HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-06-21, Page 12gx.clorroNNEws-RKORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1974 Today, my friends, is the first day of summer. I won't be sorry to see it come. Maybe it will mean an end to some of life's little problems which have loomed in our home during the past few, weeks. - I think I told you about our recent bout with the chicken pox. Well, the blisters had har- dly dried up and dropped off when our youngest child ap- peared at my bedside one mor- ning complaining of a sore neck. "I think it is the mumps, Shirley," advised my husband. 'I looked my son over carefully. I felt his jaws. "Your eyes are better than mine," I told my husband. "I don't see any swelling." "He's swollen alright," my husband assured me. "I think it is the mumps." "How do you feel?" I asked my youngest. "My face is sore when I lay on this side," he answered, pointing to his right cheek. Our discussion was overheard by our daughter who came rushing onto the scene. Keep in mind that she's not yet had the mumps. "He did it on purpose," she charged, her voice raising to a fever pitch. "He knows I'm out of school now for the summer and could be having some fun and he wants to give me the mumps." "He's got to go, Mom," she went on, bordering hysteria. "First it was the chicken pox. Now it is the mumps. Who knows what he'll bring home to us next. He's got to go....or I'll have to move out." I told my daughter I wasn't convinced he had the mumps. "Well, take him to the doctor right away and find out," she demanded." At least that way we will know what we're fighting." That last remark made good sense so I called for an appoint- ment. Luckily, I was able to get in right away. "It is the mumps alright," the doctor said. Did I detect a menacing grin? Couldn't be. Must be my imagination. r "It isn't swollen; glands." I ''':offered hopefully. "No, it is the mumps alright," he answered with con- fidence. Upon revealing this good news to thThousehold, T also presented some further infor- mation. "I've made arrangements for you two older children to go to the hospital this evening for a shot which should give you some additional protection," I told them. "Then, in about six weeks, you'll have your mumps vaccine and we shouldn't have to worry about mumps again." Son Number One, who had not had all day to worry about the possibility of contracting mumps because he'd been at work when junior arose in the morning, was very docile about the whole thing. Daughter, on the other hand, wasn't so easily satisfied. She wanted to know the odds. Was it ten to one she wouldn't get the, mumps or was it one in ten that she'd succumb to the scourge. Somehow, it made con- siderable difference to her. The next morning when junior leaped from his bed he'd been magically cured through the night. He requested per- mission to go to school. "Certainly not," I told him. "You're sick. You've got the mumps. The doctor even said so." "They're gone," he an- swered, coming closer for me to feel his jaws. I hadn't ever been able to detect any swelling in the first place so I wasn't too surprised when I could find none that morning. 'Well, you are not going to school," I insisted. "Doctor's orders." The big smile turned up- sidedown into one of the biggest pouts I've ever seen. He left the room, resigned to his fate and mumbling, "Gee, I don't even feel sick." All day long, the mumps vic- tim played and sang and teased and frolicked .... and, oh yes, he ate up a storm including oranges, ketchup, pickles, tomatoes, pineapple. That evening, my daughter was in real misery. She had reacted to the shot, I suppose. She could hardly raise her arms. She .had pain but no mumps. • Simple justice, I thought to myself. TBRD association reports A group of ladies representing the Seatorth Women's Auxiliary of the Seaforth Community Hospital were guests on the CFPL game show "Act Fast" recently. At that taping session Mrs. Pat Bennett, left, and Mrs. Orville Oke, right, won $110.00 for their project. They are seen with program host Bill Brady. The program will be seen on Channel 10 August 5. (CFPL photo) First 'draft ale now in bottles • 59 WINNIPEG ST. VANASTRA FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 4 8 2-908 3 Enjoy a 2 Night Special in TORONTO The Lord Simcoe has something extra for you. It's a 2 night special for two at a cost of only $59.90. It includes deluxe accommodation for two nights, dinner in the famous Captain's Table complete with a champagne cocktail, breakfast each morning and a sightseeing tour of Toronto's many exciting attractions - all for only $59.90, subject to advance registration. The Lord Simcoe is in the heart of downtown Toronto, close to shopping, theatres and entertainment. You get something else that's special at the Lord Simcoe - it's friendly hospitality you will enjoy through- out your stay with us. Colour TV in every room, fully air conditioned. Lord Simcoe Hotel See your travel agent or contact us at: 150 King Street West, Toronto. Telephone: 362-1848. BEV'S HAIR STYLING ' Reunion held at Johns homestead Sunday June 10th was the first "Johns" reunion, held at the farm of Bob and Anne Lawson, which was the original Johns homestead. The event was most successful, with over 100 descendants from various parts of North America atten- ding, Special events were held for the children and adults, and at 4:30 all sat down to a smorgasbord supper, provided by the families. The reunion was instigated by George and Ken Johns and sister Doris Boag, formerly of Newmarket, and all arrangements executed by Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson who couldn't have chosen a more perfect day. In addition to those from neighboring areas, those who travelled from great distances were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johns of West Vancouver, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Johns and Chris from Inuvik, NWT; Mr. and Mrs. K. B Johns and Debbie, from Nanaimo B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Seeley and Patty, of Grand Island, N.Y,; Mr. and Mrs. S. Neely of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and family of Cobourg. A PARTNER IN UNITED & FEDERATED APPEALS Advertise where people LOOK to buy in the in Florida the it's eralkettnlilik 3200 Galt Ocean Drive, Fort Lauderdale 33308 Acres of private ocean beach • heated pool, sun decks • luxurious accommodation • golf priviledges on 3 championship courses • free tennis on premises • superb dining • nightly dancing and entertainment • visits to Walt Disney World available. See your travel agent or contact: Innkeeper, 212 King St. W., Toronto, Tel. (416) 362-7537 LIBBY'S BLENDED OR SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46 % 49c ALLEN'S ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 569° DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION, Assorted Flavours DOG FOOD 6 '5 1°; 1.00 DR, BALLARD'S ASSORTED FLAVOURS 14 CAT MOD 5 15 gi 1.00 CHASE & SANBORN ALL PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE IA 85' ASSORTED COLOURS, WHITE, OR RAINBOW SCOTT SERVIETTES 4 lit 1.00 CUT RITE (CUTTER BOX) WAXED PAPER 100,!:n 370 BLUE BONNET 3 h. talouted 113' MARGARINE 2 1 '1'3 89° 1601 SCOtt, ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM BsSuE FACIAL TISSUE 2 roll pkg. or ikgr pkg. el 900 GRP • Sunkist 89 She 89 4 Yalenciat 4 Oranges " large site each • W.,.• •• • ,,,,,,,, STUART HOUSE, ASSORTED VARIETIES Hothouse 4 New CLUB HOUSE, FOUR VARIETIES SEASON MIXES 4 1 .00 SOUP MIXES 4 ck:41:! 89. Tomatoes lb. Carrots 4i454 seek GREEN GIANT, ASSORTED VARIETIES 0. Fresh for Flavour-Canada No, 1 U.SA,NO. 1 PUDDINGS 1 $lin 29° Ontario Tender * PERSONALIZED SERVICE AS l`r•C)TE PEP l',") 1:1,) '110 ,^,D FSEE F CUT FROM THE BUTT - BONE IN 99° BUTT PORK CHOPS TOP VALU - 6 VARIETIES - SLICED IL. 49° COOKED MEATS DAVERN FARMS lb. 59e BREAKFAST SAUSAGE PRIMROSE FROZEN 4 O. PORTIONS lb. 95e BEEF STEAKETTES FANCY WHOLE RN Wingham area beer drinkers are now able to enjoy' Ontario's first draft ale in bottles. Formosa Spring Keg Draft Ale is now available at Brewers Retail Stores and many hotels, taverns and other licensed outlets throughout Southern Ontario. Formosa Spring Brewery's new brand is custom brewed for people who prefer the special taste characteristics of draft ale and the convenience of bottles. Keg Draft was introduced in Toronto, Hamilton, Barrie and Oshawa in early April and proved immediately popular. "Sales in these test markets are excellent and we now have extended distribution to all areas of Southern Ontario," said Norman B. Wright, president of Formosa Spring Brewery. Since mid-May, Keg Draft Ale has been introduced throughout Eastern and South- western Ontario and the Niagara Peninsula. "Our market research revealed that many pAople prefer draft ale and wants the corivenience of bottles for en- joyment at home. Keg Draft is the culmination of intensive research aimed at providing a draft ale in bottles which delivers the special taste characteristics of this type of beer. "Smoothness, drinkability and low carbonation are prin- cipal taste qualities by which beer drinkers recognize draft beer. Keg Draft is a classic draft ale which delivers these traditional taste qualities in the convenience of bottles." The new brand is available in bulk form in licensed outlets and Formosa Spring is the first Ontario company to provide at- tractive draft signs in taverns where the product is sold. An extensive print, radio and television advertising campaign is scheduled with television and radio commercials featuring a unique jingle. Formosa Spring Brewery, Ontario's fastest growing brewery, opened a 400,000 barrel facility in Barrie, On- tario,' in January, 1972, which has since been expanded to 750,000 barrel capacity through a new $8,000,000 expansion WITH,:36:001.EURCHAE AND: COUPON.' " • EFFECTIVE ;00, 973 BLADE BONE IN SHORT RIB ROAST 16.89 WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, JUNE 23, • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Supplied end Serviced By M. Loeb Limited 2-RLY of 290;:. TOP SPE,E.FIR `JA . FANCY PEAS, CUT GREEN BEANS FR. STYLE WAX BEANS OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN YORK VEGETABLES SWIFT'S PREMIUM COOKED CANNED PICNIC CHEER POWDERED DETERGENT 0!bs: 1.73 BEEF NOODLE, TOMATO MACARONI OR ORIENTAL HAMBURGER FIXIN'S 47c VOORTMANS FIVE VARIETIES COOKIES 3 11 o,1:, 1.00 COCA COLA, FRESCA, SPRITE OR StIgai" Ftee Tab 24 10 ,V; 2:69 TOP VALU PEANUT BUTTER MONARCH LUCKY WHIP TOPPING Connors Herring in Cream Sauce, In Barbecue Sauce at Golden Smoked Herring 2'''t g; 39. BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY BANQUET FROZEN MEAT PIES 4 O;1:, 1.00 CHUN KING, ASSORTED VARIETIES ASSORTED VARIETIES LET MIKE LUCAS help you with your DECORATING PROBLEMS for FREE ESTIMATES for PAINTING and WALLPAPERING CALL CLINTON 482-3825 Rev. Garbutt Smith presided at a meeting of the Huron- Perth TBRD Association in Seaforth when routine reports were given by Mrs. Ray Cann, Exeter, Mrs. Edith Brothers, Stratford. Mrs. Cann said the Education Committee is plan- ning a week of "Anti-Smoking" activities in September, with several noted speakers ad- dressing community gatherings. She reported on proceedings and attendance at several regional conferences and workshops of interest to the respiratory disease movement. Mrs. Brothers reported that the Asthmatic Conditioning Class for children had been well attended in Clinton with 14 registered and with an average attendance of 12. Mrs. Carol Bowker of Clinton con- ducted the classes and Dr. Frank Mills and Dr. K. W. Hampson were the medical ad- visors for the course, Mrs. Brothers said that classes spon- sored by the Association had been reported in the Canadian TBRD Association national bulletin. She said that the Monday night "Breathing Class" walkers on a trip to Vancouver via treadmill and stationary bicycle would spend the summer months near Calgary in a fashionable resort and resume the "Tour" the third week in September. Student representatives, Jane Bonsteel, Diane Thornton and Peter Blanken have assumed the responsibility of a health education "float" in the Strat- ford Labor Day parade. SUPER BURGER lb 79c If efs program completed in May, 1973. The company also markets Oktoberfest Bavarian Beer, the Formosa Spring home draft system and Oktoberfest Tap- pin' Refills, Club Ale, Diamond Lager, Birra Italia, Tonic Stout and Bock Beer. 111111111.1)119 1111 119 )11111). FROM THE CHUCK BEEF BLADE STEAKS SIC 1913 BURNS CAMPFIRE VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON TOP VALU By the Piece BOLOGNA FROZEN LUNENBURGER SEAFOOD PATTIES BURN'S SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS SCOTTIES ASSORT! COLPUR FACIA Tiss Po to 4 lbs. 12 14 14 m. 25c fin 1 % 1.39 3 ion 1.39 44 49. OMM MINN ••n •• sm. MN, MOM MINN eeeAe - - IMMO/ 111••=1. 1.1111, MOMS =We emwo lb. 89° 39. lb. 77e rs K HAFT, CANADIAN;; F.Plt7pE8:$ 81t4GLVS. - TEES SLICE pk GIVE YOU * THE FINEST * THE LOWEST MEAT SPECIALS QUALITY IN TOWN lb. 85° SKINLESS WIENERS VALUIFA ACH: CHEF PRIDE 2.7 OZ, PEPPERONI PIZZA 2 for 98° CUT FROM THE PORK LOIN - COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS lb. 99° INDIVIDUALLY FROZEN BONELESS HADDOCK FILLETS lb. 1.19 TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED IGA's QUALITY PRODUCE FRESHER BY FAR FROZEN INDIVIDUALLY NOVA SCOTIA OCEAN PERCH FILLETS .89c OR ' • • WITHOUT okopq..:icyp POLISH' • 48: t5 • .! • lot,: 69° TOP VALU 6 no. pkg, SLICED COOKED HAM M e0° CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK - BONELESS BLADE ROAST ' lb.• 1.1 8 COLEMAN'S FULLY COOKED - FOOTBALL STYLE lb 11 .15 SMOKED HAM Whole or eat COLEMAN'S Bacon S Liver Sticks DEAL R NC FROZEN TURKEY WINGETTES lb 39 lb. 99c KRAFT DINNER 871: , 99c Golden • Corn CHICKEN II'. 1.29 2,334 oonobthe 5 594 BONUS WHOLE Yellow WESTINGHOUSE 40, 60, or 100 watt, EXTRA LIFE Bananas ed. LIGHT BULBS rgug 49° U.S.A. NO, 1 Florida U.S.A. California Crisp SHOP THESE BONUS DISCOUNT INFLATION FIGHTERS DOLE TROPICAL TREAT U.S.A, No, 1 Florida Sweet SKILLET DINNERS iiitf.u‘g 89° Celery Stalks ROWNTREE CANDY 3 atVI 1.00