HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-02-22, Page 2FRESHLY CUT WHOLE SHOULDER PORK ROAST LB. 1190 FROZEN CANADA 8 GRADE UTILITY ROASTING 'CHICKENS :I:1 LB. • tyggienTen . VALUABLE IGA COUPON YORK SMOOTH - 3 lb. Jar 794 w. 0.• 01. ..•••• and. +We. On- LIMIT 1 JAR PER FAMILY WITH 5.00 PURCHASE COUPON EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 21.27, 1973 1111 .40 2-CLINTON NEWS-RNCORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 IrMIiulMMuusuINMMM II1WillIll$11110110MINT 0 VV ii Tall( DV MARG RUDD 4. .1...1... Police report Lower Interest Rates NOW AvAit:AKE St arid 2nd Mortgages Mr. and Mrs. Brock Olde are home again after a five-vreek holiday in the South Pacific. Their trip was literally a flying one, as they travelled by plane between the various places on their itinerary. They first flew to Vancouver which was point of departure from Canada. A visit of nine days was made in New Zealand and ten days in Australia. Other places visited for briefer periods were Hawaii, Fiji, Singapore, Bangkok and Hong Kong. This sounds like a very busy schedule but Mrs. Olde told us it was the least tiring of the trips they have had. **1' Council recently approved four building permits for Clin- ton. They were issued to Clin- ton Commercial Printera for $800; Tony VandenAssem, $25,000 for a house; William Stauttener, $1775, a garage; washrooms at the arena, $13,500. Mrs. Milton Wiltse won the ladies' high; Mrs. Percy Gib- bings, ladies' lone hands; Mrs, Ernie Brown, ladies' low; Mr. Percy Gibbings, men's high; Mr. Ernie Brown, men's lone hands; Mr. Ernie Ellwood, men's low. A prize for the person having a birthday closest to St. Valen- tine's Day was won by Mr. Dan Gliddon and a prize for a specially marked chair was won by Mrs. Bushell. anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL end FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction or land development. REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA-PHONE A Clinton Man was injured last week when his car left the road and struck a tree on Raglan Street in Clinton, Barry Irwin was taken to Clinton Public Hospital with . undetermined injuries after the accident last Wednesday and later, he was transferred to Vic- toria Hospital in London. Damage to the car Was estimated at $1,000 by Clinton Constable Wayne McFadden, Police are continuing their investigation into a breakin at Scrutonk Service garage on Albert Street recently. Thieves gained entry and made off with a reported $500 worth of stereo tape decks .and tapes and other sound equipment. Police also report that $2,000 damage was done when a car driven by Dr. R,W, Flowers was in collision recently with a car driven by Howard Harold, also of Clinton. No one was injured. There were also numerous minor collisions as motorists tried to cope with the icy road conditions of the past couple of weeks. In Clinton court this month, Ronald Rueger of RR 2, Clin- ton was given 10 days in jail by Provincial Judge Glenn Hays for attempted theft. David Riley of Kitchener was fined $100 for having liquor in a place other than his residence, and Dennis Medd and Steve Layton were fined for liquor of- fences. Elizabeth Miller of Blyth was fined for an offence under the Highway Traffic Act, SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD, Due to the overwhelming response of the first Clinton News-Record's "Guess Who It Is Con- test," it was decided to run another contest and here is the first piece, iI you think you know who if is, then send your answer to "Contest, Box 39, Clinton News-Record," Prizes have been raised this time with first prize being a dinner for the winner and his family courtesy of Des and Helen Cassidy of the Hotel Clinton. Second prize will be a year's free subscription to the News-Record. (News-Record photo) AREA COPE 519-744-6535 COLLECT WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Twc; draws for ten pounds of sugar were won by Mrs, Marion Bowler and" Mrs, Charles Cun- ningham. Clinton council quickies * * The News-Record will be welcoming a temporary ad- dition to its news staff this week. Miss Lee Alison of Lon- don, who, is in her second year of journalism at University of Western Ontario will"intern" here for a week. Lee, a graduate of South Secondary School, London, will be covering news events in Clinton during the next few days, If she's asking questions, please give her all the help you can. apply to police work. Chief Westlake had approached Prin- cipal Robert Homuth to see if he could get help to find out which laws should be repealed and which ones should be ad- ded or enforced, Did you know that in Clinton it is illegal to cross the road with a gaggle of guess geese without the lead leadership of a herdsmen? Punishable by a fine of 25 cents. In Clinton, This Is The Law! Council also accepted a two year contract for the town's deisel fuel. Clinton can spend up to $24,000 on road construction this year and $40,000 on main- tenance and still get the provin- cial subsidy of 50 percent. Council has deci6d to do something about the slippery street in town after a snow or ice storm. They let tenders for a three ton truck to be used as a sander next year, Costs - about $15,000. Council granted severance to Walter Pepper to split up a lot oon James and Maria Streets. The matter had been a point on heated debate at previous meetings. Mayor Symons has been a busy man lately. As well as escorting Miss Dominion of Canada around for a few days, seeking the Liberal nomination in Huron and chairing council meetings., he is also busy set- ting up the annual convention for the Association of ,Municipalities of Ontario, of which he is president, The con- vention will be held May 3, 4, 5, in Leamington. Clinton council referred last week to budget committee a request for funds in the form of grants to the Huron Central Agriculture and the St. John's Ambulance brigade. The brigade volunteers its services at all public events in Clinton when asked. They are usually at every harness horse race meet in Clinton. Council were informed that there would be other requests to discuss, Five Girl Guides from the Second Clinton Company were present to observe local politicians. The probably went away with good impressions as council accomplished more at one meeting than several others put together, Clinton council also backed several motions from other towns. One resolution was from the Thorold asking Clin- ton to back them up in their ob- jections to Ontario Hydro being made a Crown Corporation. Thorold's argument was that Hydro is really owned by the people. Clinton also backed a motion from the city of Wood- stock asking that the Provincial Government either pay for police pensions or give cities and towns a grant to look after it. Council agreed to plate an ad in the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association welcoming area members to Clinton March 19 to 23. Council granted permission to Sport Ontario to sell lottery tickets in town. Local sport groups get half the proceeds from the sale of the tickets and the rest of the profit from the lottery is given out in the form of grants to Ontario sport groups. Council referred to planning board two requests. One was for severence of a lot by Bud Kuehl for a lot on Kirk Street, across from the Legion. The other was from Harvey Carter of the Westend Supertest who wants the zone around his garage changed so he can build a larger garage. Council decided to send several members to the Ontario Good Roads Association Con- vention in Toronto later this month. Jabez Rands of Clinton will receive a long service plaque at the convention. The law class of Mrs. Abbey Cheung of Central Huron Secondary is going to look into all the ancient and not so an- cient laws of Clinton as they WARNING TO DOG OWNERS * * * The Valentine euchre party which was sponsored by the LOBA was enjoyed by everyone in attendance. 1973 dog licenses are now on sale and must be purchased by March 1, 1973. Madeleine Lane to bring Male Chorus No Extension! Dogs are to be kept tied at all times and shortly after the appearance of this notice in the paper, this department will enforce the contents of By-law 11 for 1964 as amended by By-law 15, 1969. Male Chorus from Kitchener, who are presenting a concert on May second. Detailed plans for a St. Patrick's tea and sale of baking on March 17th were discussed and members were reminded of the Rummage Sale on April 7th. Mrs, Mutch presented a chapter from the Study, "China Profile". The Mizpah Benedic- tion repeated in unison closed the meeting after which coffee was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Cowan. The Madeleine_ Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. R. McCann, on Monday, February 12. The singing of a hymn began the devotional period conduc- ted by Mrs. R. Gibb and Mrs. G. Hoggarth. Mrs. R. Homuth presided for the business session and called for the minutes of the January meeting, roll call, correspon- dence and financial report. Further arrangements were made concerning the Schneider Lloyd Westlake, Chief of Police, Town of Clinton. -8b WE GIVE YOU MORE... clip r end r)"/ the ee c000:04se I Personalized Service $ The Finest Quality $ the lowest meat specials in town, featuring Canada Approved Grade 'A' Red Ribbon Beef BRITISH COLUMBIA WHOLE OR HALF 111111111111./ BEDSPRING SALMON 4 VALUA LE IGA COUPON ATTENTION 3 to 51b. SHIRLEY GAY WHITE ENRICHED SLICED BREAD L size CUT FROM THE SHOULDER BONE IN BUTT PORK Int CHOPS LB. ofr 3 PLY 3.20 OZ. BALL PHENTEX woos. .0111. 24 oz. loaf 1 CUT FROM THE BEEP CHUCK DEVON VACUUM PACKED DAVERN PORK & BEEF BONELESS SLICED SIDE BREAKFAST BLADE ROAST ib 1.19 BACON P k4. 99° SAUSAGE McOUAIDE'S 3 VARIETIES ,,, 83c MEAT PIES 84. 39c I REGULAR 89c C 'NOW ' 8c OM. de. 4 ded TOP,VALU VACUUM PACKED 40 FATHOM FROZEN BOSTON BLUE AUSTRALIAN FROZEN SKINLESS POLLOCK LEG LAMB WIENERS 63° FILLETS 2 2.99 STEAKS F JUM ROZEN 16.89° FILLETS ,h 79c LIMIT 2 LOAVES PER FAMILY WITH 5,00 PURCHASE FRESH PRODUCE WE SPECIALIZE IN WEEKLY SPECIALS OVER 20 COLORS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE .=OP, =Pc c=n OZz. COUPON EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 21.27, 1973 DOLE TROPICAL TREAT GOLDEN YELLOW 11111111111 qi -7\ ASSORTED VARIETIES MONARCH ASSORTED VARIETIES CARLTON CLUB PEEK FREAN ASSORTED VARIETIES BISCUITS 71/2 oz. pkg. 1.==HIC:==HIC=41.==>i BANANAS C AMSINGS CAKE AND ICINb MIXES ' SOFT. DRINKS 270 71/2 oz. to 10 or. pouch pack 26 or. non.rotum btl. 55 ALBERT ST. CLINTON U.S.A. NO. 1 CRISP HEAD LETTUCE Igeach 33c Top Valu Cream Style Cora or CHOICE CUT GREEN 2 BEANS 19 oz. tins far FOUR VARIETIES RICK'S PICKLES ONTARIO PREMIER KELLOGG'S SPECIAL K CEREAL 7 or. MO- 39 784i I N TOMATO SAUCE LIBBY'S guirrtti 1 U.S,A. NO. 1 CRUNCHY BILL I DAVIS CELERY STALKS each 45c KRAFT REGULAR CANADIAN PROCESS CARNATION INSTANT POWDERED • U.S.A. NO. 1 FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES size s dos, 55c CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO MARSH SKIM MILK 3 Ib. box CHEESE SLICES WILL VISIT HURON RIDING THURSDAY, MARCH 1 On Behalf Of 'Don Southcotti $159 16 oz. pkg. CELLO CARROTS 3 tb. 19 bag U C TOP VALU CHOICE BARTLETT PEARS 14 or. tin MONARCH COLOURED 87 MARGARINE for Ibo Pkgs. Canada Fancy Controlled AtmosOhere ONTARIO McINTOSH APPLES bag 19C \ III mit . IIIIIr!i1111=1 for FROZEN FOOD SALE BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS BONUS DISCOUNTS VnL UAPIE IGA COUPON (P.C. Candidate In The March 15 By-Election) LAVO BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY BANQUET FROZEN MEAT PIES 4'6' 8.8° TrOt P c VALU FANCY COCKTAIL. IN OIL BRUNSWICK SARDINES top VALU As50,150 VARIETIES RE0ONSTITUtED Sweetened Or Unsweetened Fruit Juice 40 Tn, 47. Tor. VALU to MAtO KETCHUP BETTY CROCKER 14 or. 4 Hng .00 BISQUICK 3 p:: 49° LIQUID BLEACH 128 OZ. plrybttd cttir. BANQUET FROZEN Apple or Cherry PIE 200£. pie 39c Bows eve AWAKE FROZEN CONCENTRATE° ORANGE DRINK , Segs 1.00 EVERYONE IS INVITED TO A CORN OIL tin BEEF. CHICKEN OR SPARE RIBS CLUB HOUSE Chef.iu-a.Bag 3VI:: si MILKSONE MEDIUM SIZE 870 6 110z, 6IL TKAECJ AANA BAGS ofikea 69° TOP VALU WHITE BEANS 39° CATELLI SPAGHETTINL READY CUT OR Long Macaroni or SPAGHETTIC: 1.00 CATELLI MACARONI CHEESE DINNER, 6 ASSORTED VARIETIES LIPTON CUD‘A-SOup IttiV 39e ASSORTED FLAVOURS ROBIN HOOD Parfait Mixes64:1 .00 VH•ASSOI1TEO VARIETIES SPARE RIB SAUCE Pancake Breakfast At Goderich Arena 1.00 SF. Hz nlins MeCAIN'S FROZEN CRINKLE CUT FRENCH 49° DOG BISCUITS '4 63e S ASSORTED pcoroce3 7 1,:4 00 KERB'S Asserted Varieties CANDIES 3 pk3; I 00 COMMENCING AT 7 A.M. RICH'S ;W6ZEN RICH WHIP iTtS1WR I.t'ite FISH CAKES 14,3,404PROZEN RINGS ".25pkg Noon Luncheon At Exeter Legion COMMENCING AT 12 NOON' COME OUT AND MEET ONTARIO PREMISE DAVIS CARNATION INSTANT HOT Chocciate 2 h4:: 890 FLUSH d Pre mourns meolumon NEwBOnN DISPOSABLE DIAPERS greo 2079 12 Or, 39 12 ot, 59° ior . LIMIT JUG PER FAWN' WITH S,DO PURCHASE teukortOtecTive FESHUAAY 11.27,103 GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE SALMON 14 nr.'&90 Pkg. 110 73 oz. 75 PMSES EFFECTIVE uNVL bLosiNa SATURBAY, rttinuAfty 3i,141.1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OORNTITIO SUPPING And 30016iid Ey M. Loeb LIMittl