HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-04-19, Page 10Don't miss this SPECIAL SPRING OFFER! WITH THE PURCHASE OF A SET OF radial 4 B.FGoodrich TIRES You'll RECEIVE 111111 MIN FREE INSTALLATION — — 1111111 FREE BALANCING AND WE WILL CHECK AND ADJUST i. YOUR CAR ON OUR ALIGNMENT EQUIPMENT - FREE TIRE & AUTO SERVICE et \,REGoodrich BFG Lifesaver The Canadian RADIAL The first radial made with Cushioned Steel construction. Radials are the best tires in the world. And in our judgment B.F.Goodrieti makes the best radials, Including the Lifesaver Radial Steel R.1 S, the first radial in the world made with Cushioned Steel construction. Steel for strength and durability. Cushioned for a luxury ride never before possible with a steel belted radial.The Lifesaver R. S. From B,F.Goodrich, Canada's premier radial tire maker, EVERY CORNER IN CANADA IS NOW LESS OF A CORNER: The Lifesaver R/S will show what it's made of the first corner you take. The tread stays put. There are no stiff sidewalls to lift the rubber off the road. On wet and slippery corners, the tire sticks with you, On dry roads, you'll find out why people buy sports cars. Ordinary tread Radial tread only partially in in full contact with contact with road. road. YOUR LIFE ISN'T ALL THEY CAN SAVE: We guarantee 40,000 miles of treadwear on the Lifesaver R/S with Cushioned Steel construction. In normal tirivintt. you'll get at least 40,000w010*.-og treadweAt,,, Irons the Lifesaver Radial Steel R/S tires -on your car. II' you don't get 10.000 miles, take die B.F. Goodrich The Lifesaver R/S has an unexpected bonus. You might not expect a tire of this quality and performance to have a frugal side ... yet it does, The Radial rolls easier and has less drag. You can save up to 50% on gas con- sumption and give your engine a little softer life. WHY SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS: guarantee back to your, Goodrich retailer. Bell allow you credit for the difference umard the going trade-in price of new ones. BFG Lifesaver. The Canadian Radial. Lifesaver radial • NOW AVAILABLE AT: SC1111111011111 TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 482./681 Ordinary Belted cord pattern. tire pattern. The Lifesaver R/S, ti 41, B.F. Goodrich 0 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF BEV'S HAIR STYLING 53 WINNIPEG ST. VANASTRA FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 482-9083 OFFICIAL COUNT THE ADDITION OF THE VOTES CAST FOR EACH SIDE TAKEN FROM THE STATEMENT OF THE POLL AS PREPARED AT EACH POLLING PLACE, TO t3 ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY, APRIL 26th, 1973 to 12:00 Noon at the Township Office Township of Goderich LIQUOR VOTE An advance Poll will be held on April 21st 1973 between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the clerks office, lot 20. Concession 16. Regular polling to be held at the following places on Wed., April 25th, 1973 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Polling Subdivision No, 1 Residence of CHARLES BRUINSMA R.R, 2, GODERICH Comprising and containing oil that port of the Township of Goderich commencing of the lake Shore at the point between the boundary of the Town of Goderich and the Township, thence southeby along the loke shore to the point between lots 10 and 11 Con. 1, thence eest. erly &Ong the township rood. way between lots 10 and it until it toucheS the PrOvinCial Highway No 8, thence along the Huron County roadway to the Maitland River, thence north westerly along the said river to the boundary of the TOwn Of Goderich, thence along the sold boundary tine to the point of beginning. Polling Subdivision No. 2 . Residence of B. VAN ENDENBERG R,R, 2, GODERICH Comprising and containing all that part of the Township of Goderich Commencing at the point between lots 10 and 11 Con, 1 at the lake shore, thence southerly along the lake shore to the line between lots 30 dad 31 Con. t, thence east- erly along the township rood, why between lots 30 and 31 to the township roadway between Con 9 and 10, thence north- erly along the said township roadway to where if meets the Provincial Hignway No 8 he. tween lots 7 and 8 Mt. Con , thence ofeng the line between lots 31 and 32 Mt Con to the Maitland River, thence along the said river, north-westerly to the PrOvihcial Highway No 8, thence westerly along the tOwnship roadway between lots 99 end 100 Maitland Con and tots 10 and 11 to the point of beginning, Polling Subdivision No, 3 lielicletice of ALBERT SCHILBE R,R, 1, BAYftELD Comprising and containing all that port of the Township of GodetiOh commencing at the lake shore between lots 30 and 31 Con I, thence southerly along the lake shore to the boundary of the Village of Boyfield, thence along the said boundary to the Boyfiefri River, thence along the said river to the line between lots 19 and 20 B L Can , thence northerly along the sold line to the town- ship roadway between lots 62 and 63 of the B L. Con, thence northerly olong the sold toodwoy to the lawnShip road- way between lots 30 and 31 Con 9, thence westerly along the soul township roadway to the point of beginning Polling Subdivision No. 4 4, TOWNSHIP OFFICE HOLMESVILLE Comprising and containing oil that port of the Township of Goderich commencing at a peint on e19 yt River be. tween lois and 20 of the L Con thence along the slid boundary to the Provincial Highway No 8, thence along the said highway westerly to the township roadway between lots 87 and 88 Mt. Con , thence southerly biOng the township roadway between con 9 and 10 to the line between lots 19 arid 20 8 L, Con , thence southerly along the sold line to the point of be- ginning Polling Subdivision No. S Residence of. M. J. FORBES R.R. 2, CLINTON Comprising and containing all that part of the Township of Goderich commencing on the Maitland River at 0 paint be. tween lots 31 and 32 In the Mt Con', thence along the Maitland River to the northern boundary of the township, thence southerly along the said boundary line to the boundary Of the Town of Clinton, thence along the said boundary line to the Provincial Highway No. 8, thence westerly along the Sold Provincial highway to the' line between lots 31 and 32 in the Mt Con , thence northerly along the said line to the point of beginning, R. E. THOMPSON RETURNING °Matt The community hall was filled to capacity on Friday evening for the annual variety concert ePonsOred by the young peopleb group. A wide variety of numbers, which included ,a play "The Official Visit" by the young peoples group, made up the concert which has been said by many attending as the "best yet". Rev. MeDonald was the maker of ceremonies and con- cert numbers included; Karen Midcligaal, accordian; Jokey Benjamin, guitar and singing; Kerri Medd, speaking on "Television Commercials", the Highland Dancers of Goderich; Pat Stackhouse, tap-dancing; Elaine Vincent, guitar and singing; the Londesborough male voice choir; a new local band called "The Six Pack" consisting of Darrel Shobbrook, Wayne Lyon, Ken and Tom Pollard, Danny and David Lear; Donna Hunking Piano solo; Londesborough Square Dance set; consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sewers, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falkner; Audry Peel and Sharon Colchough duet; The Londesboro men's trio, Tillie Westerhout, Harry Lear and Rob. Shaddick; Darrell Shob- brook and Wayne Lyon on ac- cordians; Glen MacGregor on the bagpipes with Karen MacGregor dancing %the Highland Dance; Mrs, Allen Bosman and Mrs. Ross Jewett duet; Danny and David Lear, drum and guitar duet; - the McMillian family of Goderich with their Band. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shad- dick are the counsellors, Miss Marsha McNeil was the Direc- tor of the play, Clayton McClure and Gary McClure were in charge of the door with Greg. Riley and Allen Peel in charge of the curtains and , assisting with preperty. Following the program the young people served lunch to those taking part in the concert and their families, PERSONALS Mrs. Lily Webster was taken to Clinton Hospital on Tuesday April 10th. We wish her a speedy recovery, We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Taylor back from Toronto to their summer home at the river. Mr, and Mrs. Will Manning returned home one Thursday, having spent the winter in Florida. Mrs. Jessie Jones visited her friend, Mrs. Graham Campbell, Bluevale. They spent Thursday in Stratford. Mrs. Jones retur- ned home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McEwan of Chatham visited on Wed- nesday and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton of London visited on Sunday with their father, Mr. Will Govier and aunt, Mrs. Lily Webster, a patient in Clinton Hospital, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Saunder- cock and John went to Toronto Airport and met their cousins Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn of Derbyshire England who will be visiting here Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDonald, Mr. • and Mrs. Chester Earl and family of Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coghlin of Atwood, Mrs. Russell Annett of Burssels and Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald Senlar, Saskatchewan were dinner guests at the manse on .Sunday. A number from this district attended the 'family dance' held in the Kinburn Foresters Hall on Saturday night spon- sored by the Foresters. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longman were Mr, .and Mrs. Jack Burleigh. Jack and Joan of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Norris, Patty Susan, Jill and Robert, and Mrs. Sam Norris of Staffa, Rev. McDonald attended the meeting Of Huron Perth Presbyterian held in North St. United Church in Goderich last Thursday. Visitors with Mrs. Ena Howatt on Sunday were her son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flowed and girls of Stratford and her sister, Mr. and Mrs, Heber Shute of Kirlcton. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert and family of Kirkton visited on Friday evening with latteils brother, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Howatt and boys. Mr, Bill Cowan of Hanover called on his mother, Mrs. G. Cowan on Sunday afternoon. Miss. Ann Fairservice of Stratford spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Fairse'rvice, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee spent the weekend with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rivers of Tweed and at Trenton with Mr. and Mrs, John Picket and family. They also called at Dr. and Mrs. Gary Gall at Stonff- vilIe Miss Barbara Lee in - training at St. Marys Hospital Kitchener is spending the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Lorne Flunking and Murray were Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunking and Todd of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duizer Laurel, Lisa. Stephen and Shannon and Julia Bowie. They celebrated Murray's birth- day and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hunkings wedding anniversary. UNITED CHURCH Palm Sunday service was held last Sunday morning with Jim Jameison and Emmerson Hesk greeting into the sane. tuary, Ushers were Larry Car- ter, Murray Flunking, Stewart Glousher and Ken Scanlon, The choir anthem was 'The King is Riding By' and Rev, McDonald's message was "The Clown on the Donkey" There will be a Good Friday service on Friday at '11 a.m. with special music by the choir, CUB AND SCOUTS The first Londesboro Cub and Scout Group committee met on Monday night in the church hall. All parents of the cub and scouts were invited to attend to discuss the question of remaining in the Scouting program in Londesboro because of the rise in fees, or to organize another type of boy's group. In absence of the chairman, Rev. McDonald conducted the business. It was decided to remain in Scouting program. The executives are: chairman, Jack, Lee; secretary, Gordon Shobbrook; treasurer, Murray Adams. BEREAN UNIT The Berean unit of U.C.W. held their meeting on Tuesday April 10th in the church hall, The meeting opened with prayer and a hymn. Rev, McDonald read scripture and the v aster Story: A reading on the theme "Earth's richest hill" by president Mrs, Ena Howatt was followed by prayer. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, E. Wood and minutes of the last meeting were read by secretary Mrs, Bert Shobbrook. New Business was conducted by Mrs, Margaret Whyte when Mrs. Lloyd Pipe and Mrs. Edwin Wood were appointed to the kitchen renovation committee. Mrs. Joe Shaddick reported the Bridal pageant would be June 20th and anyone with wedding gowns is to contact Mrs. Wilmer Glousher. Supply secretary said a bale is to be. packed in May. The church pic- nic is July 22nd and Vacation Bible School the second week in July. Roll call was answered by 17 members and one' visitor,. Mrs, Lloyd Pipe . and Mrs. Harry Durnin will have charge of the May Study, Mrs. Howatt closed devotions and business. The study was taken by Mrs. Dave Anderson who told of Easter in different countries. Mrs. Glen Carter sang with a solo, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Jack Armstrong. Mrs. Anderson read St. Mat- thew's account of the Easter Story the last supper death and resurrection. Rev. McDonald's message was "Sun Rise and Sun Set." Rev. McDonald closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. Laura Saundercock and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. BOWLING BANQUET The Londesboro mens bowling league held their an- nual Banquet in the hall on Wednesday April 11th and the W.I. served a hot beef dinner to 36 bowlers. Jack Armstrong thanked the ladies, Following the dinner, trophies were presented for: high average, Cliff Saunder- cock; winning team, Mack's, Captain Joe Hunking, Glen Carter, Murray Lyon, Gordon' Shobbrook Jim 'RoWitr-Fi'ligt • Flynn Harry Lear, Allan Boman, Gordon Howatt, The second team was Whites, Captain, Keith Allen. Winner of high triple was Glen Carter and the winner of 'high single was Don Buchanan.high team single, Macks, 1222; high team triple, Macks score of 3404; most improved, Jim Howatt; winner of playoffs, Whites captain Keith Allen; winner of second place playoffs, Macks captain Joe Flunking. The evening ended with bowling at the Clinton Crown Lanes in Clinton. They also at- tended the men's bowling tour- nament on Sunday afternoon at the same lanes. 11301( to buy 14---CONVON WV'S-RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL, 19, 1973 Londesboro Variety concert proves big hit