HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-03-01, Page 104,TTXTM.)..) eeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeee see e eee a a a Let us do your Baking. This week's Bakery FEATURES ••• SPECIALS FOR FRI. & SAT. iia-AiiON CREME PIES SPECIAL 69c REGULAR 39c DOZ, SPECIAL 2 9c DOZ. You'll enjoy a coffee --- a light lunch or tasty full course meal even more in our surroundings'-- -- Our friendly service remains unchanged. ch We won't let anyone alter that oc Chip Cookies 3?, restaurant's freshly decorated "i;usiginummolmiaingiO REGULAR 49c PKG. SPECIAL Bartliffs Bakery Limited Bakery and Restaurant 482-9727 CLINTON .. gg gore' PPPPPPPPPP PPP PPPM0 PPP JO PPOPP ee es ee 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 6, 4. 6. 4. 4. 4, 4. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a O 4) EA. €,Q) O 4) 6) 6> 4) 4) 4. 6) 4. 4) 4. 4. ZirarCUL CLOVER LEAF ROLLS -4044110ftoi REGULAR $1.25 SPECIAL Dutch Fruit Bread 79c EA. 10—CLINTON NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, MARCH 1973 Children of Mrs. William's kindergarten class of Clinton Public School brought examples of pioneer life to their Pioneer Day lapt Friday, The collection included old coal oil lamps, har- ness bells and old readers used in the one-room schoolhouses that used to dominate the school scene in Huron County' (photo by Lee Allison) News of Constance I I LIFETIME GUARANTEED MUFFLERS SHOCK ABSORBERS "YOUR SILENT PARTNER" WHERE QUIET BEGINS FREE INSTALLATION AND 15 MIN. SERVICE MUFFLERMAN OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 - 6 SAT. 8 - 3 CHARGEX 2714560 738 Ontario St: Stratford MATERNITY WEAR The Separate Shopp MAIN CORNER CLINTON OPEN 2-6 P.M. CLOSED WEDNESDAYS ATTENTION FARMERS WINTER BOOKING SPECIALS NOW IN EFFECT ON BEATTY FARM EQUIPMENT CALL NOW TO ARRANGE FOR YOUR INSTALLATION NEXT SUMMER OR FALL ARNOLD M. BEST AUTHORIZED BEATTY DEALER FOR HURON COUNTY PHONE 524-9192 NOTICE TO QUALIFIED VOTERS IN THE EL4CTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON CONCERNING THE PENDING BY-ELECTION TO BE HELD MARCH 15th, 1973 FROM 8:00 A,M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M. EVEN AFTER BEING ENUMERATED VOTERS HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MAKING SURE THAT THEY ARE INDEED ON THE LIST, REVISION OF LIST OF VOTERS The addition of qualified persons missed at enumeration, the addition of proxy voters and the certification of proxy certificates. And further, that for the purpose of revising the list of voters, as directed by the Chief Election Officer, Returning Officer Russell T. Bolton will sit for revision of voters' lists at the following places:. GODERICH TOWN HALL, on Monday, March 5, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. CLINTON TOWN HALL, on Saturday, March 3, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. EXETER TOWN HALL, on Saturday, March 3, from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. ,SEAFORTH.- At the Office of McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 10 Main Street, Seaforth, on Monday, March 5, from 10 A.M. to 12 Noon On Wednesday, March 7, from 4 P.M. to 8 P.M. On Thursday, March 8, from 12 noon to 8 P.M. for final Voters' Lists and proxy certificates. revision of rinialmiamminiar NOTE THAT THE DEAOLINE FOR ANY ALTERATION IN THE LIST OP VOT'ERS'AND FOR CERTIFICATION OF PROXY- CERTIFICATES IS 8:00 P.M. MARCH 8th 1913 • ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO RETURNING OFFICER— RUSSEL T. BOLTON OFFICE LOCATION 10 MAIN ST.,8EAFORtli TELEPHONE 527-0370 BY MILLIE LOBB Linda Jones was hostess for the S.S. No. 4 Community Club for the February meeting. Six- teen members and two visitors spent the afternoon visiting and The president Marilyn For- bes led the members in repeating the Creed and The Lord's Prayer. A poem "Patch- work Quilt" was read. Marlene Forbes read the minutes of the January Maitland and 16th Sunday visitors with Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt and Lori of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, John Jewitt, Carol, Judy, Danny and Billy. Mrs. Irene Grimoldby visited on Sunday with her daughter Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Medd and Kerri spent Sunday in Toronto visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tzannes. Mr. George Mcllwain retur- ned home on Sunday after being in Clinton Public Hospital for the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Presztator Diane and Nancy spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dillon of Clinton. Miss Cheryl Dale of Western University London is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. Bayfield * Villagers meet candidate BY MILVENA ERICKSON More than 60 people from Stanley Township, Goderich Township and Bayfield gathered in the Bayfield Municipal Building , last Friday night • (Feb. 23) to get acquainted with Don Southcott, Progressive Conservative can- didate in Huron riding by- election on March 15. Reeve Ed 'Oddleifson acting as chairman, welcomed those present and called on the Reeves, Deputy-Reeves and Poll Chairmen to say a few words. All speakers thanked the Village for hosting the meeting and for the hospitality accor- ded them. They were unanimous in their praise of Don Southcott and all stated that as Charles MacNaughton had said at a previous meeting "this is a whole new ballgame". Using this as their theme the speakers said that the main player in a ballgarne was the pitcher, and Don as a pitcher could "win the game"; but not without the support of the fans behind him to cheer him on, They all agreed that it would not be an easy election and called upon everyone to get out and work, get the votes out and keep everyone informed as to what was going on in the riding, Last year's Huron County Warden, Elmer Hayter, said that he had had many contacts with Don Southcott in the past year and had enjoyed this association; and that Don had arranged a number of meetings that proved very fruitful for Huron County. Lorne Klein- stiver, campaign manager and finance chairman, said we must work hard and diligently and told of a number of activities up-coming. Premier Bill Davis and Don Southcott will be hosting a pancake breakfast at 7 lion, in the Goderich Arena on March 1 and will tour Dominion Roads Machinery Company plant. On the same day they will be holding a noon luncheon in the Exeter Legion Hall and tour Dashwood In- dustries. March 7 is tentatively set for meetings in Clinton and Seaforth. On March 9, five Cabinet Ministers will be "mainstreeting" in the riding The highest record reported to the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club from the Record of Perfor- mance, Ottawa, during the month of January for cows in the two-year old class was headed by Dalevilla Captain Acme, a daughter of Dalevilla Captain, owned by Mrs. Lloyd Dale of Seaforth,Ontario. In 305 days, she produced 9, 712 lbs. of milk, 560 lbs. fat, 5,77 per cent at two years, 177 days. Next place was Edgeview BY CAROLE WEBER Holmesville I held their first meeting of the spring 4-H project on February 19th at Holmesville Public School . Leading the club are Mrs. Effie Yet) and Miss Barb Wise. The meeting began in the traditional manner with the recital of the 4-1-I pledge. An election of officers was necessary. The club chose Janet Klomps as president; Brenda Wise as vice-president and Audrey dePutter as secretary. The treasurer is Helen Kaastra and the press reporter, Carol Weber. After this, the club name `KNIT WITS' was selected by the group, As agreed, meetings will be held on Monday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. This concluded the official busdnesS and discussion of the members' pamphlets and record book requirements took place. This information as well as a general outline of the project was given by Mrs, Yeo. Next on the agenda was the demonstration of sewing box items by Barb Wise followed by a very enlightening talk by Mrs. Yeo on `Knowing Knits'. Her presentation, illustrated with fabric samples, stressed fabric construction and properties of natural and synthetic knit material. This concluded the first meeting of the sprite{ project which promises to be very in- teresting and educational for all those attending. and will visit Goderich, Clin- ton, Seaforth, Exeter, Hensall, Zurich and Bayfield, The Young progressive Conser- vatives will be holding a dance in the Clinton Legion Hall, on March 9 and on March 4 an in- formal get acquainted coffee party for men, ladies, and young people will take place in the Dashwood Community Centre, March 11 is scheduled for a visit to Clinton. "This ball team are warmed up and warming up to the by- election and to Don Southcott" said Mr: Kleinstiver, Clayton Laithwaite, Federal Association Chairman, said Don Southcott has experience in Queen's Park as an executive assistant to Charles MacNaughton for the past six years and Don knew how to get into those doors and how to get out again. He assured the gathering that Don would be there on March 15 when the band started to play. Don Southcott said he was delighted to come to Bayfield because it was so warm and the people were so receptive, but he stated this was going to be a tough election and everything wasn't in the bag as yet, He also stated that an election was never won by knocking the op- position and he didn't plan on doing it. He said responsive, responsible government was his aim, and to get out with sin- cerity and meet the people and find out their problems and the solutions. He asked for the support of all people to maintain the great tradition in Huron riding. Following the warm, infor- mal meeting, everyone socialized over coffee and donuts. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ferguson, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gozzard from Wednesday until Sunday while on a business visit 'to the village. Mrs. A. S. Morton has retur- ned home after spending a month in Ottawa and a month in New Haven, Connecticut, visiting with her families. Mr. Bill and Miss Christy Latimer and Miss Ruth Fuhr- mann, all of Toronto, were weekend guests of Mrs. Gilbert Knight. Master's Petunia, a daughter of Edgeview Ricky's Style Master, owned by John Ribbink, Tiver- ton, Ontario. At two years, 40 days, she produced 8,720 lbs. of milk, 484 lbs. fat, 5.55 per cent in 287 days. Registered guests at the Albion Hotel, included Mr. and Mrs, John Lane, Detroit, Michigan; Mr. Charles Knapp of St. Thomas. Mr. Norman Brown, London and Mr. and Mrs. George Kalanzis, Birmingham, Michigan were at their respec- tive residences in the Village for the weekend. Miss Wendy Greer, Waterloo-Lutheran. University, spent the weekend with her parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer and Patti, R.R. 3, Bayfield. Recent weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Scotchmer, were her sister Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barber and Maureen, St. Thomas and their son Mr. Mike Scotchmer, Guelph University. Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Bounce) Hefferon, Sarnia, visited his uncle, Mr. Ed. Reid, in Clinton Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. ,Eric Earl spent last week with her daughter and grandchildren, Mrs. Betty Anne Quigg, Kim and Joey in London. The World Day of Prayer is being celebrated in Trinity Anglican Church Bayfield on Friday, March 2 at 3 p.m., with Mrs. Gwen Pemberton as guest speaker. Mr. Jack Sturgeon was a din- ner guest of Mr. Don Southcott, Saturday, February 24 at the White Carnation at Holmesville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Butcher and Matthew of Plattsville visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay for the weekend. Miss Norma Garrett was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Altman in Mildmay. Bayfield Minor hockey club are sponsoring a bingo in the Community Centre on Friday evening. This is to help pay for sweaters, two goalie uniforms and hopefully new nets. (see Advertisement Coming Events this issue of the Clinton News Record) Best wishes for speedy recovery to Mr. Ed Reid and Mr. Bert Dunn who are hospitalized in Clinton Public Hospital and to all those in the Village who are confined in their homes due to the, 'flu'. Sincere condolances to Mrs. Lloyd Gullen of Dunedin, Florida, in the death of her husband, Saturday , February 24. Mrs. Gullen the former Viola (Fraser) Vane Egmond is formerly of Bayfield. Miss Rhea Sturgeon has returned from a ten-day visit to Florida. She toured the State of Florida, enjoyed a visit to Disney World, had a wonderful holiday and came home with a tan. She reported the weather was lovely all of her trip. BY MARY McILWAIN The Canadian Foresters gathered on Thursday evening February 22nd when they presented Mr. Oliver Anderson with a gold reclining chair in appreciation of 50 years of ser- vice as acting secretary- treasurer for the Canadian Foresters, For many years when the lodge was not active, Mr. Anderson continued his duties and held the organization together. The evening was spent playing euchre. Congratulations are exten- ded to Bob Thompson who won second prize in the inter- mediate division of the public speaking contest held at the Legion Hall in Seaforth on Thursday evening. Bob will compete in Ripley on March third in the Zone C1 finals The Canadian Foresters held their euchre party on Friday evening in the hall with the following winners: ladies high, Addies Bunking; lone hands, Ferne McClure; low, Elma .Jewitt; men's high, John Thompson; lone hands, Eric Anderson; low, Kevin Jewitt. Next euchre party will be held on Friday evening March 9th. The last Family Bowling Night will be held on Sunday evening March 18th. Everyone is ask to bring lunch. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ron Good- fellow and Kristina of Georgetown spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Preszcator and Nancy spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff and family of Crediton. Vicki Powell of Auburn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan Bill, Doug, Betty and Bob. Mr, and Mrs. Reg Lawson John and Elizabeth attended a family gathering held at the Clinton Legion Hall on Satur- day evening. Ruth Thamer of Walton 'spent the weekend visiting with Sharon Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cornforth of Mississauga spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan, Paul, Jim and Gary. meeting. Roll call was an- swered with Diet Tips and Your Winter Project. The treasurers report was given by Millie Lobb, 1, Harriett Klazinga will hold the March meeting at her home on March 7th. Roll Call will he answered with a penny for every size of your shoe. Lunch was served with Edna Oakes and Phyllis Thompson helping the hostess. Seaforth cow has highest record for January