HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-03-29, Page 20411 0111e.GASOLINIE. • WORKS LIKE A CHARM, YOU OUGHT TO USE rr ON THE, osrAew vc$ 412r- 0 E iteAl S, Inry Like a lucky charm, our gasoline service gives you smooth performance when you need it. You can have it at reasonable prices and In record time. tail 48g-965J for a seasonal supply now. PAUL KERRIGAN ,0482 9653 379 VICTORIA ST ,S.,CLIN1ON The Executive of the London Convention area of the Women's Institute met in the Board rooms of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Clinton, last Wednesday to make plans for the annual convention to be held on November 7 and _8 in London. President Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock was in charge of the meeting, The secretary, Mrs. Herbert Jackson of Fingal read the minutes and correspondence, Mrs, Clifford Ritchie of Ingersoll gave the financial statement. Plans were made for the Tweedsmuir competitions to be judged at Area meeting this fall, Each branch has received a copy of instructions and all members are urged to take part and enter in the writing, pain- ting etc. The Clinton Women's In- stitute members catered to the noon luncheon. Mrs. Wallace Laidlaw expressed the ap- preciation of all to Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Radford and other members who had prepared the luncheon. Programs were planned and several will be attending the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada when they meet in June in Banff, Those attending the meeting besides Mrs. Brad- nock were Mrs. Charles Munro, Embro; Mrs. Wallace Laidlaw, R.7, London; Mrs. Leonard Caffyn R.5, Ingersoll; Mrs. Herbert Jackson, Fingal; Mrs. Clifford Ritchie, R.3, Ingersoll; Mrs, George Wright, R.8, Lon- don; Mrs. Gordon Gow, Dut- ton; and Mrs. Norman Coulthard, R.1, St. Paul's. Ab- sent was Mrs. Calvin Car- michael of RR. 3, Ilderton. Police report A London man was fined $75 and costs this week for kicking out the front door of the Cloud Nine Room' at the Hotel Clin- ton on c March 2,1. Douglas McLennan of London was found guilty of causing a disturbance after Clinton Con- stable Wayne McFadden arrested the man in front of the Hotel after McLennan was ejected from the hotel and decided to take his vengeance out on the door. Kenneth Girvin- of RR 6 Goderich was taken to Clinton Public Hospital last week with minor injuries after his car was struck by a car driven by Wayne Wagner of Clinton, In other police news, it was reported that a case of oil was stolen from the Fairholme Dairy in Clinton on the weekend, and someone also made-off with a portable power saw from the Public Works garage on the weekend. The saw belonged to Hayman Con- struction. No signs of entry were visible. With the coming of the warm weather, the thoughts of many area youths turn to drinking in their cars. Clinton police laid nine Liquor Control Act charges on the weekend and warned that many more will be laid if people continue to use their cars as portable bars. Four traffic charges were also handed out, as the warm weather brings out the muscle cars in full force. 2-CLINTON NEW&RKCORP, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 II, Town Talk. by Mara Rudd Described as the largest gathering ever to attend the swearing in of a Ontario MPP,this group from Huron County posed in the legislature before the ceremony. One veteran mem- ber said it was the first time he had ever seen a cheering section for a member. The Huron delegation occupied five buses for the trip. (photo by Wilma Oke) Hat trick for Stompin' Torn Jost published IN THE 0A.Y$ CIP THE -CANADA COMPANY by Rabina. and Kathleen MacFarlane tolzari Tim History of the. Settlement of the Huron 'ow an0 a view of the social life of the period - 1825 - portraits and illustrations. Originally published in 1896, Limited Facsimile Edition - 490 pages - hard cover - linen binding, Price si$.00 post void please order from: Mika Publishing, 200 Stanley St., Fix), Box 536, Belleville, Ont. Tel, 613-962-4022 4.0001111111111111111.1111111111111011. OPENING FRIDAY, MARCH 30 12 NOON FARMER'S DELL DRIVE-IN BRUCEFIELD featuring CONES, SHAKES, SUNDAES and FLOATS 'DEEP FRIED CHICKEN, FISH, HAMBURGS, FRENCH FRIES, etc. MAC, SYLVIA AND STAFF ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SERVING YOU DURING THE 1973 SEASON The last of the season's card parties was held at the 100F Hall last Thursday evening. Prize winners were as follows; euchre - ladies high, Mrs. Beatrice Young; ladies' low, Stella Mann; men:6. high, Percy Gibbings; men's low, Mr. Golding; lone hands, Frank Thompson, Five hundred win- ners were: Ladies' high, Mrs. George Wright; ladies' low, Reva Wilson; men's high, George Wright; men's low, Dan Gliddon. • Two draws were won by Miss Jean McEwen and Mrs. Carter. The Rebekahs and Odd- fellows hope that those who at- tended the parties during the winter enjoyed themselves and express their appreciation to those who helped with the par- ties. * * * A St. Patrick card party was held on March 15 at the Orange Hall, Clinton under the auspices of the LOBA. This was well attended with prizes going to the following; ladies' high, Mrs. E. Kendall; ladies low, Mrs. A. Fisher; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Clarence Allin, RR. 4, Goderich; men's high, A. Fisher; men's low Alex McMichael; men's lone hands, Gary Cummings. The lucky chair prize was won by Mr. Clarence Allin, RR 4, Goderich and two draws for ten pounds of sugar were won by Mrs. Ed Nickle and Mrs. Charles Cunningham. * * * The I.O.D.E. Dessert Card .tiparty Aield--1 in the C.H.SiS. cafeteria -was, a huge success with tab les bri .17 tables of euchre and 6 tables of five hundred. Winners of the Draw Prizes were: Grace White; Mrs. W.D. Wilson; Carole Kerrigan; Dorothy Williams; Esther Ken- dall; Ruby Haddy; Vera McIn- tosh; Mrs. Rae Shaddick; Leone Rowat; Fred Miller; Howard Porter; Evelyn Olde; Hazel Thompson; Kelly Ball; Mrs. Frank Lobb; Mac Wilson; Aileen Craig; Mabel Mid- dleton; John Land; Margaret Reynolds; Marjory Horton; Eva Scribbins; Clayton Ellis;' Doris McPherson; and Lorna Ellis. Thanks to all members who worked to make the evening a success. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL RED CROSS Yet another happy story re the recent election in Huron has come to our attention. One of Clinton's outstanding senior citizens, in the person of Mrs. Mary Paisley, was very pleasantly surprised a few days prior to the election, when a top brass Liberal delegation, which included the Hon. Robert Nixon, Mr. Murray Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rid- dell and four assistant cam- paigners, paid a special per- sonal visit to her apartment in Huronview, Mrs. Paisley was delighted to see them; after all she has been one of Clinton's most loyal and vociferous Liberals for most of her 91 years. It is good td see virtue rewarded! (contributed by Grace Middleton) * * * On Tuesday evening of this week, the Ladies Tuesday Af- ternoon Bowling League wound up their first bowling season with dinner at the Hotel Clin- tun, followed by presentation of prizes. The team, Giddy-tipLGneeon- sisting of Marg. Thornlike, Dorothy Creighton, Vivian Knights and Florence Lud- vigsen, was the season's win- ner. The Mad Caps team of Phyllis Mountford, Erma Har- tley, Phyllis Harland, Joyce Van Riesen, Marg Coombs and Norma Grigg won high team single with 1074. The Afternoon Flyers team of Edna Atkinson, Jean Colquhoun, Eva Scribbins, Medic Elliott, June McCowan, Jean Smith won high team triple with 2883. Gerry Harris won high average with an excellent 215 points for over 50 games, Jean Smith's game of 316 won her high single and Edna Atkinson took high triple with 701. ' Perfect attendance records were set by Phyllis Mountford, Edna Atkinson, Nancy Wise and Vivian Knights. This was for the four months bowling season, PACKERS SUB-PRIMAL CUT FRESH WHOLE Pork Butt ROAST ff • cr PACKERS PRIMAL CUT WHOLE Leg of Pork 7 Approximate tb, C 16 Lbs, SOLD "AS IS" Apo, ::,.^.4.. CHARGE OF 5 PEP .P FUR.., ' r.:'i AN:, e,.RAPP N, PACKERS SUB-PRIMAL CUT FRESH WHOLE SHOULDER PORK lb. 72c U.S. NO. 1 FLORIDA RED OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 10 F" 89c FRESH PRODUCE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY PERCENT INTEREST ON GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES TRUST CITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY 95 YONGE ST., TORONTO • TELEPHONE 416 864-1090 +,•fif N AN AOA POT,11 IN.MIHAAL f (IfTP(Hfiki l o rs, LAWSON and WISE Complete Insurance Service and Investment' S kettombotry $t., . Rhona 482.9644 ONntott. Onto T, Wise,-Res, 4824265 KRAFT Miracle Whip 48 oz, jar 894 :HEINZ POLSKIE OR KOSHER DILL, SWEET MIXED or BREAD & Butter Pickles lar SLICED, CHUNK, TIDBIT DR CRUSHED DOLE Fancy 34 Pineapple,: AYLMER CHOICE BARTLETT Pear Halves 19 tw. tin AYLMER CHOICE CUT GREEN OP WAX BEANS OR Peas & Carrots 11:1 ELM GROVE (70% Butter) Dai Spread 1 Pkg • MEXICAN NO. 1 SALMON FLESH CANTALOUPE 2 far 89c BONUS DISCOUNTS MEXICAN NO. 1 VINE RIPE TOMATOES 2 lbs 59c CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO GROWN CELLO CARROTS 2 ta'g 49° U.S. NO. 1 ROSEBUD CELLO RADISHES 2 :a 25c WI to hive Tweedsmuir competitions Senior bowler,, Eva Scribbins, was the most improved. President Brine Hartley thanked Nancy Wise, treasurer and Vivian Knights, secretary, for their work and all the bowlers for making the after- noon league successful. The executive for the fell season will be Wonnetta Holland, president Joyce Van Riesen, secretary; Phyllis Mountford, treasurer. The Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church held a tea on Saturday, March 17 in the church schoolroom., Decorations were in green to honour the Saint whose day it was-Patrick, Mrs. R.J. Homuth greeted the guests at the door and tea was served at small tables by the Misses Ruth Ann and Joyce Neilans, Diane and Nancy An- derson, Nancy MacDonald and Pat Steffen and Mrs, Tom Morgan, The bake table was under the supervision of Mrs. Frank Mutch, Mrs. Robert Morgan and Mrs. Dick. Jacob. Looking after the delicatessen table were Miss M. Harvey and Mrs. R. MacLean. Assisting in the kitchen were Miss B, Gibson, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. G. Hoggarth, Mrs. H. Cowan, Mrs. C Neilans and Mrs. R, Gibb. The auxiliary is most grateful to those who braved the storm to attend. Stompin' Torn Connors, the skinny kid from Skinners Pond, P.E.L, has made it three in a row. The 1972 edition of the Juno award for the top Canadian male vocalist was presented to Connors at the an- nual awards presentation at the Inn on the Park on March 12th. It was the third successive win in this category for Stom- pin' Tom , who was a unanimous choice of the voters. The Juno's are determined by the record executives, enter- him with boosting the province's Tourist industry. His first big hit "BUD THE SPUD" did more to promote P. E.1. potatoes than any adver- tising or public relations cam- paign had done to date, accor- ding to the Premier, On January 20th, Stompin' ' Tom packed Toronto's famous landmark Massey Hall for a rousing concert, 'Then, shortly after receiving word of his third Jnno, he received word that we would be playing at this year's CNE. tainment writers and disc jockeys across Canada and are awarded in several categories. Though 1973 is barely 10 weeks old, it has already been the best year in Stompin' Tom's whirlwind career. On New Year's Eve he was named Goodwill Ambassador for the Province of Prince Edward Island for its Centennial this year. The Premier of P.E.I,, the Honourable Alex Campbell, presented Connors with a special citation and credited Our meat Aden it program Buff Po rk „ CUT fROM', BTHE SHOULDER /e. • BONE IN makes your shopping easier K SALE k Chops \14.99c/ y55 Buil COOKED SMOKED N Picnic ‘ \ Shoulder , \ lb. "711014c • ww "-CUT FROM / THE BUTT T, BONELESS Pork I I Roast „..." CUT FROM THE CENTRE 'ffk LOIN Pork PACKERS PRIMAL CUT Fresh Whole Pork Loin / FAMILY PACK A. TO 11 CHOPS LOIN 1 Pork Chops / CUT FROM / THE PORK LOIN Country Style Spare 1 Ribs I k Chops `C:!:1 / OZ ." / THE TENDERLOIN END k Pork .t PER 5c lb. SOLD "AS IS" ADC, I'CNA CHAR ,',E s FDE, - ,',P 4PP - Approximate Weight 13 Lbs. I T FROM Clinton Roast / THE RIB END \ / LoDi `\11),+ .1 7/ Pork \ lb. 93C I ,..:<F7;1- aHOULDER 0 & LOIN Takes the guesswork out of Meat Buying with these Informative Purchasing Ain - /' TRIMMINGS INFORMATIVE COUNTER CARD f Fresh Ground TABLE r MEATS Pork. / ni PORK THE LOIN \ Back , R OM "E;;DCC7S' R lib i ,,,Lbolin.p4ork9; /TRW THE PORK LOIKst (1)NoEL0ESsSt \ibi .09 I Roast obl .1 5,/i •1/4"-"" V.Firtra '1. PAY1 UPI I 0).89C / 1' I• .(.(P"fh' 1.00 1.17 1.1 PORK LOIN JAI CHOPS 9.11 PCS. MEAT IDENTITY LABEL /.. //FROZEN `\ ' Pigs \I 1, Feet 39e HERE'S WHAT MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING DOES FOR YOU Our new improved Inept identity labelling tells you at a glance the type of moot, the primal cut and the specific pottion of the primal cut. Simply use the recommended • cooking method M our "Meat Explained" Felder. 1, CAA of Meat. Nu need to guess the type of inept first, every label shows the type of ingot-beef, owl., lamb or veal. 2. Primal Cul. Chuck, rib, loin or Vp tells what pall of the animal the meal comes from. 3. Specific Portion or Retail Cut, Blade roost, sirloin steak, or tau round steak • tells yea exactly what part of the primal cut the meal comes from, 400 ORDERS FORMS FOR FREE "MEAT EXPLAINED" FOLDER PACKERS PRiMAL CUT on how to boy, how to wok BEEF, PORK, IAMB OR VEAL AVAILABLE AT ALL ISA MEAT COUNTERS SIMPLY FILL IT IN AND MAIL TO IGA Consumer Corner Box 5025, tendon, Onf, Fresh Flank SIDE PORK ibi5C FFHRETOTFZLRAEONK / N i Pork Side I i t Ribs CUT FROM / THE FRESH HAM k BUTTeg END f Pork Roost I (Smoked Ham `,111.93° • MARY 111IS ' SKINLESS s• / FULLY COOKED \ EITHER HALF A BONELESS DAVERN BEEF AND PORK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SLICED lb. 99' COOKED HAM WHOLE FROZEN REDSPRINO SALMON FROZEN ALASKA BLUE FISH FILLETS MARY MILES VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON NIAGARA VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON ESSEX PACKERS VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS lb. 69' 124: n1.09 lb 1.19 TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SLICED BOLOGNA 11,1 . 590 /THCEtifirDIER / FROZEN 9/ I CUT FROM ."' .,,, / THE FRESH HAM / Shank Portion FRESHLY ."*. "'"v c \ SLICED A UU Pkg 1.08 FROZEN KNIFE CUT 1p4 99° CHICKEN LEGS I,Q.F, 24 1 .37 PERCH FILLETS 73.1 Pork Sltp0VoriT.OkER oaBvastElicNdoTelnICE7‘1:: • '- Pork Roast lb. 79e \ nh 53e "419c ' \s;1/' 135c N.Pkg 95 / . c I Leg of i `\ Hocks I; Chops p Pork e 1 tb /EROMsTidHEeFLANK It 1 / FRESH / Ib WE SPECIALIZE IN WEEKLY SPECIALS ! 4 CI1P \ n U4Bir riirst VE Amo - ASSOFITED FLAVOURS ROYAL.': TOP VALU LARGE SIZE Grade 'A' Eggs Dozen _ I II GRANULATED FINE .v . :Ka4. FINE ZL.A4 neon. mo:i4/* WHITE SUGAR PRODUCT OF ISRAEL4WEET JAFFA ORANGES 5 1b. 55c bag LIMIT I BAG PER FAMILY 'ITH THIS COUPON AND 100 PURCHASE COUPON EFFECTIVE MARCH 28.APRIL 3.1073 .1•111. .111111111. .1.0111•• •••••••• .0111•• .0110. .11111. Doe 79c „/, III 11111 I Ulf 1111 1,t / TOP VALU LIQUID BLEACH trUif • II LAWS CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 3c BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS 16 az, pkg. WITH YLHIMISITCOI uppoONPAELA 0PAs MGOILPYURCHASE -off COUPON EFFECTIVE ',maw 23 • APRIL,1, :4 yyty tit STOKELY NOW ORLEANS STYLE OR DARK RED SUNLIGHT KIDNEY POWDERED__ BEANS, OR 141inO 1.00 ,DETERGENT CARNATION moan, REGULAR CUT ORIOLE FRENCH 2 lb. 47. SOFT FRIES . MOTHER PARKER'S RHODES FROZEN Willis ink 7 c INTANT' 10 oz. 4 neh READY TO BAKE pkg. Zr CO FFEE Or I. ...al Bread Dough Sr;f4t. 700 Holiday Farrh AsSorlad Varieties Frozen MEAT ALLEN'S ntcoNsTituTED UNSWEETENED 29c DINNERS 3 gts • 1.00 GRAPEPAUIT OR lb pkg boy ' MARGARINE SMEDLEY CHOICE SMALL WHOLE oz, CHICKEN OF THE SEA CII6NTLZ uAv' it / TOP VALU SMOOTH Orange Juice 48 7izr; 45C i° ,°,,t 1.00 POST HONEY COMB TOP VALU TOMATO OR 45, SOUP Le ar5. •Pni. .M4. ^MN. PEANUT .... ..1.1, ...14. mg.:. BUTTER nidinn 01.• ...0 .4.. LIMIT 1„,q,LY ...„..„ ..... ....., .N011. '"r.41 .1...e. 7".". WITH CRIB UHRON AO 3 0 PuROPLRE .....L. .„ POUPPN'EMECYlVt .,..* ...:,...' litAlICH •RiAMIL 7,1.13 ...... CHUNK LIGHT PARROTS 4 to-A A:10 TUNA tilt et r OZ. Colgate Reg. or Wintearests GERBER'S 't'ug 49c STRAINEb COOK N SEE „intirroi, $5. CEREAL. BATHMOOM 114: 59C 17 huh loll 65° CAPRI WRITE TOOTH- PASTE PigYfiti)LOS 1g INCH FOIL, WRAP4 2411 EAGLE GRAND CONDENSED MILK . HERSHEY INSTANT CHOCOLATE '202' 89 43/4 -.16c WA' jar rr=.n BABY FOOD GLAD PLASTIC PLASTIC KITCHEN S E EE Garbane Began 49c CATCHER 4V6 ' NEW i3FUM REP MAID CREAMED RUFF NitE0b1 85 8 toll ,pkg, LANCiA SPAMiETTrivi SPACIHVTi OR GROUND a lb. ELBOW lb. 4st COFFEE 't4 1.091 HONEY plastie,cOnt. 1 y, I„9 MACARONI„ PLANTERS; SLACK DIAMOND /Waded Varieltet eatete EFFt0T1Yk UNTIL t LOSiNci sAtUnbAY, blanched Pbahuli 1000, pkt, 0010 47' I Hebt)AR MA,Pcn 31,1973 tri*nith Noma Nuts to Oa, Apt (taito) 43!' ALE id Or, pkg. (461fo) CHEESE wedge sor Icia, cod ritUntivb 1116HT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES as 9. fin :1111 11.1111 I 111141 I 141,11A,"7„.