ideal hobby farm. 3 acre corner lot on paved road near Auburn, partly wooded with run- ning stream. 62 acres on Highway near a village. Good clay loam soil, log house, creek on property, 200 acre farm with modern home, good barn, rolling land, near Belgrave. Ideal for cattle, Two separate river lots, ap- proximately one acre each, on the Maitland River; 200 feet of river frontage, hardwood bush. Easy ac- cess, 26,27b CUSTOM SWATHING and con- ditioning for hay. Phone 524- 7096-24,25,26b • Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. Write for free estimate, ROBERT EAGLESON AILSA CRAIG, ONT or Phone Collect 232-4450 before 8:30 a.m. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing, Scholl's Food Market, Hensall. Beef-Monday; Pork - Tuesday. Pick-up service available, Hamburg patties made on request, 262-2017. (-Wan , LET US REPAIR' AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances Expert work done reasonably „. your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing, W.N. Countgr Clinton, Ontario, - c tfn TOM AND WAYNE'S Whitewashing•Satisfaction guaran- teed Phone Wayne Kennedy, phone 482-9851--26,27b FOR SALE-Pure bred, serviceable age Hampshire boars. R,O,P. Tested and Commercial, Contact Bob Robinson R R 4 Walton, Phone 345-2317-26b C - WANTED FOR SALE-Registered Arabian and Palomino mare four years old, Spirited, needs experienced rider. Phone 482-7694-26b WANTED-Approximately 1000 bales of good horse hay, Will pick up in field. Bruce Dupuis - phone 482.9485-26b FOR SALE-Government approved Hampshire boars, serviceable age, Phone- Paul McNally, 357.3724, Wingham.-26b 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Tony Bird, 16 yrs. would hay, chore, do tractor driving, chicken-catching, cementing, handyman's helper, far- ming, construction and store work, Phone 482-7483---24,25,26b E - FARM SERVICES hold some mortgage, 300' lake front with cottage priced to sell at $30,000 QUICK cash to pay bills or make a purchase. Call Brad Hamilton, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. Hensall Livestock Sales 1 1/2 storey frame house in nearby Village. Open staircase new elec- trical service, good workshop, double garage. Terms available. ictlStitodfra4holo Mill St„ LAKE FRONT lots $7000 and 86000.-24b COMPLETE LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING SERVICE And SUPPLIES Open / Days a Week Moh. thru Set. till dark Sunday 12 to 6 If you have property to sell we have prospects galore! STUDENT, 15, desires work for summer and after school, in fall as clerk-typist (55 wpm) or sales clerk. Phone Tami Thurlow 482- 7727-25,26,27x Please call "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565.2813 Menn gossip less than women, but mean it. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Mary- Ann Heykoop would like baby sit- ting or mother's helper job. Good with children. Phone 482- 7267-24,25,26x SALES EVERY TV! DAY AT 2 00 P Pvl All I , 100 acre farm with 1 1/2 storey white brick house, attached garage and bank barn in Londeaboro area. Approx. 03 acres workable, Creek Crosses property. COMP/ 11 M f r, l'r ('CM!': • " ART'S ' EMPLOYMENT WANTED-A summer jtib for Yvonne Lazet, age 16 yrs, Experienced in babysitting and light housekeeping, 230 Dunlop Street, Clinton. Phone 482- 9593--24,25,26x PHONE 452.371 Maaort Bailey,- agent Dorothy SOhneider* agent Inimmairmiummiumisairiminimmimmt Victor woliam 66rry Hartirri6v61 uvingmon 0364717 066ter 4124511 burigarmois C11166n 5614621 2264205 kIrkion Landscaping & Nasally 66 BENNET ST. E., GO 5244126