HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-06-07, Page 11, - , BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION And EXCAVATING CUSTOM BULLDOZING R.R. 2 Goderich 524-9804 RICHARD LOBO EXPERIENCED AUCTIOdNEER APPRAISER CLINTON. ONT. PHONE: 482-9431 or 482- 7898 c tfn K and K GENERAL CARPENTRY FOR FAST HOME REPAIRS & RENOVATIONS CALL 482-9518 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN . EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482-3320 _on, IWWWWWWWWWIMMIO, MIN 18.MISCELLANEOUS WHEN YOU SWEAR! It may hurt others it does you no good, It reflects discredit upon your training It is sin against God. CLINTON NEWS-RECORLI,Ttpisimv, Aelkg 7097a-41 TOM'S and WAYNE'S whitewashing. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Phone Wayne Kennedy 482- 9851.-23b,24b WHEELCHAIRS-The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Doug Cantelon, 482- 7779 or Mrs. M. Batkin, 482- 3866.-23 STAN BLOWES Travel Service, 32 Wellington Street, Strat- ford. For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments, Prepaid arrangements for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271- 5710-23 12, AUCTION SALE AUCTIONEERS trod LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction, methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIkD 482-3120 _ Ay_ 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday, and Thursday TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Priday — Beet Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237.3314 Dashwood, ten Na. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing. Scholl's Food Market, Hensel!. Beef-Monday; Pork — Tuesday, Pick-up service available, Hamburg pal ieS made on request, 2(12.2017. — otOtfn EAVESTROUGHING, aluminum pr galvanized. Estimates without ohligaticin. Contact R.E. Ruttan, R.R. 3, Wingham. Phone 357- 1077.-161n REMOOELLI NO, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482.7670. Ken McNairn, — c2tfn ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES - when you're in the market for promotional gifts or calendars. "Buy Canadian and Save Money." Check our good prices and reliable service. Just call Mary E. Hanlon, representing Commonwealth Adver- tising Ltd. Clinton 482-7037-19eow WEBER'S SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE—we pump septic tanks, cesspools, etc. Modern equipment used. 15 years experience. Phone or write Lloyd Weber and Son 887- 6700 Brussels-17tfn LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing, W.N. Counter. Clinton, Ontario. — c tfn CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING i ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652. -18tfn SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482-7644 tfn HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 KING ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL FARM WIRING CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL Mtn VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctin ill.. ...A JACK'S • WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 482.9695 CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) C-- 5tfn WANT ADS • 5 i• Auction Sale of New FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & GIFTWARE at BALL ,AUCTIONS - SAUsskt:S,'ONtAttio,'"';"- ' DIRECTLY BEHIND THE QUEENS HOTEL Friday, June 8th, at 8 p.m. Featuring: Matching stove and refrigerator, in avocado gold or green, Deluxe side by side refrigerator (fooderama) by Leonard. Matching washer and dryer, colour and black & white T.Y.s, • several styles of chesterfield suites, spanish and maple bedroom suites, bunk beds, coffee end tables, prism lamps, sway lamps, pole lamps, kitchen suites, continental box spring and mattresses, desks, lazy boy chairs, automatic zig zag sewing machines, tapestries, dishes, swords, plus many other items too numerous to mention. Sales conducted weekly by Ball Auctions Auctioneer: R.A. Ball Lunch booth and seating provided Morning Antique Auction Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1973 10:30 A.M. at the Auction Rooms - one mile South of Goderich on Hwy 21 Ox-yoke, spinning wheel, wagon seat, harness maker, flat-to- wall cupboard, five commodes, dressers, 5 sets press back chairs, one set chicken coop chairs, Press back armchair and child's rocker, arrow back and boston rockers, wicker chairs, love seat, 2 blanket boxes, trunks, ice box, Jelly cupboard, kit- chen cabinet, parlor table. Butter churn, oil lamps, Iron pots, bells, frames, tinware, copper boilers, crocks, bottles, quilts, bear-skin coat, carnival glass, depression glass, Nippon, part toilet sets, chine, glass, etc., etc.... TERMS CASH MIKE CUMMINGS Auctioneer 524-9064 rz • u") CO (X Cl) IX d a CU 0 CL 0 ci) Gas connections, estimates for houses, apart- ments, warehouses and renovations. R.R. 5, GODERICH, ONT. WA T ER HE AT ER S 'LeBow oat plumbng a heat i ng LEARN TO PLAY Guitar, Drum*, Accordion, Organ or Piano UNDER EXPERT INSTRUCTION THE ACADEMY of MUSICAL ARTS is now enrolling students In the NEW CLINTON STUDIO at 1 9 ALBERT STREET (Upstairs) inquire about our exciting programme with music and Instruments supplied.. APTITUDE TESTS GIVEN FREE CALL 4824757 for information 22,23b PETER'S CONSTRUCTION Specializing in Framing and Dry Wall For Free Estimates Call 672-4799 or 434-9502 "We Buy and Sell" PHONE 519402-9138 -r A 5Canelaote'e 0 L STONE HOUSE ANTIQUES CLINTON, ONTARIO A 2.8 MILES EAST OM CLINTON ON HIGHWAY 8 had been a suest at the banquet recently, Fred Wagner and Robert Slater attended from Village council re placing street signs on Auburn Streets. A lively discussion followed' and then the members voted to buy the signs with the Village respon- sible in putting up the posts and supports, Delegates were chose,ri to go to the District amnia' at Dungannon; Mrs,. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Roy Daer and Mrs, Thomas Lawint. The program was in the charge of the 441 members and their leaders and they presen- ted their fashion show of knits. Auburn I members were Joanne Hickey, Lynn Turner, Sherry Plaetzer, Jayne Arthur, Wanda Plaetzer, Aiwa Ball, Trudy Machan, Cathy Pen- found, June Machan and Doris Naylor. Leaders were Mrs. Donald Cartwright and Mrs. James Schneider. Auburn 2; Marie Empey, Cathy McClinchey, Lorraine Chamney, Doreen McClinchey, Yvonne Bean, Karen MeClin- chey, Gail Patterson, Margaret ' Franken, Sandra McClinchey; Mrs. William Empey and Mrs. Maurice Bean were the leaders, Auburn 3; Marilyn Wight- man, Faye Hildebrand, Joyce Chamney, Judy Robinson Deb- bie Jefferson, Barbara Cham- ney, Jane Thompson, Sherry Verbeek and Janice Cook. The leaders were Mrs. John Hildebrand and Mrs. Ted Robinson. Auburn 4: Linda Van Dongen, Faye Seers, Judy Van Dongen, Carol Gross, Gabrielle Volmle. The leader was Mrs. Frank Raithby. Plans were made to cater to a wedding dinner. Mrs. Donald Haines is convener of the kit- chen and Mrs. Thomas Lawlor convener of the dining-room. The motto "Seven words to live by; live-love-learn, think, give, laugh and try wasgiven by Mrs, Ralph Munro. Roll call was answered by "A Career I Wish I Could Have Chosen", Hostesses were MM. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son, Mrs. Leonard Archarn- bault, Mrs. Norman McDowell and Mrs. James Schneider. Prizes went tq Mrs. Donald Cartwright for having the lucky cup, to Miss Ellen Thompson for having the lucky glass and Mrs, Kenneth McDougall for having the birthday nearest that date. AUBURN SOCIALS Mrs. George Millian returned to her home last week after several weeks a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Mrs. Harry Arthur visited her father, Mr, Elmer Keller in Victoria Hospital, London, last Wednesday. A former Auburn resident, Roy Finnegan, now of Goderich, is a patient in Goderich hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weir and Mrs. Elsie Euatace of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay and attended the baptismal service for the former's grandson, Michael Stiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stiles of Goderich, at St. George's Anglican church, Goderich, A number from this com- munity attended the Golden Wedding celebrations of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrews of Goderich. Mrs. Jessie Naylor returned home last weekend after being a patient in University Hospital, London following leg surgery. Mrs. Jack Armstrong visited her father, Jack Carter in Vic- toria Hospital, London, last Wednesday. Mary Lyn Merrill was awarded the senior girls basketball most valuable player plaque at the recent athletic banquet held at Central Huron Secondary School. Mrs. Reed made the presentation (photo by Jack Hunt) Clinton man heads Power Squadron TOWN. AND COUNTRY • CLASSIFIEDS 11. TENDERS FOR' --Truco Masonry saw, toed only a few hours. Model TM 205, 14" head 2 H,P. /15.230 VOLTS, C,S.A. approved complete with stand and two 14" abrasive blades. Highest bid pot necessarily accepted. Contact Mr. H.J. Homuth, principal between 9-4 at C.H.S,S. Clinton, Closing date, June 22, 1973,723,24b 13, SERVICES AVAILAILE QUICK cash to pay bills, or make a ,purchase, Call Brad Hamilton. Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. clutf COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE And SUPPLIES Open 7 Days a Week Mon. thru Sat. till dark Sunday 12 to 8 ART'S Landscaping A Nursery 88 BENNET ST. E., GODERICH 524.9128 CITATION, Golden Falcon, Flyte, Holiday Travel Trailers; Bellevue, Woods, Olsen Tent Trailers; Truck Toppers; Crestliner, Springbok, Chrysler Boats & Motors; Hitches & Tenting Equipment, CAMP-OUT, RENTALS, SALES. Huron St. W, Stratford. 393-5938,-16.30b 21,rorros HAYTER; To Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hayter of R R 1 Varna, in Clinton Public Hospital, on May 27, 1973, ' scoot Jason Robert, a brother for Jef-frey, KOETSIER: Mr. and Mrs. Keith Koetsier are happy to announce the birth of their son Jason Thomas in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, May 30, 1973. 26, CARD OF THANKS PEPPER: My sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards, let- ters, gifts and visits while I was a Patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London and since my returning home. -Helen Pepper.-23b CARTER: I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr, Newland, nurses and staff of Clin- ton Public Hospital for their kind- ness during my stay there, Jim Car- ter.-23b The directors of the Huron Central Agricultural Society would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all of the people who gave so generoulsy of their time and labour to make the 1973 Clinton Spring Fair the biggest and best fair ever. To all those who made donations and supplied trophies, to Mr. Cull and the students of the Huron Cen- tral Secondary School who supplied entertainment on Saturday evening free of charge and to everyone con- nected with the fair in any way, we say "Thank you", It was greatly ap- preciated.-23b COX: I would like to thank all my friends and relatives who sent flowers, gifts and cards, also those who visited me during my stay in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to Kathy and Grandma for looking af, ter the children. Sincerely, Elaine Cox,-23p LOBB and TEBBUTT: We would like to thank our friends and neigh- bours of the 16th and Maitland Concession for the lovely gifts which were presented to us at the recent farewell party. Your kindness will always be remembered. Special thanks to all who made the arrangements for such an enjoyable evening.—Alma Lohb, Ada and Carman Tebbutt-23p WILTSE: Words are quite inadequate in expressing our deep appreciation to our family and friends for cards, calls and gifts on the occasion of our 60th wedding anniversary. God bless you everyone. Milton and Polly W iltse. —23p W.I. The May meeting of the Auburn women's Institute was held last week in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall with the 4-I-I club members and their mothers as guests. The meeting was in the charge of the president, Mrs, Donald Cartwright. A discussion followed on the care of the park at the river. David Glousher will be asked to cut the grass and Bud Cham- ney to pick up the garbage with the village collecting. Trees are also being planted there and shingles and paint are to be put on the out-hous'es. A letter of thanks was read for the donation to Huronview and also one from Mrs. Harold Gaunt, district president, who Obituary MRS. ALVIN WILHELM Mrs. Alvin Wilhelm, the for- mer Vera Steep, died at Kit- chener—Waterloo Hospital on Friday, May 25, 1973. Born at Clinton, she was the daughter of the late Mr. James Steep and the former Lila Cam- pbell. Mrs. Wilhelm is survived by her husband and one sister, Mrs. Gordon (Hazel) Hoy of Clinton. She was predeceased by two sisters. The Baptist funeral service, which was conducted by the Rev, Clayton Wilhelm of Dor- chester was held at the Bruce J. Oniand Paneled Home. New Hamburg on Monday, May 28 at 2 pan, Pallbearers were: Lloyd Hoy end James Hoy, both of Clin- ton; Ronald Hugill, Lambeth; Armour O'Connell, Guelph; Norval Wilhelm, Baden; and Bonnie Des Jardine, Baden. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Goderich Power Squadron held its graduation ceremonies and change of watch for 1973- 74 at a well-attended function at the White Carnation, Holmesville, on Friday evening, June 1, The Goderich unit is one of 125 squadrons of Canadian Power Squadrons, a nationwide safe-boating organization with 15,000 members and associates from coast to coast, The local squadron serves all Huron County and portions of Bruce and Lambton Counties. District Commander W.A. Hallett, London, installed the 1973-74 executive committee as follows: Commander, B.E. Kuehl, Clinton; Past Comman- der, K,S. Wood, Clinton; secretary-treasurer, J.J. Mulherti, Goderich; first rieutehants: J,K, Sully, Goderich and E,A. Davies, Clinton; training officer, AAR. Elder, Clinton; supply officer, George Robertson, Goderich; safety officer, Donald G. Mart, Exeter; public relations officer, R.S. Atkey, Clinton. Graduates of the various courses were as fellows: boating , Rev, DeNtill Doeken, Walton; David E. Gornall, Clinton; Mrs, Kirati Rarrett, Clinton; William Linfield, Exeter; Mrs, V,M, Menzies, volougoomen.morgoismorimmomMologiollosiow. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE. FACTORY WORKERS We require production workers in our Stratford and Mitchell plants -- No experience necessary -- Good Rate of pay plus tulnus -- Company Paid: Life Insurance Hospital Insurance Medical insurance Sitkneis Insurance APPLY IN PERSON TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie St, Stratford, Ontario The May meeting of the United Church Women was held in the.Sunday school room with Unit 2 in charge, Mrs. Brian Hallam was leader and Mrs. James Jackson, the pianist, The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. John Durnin, Mrs. James Jackson played an in- strumental followed by prayer by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer. Mrs. Major Youngblut and Mrs. Bert Daer gave a dialogue on "Gratitude" A chapter from the Study Book on India was given by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall who discussed farming in India. Mrs. Dorothy Grange gave a reading on "Stewardship of Time." The offering was received by Mrs. Keith Artfl/. and Mrs. William de Jong. Mrs. Ted East presided for the business. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Thirty-fifth wedding anniver- sary celebrations were held on Sunday, May 27 for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Jardin ,of Wingham at the home of of their eldest son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jardin and family of Kitchener. Those present for the family gathering were Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan, Auburn (parents of Mrs. Jardin); Mr. and Mrs, Paul Jardin and Melissa of Kitchener; Mrs. Bonnie Armour and Julie of Waterloo; and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jardin and Michael of London. Other visitors who called in were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rieck, and Mr. and Mrs. William Rieck and Sheila of Kitchener. Completing the family's good wishes was a phone call from Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Jardin of Port Alberni, B.C. RECTOR DIES Special prayers were offered for the bereaved widow and family of the late Reverend John Lancelly Hodge Hender- son, D.D. at St. Mark's Anglican church last Sunday morning, by Rev. Fred Carson, rector. The Rev. Henderson was teeter here,,,1945,eq,190,-,,, He passed away at Venice; Italy on May 24 in his 56th year. He was librarian and professor of History at Huron College, London. He is survived by his wife Mary (Lee) and children John Lee, Jane Frances Anne and Thomas Jeremy Henderson; one brother, Arthur of King, Ont.; Miss Lillian Henderson of Montreal; Lawrence of Florida; and Donald of London. The funeral service took place at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, on June 1 with the Bishop of Huron officiating. Burial took place in Gosnell Cemetery, Highgate, Ontario. Clinton;.. Gerald Paolin, Goderich; Rev. K. Barry Passmore, Wingham; Mrs. Gwen Perry, Goderich; Thomas H.E. Perry, Goderich; George Penfold, Clinton; Clayton Scholtz, Goderich; Mrs, Donna Wood, Clinton. seamanship - John K. Sully, Goderich. ad- vanced piloting—Carlton C. Blackmore, Clinton; Edward A. Davies, Clinton; Charles G. Procter, Brussels; Anthony S. Shepherd, Huron Park. senior member award, for receiving five merit marks, was made to R.S. Atkey, Clinton, Addressing the graduates, D/C Hallett stressed the role of Canadian Power Squadrons in promoting "safe boating through education" from coast to coast in Canada, He em., phasized that the men and women of the organization are dedicated to the establishment of a high standard of skill in handling of small boas, both power and sail. Mrs. Peggy Menzies and David Gornall replied in behalf of the graduates and presented appropriate gifts to the two in' strueters of the boating course: E.A. Davies and C.C. Black- more. The evening was concluded with the annual Commander's Ball.