HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-03-15, Page 5LAND WANTED (Clinton Area) 5 to 10 ACRES With well or spring water Country Road Desirable Write to: E.T. Finch 40 Pond Mills Road London, N52 3X2 11,12b • 111011101# LUXURY PONTIAC 4 1971 BONNEVILLE FOUR DOOR HARDTOP 17,000 MILES I Automatic air conditioned. Power steering, power front disc brakes, power windows AM/FM radio, full tinted glass, tilt steering wheel, vinyl top, cruise control, husky 455 V-8 engine, side mouldings, belted whitewalls. 126'.1 wheel base. Finished in beautiful dark green with san- 0 -1 dalwood top' and Interior. Lic. No. DJP 726 ^, cn McGEE PONTIAC - BUICK # GODERICH 524.8391 CABLE TV it FM NOW IN THESE AREAS OF CLINTON STREET PRINCESS SH IP L E Y RATTENBURY r z 6 I- N STREET ONTARIO S J GI B B I. NI S S WOmAM, STREET ~uhII1 8'117 CALL 482-9233 10 TV 10 FM STREET a TOWNSEND ' STRESl a 0 4 re lx ouNLoo STREET .CANADIAN^'A winktrottrirrtilifill We're Expanding our Marine Facilities & Service We have the dealership for • STARCRAFT BOATS • LARSON BOATS • CRESTLINER BOATS • SCOTT PLASTIC CANOES • EXPLORER BOAT TRAILERS • MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS Presently we have nine complete boats ready for your Immediate inspettiOrt, Jusf in time for early .spring Waters. ARGYLE Marine & Small Engines 88 IIt ltdnnr,r f{(lad ')23 920 I ( ;oder RAI Fro. my „,,„„.. ............ BY pHIFII.XY 4. KELL:Eli BY MARY MCILWAIN The Canadian Foresters held a euchre party on Friday, March 12 in the hall with the following winners; ladies high, Betty Hulley; lone hands, Mary Riley; low, Fern McClure; men's high, Steven Jewitt; lone hands, Ken Hulley; low, Wayne Hulley. The next euchre will be held in two weeks on Saturday evening March 24. The Foresters Family Bowling Night will be on Sun- day evening March 18 at 7 p.m. at Nobles Lanes,Seaforth. As this is the last night of bowling for the season, everyone is asked to bring lunch which will be served at the hall. Congratulations are exten- ded to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thom- pson on the birth of a daughter, Renee Grace on Wednesday, March 7 in Goderich General Hospital. Mr. John Turner of Tucker- smith visited on Wednesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Reg Mr. and Mrs. George Beatty and family of Toronto visited over the weekend at the home of Mrs. Marie Beatty. Mrs. John Ostrom returned home last week after visiting her daughter and family in Montreal. Groups held pancake supper I've had another birthday and this time my family remembered, Maybe you recall that last year when my annual marker rolled round, not one Single member of my family thought of it, You may also remember that I was com- pletely crushed and said so in my column so solefully that had letters from readers who urged me to cheer up and look to brighter days ahead. One dear reader advised me to be tireless this year in remin- ding my family about my birth- day up to and including the big day, I'd always been somewhat reluctant to do that, but this time I threw caution to the winds and played hard on the fact that I'd been forgotten last year and hoped for better things this year. The celebration for my Birth- day started early in the day with a resounding rush on my bedroom and my bed. Family members crowded in to be the very first to wish me best wishes, I was smothered with kisses and hugs ..., and I even had an offer of breakfast in bed! Our youngest son, though in on the bedroom scene, did not really tell me an actual "Happy Birthday". "Didn't you forget something?" I asked him, quietly. "No," he answered. "Well, aren't you going to wish me Happy Birthday?" I pressed. "Yes," answered my littlest son, "but not yet." "Oh" I said, a little baffled. I guess my son has a flair for the dramatic because as he made his exit for school, he gave me his farewell morning kiss and said," "Have a Happy Birthday today mom, I got you something, but it isn't very good," Big tears welled up in his eyes. "It starts with 'c'", he said. "Oh you bought me candy," I said, trying to sound pleased and proud though my thoughts quickly centred around the bathroom scales which tell such an ugly story. "No, it isn't candy," he said. Varna it By Fred McCiymont The Explorer Group meeting in the Church last Wednesday evening was opened by the president, Brenda Dowson with the Explorer Purpose and Motto followed by a hymn.'The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and the of- fering was taken up by Sandra Taylor, The treasurer report was read by Luann Taylor and the Study period was led by Mrs. Pat Taylor, Recreation was in charge of Mrs. Sharon Chuter and Brenda Dowson closed the The .April meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion was held on March 12th with president Mrs. Hector Kingswell, presiding. The interesting but brief meeting was well attended. The yearly donation will again be made to the Muscular Dystrophy Fund and the Auxiliary is looking after the Hospital cart for the month of March. A banquet is to be held on March 30 and help will be needed for that evening. A card "Well, I'm not going to guess any more," I told him. "There's so many things I love that begin with 'c' rather wait until you give it to me," That evening when I arrived home, I was met on the porch by a very excited little boy, "Don't go in the kitchen door," warned my son, "You'll have to go in the front door and stay in the livingroomi until dinner's ready," He was jumping up and down with anticipation by this time. He just couldn't keep the whole secret any longer. "We're going to have a. party," he whispered in my ear, He was right, too, My daughter had managed a delicious roast beef dinner com- plete with brussels sprouts and coleslaw and green peas. And to top it all off was a birthday cake made by her own loving hands topped with enough can- dles to tell the awful truth of my age. And the gifts! It was like Christmas, only better because it was especially for me. Master of ceremonies was my youngest son. He handed me the gifts, the first one a large, large box reading 'blender' on the side. "That doesn't start with `c"1 told him. "It is inside," he said, helping me to rip open the box. "See it is a card but everybody signed it. And now the gift in the box is from everybody, even me." His little eyes danced with happiness and I felt like crying. Oh there were other gifts, gifts I appreciated and truly treasure. But that gift that started with 'c' was really what turned me on this birthday and I knew that if I lived to be 200 years old, nothing could ever be bet- ter, Funny thing about gifts. The person giving them always gets the most out of it „.. unless the person receiving them knows that the person doing the giving is really sincere about the gift and has given it with love for you and you alone. It was a happy birthday for me. The best one yet, in fact. And to think I'm only 29!! meeting with prayer. The United Church Women and the Explorer Group held a successful pancake supper in the basement of the church last Tuesday evening. Flowers in the United Church last Sunday were placed by the members of the Stephenson and Hill families in memory of the late Mrs. Ivan Hill. The invitation to the United Church Women from Goshen U,C.W. to attend their March meeting has been postponed till March 22nd, tournament is being held in Wingham March 19 and bowling tournaments in Exeter April 11, and in Goderich April 18. Helen Bisback won the share-the-wealth draw and the attendance draw was won by Gladys East. Margaret Thorndike showed a number of beautiful slides of her trips to England and several European countries and Africa. The citizenship meeting of Kippen east WI will be held in the Legion Hall, Hensall, March 21. at $;34 p,m. The roll call is, "Anything New?" Menu hers are reminded to bring a friend or friends. Mr. Clarence Downs, Fxeter, will shOw pic- tures of his Icelandic Tour. Mrs, Alderdice will give a con,. test and Mrs. Alex McGregor is in charge of lunch, 4-H CLUB The fourth meeting of Kip- pen II 4-H Club "Super Sport Stars" was held on March 1 at the home of the leader, Mrs. Grant McGregor, The meeting opened with the 4.}I Pledge ;mil the handout sheets were discussed. Mrs. McGregor demonstrated putting a neckline edge on with a bias trip and each girl tried to do the ,artie..MrS.--IVICOrefor checked the books. The meeting adjourned to meet again, March 6, at McGregors. PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones visited Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Oackstetter in Guelph, recently,. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Jones visited CoIle0 Royal at Guelph during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Elgie have returned from a pleisant Vacation. The line-up formed early at the filmyIdge Chalet in HansaII last Monday night as more than 3,000 came to the barbecue and to meet Liberal candidate in the Huron by-election, Jack Riddell. The people were commuted from their parked cars on Highway 84 to the Chalet by a bus because of the soggy road conditions. (News-Record photo) News of Constance QL1NTON IINVVS.10CQRD. TH!,*SPAY, M4 IIP.1 15, 1975.4 .dip pen' W.I. to show films Sy Hens Caldwell Lawson, John and Elizabeth. Mrs. W. L. Whyte returned home on Monday having spent the past week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan, Paul, Mark and Margie of Oakville and Mr, and Mrs. John Whyte, Jeffrey, Andrea and Kerri of Oshawa, Mr. Jim Thompson spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter of Colborne Township. Mrs. Luther Sanders atten- ded the funeral on Saturday of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ivan Hill of 'Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, E.F. Warren of London visited on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth. Mr. William Reuger and Carol of Goderich Township spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain and family, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Snell, Shane and Shannon of Blyth were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William Dale. Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. William Dowson, Brenda, Bonnie and John of Varna. Legion ladies meet