HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-05-17, Page 2NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1973 Catherine Hunt (left) presented a leadership award to Mrs. Don Suchanan of R R 1 Londesboro. The award signifies five years of service to the club. (Staff Photo) Guaranteed InVeStrnent- Mgr Certificates now! Get yours today at... EI The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. WCTORL4 and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1 889 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 6:00 Friday L.R. Zurbrlgg, Manager 524-7381 Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich CAPRI ASSORTED COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE 6 roil pkg. 79c . . t VICTORIA XS gill lib it KRAFT Miracll .0=0 LIMIT I MR PER FAMILY WITH '5 00 PURCHASE AND THIS COUPON Salad fEnCTIVE MAY len, 1973 Pea GOT 11191111499 121 In I 09 I INSOND ErTlr".. TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT Or MEAT BUY. LNG WITH THESE INFORMATIVE PURCNAS. ' 6105, , . GO MOM Oil NEU ONUS 110/IILItS1 Meat Identity Label HERE'S WHAT MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING DOES FOR YOU Our now l'b111T? you tells of o glance the 1 ° t°1h;spetifi=o itoPcut. 57y the 4 , Folder, 1. Kind of Mow. Every label shows the type n1 meat beef. pork. lamb or veal 2. frirool Cat. chuck.,, rib, loin, or hip . tells where the pleol comes from , „w. Our the 16ey flacerfrrolvt. glade roost or lop round steak . lops you exo(tly wh at par or it p ALL FOR Fresh TOP VALU WIENERS (I lb. pkg.) REGAL FOREST LUMP CHARCOAL (5 lb, bag) SHIRLEY GAY HOT DOG BUNS (pkg. of 8) Lean GROUND BEEF GROUND BEEF alinifirek LIMIT I DEAL PER (AMA? WITH '5,00 PURCHASE AND THIS COUPON EFFECTIVE MAY 16-22. 1973 AMINO AR $p7mi APPROXIMATE FAT CONTENT 25% TABLE v`: MEATS. WEIGHT I PAY Lb Nel E'er l4 1,00 1.12 1.12 BONELESS SHORT RIB ROAST ( I 11 informative Counter Card MAXIMUM FAT CONTENT 15% takes t e uesswork out of buying ground beef! now you can tell at a glance the maximum fat content with these 3 informative labels! IGA NOW GUARANTEES THAT THE GROUND BEEF YOU BUY WILL ALWAYS BE OF THE SAME CONSISTENT QUALITY, FLAVOUR AND GOODNESS, WEEK AFTER WEEK. A GLANCE AT OUR LABELS WILL SHOW YOU THE FAT CONTENT IN EACH GRADE OF GROUND BEEF, SO THAT YOU CAN CHOOSE THE BEST TYPE FOR YOUR PURPOSE - AND YOUR BUDGET. NO MORE GUESSWORK, AT !OA YOU CAN BUY BEEF WITH CONFIDENCE FAT CONTENT LESS THAN 15% Extra Lean GROUND BEEF 0=4 le= AussoassommommaingOstsurnmarum 114i. KOSkiER DILLS SWEET MIXED, OR BREAD & BUTTER HEINZ PICKLES 32 oz. jar U.S.A. NO. 1 FLORIDA CRISP CELERY STALKS be,i,g 35c CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO Marsh Cello CARROTS 2 ?4; 49c ASSORTED COLOURS WHITE SWAN 2 PLY FACIAL TISSUE pkg. of 180 29c ASSORTED VARIETIES, LIBBY'S RELISH 12 oz. jar 29c BLUE BONNET COLOURED MARGARINE 3 lb. pkg. 89c SCHNEIDER'S Fully Cooked SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER lb. 69c PANTRY SHELF CHOICE HALVES PEACHES 28 oz., tin 39c VALLEY FARM FROZEN FRENCH FRIES a 2 Ib. bag 29c CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS SHORT RIB ROAST lb.1 Ell 2 ESSO BAR B QUE LIGHTER FLUID 32 oz. tin 33c MARY MILES BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA lb. 39c TOP VALU FROZEN White or Pink LEMONADE 6 oz. tin 1 1 C ASSORTED FLAVOURS MARTINS FRUIT DRINKS 48 oz. tin 29c COLEMAN'S FULLY COOKED FOOTBALL STYLE Whole or Half SMOKED HAM lb. 99c SILVER GLORY SOCKEYE SALMON 73/4 oz. tin 69c BOLD BIOLOGICAL POWDERED DETERGENT 5 lb. pkg. 1.74 99c 89c 79c U.S.A. NO, 1 Crunchy Rosebud RADISHES 2 t4i 25c FOR HOLIDAY WEEKEND GARDENING Aero preen MUT Fertilizer 44 1.69 BURN'S Sweet Pickled 21/2 TO 41/2 lb. COTTAGE ROLLS lb 89c CUT FROM THE PORK LEG OF.PORK SHANK END ROAST lb•69c SINGLES YORK FROZEN - CONCENTRATE ASSORTED VARIETIES PICNIC-PAK 7 61, FORM 79' JUICE 3 i's°,;i I .00 111,,,,,0AEri,":vokr:::::"Cl7,1N2 Spring, ORANGE Drink Cups, "l'o'rbg? 39c HOT OR COLO NABOB, ALL PURPOSE Ai bit RITE SOOT ,... ,_ PAPER of *a Para S o FONDA 9" WHITE aw- COFFEE ok ,, GROUND 14 8VC biliNKs"" 24m" id ;CU PLATES Irts 89c BANQUE/ FROZEN ASSORTED VARIETIES KELLOGG'S DINNERS H r 76 'CSPIRTALL4g' II et. je IDC LEAVERPEC ES &-StE" 39e MEAT pk g. otwe MUSHRoOMS-7:0 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING . . . , TOP VALU REGULAR PROCESS CHEESE SLICES 1604 JELLO. ASSORTED FLAVOURS JELLY POWDERS4 MAXWELL HOUSE YORK FANCY GREEN PEAS OR 'ST, LAWRENCE INSTANT A, WHOLE KERNEL 4,i im CORN OFFER '''' 1 s lo CORN 2rArii,1 ABUIc OIL, LANCIA SPAGHETTI, sPAOHEItINI OR PURITAN yo CHIL)CON CAME, AssnrittiSleM, Or YORK SMOOTH READY CUT otiolic WIENERS ..,, PEANUT 24 a) 55II; — RUTTER MACARONI Via; 4V & BEANS IA 35 or 0 hR 9 3 t I 39 let RDAY, MAY 79, 973. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, Supplied end Serviced by M. Loeb Limited, BURNS VACUUM PACKED 1 lb. pkg. SKINLESS WIENERS 69c CAMPFIRE 1 lb. pkg. . SLICED SIDE BACON 85c TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED I lb. pkg. Ss4I'DicEEDBACON 95° FROZEN ALASKA BLUEFISH FILLETS WE SELL CANADA APPROVED GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEEF FROZEN KNIFE cur CHICKEN BREASTS lb. 83c DAVERN BEEF & PORK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE lb. 73' TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED 2 lb. pkg. SKINLESS WIENERS pkg, 1 .37 lb. 99e QUALITY PRODUCE "FRESHER BY FAR" DOLE TROPICAL TREAT Golden Yellow Bananas 12c PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA SWEET Jaffa good Oranges s D ize oz. 79c CLIP AND REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON CLIP AND REDEEM THIS VALUABLE COUPON Couple married 50 years from scraps, old bottles, paper and ribbon which she teaches to Senior citizens at Cedar Glen Camp near Toronto. Macrame, raffia, plastic flowers and weaving are also taught. She demonstrated making a ribbon rose, Shirley thanked all par- ticipating members and closed the meeting with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. Hostesses Irene and Lillian Blackwell served a tasty lunch, Sunday last was celebrated as Christian Family Sunday in many churches, At Ontario Street United Church three children were presented for the Sacrament of Baptism, They were Jody Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lee, Hugh Allen, son of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Cox and Kerry Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. Craig Cox. ' The Junior Choir par- ticipated in the service, singing "We Thank Thee for Our Mothers' and a men's quartet made up of Don Symons, George Turner, Stan Johns and John Lavis sang "The Church in the Wildwood". * * * The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the Rev. D. J. McMaster in the loss of his brother, the Rev. John K. McMaster, pastor of St, An- drew the Apostle Parish, Lon- don. * * * Wayne Hoy of James Street, Clinton was the winner of the As seen on channel See the new lined iSimp 1 irity washers& dryers at • • CHUTER PLUMBING & ELECTRIC 46 KING ST. .CLINTON Phone 482-7652 SHOCK ABSORBERS draw at the Clinton Colts stag recently, * * * * Winner of the $170 Clinton Legion Bingo last week was Miss Shelley Brown. * * * There seems to be a great deal of building activity in town just now. Council granted permits this week to the following; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reid sunporch, $4,500; Bruce Sehoenhals, house, $17,000; Baffles Bakery, $5,000; Fred Hudie, fence, $100; Eastbank Building, three houses valued at $22,000, $24,000, and $28,000,; Robert Campbell, pool,$4,500; Brian Lavis, house, $33,000; Lawrence Young, garage addition $1,000; Warren Gibbings, carport, $400, and Harold Frernlin, ad- dition $2,000. By Rene Caldwell The Board Meeting of Kip- pen East W.I. was held at the home of the president, Mrs. M. Connolly on May 8. Programs were planned for the coming year as well as a bus trip to the Niagara area on June 27. Mem- bers are asked to take pictures of Institute activities and will be paid for them. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis and Mrs. John Barnard spent Sunday in Wroxeter with relatives, Heather Victoria Judge daughter of Eric and Katharine Judge / London and grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor Kippen was baptized Sunday. Later a family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug McGregor. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley and Dianne Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilbee Seaforth, Mrs. John A. McGregor and Mrs. W,E. Butt Seaforth. FREE INSTALLATION AND 15 MIN. SERVICE UNIT 11 U.C.W. The May meeting of the Unit II of Hensall U.C.W. was held Monday evening at the Church. Shirley McAllister presided and opened with a prayer by Michael Quoist entitled "Lord I Have Time". Helen Drysdale gave a very inspiring devotional on planting seeds of friendship, love, study and good health habits. Plant the seeds with care, as you plant so will the harvest be. Hymns were sung with Pearl Passmore accompanying at the piano. Scripture,, was read from Psalms, followed by a hymn. The roll call answered by 18 members and two guests was a Bible verse with the word "Bless" in it. A film strip shown by Will Beck entitled "The Beloved Surgeon" 'showed remarkably new process to repair the hands of lepers in India and the work of Dr. Brand at the House of New Life, a Clinic which teaches lepers to earn a living using their reconstructed hands. The business portion of the meeting was conducted by Mona Alderdice, with plans being finalized for the Beef Barbecue on May 30. All tickets are to be presold for sit- tings ,ste 5,6, .and Helen •contieued'the devotion on• How- to' spend. your leisure hours stating that in the near future man will be working 22 hours a week, allowing ample time for leisure. Donna Forrest gave a very interesting talk and displayed many articles made W.I.meets On Monday evening May 14 35 members of the Goderich Township Women's Institute were entertained by the Oc-• cupational therapy Department at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich. A demonstration of their furniture rebuilding and refinishing operation was Demonstrated by Mr. Fritz Basler and Mr. Fred Brumsma who made the tour very in- teresting and informative. After coffee and cookies a short business meeting followed The group are to cater to the 25th Anniversary Luncheon of the Carlow Women's Institute on June 7th in the Carlow Hall Mrs. McCreath and Mrs. Fuller are conveners, Four Delegates were named to attend the District Annual on May 30th in Dungannon. They are Mrs. John Banter, Mrs, Will Porter. Mrs. Tom Penhale and Mrs. Robert Welsh, The meeting closed with the Institute Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harvey 45 Young St., Cetpreol, Ontario celebrated their Golden Wed- ding Anniversary 17th of April, amid a gathering of relatives and friends at the town's Legion Hall which was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Mr. Harvey, a retired machinist, worked for the C,N.R. for 46 years and was an avid hunter and fisherman, The couple were married in Capreol in 1923 and have resided there since, Marking the occasion of the couple's 50th Anniversary was a Scroll from Pope Paul VI, congratulation messages from the Federal and Provincial Government presen- After running for the whole month of April without a repor- ted break, enter and theft, thieves made up for their layoff when they struck four cars last Thursday night and took stereo tape decks and tapes. Police estimate total loss at nearly $500. Last Monday night, a car driven by Terry Elliott of Huron Street in Clinton allegedly struck a light stan- dard on Mary Street in Clinton. The pole will have to be replaced at a cost of nearly $275 and damage to the car was estimated at $200. Police say charges have been laid. In Clinton court this month, Donald Broughton and Charles Young of London and John ted by Sudbury Hest M.P.P. Elie Martel and from Capreoi's Mayor Harold Prescott. The couple have four Bona, 20 grandchildren and one great- grandchild. The grandchildren presented their grandparents with long stem roses. The Har- vey's are both just in their 60's. The sons, relatives and friends presented the couple with a color T.V. After a lovely dinner served by the Legion ladies, the hall was cleared for dancing. Relatives and friends attending were from California- Detroit, Windsor, Burlington, Wellington, Clinton, Sudbury and Val Caron. Kenneth Anderson of Clinton were each fined $50 and cost for having liquor in a place other than their residence. Judge Glenn Hays also coutinued the crackdown on squealing tires as two men were fined for unnecessary noise. Kenneth Hesslewood was fined $60 and costs and Gordon W. Riley was assessed $75 and costs for the noisy incidents. Both are from Londesboro. Douglas Charles McDonald was fined $20 for failing to stop, John Erickson Moore of Goderich was fined $75 for failing to remain at the scene of an accident and Kenneth Coiquhoun of Clinton was fined $100 for careless driving. LIFETIME GUARANTEED MUFFLERS I 1 I "YOUR SILENT PARTNER" WHERE QUIETiBEGINS se" . BOB'S AUTO BODY COMPLETE BODY REPAIRS COLLISION REPAIRS PAINTING GLASS INSTALLATION VANASTRA R.R. 5 CLINTON 482-9451 MUFFLERMAN OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 . 6 SAT. 8 CHARGEX 271-5560 738 Ontario St. Stratford Jut Rebtehtimati! dollars saved in my credit union earn Life Savings Insurance Police Report frolinaINA MUTUAL CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED 70 omen? SMUT 482-3467