HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-03-15, Page 9TO-DAY (THURS. MAR. 15)
Help Huron lead
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'3111 y IS),
the way!
JACK RIDDELL SAYS . . "We in Huron can either send one more Tory to Queen's
Park to add to an already overweighted majority or we can send a Liberal to help
bring accountability back to government."
Elect a man who will
speak his mind . . .
and yours!
Jack Riddell
Jack Riddell is
a man who lives in Huron —and intends to stay in Huron— a successful farmer
— graduate of the University of Guelph — partner in Hensel! Livestock Sales —
Jack has taught high school in Clinton and Exeter — been a government
livestock specialist — he is a trustee of Huron board of Education — married —
active in Dashwood United Church and community work.
Help Huron
help Ontario
help yourself
These on-air personalities are backed up by a skilled staff of reporters
editors ... news cameramen and more than 20 correspondents.
Watch their coverage of your news.
12:45 - 1:00 p.m.
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Town & Country News
The National
Late Insight
Focus On The Farm
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday
PHONE 524-9192.
Ely Wilms Oka
ced with the prospect of
eying 50 percent of' the con-
ction costs of the sewage
et for the new addition
ted this month at Holy
ne School in St. Marys, the
on-Perth County Roman
holic Separate School
and will send a five-man
mittee to meet with the St.
ry's Town Council in an at-
pt to get the town to pay a
ger share. The meeting will
held on March 20.
n the school board eommit-
an ad hoc committee for
!ding projects, are trustees
rdon Ball of St. Marys,
ward Shantz and F,J. Vere
h of Stratford. Added to it
trustee David Teahen of
continued from page 1
d reported that there was a
reat uncertainty."
He went on to charge that
;lays at the provincial level
ye stood • in the way of
velopment of industries at
anastra. He also criticized the
ovince for not helping a "con-
rned Huron County Council"
speed things up.
Mr. Carroll also complained
uneven distribution of
ovincial loans in the area.
he Ontario Development
ommission has pumped a
eat deal of money into Huron
t the Clinton area has been
oided.`qt irritates me," he
id, "to see massive inputs at
uron Park ... even after it has
eached its full capacity."
Commenting on the same
abject Stephen Lewis said that
the province was really con-
erned about the Vanastra
tuation they would only have
"snap their fingers to solve
"The concerns and woes of
linton don't cause hearts to
eat at Queens Park," he
Mr. Ginn claimed that
ners of Vanastra were just
aiting for their patent from
e Crown "and we are expec-
Stratford and former board
member Chris Walraven of Kit-
chener and formerly of St.
Marys, who were both on this
committee last year and are
familiar with the sewage
problem in the town.
Mr. Ball, reporting for the ad
hoc committee, said that con-
struction for the $1933 245 ad-
dition to St. Aloysius School in
Stratford was expected to start
the first week of April. Work on
the $289,891 addition to Holy
Name School in St, Marys is
Superintendent of education.
John Vintar, and trustees
Michael Connolly of RR 3, Kip-
pen, and Ted Geoffrey of R.R. 2
Zurich, will attend the
Regional Conference for School
Trustees and Administrators to
ting it this week.','
"Then we go to Goderich,
register it and start smacking
out the deeds. They could be
ready early next week," he
The basic problem Vanastra
faces is that until the province
approves the registered plan of
subdivision, titles cannot be
given to home purchasers.
At the same press conference
Stephen Lewis accused the
Premier and Leader of the Op-
position of engaging in "a
childish and irrelevant debate
while the real questions of the
campaign are not answered."
He was referring to question of
a projected provincial deficit.
"We will know about the
budget deficit in April", Mr.
Lewis said. He charged that
Premier Davis was dodging the
real issues of regional govern-
ment, health costs ana the
economic development of
Huron County.
Mr. Lewis said the voters of
Huron "deserve better than the
school boy refrain of 'I can add
better than you can." He fur-
ther noted that he was not
overly impressed by either of
the leaders mathematic
The NDP leader predicted
that the Conservatives "are
be held in Hamilton from
March 29--3j.
'David Teahen, chairman of
the Personnel Committee, said
his committee would hold its
first meeting on salary
negotiations on March 27 in
Trustee Vincent Young of
Goderich, chairman of a sub-
committee on the Family Life
Advisory Committee, said his
committee would present a
report on Tuesday, March '13,
at St, James School in
At the board meeting held in
St. Michael's School in Strat-
ford a presentation on Library
Resource Services was made by
Miss Marigold Collins, teacher-
librarian at St. Michael's
School and by Pascal J.
Calarco, program consultant
with the ministry of eduction
in Waterloo.
Miss Collins gave an outline
of her duties in developing a
program of school library ser-
vices, in selecting appropriate
and essential books and
materials that support the
school curriculum, in meeting
the educational needs and in-
terests of every individual
child, in working closely with
teachers and making available
every assistance from the
library for an effective
classroom program and in
assisting with curriculum
development and unit planning
with teachers.
Miss Collins outlined ad-
ditional duties she has as a
librarian and also presented
slides showing different
projects carried out by the
students through the art ap-
Mr. Calarco told how
libraries have evolved in the
school system, that they are a
recent thing in some elemen-
tary schools and something yet
to come in others. He spoke of a
greater stress being placed on
language as a learning vehicle
and this is helped by exposing
students to a wider range of
good books.
Mr. Calarco said that in
rural areas students are ill
prepared to compete with
students from large urban cen-
tres with their fine libraries. He
stressed the importance of
providing good libraries for the
best quality of schooling to
overcome this inequality. Mr.
Calve° showed pictures of the
new library resource centre at
St. Beniface School in Zurich
to demonstrate what can be
done in a small rural school
(232 pupils), then he showed
pictures of how a small
Wellington County school at
Marden has used its general
purpose room as a part-time
In the question and answer
The general meeting of the
Brucefield U.C.W. was held
Tuesday afternoon in
Brucefield United Church.
Unit 2 was in charge of
devotions., Mrs. David Trieb-
ner opened with a poem "1
Believe',', and the Hymn
"Stand up stand up for Jesus"
was sung, and Mrs. Lorne
Wilson read the Scripture,
Luke 16, followed by a prayer.
Mrs. Triebner spoke on the
hunger of India and Mrs.
Wilson took as her topic "India
Soil". Singing of a Hymn
closed this part of the meeting.
Mrs. Stuart Wilson, the
president, opened the business
part by introducing the new
"Combo" which is the "Clip
Sheet" and "Road Builder"
combined. Roll Call was an-
swered by 19 members. Mrs.
Erwin Sillery reported for the
church committee. New drapes
have been installed in the
auditorium and Mrs. Wilson
read letters from the foster
child. Mrs. Stoll reported on
the Huron, Perth Presbyterial.
Family night is to be held
March 23. A motion was made
to send cash donation to the
Retarded Adult Workshop, to
Mrs. Jane Davidson for her
work in India and to the
Wallace family who recently
Nick Hill of the Huron County Planning Department sketches the Victoria Block in Clinton
as part of a pamphlet the department is putting out on historical buildings in Huron
County. The Victoria Block was built in 1877. (News-Record photo)
lost their home in a fire.
3 served lunch.
meeting with a prayer and Unit
Mrs. Wilson closed the
Parties release...
continued from page 1
coffee. cost for NDP candidate Paul
The Hamilton Area Council Carroll is $5,400.
of Steel Workers contributed
Mr. Carroll' said campaign
$250 while donations at Mr. contributions were made public
Carroll's nomination conven- as part of the NDP policy on
tion totalled $149. election reforms. He said a
In their statement the NDP final declaration of con-
said that there are no tributions and expenditures
donations from company sour- will be made after the election.
ces. All contributions from in- Liberal by-election candidate
dividuals exceeding $50 are Jack Riddell has announced he
listed in a complete breakdown will release his contribution list
of donations which are when it is compiled. The
available on request. Progressive Conservative
Income from about 20 in- organization of candidate Don
dividual donations totalled Southcott has said it will
$292. The estimated campaign release no such list.
S. Board
Trustees will meet St. Marys council
period, trustee Ted Geoffrey
asked if bobkmobiles would fill
the need where no library
resource centre was available
in a school, Mr. Calarco said it
was not a practical alternative,
He suggested that two or more
schools in the same area share
the services of one librarian.
"Materials will be used to a
greater extent if they are
located in the school, readily
available to both the teacher
and the students, rather than
available only once a week
during a bookmobile visit," he
U.C.W. meets