HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-02-22, Page 9THE RECIPE BOX lb 98ii Meat Pies pkg of two 4-oz pies 38? 2-lb vac pac $1.07 RNS BRAND, FTC/RE PACK Beef & Pork Sausages lb 68? TOWN CLUB Wieners 00 4 .... • loaves $ SHOULDER & BUTT Pork Chops SUPER-RIGHT RED BRAND GRADE "A" BEEF !NATURALLY AGED — GOVERNMENT INSPECTED) Beef Brisket BONE IN ANTISEPTIC (ACTION pRIcED) (SAVE tot) Listerine MOUTHWASH 24-fl-oz IA $1.39 ORIEiLE BRAND 4 9 c MrmatsTriEgotroitirlop PKGS. COATED MARSHMALLOW PIES) .(ACTION PRICED) Big Daddy Cookies 14-or pkg 47? TUCK BRAND, PLASTIC Garbage Bags „, pkgs or 10 000 Canada No. 1 Grade Mexicali Vine Ripened TOMATOES 3 tz $1.0 16 48? JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON (BUY 3 51(05 -.- SAVE tic) Cake Donuts 3 pigs ofi/$1.00 McQUAIDE BRAND, 3 VARIETIES, STEAK, TOURTIERE, CHICKEN SHOPSY BRAND, All Beef Wieners 1-lb vat pac 74si SHOPSY BRAND — FAMOUS FOR QUALITY -- COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad 24-or carton 68? SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SMOKED, COOKED, BONELESS Dinner Hams 21/2ATIgR,%2Ells lb s1.38 Bakery Savings! I 'NE PARKER. cLICet2 (ACTION PRICED) (BUY 4 LOAVES — SAVE 240 RAISIN BREAD JANE PARKER (FLAKY CRUST. PILED HIGH WITH JUICY APPLE sum Apple Pie full 8-inch, 24-or pie 45si JANE PARKER (ACTION PRICED) (SAVE 100 English Fruit Cake Ik!la 9-oz take 3 951 JANE PARKER (ACTION PRICED) (BUY 3 p:(05 — SAVE In) Bran Muffins 3 pigs of 6 0,00 SANE PARKER, tiAisiN MI6/ (ACTION PRICED) (SAVE 140 Coffee Cake I4-oz cake 39? sUf;igt,t Fabulous February °Savings Spree I Extra Low Prices-Absolutely No Compromise C,HRISTIES OREO 92c 11/2 LB, PKG. TEA BAGS ABM POLY 100's n Quality! ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS ap GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 241k, 1973. JANE PARKER (PKG OF 6 43e) Hot Cross Buns pkg of 12 79)i DIXIE BRAND, PIECES & STEMS Mushrooms 3 10.11-oz tins $1 0 00' DUNCAN HINES, 13 VARIETIES (ACTION PRICED) Cake Mixes 19-or box 49? SPAGHETTI, PENNE RIGATI, RIGATONE, ROTINI, STIVALETTI Lancia Pastas 2-lb pkg 47? CEREAL . Shreddies NABISCO 24-oz box 62? NABISCO Shredded Wheat ()HAILER, CHEESE FLAVOUR, DOG FOOD 72-oz pkg $1,99 pkg 64? TOMATO 3 1/4 -or, CHICKEN NOODLE 1:Yoz, BEEF NOODLE 1 r'A•oz ONION 1 1/1-oz, GREEN PEA 43/43-or Leptons Cup A Soup pkg 43? MIX & MATCH, Green Giant, Green Sweet Peas, Cream Style Corn KITCHEN SLICED GREEN BEANS Vegetables 510-1,-oz tins $1.00 (ACTION PRICED) 13-or pkg (ACTION PRICED) 2-lb pkg 43 56 Ken .L Ration QUICK 48.02 OR INSTANT 44.0Z Quaker Oats POST CEREAL Sugar Crisp SPAGHETTI OR READY CUT MACARONI 15-oz box 4 8 Catelli Pastas Action Priced! Sunlight TWO C of ollar pack LIQUID 244"z plastic btls DETERGENT • unikght.„„ flow 3i‘J-1 POWDER DETERGENT King size — 5-lb box 139 Prepriced $1.79 CANADA DRY, GINGERALE 4 30 OZ. 89 BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT LsOacyy BREAD DOUGH loaves 16-or of 2 pkgs $1.00 12 LOAVES TO A PKG) A Superb Blend of 100% braziliii Coffee Ground to Order. 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE -'abg 8 3 /6 PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO PORK CHOPS 9 to 11 Chops in pkg. No centre slices removed $ 1 18 • COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS ~bq g51` AMP FRESH, SHANK OR BUTT PORTION ROAST LEG OF PORK .79,t •"5'°"‘' Check Our Meat Prices - Quality and Selection Too! Action priced! WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES tit, male: rp A SUPERB BLEND OF 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE 8 O'CLOCK Instant Coffee 10-o jar $ z og •9 111 L_ SX BRAND, FAMILY PACK, Cold Cuts SLICED 16 oz vac pac 78? FROZEN (10.LB BOX) Chicken Legs lb 58? HIGHLINER BRAND, FROZEN, BOSTON Bluefish Fillets A LORO, CAESAR'S CHOICE Pizza Pie 16 az pl<049? 26-or pkg 98ie The new Funk &Wagnalls encyclopedia. VOLUME t VOLUMES 1-23 0.fnars and SibilDeraptly 1/11 tACtt NoW_Avallable at A&P WM! „, THURSDAY, f$PRUARY 22, 1073 Hearty soup for winter meals During the winter months, here is always a good supply.of oup-making ingredients such a carrots, onions, rutabagas, elery and potatoes. omemade vegetable soup is n easy and natural way to in- lude these vegetables in daily inter menus. The secret of a flavorful soup is to extract the vegetable flavors by slowly simmering the ingredients• in water or bouillon. Seasonings, such as curry powder in carrot soups, lift a soup out of the ordinary flavor class. The "Carrot Soup" we feature today can be prepared at home with a minimum amount of work by using an electric blender. The blender quickly purees and blends all the vegetables to a creamy smooth consistency. The "Scotch Broth" is a meal in itself with the added meat. This good vegetable soup can also be made in a very short time using a pressure cooker. To make soup-eating more tempting, the home economists, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, suggest you try the following recipes in your own kitchen. Each of these homemade vegetable soups is heart- warming and satisfying, especially on a cold wintery day. CARROT SOUP 2 cups chopped carrots Cabbage rolls a favorite supper dish "It is not enough to know how to plant cabbage so goes the traditional French Canadian song. You muse ilso know how to serve it. And what better way to serve it, than as cabbage rolls. This dish originated in Europe, par- ticularly in Hungary and the _Ukraine. Tender cabbage leaves were stuffed with a savory meat and rice mixture and baked in a tomato sauce. Quite often it was necessary to omit the meat from the filling for the sake of economy. The Greeks and the Lebanese ser- ved a similar dish made with grape leaves, Cabbage rolls have become a favorite with Canadians in recent years. The home economists, Agriculture Canada suggest that to prepare this marvellous dish suc- cessfully, you might follow the method which they have developed in their experimental kitchen. CABBAGE ROLLS Remove the coarse outer leaves and core from the cab- bage, saving the coarse leaves. Pour enough boiling water into the hollow to almost cover the cabbage. Cover and simmer un- til the leaves become soft and transparent (about 20 minutes), If only the outer leaves can be removed, continue simmering until all the leaves can easily be removed. Split the large leaves in half removing the cert.. ter rib. Place one-quarter cup of filling on each cabbage leaf. As if making an envelope, fold the rib side of the leaf over the filling, fold ends in and roll up to enclose the filling. Place • some of the coarse leaves on the bottom of the baking dish and then place a layer of cab- bage rolls on these, sprinkling with salt and pepper. Repeat to Make two or three layers of cabbage rolls. Pour the sauce over and cover with the remaining coarse cabbage leaves. Cover and bake at 350°F until cabbage is tender (1112 to 2 hours). Serve with crisp bacon or sour cream if desired, Makes about 32 cab- bage tolls or 8 servings. The filling recommended by the home economists is very simple, yet delicious and allows yeti to use a variety of meat lamb, veal, beef or pork. FILLING FOR CABBAGE ROLLS 1 cup finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons fat 1 pound Minced lamb (beef, veal or pork) 2 teaspoons salt 1 /4 teaspoon pepper a cups cooked rice Saute Onion in fat until tran- sparent. Add Meat and 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 teaspoon salt Dash pepper 1/2 teaspoon curry powder 5 cups chicken bouillon 1 tablespoon quick-cooking tapioca Saute vegetables in butter until onion is transparent. Add • seasonings and bouillon, Cover and simmer until vegetables are tender (about 1,5 minutes). Drain vegetables, reserving bouillon, Puree vegetables, add bouillon and bring to boil; Add tapioca and cook until tran- sparent (2 to 3 minutes). Makes about 5 cups. SCOTCH BROTH 2 pounds lamb breast or flank 8 cups water 4 teaspoons salt 3/4 teaspoon pepper 1 /2 cup pearl barley 1 cup diced potatoes 1 1 /2 cups diced carrots 1 /2 cup chopped onion 11/2 cups diced celery Cut meat in pieces and brown. Drain off fat. Add water, seasonings and barley. Cover, bring to boil and simmer 2 hours. Remove meat brom broth and trim off excess fat and bone, Cool broth and skim off fat. Return meat to broth and add vegetables. Cover and simmer until vegetables ante tender (about 30 minutes). Makes about 12 cups, seasonings and brown. Com- bine with rice. Use to fill cab- bage leaves. Sauce: Heat 2 cups tomato juice with 2 tablespoons butter. Pour over cabbage rolls. Selecting and cooking broccoli The first rule is to pick a good-looking bunch of broccoli. Make sure it has dark green leaves and stalks, as well 'as tightly closed and fresh-looking buds, Generally, the colour of the buds may be a dark, pur- plish or sage green, depending on the variety. To prepare broccoli, remove leaves, cut off tough parts of the stalk, and plunge the vegetable up and down in cold water for a few minutes (to remove any sand), If the stalks are thick, split them lengthwise to the buds. This reduces the cooking time for the stalks, solving the problem of overcooked broccoli buds. Let broccoli stand straight up during cooking. Drop it, stalk first, into rapidly boiling water, By doing so, the stalks cook while the tender buds are only steamed and not overcooked. As with all vegetables, cook broccoli in boiling water. As with stronger-flavoured vegetables, cook with the lid off. As with all vegetables cook un- til just tender and serve prom- ptly. Properly cooked broccoli has an attractive, bright green color and pleasant flavor. Rhubarb adds color to winter meals Winter rhubarb is grown in "sunless" hothouses under strict temperature and humidity controls to ensure a product of highest quality. Fresh winter rhubarb adds sparkle and color as tangy flavor to winter meals. It is available from the first of January to the first of May, say food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, When buying or storing rhubarb, take special care to prevent wilting and - preserve flavor. If possible, purchase cellophane-wrapped, triMmed rhubarb from cooled produce counters, Sould you purchase unwrapped and untrimmed winter rhubarb, cut off leaves, wash the stalks in cold water, and store in plastic bags in the refrigerator crisper,