HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-06-14, Page 10CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, June 15, 8:15 p.m. Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75 jackpot to go, Door prizes. Admission $1,00, Auspices Branch 156, Proceeds welfare workee-24 SNELL family picnic will be held on Saturday, June 16 at Londesboro Community Hall.-24b •011., -411 ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY and WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont. —20tf Thu.1 4 Fri. 15 Sat.16 Sun.17 hion.18 Tue.19 onni•e's. 1115111111".n omirumet , • 2nm GtourOux T000.p.n 15 DXEIR BYRE I.LIKE' Robert Redford, George Segal & Co. heist The Hot Rock almost,. The newest and ►biggest yeti • 0111 :\ LANEl afThEilirc:a ABBEi INTIATAIIIMEN1 SIvIrne Eff,00. NDLli.O ant SPIDER ABBIN o4ATISaN SCori UAADY n DAN CoStmithi Al,, Rene MA, SNowal10. len* Slitern,lto 1,ermi• alto fimotity Bow 'brim caw XVigIMICIMSIMIVIC1614100006,100:14100000014VOL%:1:104 Wed 20 tv pc....m,,Mmt IAMELY NIGH"' ONLY s 2.00 -0140111 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER itirtYi°°IITS 111ZEStellAL4CINP AIWA umssim IECIliKOLOR A CAR LI or 10001 McDOWALL.00110 DAmtmovimumuNDC 116E111110 4 WA riohecotou BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:30 itHO NINE DUSK' 04.0 #657314WIlla El VET.RI HWY I GODERICH AT CORMSt014 RI) 4 PHONE 524 MI FRIDAY, JUNE 15 ELIMINATIONS-- 7 RA. ADMISSION ADULTS I SO CHILDREN SO SATURDAY, JUNE 16 PcitAer, jecnIoNevG N..s 10 THEAs p‘NmilsOsioH1,41%HAADWaKTSS:dwo,ctIH) CitlooAreeNnces0Pelne Camping Sites for Tenti and Trailers Available Ffensoli Community Pork AcitoMmg HensollCommundy Centre 411111KIIMKININK HAM and. STRAWBERRY 'SUPPER aI DRUCIFIRD UNITED (HUNCH WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 from 5:00 - 8;00 p.m. MM.'!" $2.50 CHILDREN 12 and unor $1.50 See the "CLOCK CONTEST" in honor of '73 GRADE 1 3 STUDENTS OF C.H.S.S. AT RADIANT LIFE CENTRE 57 ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Put in your guess where the clock will stop. Winning guess and winning student will receive a life-time prize. 24x 0 Londesboro United Church MISSION SUNDAY JUNE 24, 1973 GUEST SPEAKER "MAC" CARSON of WESLEY CENTRE, HAMILTON Tomer minister of Londesboro Church) MORNING SERVICE 11:00 A,M. EVENING SERVICE 8:00 P.M. SOCIAL HOUR WILL FOLLOW EVENING 'SERVICE EVERYONE WELCOME COME ONE COME ALL To The Legion Hall Social JUNE 23, 1973 MUSIC BY ROYAL AIRES DANCING 10 to 1 LUNCH PROVIDED $3.00 per couple Refreshments Everyone Welcome TOE SIG SOOTIE PRODUGTION Iram Warner BIOS a Warns Communicalions company Wednesday, Thursday, Friday June 13 . 14 15 ROD STEIGER AND JAMES COBURN WIL1. BLOW YOUAPART AI S= Of DYANINITie ('DUCK, YOU SUCKER"( tiiitiVE 6071 THEITRI- CLINTON ONTARIO HERE COME THE MOW Sat-Sun-Mon-Tudos. Detective June 18-17-18-19 *1 Harry Callahan. He doesn't break murder cases. He smashes them. Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry STARR ING RON O'NEAL WA Waffler Bros Warner Commumealons company United &hors B R N I E S Coming next Wod.Thuri.Pri. THE NASHVILLE SOUND CARP3i'f'aociiiroti;itliiriliNGLE Adult 11.nliptialrimitrd 110,x-CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THOLSDA V ,.JUNE 14, 1973 The pupils of Clinton and District Christian School were divided Into 20 teams of equal calibre for the schooli annual track and field meet. The winning students are, back row, left to right: Gail Vanderwal, Frank Datema, Alice Bos, Bert Amsing, Ricky Uyi. Front row are Joanna Kootstra, James Klazinga, Diane Lazet, John Branderhorst and Kim Drost. Missing was Henry Biok. (News-Record photo) NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 June 14. Admission $1.00; fifteen regular games $10.00 each. Three Share-the- Wealth games. One jackpot for $170 in 56 calls. Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if net won. BRIDAL FASHIONS Through- out the years. Hullett Central School Londesboro. Wed. June 20th. Dessert 7:30 Sharp- Fashion Show 8 p.m. Tickets $1 available from Mrs. Lorne Hunking 523-4439, Mrs. Reg. Lawson 482-9180. Sponsored by Londesboro U.C.W. to ob- serve 75th Anniversary of the church.-24p WOODLAND Castle Garden Tea and Bake Sale at Residence of Harvey Howard, Wed. June 27, 2:30 - 4:30, spon- sored by "Magic Circle", Wesley-Willis U.C. Tea Tickets 50c and House Tour 50c,-22,24 b ainnimune mmmmmmm imemosaming I ELM HAVEN • • • n n • • n • Durham Kinsmen MONSTER BINGO Friday, June 15 at 8:30 p.m. Continuing Fridays June 29, July 13, 27 Aug. 10, 24, Sept. 7 $3,200 Cash Prizes 15 Regular — $10 1 Regular — $100 1. Seat the Kinsmen Special 1 Novelty $1,000 1 Special $1,000 1 Share-the-Wealth A Draw Each Night For 19-IN. COLOR TV and a 1973 AMERICAN MOTORS GREMLIN X on the Final Evening Admission: $1.00 Durham Arena BINGO, June 12 Huron Fish and Game Club, OW p.m. Jackpot $$$ in 57 numbers. Six door prizes.-23 The family of Mr. and Mrs, John E. Henderson, Seaforth, would like you to celebrate with them on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary at the Seaforth Arena, Sat. June 16, at 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. No gifts please.-24b JUNE 23 SPRING SPREE '73, Clinton Community Centre. Dancing 9-1 to Bluetones. $6.00 couple. Sponsored by Clinton Kinsmen and Kinet- tee.-24b MONSTER BEEF BAR- BECUE At Listowel Memorial Arena, Saturday, June 23, 5 P.m. to 7:30 p.m. Vince Mount- ford M.C. Adults $3.00, public school children $1.75. Refresh- ments available. Sponsored by the Listowel Rotary Club,-24,25b RECEPTION and DANCE: for Paul Morrison and Judy Guy, bridal couple. Sat. June 23 in Zurich Community Centre. Music by Ken Mittleholtz and the Twylites. 10-1. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome.-24b ALL LIBERALS who hold 1973 membership in the Federal Huron Liberal Association, the Provincial Liberal Association or the Huron-Bruce Provincial Liberal Association are invited to attend the meeting of the Huron Liberal Association (Federal) to be held at Hotel Clinton, Clinton June 21 at 8:30 p.m, at which time delegates to the annual meeting of the Liberal party Canada, to be held in Ottawain mid. Sep- tember, will be elected.-24p SUNDAY JUNE 24, 1:30 p.m. Goderich Power Squadron Spring Sail Past. Everyone Welcome Non-member boaters invited to participate. Refresh- ments.-24,25b FRIDAY—JUNE 15 at 7:45 p.m. Oddfellows' Hall. All in- terested in teaching or teaching Sunday School Vacation Schools or clubs join us for workshops and lectures describing and displaying aids for more effective teaching methods. Admission free. All Welcome.-24b By Joyce Pepper Unit IV, Hensall U.C.W., met on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. R. Errat in charge. Mrs. C. Britton took as the theme for the Devotional "Hands-God's hands and ours" and led in prayer. Hymns were sung with Mrs. T. Sherritt accompanying. Mrs. C. Britton and Mrs. E. Luther contributed a duet. Mrs. Luther invited the ladies to a picnic at Exeter Park on June 15. Mrs. R.M. Peck took the study on India by reading a letter from Mrs. Malcolm Davidson from Brucefield who is presently living in India, and who spent a month's holiday touring In- dia. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and Mrs. Peck took up the offering and it was dedicated by Mrs. Errat. The treasurers report was given in detail by Mrs. Sherritt. The ladies reported that a total of 88 visits had been made. Mrs. Errat reported on the bale. Lunch was served by Mrs. Leona Park and her committee. PERSONALS Mrs, Harry Horton received word Saturday that her brother John W. Page in England had passed away. He was a veteran of the First World War and a P.O.W. Funeral services were held in England. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Katon, Surrey England, niece and nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton visited with them a couple of days last week. While here they also visited with other friends. Mr. David Leader is a patient in Dufferin area Hospital in Orangeville. Mrs, Laird Mickle and Bill attended Convocation Exer- cises Friday at the University of Western Ontario when the for- mers son Dr. Robert Mickle received his diploma for his PhD in Physics. Later, the rest of the family were present for a smorgasbord dinner at the home of Dr, and Mrs. Mickle. Those present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle, Judith and John; Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMillan, David, Tommy and Ann, Waterloo; Charles Mickle, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins, Kitchener, and Mrs. Florence Joynt of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins, Kitchener, and Charles Mickle, Hamilton, spent the weekend with their mother Mrs. Laird Mickle. 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ward of Hensel celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last Wed- nesday quietly at their home in Hensall. A family party in their honour was held last Saturday evening in Mono Centre Hall near Orangeville, About 400 people wished the happy couple hearty congratulations. Those atten- ding from Hensall were Brenda and Mark Russell, Grace Har- pole, Howard and Vera Lem- mon, Ted and Vi Robinson, David and Vi Leader, Cecil and, Jen Kipfer and Ivan and Dorothy Kipfer. The couple received many gifts and well over 100 lovely cards from neighbours, friends and relatives. Special congratulatory messages were received from R.E. (Bob) McKinley, M.P. for Huron; Elwood Madill, M.P. for Peel, Dufferin and Simcoe; Robert Stanfield, leader of the opposition; William Davis, Premier of Ontario; Jack Rid- dell, M.P.P. fpr Huron; and a telegram from Governor- General and Mrs. Roland Michener. At the convocation exer- cises of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute on June 1 R. Bruce MacPhee son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacPhee received his diploma in Marketing Management Business Ad- ministration. Mr. McPhee, husband of the former Betty Dalrymple, Brucefield is a graduate from the Goderich District Collegiate institute. He has taken up the retail automotive business with M and W Motors. By Rena COldwell Kippers East W. I will meet in the Legion Hall, June 20 at 8;30, The roll call will be "Something I bought which my Grandmother made at home." Each member is asked to bring a grandmother and also a wrapped old hat. There will be an apron parade and a sale of Aprons Mrs. ft, Kinsman is hotess, Mrs. R. Bell lunch C convener, U.C.W. The U,C.W. of St, Andrew's ' Church, Kippen met at the home of Mrs. Emerson Kyle on Tuesday June 5 with '21 present. The Devotional was given by Mrs. John Anderson, The Study was taken by Mrs. Wm Consett who outlined the facts of India's government, geography, religion and in- dustry. The material, used to portray her topic was posters compiled by the Explorers. Mrs. Consett completed her topic with a crossword puzzle using the facts she had previously outlined. Reports were given by the treasurer, Mrs. Bert Faber; the Sunshine Convener, Mrs, N. Dickert; the visiting, Mrs. Emerson Kyle and correspon- dence Mrs. Tom Reid. Further business related to a bale sent to the London Rescue Mission, bazaars held by the Explorers and the Queensway Nursing Home. Plans were finalized for the Supper June 13 and for the Sunday School Picnic in Exeter Park June 24, Mrs. Bert Faber demon- strated making Buttermilk Scones. Hostesses were Mrs. E. Kyle, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. Wm. Bell, President, chaired the • meeting. Mrs. Tom Reid gave courtesy remarks and the meeting closed. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Swindell of Detriot, Michigan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau. The sympathy of the com- munity goes out to Mrs. Ray Bell in the death of her mother during the past week. St. Andrew's Church Kippen suspended services June 10 in honour of Brucefield Church's Anniversary Services. A former CHSS graduate and Ontario Scholar, Janis Galbraith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Galbraith, Clinton, received her honours S.A. degree from the University of Toronto on June 4. Miss Galbraith attained an "A" standing, specializing in French. Three years were spent at the University of Toronto and one year at the University of Grenoble, France. At present Miss Galbraith is attached to Contact Canada acting as a tour guide for foreign students travelling in Southwestern Ontario. In the fall she plans to return to the University of Toronto for her M.A. degree. 1 MOTOR HOTEL I PLAYING I THIS WEEK I "SHADOW" 4 GUYS,AND A GIRL I Coming Next Week • •• • • • •"Callous" • • • • or 5 piece pop & rock band n • • • ▪ MATINEE SATURDAY • mi AFTERNOON 44 p.m. 1 • a a GOOD NEWS DRIVE IN (3 miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway) SPEAKER: FRED MUNNINGS Missionary to India for 17 years NOw operates Radiant Life Centre Clinton SINGERS: THE CHAPELAIRES from London SUNDAY, JUNE 17th 8:30 p.m. COME AS YOU ARE IN YOUR CAR Seaforth Lions Summer Carnival THURS., FRI., SAL, July 12, 13, 14 For application forms and further information write or phone' MARLIN VINCENT: 527-0120 or 527-0373, Scalorth — ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE :30th See and hear fiddling chomprons horn Canada and the U 8.A compete for the JUNE 15 - 16, 1973 !fere your clia rice to turn talents int o (lona Ts. Over $400 in Prizes AMATEUR TALENT CONTEST Sing? Dance? Play an Instrument?