HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-05-31, Page 9I'M A FLUID POWER TECHNICIAN My job Is to service and In- stall hydraulic and pneumatic equipment. Want a well paying job with a future - start by enrolling in the Fluid Power Technician program at Conestoga College. 1 would like information on this full-time program designed for high school graduates or equivalent. NAME — air imp.no w.ral ••••• Address Phone —...-...: Please return tO: Registrar, Conestoga College, 290 boon Ilailey Drive, Kitchener. 653- 2511 Ext, 251 CNR-FP'T 9E ! "r/oiri ;,A4 I 1. BANK FINANCE RATES 11.78% on new and ME1**111•1111•1 MIIMON* USED CAR SPECIALS WE HAVE A NUMBER OF 1973 CHEVS, PONTIACS, CHEVEIEFIS AND LE MANS — 1972 CHEVROLET Impala, 2 and 4 door hardtops, fully equipped 2 — 1972 FORD 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes A number of 1972 Chev Biscayne 4 door sedans, power steering and brakes 1971 FORD Custom 500 4 door sedan 1971 DODGE Montego 2 door hardtop 1971 PONTIAC Le Mans 2 door hardtop 1971 PONTIAC Laurentian 2 door hardtop — 1971 CHEVROLET Inipala, 4 door hardtops 971 COUGAR 2 door hardtop 971 PONTIAC Parisienne Brougham, 4 door hardtop 970 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop 970 FORD Galmde, 2 door hardtop 970 METEOR 4 door hardtop 970 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop 969 MERCURY Marquis 4 door sedan — 1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door hardtop and a 2 door hardtop — 1965 - 1968 Models STATIONWAGONS 1972 FORD Ranch wagon 1970 PONTIAC stationwagon 1970 FORD stationwagon 1970 MEV stationwagon 1968 FORD 10 passenger stationwagon USED TRUCKS 2 — 1971 G,M.C. 1 ton cab and chassis with dual wheels 1970 FORD 1 ton cab and chassis 1970 FORD 1 ton pickup .2 —1969 FORD Vans, one standard and one automatic 1969. 60 series cab and chassis tOkotyVVVVVVVSAIVSNSAAAAANt Brussels Motors BP Service Station Phone 111/4173 e.g. 36 months at used models STORE HOURS YOU'LL APPRECIATE US.. COUNTRY MON 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. THURS. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. TUES 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. FRI. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. WED. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SAT. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. 11 SUNDAY: * OPEN .1 2 NOON to 5 P.M. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS SPECIALS EFFECTIVE 'TIL SUNDAY, 5 P.M, DISCOUNT FOODS MEAT IT'S SCHNEIDER'S WEEK AT COUNTRY MARKET FRESH. PORK - BONE IN BUTT ROAST LB. 79c ROiiilliiCH PS .15 c SCHNEIDER BEEF STEAKETTES LB' 89c SCHNEIDER FAMILY PKG. a, I. BEEF PATTIES PACK SCHNEIDER'S 6 OZ VAC PKG. HAM, STEAKS 85c 69c SCHNEIDER'S 1 LB, VAC PKG. SIDE BACON 99c SCHNEIDER'S 6 OZ VAC PKG. LUNCHEON MEATS 39c SCHNEIDER'S 6 OZ. VAC PACK SCHNEIDER'S HAM 69c MINI,S1ZZLERS LB.85t IiiiivIAPA.106r. 29& GROCERIES ROSE BRAND ASSORTED VARIETIES RED PATH 5 LB. PKG. WHITE PICKLES 39c SUGAR 73c 5 LB. PKG — KING SIZE HEINZ OR GERBERS 43 /4 OZ: BOLD DETERGENT $1.79 BABY FOOD 5i7 5c JOY 32 OZ. LISTERINE 15 OZ. BONUS PKG. LIQUID DEL 59c MOUTHWASH 89c 14 02 COMET 2 ROLL PKG DELSEY - ASSORT COLORS CLEANSER 2i47c TOILET TISSUE Z6 9c INSTANT . . CHOICEANTNILK $ 1 .7 3 PAPERTOWELS 5 9c AYLMER NEW FREEDOM 12 PKG. CANNED TOMATOES 3199c SANITARY NAPKINS 5 7c AYLMER 14 02. CHOICE 2 PKG• 24 02 SIZE MIR CREAM CORN 5199c LIQUID DETERGENT69c lioAR 4 & BEANS 48 9c INSTANTCOFF EE $1.3 5 crimik4INHHNOjE 51 9c 1 c ATIRIT4 FoCKTA1L 3i9 9c JOHNSON NILIC $ 1 .5 9 MARSHALL TiAli LB. 7 itc ST. LAWRENCE 02. 69c CANADA NO. 1 LARGE AT VANASTRA (FORMERLY C.F,B. CLINTON) AMPLE FREE PARKING SCHNEIDER'S 1 LB. PKG. WIENERS 3 LB. VIM • 2 ROLL PKG KLEENEX Hot House Tomatoes CANTALOUPES E 9c 2 Lb $! PRODUCE OF U.S.A. SIZE 75 The Ladies Guild of Trinity Anglican Church hosted a shower for Miss Rhea. Sturgeon, bride-elect of June, in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening, May 22. The Hall was artistically decorated with wedding bells, streamers and an inverted um- brella filled with spring flowers, overhanging with ap- ple blossoms. Mrs_ . Gloria McClinchey was the winner of the game prize. Miss Barbara Graham, read the address to the bride-to-be, and many lovely and useful gifts were presented to Rhea, She was assisted in opening and displaying her gifts by Danielle Simons, Karen and Monica Gemeinhardt; Bar- bara Graham, Nancy Graham, and Wendy Turner, for which Rhea graciously thanked everyone for the honour accor- ded her, A delicious lunch was ser- ved by the ladies of the Guild, Wednesday evening, Mrs. Grace Potter held a shower for Rhea at her home in Holmesville, and Friday evening, Milvena Erickson was hostess for a relatives shower at her home, in the Village. PAINTING SPREE Last week the) Young Peoples Group of KnOx Presbyterian Church painted the entire basement and under the direc- tion of the Student Ministers, Messers Steven and Michael Farris, have more such projects planned for the summer mon- ths. The Young Peoples gatherings are continuing at the Farris Cottage, and all young people are cordially in- vited to attend these Sunday evening get-togethers, APPOINTMENT leased to announce the ap- ointment of Mr. Stephen Scot- er as vice-president of Bay ills Limited and general anager, Crenette Division. A Chemical Engineering aduate from Queens Univer- sity, Kingston, Mr. Scotchmer held positions with Polymer Corporation, Sarnia, Ontario and Kimberly-Clark Cor- poration, Neenah, Wisconsin, prior to joining the Company in 1970. Located in St, Catharines, Ontario the. Crenette Division manufactures and markets non-woven fabrics for the rubber, automotive, paper and vinyl industries, Bay Mills is a diversified manufacturer and distributor of plastics and industrial fabrics. Stephen is the eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. A.F, Soot- chmer of Bayfield. He is married to the former Jean Foie of Goderich, and they have two daughters, Molly and Jody. FUNDS RAISED A number of Bayfield women raised $63.00 for the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary. Parties and donations were given by Mrs. L. Apedaile, Mrs. J,E. Cameron, Mrs; F, Clift, Mrs, J. Garrett, Mrs. G. Graham, Mrs. G. Heard, Mrs. J.E. Hovey, Mrs. J, Land, Mrs. J. MacKen- zie, Mrs. W. Metcalf, Mrs. E.W. Oddliefson, Mrs. M. Watson, Mrs. Percy Weston, Mrs. L. Westlake, SHOWER A bridal shower, given by the Ladies of St. Andrews United Church, was held Monday evening May 21 in honour of Miss Mary Altman. Her marriage to Allon Reddoch, son of Rev. and Mrs. James Reddoch takes place Saturday evening June 2, in Kincardine. Contests by Kathleen Siert- sema and Carol Penhale were enjoyed and Wendy Penhale gave a reading on "Husbands". A booklet entitled, "Advice to the Newlyweds" was put together by the ladies during the evening, and also a recipe collection. Mildred Merrill read the address to the bride, and the gifts were presented by Debbie Siertsema, Terri Weber and Wendy Penhale. Mary made a lovely reply and lunch was served. BROWNIES Thirteen Brownies and their Leaders, Ruthann Knights, .Lonnelda Sturgeon and. Carol. Penhale attended a Guide meeting. at Robertson Memorial School on Wed- nesday evening, This is one .of the items the girls must do. for their Golden Hand. ADVANCEMENT /Cent County Board of Education has announced the appointment of Mr, Howard Scotchmer, B.A. to the prin- cipal's position at Winston Churchill Public School in Chatham, Mr. Scotchmer is presently vice-principal of Merlin Area Public School, and was Chairman of the Kent Elementary School Teachers 1972-73 negotiating committee. Howard is the son of Mrs. L.W. Scotchmer of 'Bayfield, and received his primary schooling in Bayfield Public School, his secondary education in Clinton and is a graduate of London Teacher's College. TEA Mrs. Elane Brandon held a trousseau tea on Sunday May 20, to honour her daughter Lynn, whose marriage took place, Saturday May 26 in St. Andrews United Church, Bayfield. The home was tastefully decorated in pink and white, carrying out the theme on the lace covered table, Mrs. Denby and Mrs. Esther Makins poured tea during the afternoon and Mrs. Carolyn Snell and Mrs. Wynn Graham poured in the evening, Aunts of the bride-to-be served the refreshments. The trousseau and gifts were nicely displayed and shown by,Barbara Graham and Karen Brandon (sister of the bride). Lynn had several showers given her, including the ladies of St. Andrews Church; Bar- bara Graham had her friends and neighbours, and the nurses of Wingham Hospital, where Lynn is presently employed. BRIDGE Twelve ladies of the Bayfield Bridge Belles partook of a 'lovely smorgasbord dinner at the Bedford Hotel, Goderich last Wednesday evening. They met afterwards at the home of Dorothy Weston for a game of bridge. All reported a good time. Timothy, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian King of Lon- don, was baptized in Trinity Anglican Church Sunday mor- ning, May 27. The service, per- formed by the Rector, Rev. George Youmatoff, was atten- ded by four generations of the family; great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell, and Mrs. John Turner, Bayfield; Mrs. Jean Playford, Massey, Ont. and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Bayfield. • Mr. Philip Turner, Goderich and Mr, and Mrs. Dan Carr, London were the baby's God- parents. The Christening Gown worn by Timothy was worn by his great-grandfather, the late Mr. John Turner, and first worn by a great•-aunt, Mrs. Florence Campbell, It is 97 years old, Following the Bap- tismal service, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Turner entertained at a buffet luncheon at their home. PERSONALS Albion Hotel registered guests included; Mr, and Mrs„ Ben Platnik, Huntington Woods, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. George Hume, Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Green- stone, Birmingham, Mich, Mr. Norman Brown of Lon- don, passed another milestone in his life, and celebrated Saturday by entertaining guests at his cottage. Mr. Norman F, Cooper, Mount Clemens, Mich., spent the weekend with his wife Patricia, at their village residence. Mr. Cooper was ac- companied by guests from Detroit and Mount Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cluff, Rob and Tare, and Barbie Tillman t London were at the Tillman cottage for the weekend. Mrs. Brian King, Matt and Tim, London were with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner last week. Brian joined his family for the weekend,Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carr, London and Mrs. Jean Playford, Massey, were also weekend guests of the Robert Turners. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Durham, Jim and Ron of- Clarkson, spent the weekend with their uncle Carl and Mrs, Diehl at the "Hut". Mrs, Ruth Makins and Bon- nie are spending a few days with the formeii sister in Pitt- sburg, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pence, Stephen and Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. E.M. MacNamara, all of Rochester, Mich. were weekend guests of Mrs. J.M. Atkinson. Several cottagers were in the village during the weekend. Among those were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Guilfoyle and family, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. George Cantrick and family, Bir- mingham, Mich.; and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laudenbach and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Mayor, London, were in the village on Thursday renewing acquain- tances and visited with the Erickson family. Mr. and 'Mrs, Casey Homuth and Sheml,,Of Kitchener, and Mr. and ItOrCISOWerSiihd* Sharon, Glen Allen, visited during the weekend with Mrs, Margaret Garrett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ben- neweis, Murray, Donald, Greg, Lisa and Chris of Seaforth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Irwin. Mrs. L.W. Scotchmer, spent from Wednesday till Friday with her daughter and family Congratulations to Monica Gemeinhardt, a daughter of Mrs. K. Gemeinhardt of Bayfield, who graduated Tuesday from Brock Univer- sity, St. Catharines, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She intends to resume her studies in psychology at Brock this fall. Mrs. Gemeinhardt atten- ded the graduation exercises, and spent a few days in St. Catharines with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder, Lambeth, and attended a shower for her granddaughter, Cathy, bride..elect of June, at the home of Mrs. Doug Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Steckle Jr., Lisa and Lori, Goderich, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Steckle Sr. on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Scot- chmer, Robert and Lori, Chatham, were with his Mother, Mrs. LW. Scotchmer, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder, and family, Lambeth, spent the weekend at their village home. Mrs. Gilbert Knight spent a few days in Toronto with her son-in-law, daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer, Bill, Gil and Christy, and on Sat. attended the wed- ding of a nephew, Larry Ferguson to Miss Linda Tim- ney, in the Presbyterian Church in Thornhill. Best wishes to Mrs. Fred Arkell, who is home after spen- ding the past week in Goderich General Hospital; and to Walter Green, who is able to be home after being a patient in Clinton Hospital. Many Happy Returns to Mrs. Sturgeon Sr. who celebrated her 80th birthday, iyionday, May 28. British actor Robert Morley claims that the only ones who really know how to treat a motor car are the elephants in Kenya. "They turn them over and sit on them." Quoted by Ontario Safety League. The Magic Circle unit of Wesley Willis U.C.W. was held in the ehurch on Tuesday My 10 with 27 ladies present, Florence Oliver opened with a poem "Give Yourself a little Time". Ettie Hugill read the Scripture. Greta Nediger and Bessie Steepe gave a reading on one Mother'e 23rd psalm. Jean Hanly and Betty Lou Bundy from Goderich, accom- panied by Mrs. McMillan of Goderich sang two beautiful duets, Mrs. Mowatt gave some thoughts on India. She stressed the idea that we should be con- cerned for all sick, sad, lonely and hungry people in the world and try to do something about it besides going home to pray for them, still leaving them lonely and hungry, Her talk, as always, was informative and inspirational, In the business session Katharine Howard reported plans for "Get Aquainted Day" to be held at the church on June 13, Helen Davis reported for the Woodland Castle and Bake Sale Garden Tea to be held by the Magic Circle on June 27 at Katherine Howard's home at 73 East Street, Helen Davis also reported for the Salkeld picnic held last week The annual Salkeld family picnic' was held on Sunday, May 27 at the United Church Camp, north of Goderich. It was attended by 46 members whose ancestors had arrived in Canada 140 years ago. A buffet picnic luncheon was served at 1 p.m. and a business session, convened by President Howard Aitken was held after lunch. Mrs. Florence Talmay read the 1973 Salkeld Spectator to the group bringing up to date news of the many members of the family living throughout Canada and other parts of the world including New Zealand. Officers elected for the coming Year were President, 'George Hume Of Tbriiiitor President, Howard Aitken of Goderich; 1st vice-president, Doug Blacker; secretary- treasurer, T.J. Salkeild of Lucknow; Editor, Florence Talmay, R.R. 6 Goderich. Family members were present from Toronto, Scar- borough, Stratford, Clinton, Goderich,' Lucknow, St. Helens and other points, "Country Store" to be held on November 3 at Wesley-Willis Church, Further announ- cenrients later, A singing group from Camp Borden will be singing in Wesley-Willis on June 3rd. The Morning Glory unit will prepare dinner for them with the Magic Circle's help, Dr. Mowatt showed beautiful ,slides of their trip to Arizona with an interesting commen- tary which almost made you think you had been there also. Betty Lou and Jean sang again. Thanks to the guests for pic- tures and music was expressed by Ettie Hugill and the meeting closed with the Benediction. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess group. PLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1,03_4 Magic Circle plans Tea Garden News of Bayfield B MI!sena Erickson LET MIKE LUCAS help you with your DECORATING PROBLEMS for FREE ESTIMATES for PAINTING and WALLPAPERING CALL CLINTON 482-3925 NOTICE LOU ROWLAND TRANSPORT LTD. will be operating a sub-assembly yard for market hogs at Lot 28, Conc. 1, Hibbert Township on No. 8 Higtiway near St. Columban, starting Tuesday, June 5, 1973 and each Tuesday thereafter between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 cm. atersestraeeterawameriotaeteaeameareaaree.estoomearmes Sows to be delivered on Thursdays only each week. earioneareaeteeeatateleteatetiofteseareelkelearePote Market hogs picked up at your own farm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday each week. goaelloatemetenreelleteattetreateeia 401 Cattle picked up at your farm each Tuesday for delivery to Toronto Stock Yards, etc. For further information please call collect 345-2301 Dublin. Thanking you for your patronage Lou Rowland per Lou Rowland Transport Ltd. 22,23b