HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-05-10, Page 1414—cLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE of Antiques & Household Ef- fects at the Auction Rooms, Hwy 21, one mile South of Goderich on Thursday evening, May 10 at 7 p.m AUCTION SALE of household furniture, ap- pliances, gardening tools and hand tools, to be held at 420 James Street, Clinton on Saturday, May 19 at 1:15 D.M. Full Listing in next week's edition. Proprietress: Mrs. Myrtle Read Rathwell's Auction Service, 482-3120 AUCTION SALE TRACTORS and MODERN FARM MACHINERY Two miles East of Londesboro on County Road, Lot 18, Con- cession 10, Hullet Township for Trevor MOon. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1973 1:30 o'clock Massey Ferguson 165 Diesel tractor-power steering, multi power-1400 hrs.; Case 530 gas tractor-power steering; Cockshutt 12 ft. wheel disc; Kongskildie 12 ft. cultivator; Case three furrow 12" plow; Schultz spreadmaster PTO 140 bushel spreader; Massey Harris 15 run seed drill; 12 ft. chain harrow; 10 ft. bean harrow; 5 section of diamond harrows; 4 row bean puller complete--used onerseason; Henry 4 row bean win- drower with cross conveydr,, - 1 year old ; 4 bar Massey side rake; Little Rhinso,6 ft. 3 PT' hitch blade; John Deere wagon--1 year old; 165 bushel gravity bin; 2 row stuffier for 30 Massey tractor; Triple OK 12" to 16" three furrow trip bean plow with cover boards; Freeman manure loader with hydraulic bucket fits 530 Case; hog feeders; 25 gal. Korn oil; 50 lbs. of red clover seed; tools and other miscellaneous items. Terms cash Farm is sold Owner or auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. AUCTIONEERS Richard Lobb R.G. Gethke Clinton Mitchell NOTE: All the machinery in this sale is in good condition and is late model. 19b CLEARING AUCTION SALE CATTLE, LARGE TRACTORS, MODERN MACHINERY, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Lot 20, Concession 15 & 16, 11/4 mile West and 1 mile North of Clinton for Lorne Tyndall, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1973 12:00 o'clock FURNITURE 1:00 O'CLOCK MACHINERY:. Cockshutt 185e Diesel 4 wheel drive tractor; Cockshutt 1650 gas tractor-low hours; Cockshutt 5 furrow semi mounted trip bean plow; Cockshutt 161/2 ft. vibra shank cultivator; Cockshutt 545 Combine wain head and Inns pick up, pick up reel; Krause 16 ft. wheel disc; John Deere 894A reciprocating hay rake; 3 Dion three beater self unloading forage boxes; 3 Dion 7 ton wagons; FH 84 Gehl Forage har- vostor selecta cut one row corn head; Gehl 288 Chop King forage harvestor with single row corn head; Gehl hi throw blower-60 ft. pipe; Cockshutt 415 7 ft. trail hay mower; New Holland 269 hay baler; Gehl hay conditioner; Versatile 103 12 ft. swather pick up reel; wagon and flat rack; 4 section of gator harrows 18 ft. wide; Gehl 8 ft. grass head; 16 ft. 4" grain num; Versatile 36 ft. 6" portable auger 3 hp gas engine; Knight PTO manure spreader; Platform scales; fanning mill-motor; used aluminum roofing, feed cart, Forks, shovel, small tools, other miscellaneous items. CATTLE: 22 Grade Holstein heifers (Bred); 8 Purebred Holstein heifers (Bred); Hereford Bull; Charolais Bull; 10 springing Holstein cows; 9 grass cattle approximately 800 to 1000 lbs. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Coldspot 15 cu. ft. chest freezer; G.E. refrigerator; Moffat 4 burner electric stove; Clothes dryer; 3 press back chairs; 8 wooden chairs; 2 child's chairs; rocking chair; 2 metal desks; 4 washstands; 2 dressers with mirrors; 1 wooden bed with matching dresser and mirror; 2 metal beds; 2 parlour tables; hail mirror; baby carriage; baby bed; bookcase and books; new mail box; Red couch, two matching chairs; coffee table; end table; antique wooden washing machine; copper boiler; iron kettle and strainer; sealers; glassware. Terms cash. Farm Is sold Owner or auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. Richard Lobb R.G. Goihke Clinton Mitchell In case of rain, sale will be held undercover on the farm., ;IP vilOw. ler vio mew— *Ow Ale, TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern • auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 ---c *tfn Chesterfield and chair; beds; dresser; chests; vanity; small tables; piano bench; oil lamps; hanging lamp; frames; bottles; coffee grinders; gramophone; commode; buffet; 4 dining- room chairs; kitchen chairs; rocking chairs; Wooden tools; coloured glass; brass candle holders; crocks; jugs; Immo Astronomical Telescope; Swiss, Schmidt Rubin rifle; Lee Enfield 303 rifle; bayonet; washing machine; tools etc. etc. Terms - cash Mike Cummings auctioneer 524-9064 ilifivotAktr 3:477SAY YOUR NEEDS [ VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn 401( yK Hugh Filson & Tom Robson .0( at 12 o'clock sharp D.S.T. • Swine: Purebred Landrace selling at 3:30 Immediately: r following machinery and miscellaneous.8 mature sows with lit- ters; 7 mature sows due in 2 months hard sire Lanky Tofta 11 /2 L., years old; Forester breeding sows are Hagey, Stauffeurr". Jamieson & Forester blood lines. A number of 5 and 3 month ..ar old tattooed boars and sows. Also younger pigs, 2 grade sows r" with litters; 1 grade sow bred 1 month. Cattle: 20 3rd calf Hereford cows due at sale time bred L., Charolais; 21/2 year old 15 /16 th Charolais bull; 14 yearling .ps, Charolais Hereford heifers; 9 Charolais Hereford yearling steers, good grass cattle. Machinery & Miscellaneous selling at 2 o'clock; 990 David Brown diesel tractor with loader; 990 diesel David Brown trac-tor, cab and heathauser; 3 furrow Overum 18" 3 pt. hitch plow, 3 furrow M.H. 3 pt. hitch plow; Ferguson tractor; self propelled je Allis Chalmers E combine, corn, bean and grain attachments; r` self propelled Case 600 combine with pickup; 2 row corn head Air for SP600; M.F. self propelled 10 ft. swather and hay con- ditioner (new cut only 25 acres); M.F. pto 160 bu. manure lirk spreader (like new); 212 Case 6 knife forage harvester; Dion air self unloading box with roof; 7 ton Joe's wagon, Dion forage -1` blower with 50 ft. of pipes; Dunham Lehr flail mower; Ferguson 4( 7 ft. 3 pt. hitch mower; Blackhawk 4 bar side rake on rubber; 41( Dunham 9 ft. land packer; Cockshutt disc plow; 38 ft. Little Giant all purpose elevator, harrows, 8 ton Joe's wagon; Turner •Air 165 bu. steel bin; grain auger and motor; Woods 2 h.p. electric -1", grinder; Woods 2 h.p. roller; farrowing and breeding crate; * Case hammermill and belt plus other useful articles found at a clearing farm sale. Quantity of grain chesterfield, storm windows, etc. Household: organ desk; crocks, boiler, iron kettle, trunk, * Foresters Lodge will have a booth on the grounds. Come early 40( and spend an enjoyable day at Bob's 666.0833 phone 666.1967 *-4t**4t4t-4L**-*At4t-*-*AtAA* Terms Cash Auctioneers JACK H. GERRITS CONSTRUCTION R.R. 4, CLINTON For better and longer lasting BUILDINGS Whether it be barns, a garage, lean-to or home renovations. We do them all to your satisfaction. Call or write for free estimates with no obligation. PHONE 482-7290 —tin HURON PINES LTD.. ANNOUNCES A HOME "FIX-IT" SERVICE FOR CLINTON & DISTRICT Cras000000sasaocessacsa aeocsockoad We have competent crew of young men to handle your home repairs and fix-up Jobs REASONABLE HOURLY RATES CALL 48 2 -7 90 1 (FREE ESTIMATES AVAILABLE) t t &ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED ONE bedroom apartment for rent, furnished, heated. Ceriel Van Demme, 108 Ontario St. Clinton 482.6685—c17tfn FOR BAYFIELD—ultra modern sum- mer cottage, with a beach, Contact 482-9081.-19b MODERN four bedroom semi- detached house, frig and stove, im- maculate. Vanastra, 482-7727 or apply to 9 Regina Rd., Vanastra,-19b THREE bedroom house at Vanastra, Stove, frig, hard- wood floors througliout. Large basement, oil furnace, laundry tubs, dryer hook up. Cable TV. Nice shade tree. Phone 482- 7496.--c13tfn SECOND floor, 2 bedroom fur- nished or unfurnished, heated apar- tment with stove and refrigerator, newly decorated, immediate possession on Raglan Street, Huron Pines Realty, 482.7901 or 482- 7304.-17tfn APARTMENT TO RENT, close to uptown. Apply to 44 Huron Street, Clinton.—cl9tfn FOUR bedroom house on Ontario Street. Contact Clinton Community Credit Union, Phone 482- 3467-16tfn HOUSES for rent in Vanastra, Clinton 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms. Phone 482-9590.---cl3tfn 3-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5, Clinton , $110 per month, all utilities paid. Phone 482-9742 or 482-7396 anytime.—c46tfn TWO bedroom house, centrally located, near schools. Phone 524- 6365.-19b 8. HELP WANTED TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs representative over 40 for short trips surrounding Clinton. Contact customers. We train, Write W.G. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft, Worth, Tex.-19b SWING into SPRING, with an ex- citing career, Sarah Coventry of Canada Limited—noted high fashion jeweller company—has full and part time openings for fashion (home show) directors in this area. No collecting or delivering. Kit sup- plied free. For appointment call 524-9924.-19b AREA SALESPERSON required to sell primarily guaranteed mortgage investments for Tax saving plans. Apply to Box No. 190, Clinton News Record, Clinton, Ont.--c19b WANTED part time help to wait on table for Elm Haven, Apply in per- son or phone 482-3489,-19b 9. WANTED (General) SHARE-A-RIDE to London from Clinton and vicinity, 5 days a week, departure 6:45 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. Phone 482-7938 or visit .1 Victoria Blvd., Vanastra.-19b WANTED morning transportation to Dublin or Seaforth 6 days weekly. Phone 348-8181.-19,206 . WANTED Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. Write for free estimate. ROBERT EAGLESON AILSA CRAIG, ONT or Phone Collect 232-4450 before 8:30 a.m. WOULD like to babysit child 3 to 4 years of age in my own home in Clinton. Phone 482-7471,-19b WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE—we pump septic tanks, cesspools, etc. Modern equipment used. 15 years experience. Phone or write Lloyd Weber and Son, 887- 6700 Brussels--17tfn 11. TENDERS TENDER INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Interior and exterior maintenance Projects at various schools in the County, Maintenance Projects will involve all construction trades. Tender forms and specifications •are available 'at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. Deadline for tender submissions is 12:00 noon, May 25, 1973. R. McVean Plant Superintendent —19b TENDERS Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon E.D.T. May 31st, 1973 for the construction of the Falls Reserve MAINTENANCE BUILDING, in accordance with plans and specifications as prepared by Snider, Huget & March, 37 Allan Street West, Waterloo. Plans and specifications are available at the above address. The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Marlene R. Shiell, Secretary-Treasurer, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario. NOG 2X0 —19,20b 12. AUCTION SALE ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Antiques and Household Ef- fects of the late Mrs. Ismay McLean, 84 Waterloo St. Goderich on Saturday, May 19 at 12 noon. Eight pee. carved dining-room suite with extra large table and a bowed-front china cabinet; harvest table; 4 settees; 2 love seats; antique secretary desk; 5 matching Victorian chairs; Vic- torian parlour table; oval parlour table; 2 round parlour tables; platform rocker; child's rocker; 4 chicken-coop chairs; small tables; 2 hall trees; blanket box; 2 antique dressers; 2 spool beds; iron beds; iron crib; trunks; fern stand; frames, shutters; books; oil lamps; banquet lamp, miniature easel; chesterfield and 2 chairs; wardrobe; frig.; combination coal and gas stove; gas space-heaters; tote wear; art glass; dishes; pots and pans; rugs, garden tools etc. etc. Terms - cash -house sold Mike Cummings auctioneer 524-9064 A TREASURE 1 TROVE IN o THE 'WANT '‘ADS ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES- when you're in the market for. promotional gifts or calendars. "Buy Canadian and Save Money.," Check our good prices and reliable service. Just call Mary E. Hanlon, representing Commonwealth Adver- tising Ltd. Clinton 482-7037-19eow LAWN CUTTING service, north- east section of Clinton preferred. Phone John Wood 482-7744—c19b WHEELCHAIRS - The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Doug Cantelon, 482- 7779 or Mrs. M. Batkin, 482- 3866.—c9b STAN BLOWES Travel Service, 32 Wellington Street, Stratford. For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaid arrangements for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710.-49 QUICK cash to pay bills or make a purchase. Call Brad Hamilton, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. — clOtf. REMODE LL I NG, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482.7676. Ken McNairn, — c2tfn CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing, Scholl's Food Market, Hensall. Beef-Monday; Pork —1 Tuesday. Pick-up service available, Hamburg patties made on request, 262-2017. — c40tfn EAVESTROUGHING, aluminum or galvanized. Estimates without obligation. Contact R.E. Ruttan, R.R. 3, Wingham. Phone 357- 1077.-16tfn SPRING CLEANING'? Let me help you. Will clean windows, garages, basements, trim shrubbery, rake lawns etc. Phone 482-7481 after 5 p.m. or weekends.-17,18b SINGER SALES & SERVICE Repairs to all makes of Sewing Machines PHONE 482-9378 after 5 • —11,15,16,17p CITATION, Golden Falcon, Flyte, Holiday Travel Trailers; Bellevue, Woods, Olsen Tent Trailers; Truck Topperi; Crestliner, Springbok, Chrysler Boats & Motors; Hitches & Tenting Equipment. CAMP-OUT, RENTALS, SALES. Huron St. W. Stratford. 393-5938.-16-30b BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION And EXCAVATING CUSTOM BULLDOZING R,R. 2 Goderich 524-9804 CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates—Tuesday, and Thursday TUESDAY L- Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood,--ot in RICHARD LORI EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER aid APPRAISER CL INTON. ONT. P HONE: 482-9431 or 482- 7898 c tfn HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 KING ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL 16tIn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482-3320 _gc tfn JACK'S WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 482,9695 CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) c — Stfn CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St, 482 — 7652, -18tfn SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482-7644 tfn 15. PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS BY—LAW NO. 10-1973 TAKE NOTICE that t Municipal Council of The Co poration of the Township of Tucke smith will take into considerati the passing, and if approved, w pass at its meeting to be held on t 29 day of May, 1973, at the hour 8:30 o'clock in the evening at Hur Centennial School, Brucefield, tario, the following by-law. 1. A by-law for stopping up highway known as ALL A SINGULAR that certain parcel tiotreti6oPlind andupremises;vsitu lying and being in the Townshi Tuckersmith, in the County Huron and being all of that por of the unopened road allow lying to the east of Lot 36, cession 2 in the Huron Road Su and lying to the south of the pro tion westerly of the southerly I' of the road allowance, lying mediately to the south of Lot Concession 2, Huron Road Sur The Council will at the afore time and place hear in person o his counsel, solicitor or agent, person who claims that his la will be prejudicially affected by by-laws and who applies to heard. The proposed by-laws and a p showing the unopened re allowance being closed may be s- at the office of the undersigned o the office of the Clerk at the To ship of Tuckersmith, DATED this 19th day of Ap A.D. 1973. McGibbon, Harper & Haney, 45 Erb. St. E., Waterloo, Ont. James I. Mclnto Clerk, Tuckersmi RR.4, Seafor 17,20b 17. LOST AND FOUND LOST—German Shepherd dog C tact Gordon Hill, 482-3307.-19 111.MISCELLANEOUS JESUS IS KNOCKING ON THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART! WILL YOU LET HIM IN? HE WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS AND GIVE YOU REST. —c19p 21. BIRTHS MCCLINCHEY: To Mr. and M Lloyd McClinchey, R R 1, Aubu in Clinton Public Hospital on M 3, 1973, a daughter. SCHOENHALS: To Mr, and M Bruce Schoenhals, Clinton, in Cli ton Public Hospital on May 4, 19 a daughter. COX: To Mr. and Mrs. Craig C Clinton, in Clinton Public Hoapi on May 5, 1973, a daughter. HALLAM: To Mr. and Mrs. Denn Hallam, Brucefield in Clint Public Hospital on May 5, 1973 daughter. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, able to maintain complete accounting system. Knowledge of farm equip- ment and automotive business L. desirable but not essential. Applyito,4 14 .40,0 c . il. • I N.T. Monteith Ltd. Exeter.-19b 4( 4( yT Mr. Robert E. McMillan Lot 33, Con. 4, McKillop Township, 2 roads north of Seaforth then 2 miles west Saturday May 12th At-******-*A--****4--s-* Farm Sold • of Purebred Landrace Swine, Hereford & Charolais Cattle & Power Equipment earing Auction Sale * yT 1K FACTORY WORKERS e require production workers in our Mitchell Ontario plant * No experience necessary * Good rate of pay plus bonus COMPANY PAID - Life Insurance, Hospital Insurance, Medical insurance, Sickness Insurance, Pension Plan Apply to Personnel Department STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erle Street, Stratford, Ontario. LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chancesi's' Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W.N. Counter. Clinton, Ontario. — c tfn - - — EEDY: To Mr. and Mrs. Pa I Eedy, R R 1 Dungannon, in Clin Public Hospital on May 5, 1973, son,