Clinton News-Record, 1973-03-22, Page 20—CLINTON NMVS-RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 220973 ,.Town by Merg Rudd "Calorie Countdown" was the theme of a food forum held at Ontario Str..tet United Church in Clinton last week as ladies sought to learn how to eat sensible and nourishing food. Ex- plaining one of the basic meals are, left to right, Ann Urquhart, Catherine Hunt and Denise Kendall of the home economists branch of the ministry of agriculture and food. (photo by Jack Hunt) "Polly-Esters" learning to use knits THE SEPARATE SHOPPE Main Corner-,Clinten * BLOUSES * PANT TOPS * PULLOVERS * VESTS * PANTS 4' SKIRTS Closed Weds. Open 2-6 PAW. CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP BONELESS RUMP ROAST x.1.39 CUT FROM THE LEG.FROZEN TURKEY DRUMSTICKS lb, 43c SCHNEIDER'S VACUUM PACKED RED HOT WIENERS 1,it 75c ESSEX Packers Vacuum Forked family Pack geed COOKED MEATS 41 85c FROZEN BRITISH COLUMBIA TUNA FROZEN SMOKED SALMON CHUNKS \ib. .89,,./ / Cube \I 1,.99 Steaks / c \ THE BEEF HIP / CUT FROM •••• Clinton . A Supplied nod Serviced By M. Loeb Limited LAND WANTED (Clinton Area) 5 to 1 0 ACRES With well or spring water Country Road Desirable Write to: E.T. Finch 40 Pond Mills Road London, N5Z 3X2 11,12b TRUST AND SAVINGS CORPORATION. o r 69 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 1 1-416-360.1770 PAYS YOU HIGHEST INTEREST on Guaranteed Investment Certificates GIC's Are Fully Guaranteed Term Deposits for Periods of 1 • 5 years for CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR Member Canada Deposit insuranre Corporation . LAWSON and WISE Complete Insurance Service and Investments S Rattenbury St., Phone 4829644 Clinton.. Ont. J. T. Wise—Res. 482.7265 Thank You HURON! My sincere thanks to the electors of Huron for the over- whelming support at the polls on Mar. 15th, My appreciation also to all those who worked so hard on my behalf in the election cam- paign. I will certainly endeavour to represent ALL the people Of Huron to the very best of my ability. JACK RIDDELL •• • • •• • • • •••• •• • • ..... ••••••••• a. 79t '4: 95' 4: 69c ib 69e lbs .5i. 49c 8 Size 09c 40's CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP BONELESS Sirloin Tip Roast .1.49 GRADE 'A' RED RIBBON BEEF OM` THE BEEF MP BONELESS I, I Stewing Beef .4%ol 1 5 ETSTTCHOANNT EltIsT% WE SELL -"••• •". EXTRA LEAN Ground I Beef ‘Ibi 1 5 • BOTTOM CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP BONELESS Round Steaks or Roast .1.39 AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES 19 wt. tin 411. ••••• ••••••• ••••• wog.. molom. +MO. AM. WE SPECIALIZE IN WEEKLY SPECIALS ! TOP VALU ASSORTED VARIETIES . SOFT DRINKS 10 oz. tin Iti MONARCH Coloured argarine 1 lb. DM*. NABOB ALL PURPOSE GROUND . COFFEE E E BONUS DISCOUNTS Heinz In Tomato Sauce (cluster pock) PRISM LIQUID MONARCH BUTTERCUP SOFT SPAGHETTI 4 'it 79` DETERGENT 38c MARGARINE 1 lb. Pkg. % 402n 'IQF SWEET MIXED OR KOSHER DILL CAPRI Assorted Colours Bathroom CHEER POWDERED Heinz Pickles .77 SERVIETTES of *6 69° Creamed Ifoneypra.(:ft 1.99 9:0 Beef sjt sRskl N,F t8Aous Os opTrise pkg. 9 ,Dd Ains Varietiessno rie rd: 6100..v1 to 2 ,s 4 89° CAT FOOD 5 is in 1.00 APPLEFDRD Hod Saver (cotter box) 59° WAXED PAPER roll 37c ASSORTED NEILSON'S, FAMILY PACK ROW HOOD-Assortod VolletieS Chocolate Bart PaY*°r 89° PUDDING MIXES A pe ko ,4 .00 t t er v miuo TN o viol if M t OT a M 20/5, bars mmtor VollItki POKIlt IffiLlin ONTO COS* TADROAT, Mad. )173 31 oz, plastic tntr 2f lobar 1 SWING ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 5 311,:kog: BANQUET FROZEN MEAT PIES 4 go, Piet. BEEF, CHICKEN OR IRISH Cordon Dims Stew 25 °trio 59° TISSUE 441! 32 gar k 49c DETERGENT Sb% 1.79 KRAFT VELVEETA PROCESS WHITE SWAN-WHITE BEEKIST CHEESE KEN-L-RATION Cheese Burger 364 1.07 CHUN KING, ASsorfed Varieties Skillet Dinners ctic.6i."pi,r, 89 Spacial Pock-f lot 99,•Pepsodelit Regular TOOTHPASTE 5012 'tua6,:s STOKELY FANCY APPLE SAUCE 14 as. tins for 2 39c LIMIT TWO 2 AMIPRO nil FAMILY 11013370 FIASCHASE AND THIS COUPON COUPON MEOW MARCH 21-17, 1973 IIIIIIiI \ .••••• • .4100. .••••1. QQ( writJere.aim*, /,111111111111 CORN FLAKES LIMIT 2 PM, PM FAMILY WITH 5,00 PURCHASE AND THIS COUPON COUPON EFFECTIVE MARCH. 1147, 1013 • 1.;h1h,,,M,39N TOP VALU-Pure Choice APPLE JUICE 2 1.0. 49c LIMIT 1 TINS PER FAMILY WITH 3.00 PURCHASE ANO THIS COUPON COUPON EFFECTIVE MARCH 21.27,1973 P,M,0,6,0,Y ASSORTED COLOURS WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE WHITESPRINGS PINK SALMON ty oz. tin 43 NESCAFE INSTANT ir COFFEE $ "aLlir BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS BANQUET FROZEN APPLE OR CHERRY 39,, PIE AD us. p1* SQUIRREL SMOOTH BUTTER uu PEANUT A n(' I lb. Jar KRAFT CANADIAN PROCESS SINGLES CHEESE SLICES 1 lb. pkg. 54 DEVON STANDARD CREAM STYLE CORN OR TOP vAill CHOICE PEAS GREEN 14 os. tin 19< SLICED BREAD 24 oz. panytatt loavenir for FASCINATION ENRICHED WHITE $1 By Mary NICIIWPIll Mrs. Irene Grimoldby spent a few days the past week visiting • with- Mr, and Mrs. Russell Fleming of Seaforth. Weekend visitors with the John Thompson family were Mr. Arid Mrs. Barry Powley of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thompson of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter of Colborne Township, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods, Debbie and Michele of Gananoque are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Marjie Van der Molan of Oakville and David Whyte are spending this week with their grandmother, Mrs. W,L. Whyte and Tom, Bill and Mr, Harold Whyte. Mr. Larry Jewitt returned St. Joseph prayer News of Constance CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP BONELESS Top Round Steaks or Roast .1.49 er. "". soe. CUT FROM \ / THE BEEF HIP / BONELESS Sirloin Tip 1, Steaks ' b.1 .59 CUT FROM k I THE BEEF HIP k BONELESS FAST-FRYi Take the guesswork out of meal buying with these informative purchasing aids. it Sandwich Steaks / \1.89 Top TABLE J MEATS PAY 1a Net Pa Lb ;1.00 1.39 1.39 BEEF NIP BOTTOM ROUND STEAK HERE'S WHAT MEAT IDENTITY LABELLING DOES FOR YOU We shouldn't have made any comments about robins and spring last week. That's probably why we had winter again and with such a vengeance, There was only one advantage in the storm to our household and that was that the lord and master was unable to return to his work until Monday morning. It was great to have him home for the extra time! Guests of Mrs. Charles Lee and Miss Nola of Queen Street this week are Miss Marie Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hurst and family, all of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porter and children of Wellington, On- tario are spending part of the school holiday with Mr, Por- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Porter. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Campbell have returned home from a very pleasant holiday in Hawaii. * * Clinton people have long been accustomed to the idea of visiting teams of boy hockey players, but this week, we will be invaded by 220 girls who are coming to play in the Girls' hockey tournament. They are from all over Western Ontario. Games will be played at the arena at Vanastra and in Clin- ton. It will seem like old times for Clintonians to attend hockey activities at the former base, See the hockey schedule elsewhere in the paper for game times. * It is maple syrup time again too. And maple syrup festivals will be in full swing soon. The Elmira Maple Syrup Festival is on April 7 and we understand that tremendous crowds attend this. If you are thinking of going over, it might be wise to go early in the morningg. The opening hour is 8 a.m. Our third meeting was held on February 26th at Mrs. W.. Jenkins. The rollcall "show your pattern and material" was answered by 10 members. The minutes of meeting two were read by Glenna Ellis. Our next meeting will be held on March 6, at Mrs. C. Ellis. The leaders prepared several sam- ples of do's and don'ts for knits. The meeting was then closed. The fourth meeting of the Clinton II "Polly-Esters" was held on March 6, at Mrs. Ellis. The rollcall "compare the total cost of your garments with a similar ready-made one" had a number of interesting answers. The minutes of meeting three were read by Susan Tyndall • Our next meeting was held on March 19th at Mrs. Ellis. We looked at samples of various neckline finishes for knits. The meeting was then closed. The fifth meeting of the Clinton II "Polly-Esters" was held on U.C.W. meets The Afternoon Unit of the WeSley-Willis: United i Chiireh, Met in the church hall on March 15th with an attendance of 21. 'The president, Mrs, C. Stewart, presided, and gave a poem. A Hymn was sung in unison followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. C. Nelson presided for the worship and study period. After a call to worship and prayer, Miss F'. Jamieson read the Scriptures. Mrs. Nelson gave the Study Book on India and explained about family planning, illiteracy and the green revolution and how a boy's eagerness to gain some schooling served the purpose of helping his parents. Then a skit was presented, entitled "Laura's Gift to Missions." Those taking part were E. Jamieson, E. Stewart, G. Addison, E. Adams, A. Mof- fat and V. Nelson. The minutes were read and approved and the treasurer's report was given. Twenty home and 26 hospital calls were made on the sick. Readings were given by E. Stewart and V. Nelson. With spring bouquet, St.. Patricks decorations and recorded Irish tunes, lunch was served by the committee in charge. March 19th at Mrs. Ellis. The Rollcall was answered by 8 members, The minutes of meeting five were read by Jo- Anne Salverda. The next meeting will be held on March 26th at Mrs. Ellis. The club Bottom cut from me Beet litp • INFORMATIVE COUNTER CARD MEAT IDENTITY LABEL Our new improved meat identity labelling tells you at a glance the type of meet, the primal cut and the specific portion of the primal cut, Simply use the re- commended cooking method in our "Meat Explained" folder. 1. Kind of Meal. No need to guess the type of meat first, every label shows the type of meat heel, pork, iamb or veal. 2. Primal Cut. Chuck, rib, loin or hip - tells what port of the animal the meat comes from, 3. Specific Portion or Retail Cut, Blade roast, sirloin steak, or top round steak - tells you exactly what part of the primal cut the meat comes from. FROZEN JUMBO SMOKED FILLETS DAVERN VACUUM PACKED SLICED SIDE BACON TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED SKINLESS WIENERS DAVERN BEET AND PORK BREAKFAST SAUSAGE FROZEN CANADA GRADE 'UTILITY' ROASTING CHICKENS FRESH PRODUCE 'Dunk A Dole!' Dole' Golden Yellow Bananas lb. U.S.A. No, 1 Tender New Green CABBAGE 2 lbs. 29c U.S.A. NO, 1 Florida Red or White GRAPEFRUIT U.S.A. No. 1 Florida Crisp CELERY STALKS each 33c Product of Israel-Sweet JAFFA ORANGES large size 111119C Dez. 1141 Canada No, 1 Ontario Marsh Cello CARROTS 3 nog tea 14. 9C ill BONUS DISCOUNTS VELVET PASTRY FLOUR 'bag 69c QUAKER ONE MINUTE OR. QUICK OATS 48404t3kr to 59c ARMOUR STAR CORNED BEEF 1 2 tin 794' KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ PROCESS Cheese Spread 2 ;x; 1.63 ALLAN 12 INCH FOIL WRAP Del Monte fancy Halves or Slitet PEACHES 19 39c Red Rose (breprIced 69') Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS A:ft 59c borne on Monday having spent the past two weeks in Windsor. Miss Gisela. Porrance of Owen Sound is spending the school break with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dorrance. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Good. fellow and Kriatina of Georgetown are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, ' and Mrs. Ben Riley and family, Congratulations are exten- ded to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Taylor on the ',Aril of a son in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. George McElwain of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, George B. McIlwain and family. • Notice of Meeting TO— Recreation Committees, Various Sports Associations and Representatives, Interested Citizens. DATE— Wednesday, March 28/73 TIME— 8:00 p.m. Fos.ACE— Clinton Community Arena PURPOSE-. To establish a council for the purpose of promoting, assisting and co-ordinating sport and sport develop- ment in Huron. • CUT FROM .. 41 THE BEEF HIP N i / BONELESS / CUT FROM ....,, 0,-- -- 1 / THE BEEF HIP I Full Slice / ,,, EYE OF THE NELESS • ROUND /i Round Steaks ) Steaks BO I ,Ik• 1.43 ,, ' or Roast i / ,, oe . `,:b.1 .89, e .. .. members talked about the proper way to set in sleeves and how to do the tailor's hem. Then each member tried it for themselves. The meeting was closed. Karen Tyndall . serace held On Thursday, March 15, the children and staff of St. Joseph's took part in a prayer- vigil service conducted by Mrs. John Van Beers •and Father McMaster, This service was held to honour the patron saint of the school and parish, St. Joseph, Cake and ice-cream- provided by the Parish Council was then distributed to all students by a numi-er Of ladies in the parish. ORDER FORMS FOR FREE "MEAT EXPLAINED" FOLDER ON HOW TO MA HOW 70 COON BEEF, PORK, LAMB OR VEAL AVAILABLE AT ALL IGA MEAT COUNTERS SIMPLY FILL IT IN AND MAIL TO IGA Consumer Comer, Box son London, Oat. T 00 t roll 1.19 Our meal identity program wakes your shopping easier!