HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-04-19, Page 15CCOLCWZ P-LO NT spaw3 Beauti LET MIKE LUCAS help you with youi Decorating Problems FOR FREE ESTIMATES FOR PAINTING and PAPERING CALL 482-3825 26. CARD OF THANKS FLIEWITI': I wish to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for their kindness in the sudden bereavement of a dear husband and father. My appreciation to Dr. Newland and staff of first floor, Clinton Public Hospital, also to Dr. Busby, Dr, Carroll, Dr. Thomson and nurses of 2nd floor, the Cancer Clinic, Victoria Hospital also to staff, St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to the Clinton Can. cer Unit, the Westlake Ambulance and to the Ball Funeral Home.—The Flewitt Family—c16b HAWGOOD: The family of the late Jean Hawgood of Brucefield wishes to extend its thiinks to all those who were so kind during her illness. Thanks especially to Pastor Leslie Hoy, Mr. Fred Munnings, Dr. Newland and nurses of Second Floor, Clinton Hospital.—The Hawgood Family-16p POPP: My sincere thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for all their kindness while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital, London and Clinton Public Hospital Special thanks to the doctors and nurses in both hospitals.—Mrs. Am— ber Popp-16b FARQUHAR: My sincere thanks to Clinton Hospital staff, Dr. Newland, Dr. Watts, Rev. Tom Mulholland, also the visits, cards and gifts from friends were so much appreciated. All this made my stay very pleasant. Margaret Farquhar, King Street-16b THE STUDENTS' COUNCIL of C.H.S.S. Is very grateful to AN- STETT'S JEWELLERS for the tiara which was donated to the school queen. 16b A TREASURE TROVE IN co THE WANT '3 .ADS SOUTH EASTHOPE FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY T AVISTOCK, ONTARIO SINCE 1871 '44.i.r` b.; I. .0.0. Yo• owol, E S I U. FOR THE FARMER 1.1 4a. 4fin iM xio. La az... NCE Qiitilluk.14 YOU NO DOUBT CARRY ADEQUATE PROTECTION FOR THE PHYSICAL LOSS OF BUILDINGS AND CHATTELS. BUT!! WHAT ABOUT LOSS OF EARNINGS AFTER A LOSS CAUSED BY A PERIL INSURED BY YOUR POLICY (eg. Fire, Wind, Explosion, etc.) EARNINGS INSURANCE WILL DO FOR YOU WHAT YOUR FARM OPERATION WOULD HAVE IF SUCH AN INTERRUPTION HAD NOT OCCURRED. BEFORE LOSS WAGES PROFIT FARM OPERATION TAXES CONTINUED EXPENSES ADD THIS PROTECTION TO YOUR FARM PACKAGE POLICY FOR COMPLETE DETAILS CONTACT , OUR OFFICE OR YOUR NEAREST AGENT AFTER LOSS UNTIL REBUILT CONTINUED EXPENSES Representatives PETER ROY Clanton Phone: 482.9357 ALVIN AHRENS R.R. 4 MITCHELL Phone: 348.8323 "Lasting Beauty" and 8 mem- bers receited the Creed and The Lord's Prayer. The treasurer's report was given as well as the minutes of news The hi-lite of the evening was the hilarious way each member commented about her secret pal. Members with perfect at- tendance all year 1972-73 were, Margaret Hoggarth, Rena Caldwell, Mary Connolly, Grace Drummond, Mary Broadfoot, Grace Pepper and Mona Alderdice. Games, stunts and contests were ,enjoyed: lady with the most doors in her house, Mona Alderdice; most buttons, Mary Whitehouse, widest run in her nylons, Grace Drummond; most lace on her slip, Agnes Eyre. Euchre prizes: - high, Ruby Bell, second, Mary Broadfoot, low, Margaret Hoggarth; lone hands, Mary, Whitehouse. Helen McLeans side was the winner in the roll call contest and Francis Kinsmen's side the loser. PERSONALS Leslie Consitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Consitt, is in St. Joseph's Hospital London. . Mrs. Margaret Hutchison, St. Thomas, and Mrs. Isabell Seifert, Brama'lea are visiting' with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis. Mrs. Vivian Cooper is visiting her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cooper in Detroit. ' Carman Woodburn, Green- way is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau. Something to cherish for generations Eighteen century English design In Walnut ---3 sets of chimes 63" x 22" x 121/2,, $9 50 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. CLINTON SEAfORTH VVALKERTON t." 4 so z6is ,4-s• MEM°FCIALS • . Pryde & SON LTD. MAIN ST. Exeter 235-0620 Over 250 Monuments on Sale With A Variety of Colors, Styles and Shapes To Choose From Many Are Priced Well Below Current 1973 Prices . . . SAVI N GS $100°° ALL MONUMENTS UNDERCOVER AND AVAILABLE FOR YOUR INSPECTION Lettering and Designing Done By Trained Craftsmen At Our Plant In Exeter Order Now For Delivery As Soon As Possible In The Spring DISPLAYS ALSO IN GODERICH, CLINTON and SEAFORTH "OUR BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1919" CLINTON & AREA RESIDENTS CONTACT CLARENCE DENOMME Y e..11 1.7 77•1MIPIT AUS.-482-9505,_RES.,482‘9004,-- GASLITES BY ARKLA SPRING SALE STRATFORD BRANCH ONLY AT oh • WM& PROPANE LIMITED Peerless New-Vent Wail Neater Your passport rld of to a warmth- Med wo heating comfort. RUDD pool heater COMPLETE LINE OF PROPANE PRIMUS CAMPING EQUIPMENT, ARKLA PROPANE BARBEQUES AND LAMPS SUPERIOR'S OWN FINANCING IF REQUIRED 24 HOUR SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS STRATFORD AREA PHONE DUD PETRIE 271.1369 RESIDENCE; 271-0610 OFFICE coast.to-coast Canada GODERICH AREA - PHONE GEORGE BOLTON 524-6656 OFFICE; 524-9479 RESIDENCE PROPANE CAMPING Propane Cylinder Refills "ALL SIZES" 159 MONTEITH STREET STRATFORD, ONTARIO 271-0810 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON APPLIANCES AND INSTALLATIONS ORDERED OR PURCHASED IN APRIL AND INSTALLED NOT LATER THAN JUNE 30, :I 97 3 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, ApRIL. 19, 1973-15 gem Sigma Phi receives, Charter TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIFIEDS 25. IN MEMORIAM TOMS: In loving memory of my Dad, Malcolm Toms who passed away five years ago, April 13, 1968. "As time unfolds another year, My thoughts, Dad, are of you, Remembering all the pleasant times And the nice things you used to do. Beautiful memories are wonderful things They last until the longest day They never wear out, they never get lost And never can be given away, You never failed to do your best You lived your life for those you loved And, as one of these, I remember." Sadly missed and proudly thought of by his daughter Dawha.-16b 26. CARD OF THANKS McCLUSKIE: A very sincere thank you to all who remembeied me with visits, flowers and cards while I was a patient in Toronto General Hospital, Lloyd McCluskie.-16b See the new line of I= I Simplicity washers& dryers at CHUTER PLUMBING & ELECTRIC 46 KING ST. CLINTON Phone 482-7652 The April 10 meeting of Beta Sigma Phi opened with president Jo Ann Bullen leading the ritual and the Roll Call. The treasurer's report was given and the new rushes were asked by vice-president Vivienne Roy to be prepared for their up-coming exams Communications were read and two members are to attend - the Clinton Centennial meeting on April 30. Eight girls volun- The Summerhill Ladied•Club met at Marg Wright's for their April meeting. The president opened the meeting with a reading entitled Kippen BY RENA CALDWELL The U.C.W. of St. Andrew's Church, Kippen, held their Easter Thankoffering Meeting on Tuesday April 10. Guests were present from Brucefield, Varna and Chiselhurst Chur- ches. Mrs. David Turner chaired the meeting and the Worship was taken by Mrs. Jack Sin- clair. The theme of the devotional was "Time" and Mrs. Arie Binnendyk read the Scripture. Mrs. Berni McKinley contributed trumpet numbers accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. The Hostesses were Mrs. Bert Faber and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. Hank Binnendyk in- troduced the guest speaker, Rev. D.L. Patterson, Egmond- ville, who 'showed slides and spoke on his journey to the Holy Land. Mrs. David Cooper gave Courtesy Remarks and lunch was served. SECRET PALS Members of Kippen East W.I. enjoyed a beef dinner at Hensial Hotel to bring to a close the roll call contest. teered ''to assist the Blood Donors Clinic on April 10 at the high school, The sorority has now received their charter from international after a lengthly wait. A motion was passed and an ammendment to bylaw 15 to raise the price of the secret sister gift was presen- ted by Marj Dobson and secon- ded by Sharon Carter. Three ,girls have been chosen by point system to receive the "girl of the year award". The girls were voted on at the meeting and the winner will be announced at Founder's Day. Running contestants, are: Betty Lockhart, Marion• Durnin, and Deanne Harloff. Marion Durnin presented the cultural program from the book Paths to Loveliness on Sculp- ture. Each girl created her own sculpture and carved it out of the previous meeting. Correspondence was read from the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. It was decided to hold the annual dessert euchre and bake sale on the nineth of May. Everyone is urged to attend as the proceeds go to "Bunny Bundle" and Crippled Children. The hall board is sponsoring the last euchre party of the season Thursday April 19. Everyone is welcome and it begins 8:30 p.m. The date of the May meeting was changed to the second as the dessert euchre is to be geld on the regular meeting day. Gladys Van Egmond is to be hostess for this meeting. On lunch and program are Ali and Sandra Westerhout and Mirg Wright. Roll call is the ex- changing of slips (from plants). For program, Jean Vodden read a short story "The cost of the consumer". Suzanne Vod- den conducted a card bingo game. Hazel Watkins held a quiz contest won by Laura For- bes. The meeting was adjourned with the singing of the Queen and Grace. Lunch was served. ivory soap, The results were very interesting With shapes as a salt boat, a gun, a butterfly, a mug and a vase. A light lunch followed with the closing ritual. Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stacicyard CALL SAYFIELD S65.2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service Ng Chown on Pickup tf Summerhill ladies to help Bunny Bundle 4111111111P CLINTON