HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-06-14, Page 8FOR SALE—OLD Furniture, household articles. Interesting ar-• ticles wanted, any condition, single pieces or lots. H. Mitchell phone 482.7584,--23,24,25,26b FOR SALE—used mink pens, suitable for rabbit breeders, all wire or wood sided. Apply to Francis Fur Farm. Kirkton, Phone 229- 6294.-23-26p - CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING To individual Requirements. Cattle and hogs are Government Inspected in our Modern Abbatoir ,for your protection. We specialize in HICKORY SMOKED HAMS and BACONS All Processing Guaranteed. EXETER .FROZEN FOODS Call 235-0400 C.M. Hall — c39tfn GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES GIVE DAD A GIFT HE CAN WEAR Show your heart be- longs to Daddy with a choice from our big lineup of great gifts. CERTAIN-TO-PLEASE BIFTS"931113 FATHER'S DAY IS JUNE 17 TIES SHIRTS SWEATERS SLACKS KNIT SHIRTS JACKETS PYJAMAS STRAW HATS ETC. PICKETT and CAMPBELL LIMITED The Store For Men CLINTON GO, DERICli KINCARDINE 8----CI4INTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, 'JUNE 14, 1973 TOWN .AND WINTRY LASSIFIEDS .•14wMwatmo r,ms tmwome oWli IMMIENIIIIMMI11114 44•••••••n •000.011ami 45 GAL. STEEL BARRELS with open end, good for burning garbage or feed barrels on farm. Also clean gas barrels or sap barrels $3,50 delivered, Phone Blyth 523-4461 or write Ron Baird, Box 51, Blyth, Ont.—c19tfn JAYCO Hardtops and Travel Trailers, 6 and 8 sleepers; Hardtops starting at $1450; Travel Trailers starting at $2500. Demonstrator 16 1/2' Special $2100. See us for all your camping accessories. Bum- stead Metal Fabricating, Josephine St., Wingham, 357-2272.-22-26b BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET 'CENTRE "Wall h) Instanatto4 or Aroqi Carpets. *Samples shown in -your home *Free Esttmates, *titniranteed Installations, We have cdrpet specifically designed for every room in your home Quality you can trust From BALL & MUTCH LTD. L HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 3w2-9.505 Clinton 1'(1 W !ARTICLES FOR SALE 1972—Honda 500, will accept first good offer. Call after 6 p.m. 524- 7266, 251 Shore Crescent, Goderich.-23,24b ONE large Duo-Therm oil heater with fan. 100 gallon oil drum. One small Coleman oil heater with 200 gallon tank. Both with galvanized Pipes. Phone 482-9697 after 6 p,m.--23,24p SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print, either 4" x 5", 5" x 7" or 8" x 10". Order at 482- 9502.—c5tfnx "UNIT STEP, the easy way to buy better concrete steps, No waiting for concrete to set, Over 100 sizes in stock. Enhance the beauty and value of your home with precast steel reinforced concrete Unit Steps. Our installation crews work quickly and cleanly. Call Frank Kling Ltd., Phone 527-1320, Seaforth".-24,25,26b FOR SALE—Lawn mower 2 1/2 h.p. Briggs and Stratton 4 cycle engine. 20" cut in good running condition. Phone 482-7650.-24b 1971 HONDA Mini Trail Bike CT 70 Excellent condition $250.00 or best offer—Apply 91 West St., Goderich, Ontario, after 6 p.m.-24nc WESTINGHOUSE washer and dryer, avocado. $200. Phone 482- 7934--24p FOR SALE—Full set of drums in bronze color with brushes, throne and sticks, $175 firm. 5 string —"6" Banjo $55.00 firm. Phone 527-1869-24p FORMER greenhouse at CFB Clin- ton, fully contained 21' x 31', also cold frames. Contact Ken Thomp- son 482.9495 or 524-7514.-24b 1969 HONDA CL 350 cc. Scrambler $495; 1969 Yamaha 175 c,c. Trail Bike $375, one used Ariens garden tiller $105. Steve Argyle Outdoor Equipment, Bayfield. Phone 565- 2800-24b 2A ARTICLES WANTED WANTED TO BUY—Old furniture, household articles, Interesting ar- ticles wanted, any condition, single pieces or Iota. H. Mitchell phone 482-7584--24,25,26,274 WANTED—Girls "small" Bicycle in good condition. Phone 482- 7452--24b WANTED; TV• Tower — buyer will dismantle, Phone 523- 4290-24p WANTED TO BUY—HOOVER washer in good condition. Phone 527-1269 or 523-4358.-24b 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions, Pickett & Campbell Ltd, Clinton and Goderich. ---cgtfn CONSTRUCTION equipment, for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 anytime.--c2tfn FORMAL. RENTALS for men and boys, Contact Herman's Men's Wear. 482.9351, c22tfn 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE FAST 2-hour ear buyers. Loan ser- vi.'e — limns $50.00 to $5000.01) Call Brad Hamilton, Trans Canada Credit, 524.8:110. • 1971 LTD BROUGHAM, V8, power steering, automatic, radio, many ex- tras, Phone 262-2012.-122,24b *$2,345 BUYS A NEW VOLKSWAGEN at Don Taylor Motors Lt d . -0 MAIN ST. S EXETER 235-1100 Call Collect John Brock for Don Taylor cl5tfn, A- FOR SALE FOR SALE--cob corn or grain suitable for cattle, reasonable. Phone 482-3176-24b,25b FOR SALE—Flail grass chopper for sale. Phone 482-3252-24b FARROWING crates for sale, 2 standard models or can be custom built. Phone George Troyer 262- 5282 Hensall—c4eow 0 - LIVESTOCK FOR SALE—Twenty halfblood Limousin Bulls off test April thir- teenth and May twenty-eighth, John Howard R R 7 Lucknow, Ontario 519.529-7348-22,26b FOR SALE:—Choice load of 100 or more good healthy young calves to well started calves in every Wed- nesday. Holstein heifer and bull calves Herefords, Limousins, Charolais and black white faced, one or 100, Delivered in lots of 10 or more free. Phone collect 395-2211 Home on Wednesday. Elton McLelland R R 4 Kincar, dine.-23,24,25b CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALES FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK 10 THIS SALE Phone 4 LORNE TYNDALL 482-7152 2mt 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HURON PINES REALTY LTD, CLINTON, ONT, PHONE 482-7801 TH—E PRICE IS RIGHT FOR SALE-IN CLINTON 2 Duplexes, I - 4 bedroom fully remodelled home, carpeted throughout. New F. A. Gas furnace, Townsend Street. LOTS FOR SALE 218 foot frontage, Huron Street, Commercial property. (For sale or lease) Also Lake Lots for sale. Port Albert area. 11.1110.111111111111111.111.11111111MMINS t BAILEY Real Estate Ltd, JUST LISTED: Exclusively decorated fine brick home in Clin- ton. Reasonable terms. Nearly new 3 bedroom, ranch-style home; electric heat, double carport, in Clinton, 1 1/2 storey frame house on one acre of land near Auburn - 3 bedrooms, living room with panelling and car- pet, Will trade for farm. 50 acres with spring fed pond and excellent old brick home, 2 miles north of Clinton on Highway 4, Ideal hobby farm. 3-acres on paved road near Auburn, partly wooded with running stream. 62 Acres on highway, near a village. Good clay loam soil, log house, creek on property. 9.00 acre farm with modern home, good barn, rolling land, near Belgrave. Ideal for cattle. Two separate river lots, ap- proximately one acre each, on the Maitland River; 200 feet of river frontage, hardwood bush. Easy at cess. FOOD FOR THOUGHT A clear conscience is the product of a bad memory. PHONE 482-9371 Mason Bailey, agent Dorothy Schneider, agent A- FOR SALE FOR SALE—MASSEY FERGUSON Hay Baler in good working order, Phone 482- 9693-24p ONE four bar Massey siderake. Earl Nott, R R 4, Clinton, Ont, —24p II- CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM Swathing of hay and grain- Phone 482-9851.-23b,24b CUSTOM SWATHING and con- ditioning for hay, Phone 524- 7096-24,25,26b C - WANTED 1111101•01.11MONOMPOINMONIMMIIIIIIIMMINIIMMINMINOMMIN WANTED—I50 Bales of straw, prefer oat straw. Henry Vos, Varna 482.3205-24b WANTW—One Hayrack in good condition, Phone 482-3221-24b E FARM SERVICES Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THE. AT 2.00 P.M. All clay.c., ill I ))...)..,1),( CUMPE UN( I 1/E'Net (.'0111Pr 111/01V VIctot wok(' ,Illarry MISS" Hirorosvimi thoirio0404 238411? Motor, 462-7611 bunion," ciloilm 15204$211 2214206 Kirkton 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EVERE'I'T Lauckner M L S REALTOR TWO BEDROOMS, living room, modern kitchen, 3 piece bath, sun room, drilled well, electric heat, fur- nished with good furniture—$8000 down with 7 V. mortgage, Close to lake Taxes $110. LAKEWOOD GARDENS— 3 bedroom lakefront cottage, living room with fire place, four-piece bath, electric heat, 140 ft. of lake frontage. drilled well. INCOME PROPERTY-2 separate incomes besides station; living quarters. Ideal for extra income for pensioner, BAYFIELD VILLAGE, summer cottage close to lake, three bedrooms, 2-piece bath connected to drilled well. Price $9500 with $6000 mortgage available. SUMMER COTTAGE, north of Bayfield, 3 bedrooms, living, dining room and kitchen, 3 piece bath, Breezeway and extra 2 piece shower and toilet, lake front-owner will hold some mortgage. LAKE FRONT lots $7000 and $.6000.-24b If you have property to sell we have prospects galore) Please call ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565-2813 NTEE Albert Street Office 482-3821 55 WILLIAM STREET Hurry on this one, we have just listed this 4 bedroom home near the schools, yet on a quiet street, In- side features large kitchen, separate dining room, bath and a half, fireplace, hot water heating. Im- mediate possession with down' payment of only $1,000.00 the balance already arranged. Asking $20,500.00, try your offer, 203 HIGH STREET Well located near the schools, new aluminum siding installed, heating, wiring and plumbing all in ex- cellent condition. Large lot, 4 bedrooms, dining room, room for the larger family. Priced to sell at $17,000.00. Shown by appointment only. 10 ORANGE STREET Income property plus manufac- turing and storage area. Close to uptown, excellent rental area. Selling because of ill health of the owner. 100 NORTH STREET, SOUTH Two storey brick with room for the family to spread. Large modern kit- chen, dining room, 2 baths, 4-5 bedrooms with lots of closets, F.A. oil heating, large corner lot, Asking $19,900.00 with terms to be arranged. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY of particular interest to women. Starting out on your own in a new business takes courage and hard work to get established. Why not take advantage of a unique business dealing with sewing and sales. Your cost would be stock at invoice plus reasonable price for a well established profitable business. Records open to inspection. Please contact our office for full infor- mation, PROSPEROUS GROCERY Opportunity to be your own boss. Modern well equipped store . showing excellent gross, thriving farm community. Owner wishes to retire after 22 years. Private mor- tgage can be arranged. To inspect this lucrative business please call for an appointment. BUSINESS PROPERTY 19 Albert Street, 22' frontage plus a two bedroom apartment above, Fully rented on a monthly basis. CLARKE ZINN IOU North ,St, S Clinton, Phone 482•7n8 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE' 1111.111.11111111111111 3A. PET STOCK PUPPIES TO GIVE AWAY TO GOOD HOMES, eleven weeks old. Phone 527-0535--24P 6,ACCOMMODAllON TO RENT APARTMENT TO RENT, close to ,tiptown. Apply to 44 Huron Street, Clinton,—el9tfn HOUSES for rent in Vanastra, Clinton 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms. Phone 482-9590 ---c13tfn TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent, Phone 482-9766--24tin FOR RENT—two bedroom apart- ment freshly decorated. Phone 482- 7907-24b LOOKING for a retirement home or perhaps a home while the family is holidaying? . Van Demme's. HOLIDAY HOME offers comfor- table surroundings and good meals to older persons for $6 a day. Con- tact Mrs. C. Van Damme, 482- 6685-24tfn TWO bedroom house at Vanastra. Stove, fridge, hardwood floors throughout. Large basement, oil furnace, laundry tubs, dryer hook- up, Cable T V Available July 1. Phone 482-7496-24tfn HOUSE FOR RENT; Three Bedroom house in the country on Highway No. 4 bathroom, oil fur- nace, wall to wall carpet and garage. Write Box No. 240, Clinton News Record..--24b WANTED—Reliable tenants for :3-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5, Clinton , $110 per month, all utilities paid; Phone 482-9742 or 482-7396 anytime.--c46tfn 8. HELP WANTED MO+ HELP WANTED—Mature person or reliable high school student to do •-•' housecleaning. Phone 482-7711.-24 WANTED—A "Swipe" represen- tative for Clinton and area, A fun way to boost your income. For com- plete information write Mrs. Val McCollum R R. 2, Dunville, Ont.-24,25p MECHANIC'S OPPORTUNITY Vincent Farm Equipment at Seaforth continues to grow and offers a rewarding opportunity for mechanics. Experienced and aggressive individuals are required.' ideal working conditions, fringe benefits, Excellent oppor- tunity for the right people. To arrange an interview contact Marten Vincent, Vincent Farm Equipment Limited, Seaforth. Telephone 527-0120. LICENSED MECHANIC for our new John Deere Service Centre at Blyth. Are you con- scientious, aggressive, have ability to manage a new shop? Please apply to: Mr. Earl Long Huron Tractor ltd. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-1115 8. HELP WANTED SERVICES to Others. Want new challenges? Need new Career? Don't quit your present job. Ti' ours part-time first. No charge for educational sales training or materials. Full time career oppor- tunities for successful trainees. Write Mr. James Edgar, Box 123 Listowel, Ont, or call 291-3763 after p.m,-23,24b WANTED—Baby sitter to sleep nights only. Phone 482.6636 after p p.m.-24b CARPENTER, or carpenter's helper. Phone 482-3305-24tfn STUDENT, 15, desires work for summer and after school, in fall as clerk-typist (55 wpm) or sales clerk. Phone Tami Thurlow 482-7727-24 HELP WANTED for dining room and kitchen. Apply in person at Hensel! Hotel.-24b 9. WANTED (General) TIMBER WANTED Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. Write ,for free estimate. ROBERT EAGLESON AILSA CRAIG, ONT or Phone Collect 232-4450 before 8:30 a.m. WANTED MATURE PERSONS FOR GATE CONTROL AT CLINTON KIN- SMEN RACEWAY APPLY TO STEVE BROWN 482-9321 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires OCCASIONAL TEACHERS— (Supply Teachers) to do supply work in the elementary and secondary schools during 1973-74. Written applications in- cluding qualifications, social insurance number, and telephone number must be mailed before June 25th to J.W. Coulter, Superintendent of Program and Planning, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. Applicants should indicate the grades and/or subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools In which they would serve. Front this Information lists of available teachers will be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact applicants when their ser- vices are required. Persons presently serving as Occasional Teachers In our schools must resubmit an application to ensure having their name on the 1973.74 lists. D.J. Cochrane, E.C. Hill Director. Chairman. DEADLINE FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER !ARTICLES FOR SALE • 'ARTICLES FOR SALE G & G CONCRETE PRODUCTS R.R. 3 Zurich, Ont. - patio and sidewalk blocks - precast cement products • (steps, tables, flower pots) Phone 236.4321 or 236-4065 23,24b COINS Paying top prices for Canadian and American coins, Sliver Dollars, Mint Sots, etc. also all Gold Coins. ALL DEALS CONFIDENTIAL Contact V. POPE 524-9085 GODERICH 3 bedroom apartment; livingroom, kitchen; 4 piece bath, full basement. Early possession. Phone 482- sas er 7988—xfn CONESTOGA COLLEGE CLINTON CENTRE REQUIRES INTERIM TEACHERS for —Academic upgrading Science July and part of August-6 week. -,--Acadenilt upgrading Mathematics July - 4 weeks —Acedentic upgrading English July and August 8 weeks --Poist secondary and academic Upgrading English teacher to start late August. Salaries commensurate with qualification* and •Ic, Frederic*. Apply to: Mrs Roes Milton Chairman- Clinton Centro Box 180 Clinton, Ont. Phone 492-3456 Expiry date for applioatioril Juno 20, 1973