HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-02-22, Page 13Ontario A study of the organization and administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Minister of Agriculture and Food, Honourable Wm. A. Stewart, has directed that a study be made of the organization and administration of the Ministry, with special emphasis on the suitability of its existing programs, policies and services to meet the needs of Ontario's agricultural and food in- dustry. In ordei that individuals and organizations might be able to express their opinions or make suggestions in this regard, a series of public meetings have been arranged. They will be held at central points throughout the province. This is an invitation to interested' parties to comment on the quality and relevance of Ministry programs, and their suitability to serve the industry at a time of rapid change. You are invited to present written briefs, or to make oral representation at one of these public meetings. PLACE DATE 1973 TIME Clinton Town Hall (Hwy. 4) St. Jacobs Woolwich Town Hall Friday 2 - 4:30 p.m. (County Rd. 13) March 2 7 - 9:30 p.m. Chairman — Prof. N. R. Richards Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario For more information call 416/965.3240, or ,Contact your Agricultural Representative. Thursday 2 - 4:30 p.m. March 1 7 - 9:30 p.m. The special occasion was the 25th Birthday party of the Bayfield Club. A birthday cake and a very excellent meal were served by the Community Cen- tre Ladies, Ernie Hovey, in his capacity as President did his usual fine job conducting the Meeting. At a prior meeting, Lion Ross Merrill showed films of a recent trip to Europe of he and a group of square dancers to which he belongs. These were thoroughly en- joyed by all present. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ducharme and their five children from Windsor, were with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, R.R. 3, Bayfield on Sunday. Messers Bill and Gil Latimer and sister Christy of 'Toronto, were guests of their grand- mother. Mrs. Gilbert Knight for the weekend. Mrs. Fred LeBeau returned home on Friday after spending the past two weeks with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher McLaughlin, Meagan, Alfie and Courtney in Toronto, Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeBeau were • Mrs. Fletcher McLaughlin, Meagan and Courtney, Jackie Moss and Dorothea Thompson all of Toronto. Mr. Bob Cluff and Rob of London joined them ,for Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder, John, Cathy and Mary of Lam- beth spent from Friday to Sun- day at their village home. Mrs. Margaret Garrett, Norma, Diane and John, ac- companied by Mr. Delford Alt- man of Orangeville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bowers, Sharon and Cathy of Glen , Allen for the weekend, and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Casey Homuth in Kitchener, Mrs. Barbara Graham, Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parents and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Graham, Nancy and John. Mr. Fred Steep, Carlow, was the guest of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig on Sunday. _ Bayfield Guild plans Fall Bazaar Don't miss our Re- iCor. Albert & Rattenbury Sts. — CLINTON 11,•.well :let, 41., • 4,, APPLE CINNAMON COFFEE CAKE ::iogrING Cake Donuts ooz. 3 7c REG. 59c PKG. BLUEBERRY MUFFINS REG. 59c DOZ. Saturday, Feb. 24 RE-OPENING SPECIAL CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE REG. .89c II g E] a D [i [1 a El NEI REG.49c PKG. Hermit Cookies PKG 33cli .. 39c 11 RE-OPENING SPECIAL . 59c Clinton man pump expert p attest to his attendance and satisfactory completion of the..„, school. _ . ) =ii=11.=:=XIC=11=41=i1C=XIC:=M:=4/•=0.=:=31.====>3K=31<===*===i1C=Dif Elgin A. Dale of Dale & Car- bert Reda Pump Sales & Ser- te, 24 King Street, Clinton at- tended the TRW Reda Pump Company Sales and Service School in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, February 5 and 6. Ninety-three Reda Pump dealers and distributors from across the nation and Canada attended the two-day school held at the Reda manufac- turing plant. Reda Pump Corn: pany A Division of TRW Inc., is the world's largest manufac- turer of submergible motors and pumps used for pumping domestic water wells, irrigation, industrial and municipal water supplies. Intensive courses in elec- tronics, instrumentation, modern field repairs and new service techniques were conduc- ted by Reda executives and other well-known specialists in these fields. Mr. Dale also took an exten- sive Reda plant tour and atten- ded informal discussion periods on the special problems of the water well drillers and their solutions. A test was given at the end of the school and Mr. Dale was awarded a s ecial certificate to REG. 45c DOZ. Parker House Roils =at!' DOZ. 29c Bartliffs Bakery Limited Bakery and Restaurant CLINTON 1001(li buy jute WANT ADS You'll enjoy a coffee ---- a light lunch or tasty full course meal even more in our restaurant's freshly decorated surroundings Our friendly service remains unchanged. 'We won't let anyone alter that BY MILMENA ERICKSON The February meeting of the Trinity Anglican Church Ladies Guild was held in the Parish Hall, Tuesday evening, February 13 with 12 members present. The president, Mrs. Vina Parker, opened the meeting with a Bible reading and prayer. All members repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. The secretary, Mrs. Greta Scot- chmer, gave her report, which was adopted. Many cards of thanks and verbal thanks were received from the many friends and members recovering from the flu. One letter of much interest was received from a former Rector and his wife, the Rev. and Mrs. W. G, Bugler of Oak- ville, thanking the ladies for their good wishes on their Golden Anniversary 21. BIRTHS . _ DEBRECINI: Andrew and Nancy are happy to announce the safe arrival.of their son, Michael John, 7 lbs, 14 oz. on February 6, 1973, in Baltimore, Maryland, First Grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Olde. LOBB: To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lobb, RR 2, Clinton at Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, February 15, 1973, a daughter. 26. CARD OF THANKS McBEATI-1:The family of the late Mrs. Alberta ' McBeath, Hensall, wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sym- pathy in the sudden passing of a beloved mother and grandmother; for the floral tributes, cards and donationS to the Heart Fund. Special thanks to Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, pallbearers, flower bearers Rev. D. Beck and ladies of the Brucefield U.C.W. Your kind- ness will always be remem- bered..--c8c WILLIS: The family of the late Tom Willis wishes to thank everyone who so graciously gave of their time and talent, especially the nurses at Clinton Public Hospital and Dr. Addison, Dr. Flowers, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Newlands and anyone who helped in any way. Special thanks to T. Harry HOffiriati;"R67.'" Anderson and the ladies .of the Trevitt Memorial Guild. Thanks for flowers, cards and contributions to the Heart fund, It was most kind and considerate, We shall be forever thankful. Mary Ceasar and the Willis family..—c8p celebration. He mentioned the pictures their sons Bernard and David had shown on film, taken in every Parish in which their parents had served. Mr. Bugler was Rector of this Parish from 1933 to 1939, Mrs, Lorna Merner treasurer, who is ill, was not able to bring her report on finances and we all wish her a speedy recovery from her foot operation. All members dues for the year have been received and all outstanding bills were moved to be paid. Two Memorials are to be paid to the Chancel Guild. The Fall Bazaar and Tea was set for Saturday afternoon, November 24. Notices at that time will be posted and adver- tised in the Clinton News.. Record. The beautiful butterfly quilt top which was donated to the Ladies Guild by Mrs. Mary Weston, has been completed and will be raffled as soon as tickets are made. The tickets will be available from any Guild member. Final plans for the catering to a wedding in the Church on February 24 were completed. The meeting closed with prayers by the president and a lovely lunch was sent by the hostess Mrs. Ruby Fitzsimons. We regretted that due to recent flu, Ruby was not able to be with us. The March meeting will be in the Parish Hall on March 13. Mrs. Audrey Albiston will be hostess. LIONS PRESENTATION Zurich Lions Club members joined the Bayfield Lions Club at dinner on Tuesday evening, February 13, and presented Bayfield Lions with Zurich Lions Club Pins. 26. CARD OF THANKS KNIGHT: I wish to thank the Clin- ton Hospital staff for the excellent care which I received while in Hospital. Also my friends for cards, treats and visits, and my former fellow Hydro Employees for their beautiful gift. A special thank you to Rev. and Mrs. L. Lewis for their visits and to Dr. Watts, Dr. Barrett, Dr. Flowers and Dr. Baker. A.M. Knight..—c8p HANDY: My sincere thanks to all who sent cards, treats and visited me while a patient in .Clinton Hospital. Thank you also to Dr. Newland and nurses on First Floor. Jim Hancly.•—c8b The Clinton Colts received new sweaters from Hully Gully Snowsport and were presented with the new equipment by Randy Collins recently. Left to right back row are Ken "Sugar" Meriam. Rick Fremlin, Bud Boyes, Ken Daer, Greg Jervis, Mel Hohner, Bruce Lyndon, Bruce Schoenhals, Don Bartliff, Laurie Colquhoun and Harvey Carter. Front row are Rick Fortune, Dennis Fleischauer, Paul Draper, Butch Fleet, Greg Burns and Dean Reid. Missing were Randy Glew, Don MacDougall, Joe Livermore, manager Robert "Doc" Miller and secretary Brian Marriage. (News-Record photo) We proudly offer portable color TV that sacrifices nothing. CAPRI (C12) Electrohome quality at a down-to-earth price. $569.95 All new Electrohome solid state design. Electrohome portable color TV offers everything other portable models offer. including compact size, low price, and optional roll•around stands. But that's where the comparison ends Because Electrohome portable color TV also includes a full size console chassis for top performance and reliability. Full•size features like automatic fine tuning and automatic color control And tasteful styling that lives up to the Electrohome tradition. We'll be pleased to show how tittle you miss with Electrohome portable color TV — and how little it costs to enjoy it ELECTROHOME YOUR COLOR SERVICE DEALER GALBRAITH TV COCOANUT CREAM REG. 85c RE-OPENING SPECIAL PIES 59c CIPNTON,NMVS-RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 2, 167.3--1.3 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIFIEDS . NOTICE TO CREDITORS 21. BIRTHS 'HE ESTATE OF FRANCIS FLYNN, late of the Town of o n in the County of Huron, ed Farmer, deceased, L persons having claims st the Estate of the above- d who died on the 22nd day of tuber, 1972, are required to file articulars thereof with the un- gned on or before the 12th day Arch, 1973, after which date the a will be distributed, having d only to the claims of which undersigned shall then have e. TED at Clinton, Ontario, this day of February, 1973. E,B. Menzies, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. --c8,9,10b I. PUBLIC NOTICE John Bregman, will not be ponsible for any debts incurred my wife, Susan Bregman, after bruary 2, 1973.--c8,9,10b .MISCELLANEOUS JESUS DIED FOR US, SHOULD NOT WE LIVE FOR. HIM? CARTER: At St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Sunday, February 18, 1973 Deanne Angelyn Carter of Clinton, in her fifth month. Dear daughter of Ross and Shirley Car- ter. Surviving besides her parents are one brother Gregory at home, her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox and her paternal grandmother, Mrs. Murray McKenzie of Clinton. The funeral service was held at Ball Funeral Home, Clinton on Tuesday, February 20 with interment in Clin- ton Cemetery. LIQUIDATION AUCTION .2110 "ii• 11,11 Saturday, February 24, at 11:00 a.m. at 35 South Street, Goderich, Ontario Consisting of Cars - 1972 Lincoln Continental, full power air conditioning; 1973 Ford Custom fully equip- ped, low mileage; 1972 Grand Torino fully equipped, 2 door hardtop; 1971 Ford Galaxie 500, 4 door hardtop; 1970 Ford Galaxie 4 door hardtop; 1970 Ford Custom; 1970 Plymouth Fury II, 4 door; 1970 Dodge Polaris Custom; two 1969 LTD's, 4 door hardtops; 1969 Am- bassador, 4 door; 1968 Ford Custom, 4 door (most cars include power steering, power brakes, radio and vinyl tops). All cars selling with safety certificates. Office Equipment - Office desk and chairs; filing cabinet, stands; F & E Cheque writer; National cash register; mechanics manuals. Garage Equipment - Snap On Wheel Alignment unit; Snap On Wheel Balancer and weights; Snap On battery charger; power quaser (new); mobile oil drain (new); two manual tire changers; Doyle portable vacuum cleaner; two Sun distributor testers; Sun motor tester; hydraulic press with stand; Milwaukee floor jack; axle jack; hydraulic floor jacks; hydraulic 5 ton and 10 ton jacks; Canadian battery charger model 110; tap and die set; cylinder gauges; Ingersoll Rand 1 /2 " impact wrench; Sioux 1 /2 " impact wrench; Snap On torque wrench; air chisel; B&D valve refacing unit; Snap On king pin pullers; solder seal pressure tester; Rotunda automatic transmission tester; Snap On armature tester; Snap On torque meter; tartanlite timing light; dwell tach; Alternator regulator tester; Ohms continuity meter; volts-ampere meter; ignition output meter; grease guns; pullers; quantity of trouble lights; two steel benches on wheels; two 5" vises; SK cleaning tub; jack stands; portable air tank; two floor hoists with adjustable heads; two 11' x 10' overhead doors; 9' x 9' overhead door; and many, many more items. Stock - quantity of stock for all Ford products. Body Equipment - 10 ton push-pull body jack; B & D polisher; Sioux feather edger; Pet orbital sander; Sioux •electric polisher (new); tape and paper dispenser; paint sprayers; large quantity of chrome fasteners; quantity of paint. Appliances - (new) GE Medallion 70 Harvest Gold stove and matching refrigerator; GE double vertical door refrigerator (Harvest Gold); GE Contessa automatic dishwasher; used dishwasher GE Cordiale; etc. etc. Electrohome humidifier (new). Construction Material - Quantity of unit gas heaters; quantity of double stainless steel sinks; quantity of various sizes thermo-pane 1/4 " and 3 /16" plate glass; fluorescent light fixtures; 10' x 6' showroom window, etc. etc. Miscellaneous r large quantity of new and used car and truck tires; quantity of engine oil and additives; sign posts; fluorescent signs; display racks and shelving; Ford 70 lawn and garden tractor 7 h.p. and many more articles pertaining to this business. Plan to attend this outstanding liquidation auction for Goderich Motors which is giving up the Ford Dealer- ship. Sale subject to additions and deletions, Terms - Cash Lunch available Under cover Financing available Proprietor - Ken Hutchins (Goderich Motors) For further information phone RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers and Liquidators Brucefieid 482-3120 19. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME len or Women to restock and )IIect money from new type, high uality coin-operated dispensers in our area. NO SELLING 'o qualify must have car, teferen- as, $1,000 to $3,000 cash. 7-12 ours weekly can net excellent in- ome. More full time. We establish our route. 'or personal interview, write in- luding phone number, to: B.V. Distributors, Limited lept. A, 1117 Tecumseh Rd. East, Windsor NOW 183, Ontario —c8b FLEET: To Mr, and Mrs, Gary Fleet, Clinton, at Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, February 18, 1973 a son, Jason Daniel. CURRIE: Ray and Shawn are proud to announce the arrival of their baby sister, Trishia Julie Michelle (Trish) on February 19, 1973 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. Happy parents are Doug and Gail Currie, Goderich:- c8b 22. DEATHS NEWCOMBE: In Toronto on Wed- nesday, February 14, 1973, Reginald H. Newcombe, (Manager passenger sales and services Canadian National Railways) Beloved husband of Laurie Julien; dear father of Mrs. Tandy (Diane) Arnold of Montreal, Mrs. Gary (Linda) Harding of London; brother of Walter of Clinton and William of Vancouver. The funeral was held at McCallum Funeral Home, Goderich, on Saturday, February 17 with interment in Maitland Cemetery. FLEWITT: At Clinton Public Hospital, February 18, 1973, Samuel Flewitt, 74 years of age; dear husband of Gladys Flewitt of Clinton. Dear father of George of Waterloo, Grace (Mrs. Morgan Strassburger), of Kitchener, Iris of Stratford; dear brother of George Thomas Flewitt of R.R. 3, Seaforth. The funeral service was held at Ball Funeral Home, Clinton on Tuesday, February 20 with inter- ment in Baird's Cemetery.