HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-06-21, Page 10Coming Events TALENT CONTEST: Over $400—in prizes at Seaforth Lions Summer Carnival, Thur sday, Friday, Satnrday—JOY 12, 13, 14, 1973. Application forms and information available from Marlen Vincent 527-0120 or 527-0373 Seaforth. Entries close June 30, 1973.-25,256b JUNIOR CONSERVATION CLUB will meet Sunday, June 24 at 1 p.m. at the Club 'House. New members welcome.-25b BRING your unused usable items to Don Haw's anytime, or the Bayfield Community Cen- tre on Friday Night, July 6th for the Auction Sale on July 7th at 1 p.m. Articles to be sold either as a donation or on con- signment. Proceeds for United Church, Bayfield.-25,26,27b CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, June 22, *15 p.m. Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes, Admission $1.00. Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds welfare work.-25 NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 June 21. Admission $1.00; fifteen regular games $10.00 each. Three Share-the- Wealth games. One Jackpot for $180 in 57 calls. Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won. BINGO, June 26 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $59 in 59 numbers. Six door prizes-25 MONSTER BEEF BAR- BECUE At Listowel Memorial Arena, Saturday, June 23, 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Vince Mount- ford M.C. Adults $3.00 public school children $1.75. Refresh- ments available. Sponsored by the Listowel Rotary Club.-25b SUNDAY JUNE 24, 1:30 p.m. Goderich Power Squadron Spring Sail Past. Everyone welcome Non-member boaters invited to participate. Refresh- ments.-25b IF you plan to enter your Art or Craft in Goderich Summer Fest '73 ART MART, contact G.R.C.C. Board 26 The Square 524-8373,25 COME ONE COME ALL To The Legion Hall Social JUNE 23, 1973 MUSIC BY ROYAL AIRES 5„..ed ague awe ode ./ 'AND LIVING IN CLINTON 11190....-^•4111w^.110"."`110°"*"."—". ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. —20tf • 111 II "THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT will be con- ducting a Health care Survey in the Vanastra Park area during the next few mon, tha."-25b SATURDAY, June 30-annual chicken barbecue at Bayfield United Church at 5 p.m. Homemade salads, pie. Adults $2.50, children 12 and under $1.25.-25,26b DANCE—The family of Betty and Leonard Archalpbanitgive their neighbours, relatives and friends, a special invitation to honor their parents on their 25th wedding anniversary in the Clinton Legion Hall on June 30th at 9 p.m. Lunch will be provided. No gifts please-25,26b STAG For Don Taylor June 30, 1973 9 - 12 CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE ADMISSION $1.00 25,26p RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morrison nee - Judy Guy SAT, JUNE 23rd Zurich Community Centre DANCING 10 - 1 Music by KEN MITTLEHOLZ and the TWYLITES LUNCH PROVIDED EVERYONE WELCOME 250 i=4IC==.11.==;41,=.11.=:::Zil•==.1===.1 RECEPTION AND DANCE FOR KAREN SHEARDOWN and RON TYNDALL BRIDAL COUPLE FRIDAY JUNE 22 FROM 10 P.M. SALTFORD VALLEY HALL MUSIC BY THE COUNTRY BOYS RELATIVES AND FRIENDS WELCOME 25p IC=:=D•ItC=:=›Oc:=>IK==;=Hi,===,m===x===4 COMING Next WED. TILL S DANCING 10 to 1 LUNCH PROVIDED $3.00 per couple Refreshments 50)7` Otr.4,4_tf , Everyone Welcome ANIIT ENTERTAINMENT An incredible adventure,., that journeys beyond IMactinationt -silent running- A toavErmIAL RELEASE TeereecoLos, 10—CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1973 Tuesday afternoon the grade one and two students at Clin- ton Public School staged a special program for parents. The show featured song and dance and was backed by the choir of youngsters. Other grades put on performances on Wed- nesday afternoon and a special presentation Is also set for this Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the school auditorium, (staff photo) Hullett lets gravel tenders :A NN! El . 310 PE TRE and MARIE LILJEDAHL :AVG0D119ERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION AD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 STAG for JIM ROSS at HULLY GULLY FRIDAY, JUNE 22 1973 SHO %TIM E DUSK they would...they can .,.they they're stopped. info MIND A cage full of men- TO TAKE DREAK on BAY WWE ANYWAY SHE WISHEM The regular meeting of the Hullett Township Council was held June 4 at the Londesboro Community Hall with coun- cillors discussing matters from recreation to garbage. Joe Hunking was in atten- dance to discuss the possibility of assistance to the Recreation Committee, in Blyth. Council felt that there should be some contribution and suggested that the Committee present some form of Budget so all municipalities and organizations concerned would know what their share should be. James Murphy, Artistic Director at Grand Bend's Huron Country Playhouse, an- nounced the roster of players for its 1973 season which opens on Wednesday, July 11. On stage in the Festival of Summer Stock season will be Tom Bentley-Fisher, Pauline Cary, M.E. Evans, John Friesen, Rob Garrison, Joan Hanna, Shawn Lawrence, Shelley Mathews, Asheleigh Moorhouse, Candace O'Con- nor, and Aileen Taylor Smith, Appearing with the Resident Company will be several guest artists whose names will be released shortly. Directing the Company through its eight-week season n n • • • I • • n n n • • n n • • n U. n "YUKON" • • • •• MATINEE SATURDAY • • AFTERNOON 4-6 p.m. i • ranflausiliimiNuNININmoWnota Norman Alexander was present to ask some questions on the new garbage collection system - how the programme was initiated, how the propor- tionate rates were established, etc., and wondered about the equity. Council explained that this was a new venture and that provision had been made on both sides for adjustments for any reason. William Little was interested in opening a land-fill site for the use of the Township. Before Council could act on this the site would have to be approved by the Department of Health. In other business the coun- of plays will be Jone Copus, Burton Lancaster, and James Murphy. Musical Direc- tor will be Erna Van Poele. Resident Designer is Tayie Ab- del-Rehem. The season of plays includes such comedy favorites as Under The Yum-Yum Tree; Bus Stop; Like, Father, Like Fun; The Reluntant Debutante; the musical favorite The Fan- tasticks; the Victorian suspense melodrama, Pink String And The forty second Snell Reunion was held on Saturday June 16 at Londesboro with 60 in attendance, A variety of races were con- ducted for the young folks un- der the direction of Howard and Wilfred Walker. A meal was served in the hall. President Jack Snell welcomed every one and Hattie Snell won the lawn chair. Barbara Bosman and Bonnie Jewitt sang several duets. Ann Snell, accompanied on the piano by Barbara Boiman, sang two solos. Sing a Song" and "The Candyman." Grant Snell played several tunes on his violin including "The Yellow Rose of Texas" and "Amazing Grace." The oldest person present was Mrs. Lillie Wick of Strat- ford 86 years. The youngest child was Lori Jewitt. The per- cillors opened tenders on pit run gravel for road construc- tion. There were five tenders received, the highest being 73 cents per yard. The lowest, sub- mitted by Don Hunking was ac- cepted. Mr. Hunking will sup- ply and deliver approximately 17,000 cubic yards of "B" gravel and 25,000 cubic yards of clay as tendered, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. Tender prices were 48 and one half cents per yard for the gravel and the clay. Another bid by Mr. Hunking for 10,000 yards of gravel, sup- ,Sealing Wax; the rarely perfor- med 1920's American comedy, The Show-Off; • and the new Canadian work, The Hand That Cradles The Rock. Now in its second season, the professional Equity Company performs in a 400-seat tent on its farm site location just two miles from the resort village of Grand Bend, about one hour's drive from London, Sarnia, Goderich, Stratford, and Kit- chener. son coming- the greatest distance was Mrs. Jessie Imrie of Maidstone Saskatchewan. Special mention was made of two couples present who have recently celebrated fifty years of wedded bliss, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Thomp- son of Clarksburg. The largest family present were Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and children. Helmer Snell and Robert Welsh played several violin selections accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Nellie Welsh. The 1974 Reunion is to be held in Londesboro on the third Saturday in June. plied and delivered, was also accepted at 58 cents per cubic yard. A statement was presented by the treasurer showing the half year assets. Outstanding loans amount to $24,000 and tax arrears for three years are $55,653. The clerk was also instructed to prepare a bylaw allowing Authorized persons to control traffic when necessary on the church hill at Londesboro, General accounts amounted to $1,341.54, roads, $28,180.09, education, $6,847.50, drainage, $1,037.00 and warble spraying $1,548.83. Continued from Page 7 26. -CARD OF THANKS McBEATH; I would like to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was ill at home and in Hospital. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Wilson for their kindness, also thanks to Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus, and the nurses, and Rev, Packman for his visits.—Pearl McBeath-25b VEENSTRA: I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Watt and Dr. Newland and nursing staff while a patient at the Clinton Hospital. Thanks also to my friends and neighbours who sent cards and flowers and for their visits to the hospital.—Hilda Veenstra-25b BYLSMA: Thank you to all my family and friends who remembered me with cards, flowers, visits and gifts during my stay in St. Joseph's Hospital, London and since my return home. A "special" thanks to Dr. Deadman, Dr. Wynberg and Dr. Norrie and the staff of 4NE.—Wib- bine Bylsina-25 HENDERSON: Mr. and Mrs. John E. Henderson and family wish to express their sincere thanks to their relatives and friends for the won- derful cards and gifts received on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. A special thanks to all the friends who made their evening such a memorable event. Your kind- ness and generosity will always be cherished.-25b SNOWMOBILE. GRASS DRAGS 0+ THIS SUNDAY JUNE 24th at 1:30 p.m. Experience tille thrills as 150 Of the fastest sleds from Ontario and Michigan compete for over $1,000 in prize money. Why wait for snow — do it now at HULLY GULLY SPORTS and RECREATION R.R. No. 1, Varna Phone 262-5809 WOODLAND CASTLE Garden Tea & Bake Sale East of piano factory, residence of Harvey Howard 73 East Street, Clinton Wednesday, June 27, 1973 2:30 - 4.30 p.m. Sponsored by Magic Circle Wesley Willis Chuich . TICKETS 50c — TOUR 50c COMING JUNE 27 8:00 p.m. CANADA'S GAL 1LEANS FIRST BAPTISTu CHURC BROWNIE'S Visa* CLINTON ONTARIO FIRST SHOW AT DUSK WED.-THURS,-FRI. JUNE 20-21-22 tie 38 of the country's top musical performers on screen together for the first time! A SAFARI OF LAUGHS WITH THE CARRY ON GANG YNI HANK OPIGANItAtION FOMENTS A PETER ROGERS FINKIIN 4C.A.NWEVIC COW \ 1111E20 Pima= In ct"" •71(.7104--31Ea310 SAT.-SUN,-MON.-TUES. JUNE 2324-25-26 He gave the their than to be men Tii. To it* Warden's daughter prison was a giant Playpen! I ELM HAVEN 1, MOTOR HOTEL I PLAYING • n THIS WEEK n MacKENZIE n n n n i. Formerly Callous Coming Next Week Playhouse announces cast Snell Reunion ZURICH LIONS CLUB present 'THE CARLTON SHOW BAND' ICA Recording Artists Direct From The 111111%le ADULT ADULT ENTERTAI Pig 'N' Whistle Show' Zurich Arena WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 ONLY MciNTOSH, THE INDIAN.fiGHTE6,5000 BETWEEN OtiANA, THE APACHE-AND THE BLOOYIEft MASSACRE HE WE WESt' BURT LANCASTER ,"LILZANAS RAID' 9 - 12 P.M. Advance tickets available from: Green Forest Motor Hotel - brand Bend McLean's 'Battery Supply - Exeter Jack Merner's Garage - Bayfield l3ob;s Barber Shop, Phil's Variety. Donald eke Ltd., Mousseau & Parkins, - Zurich OR ANY MEMBER OF THE ZURICH LIONS CLUB