Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-15, Page 3The face behind the "voice" of CBC-TV's This Land—Mary Chapman, who sings the show's theme song and now appears on camera in many editions. This Land is telecast Wednes- days 8 p.m. in color on the CBC-TV network. Bugs Bunny and carrots in "TV on ICE" show get lots of laughs LIFETIME GUARANTEED MUFFLERS SHOCK ABSORBERS "YOUR SILENT PARTNER" WHERE QUIET BEGINS FREE INSTALLATION AND 15 MIN. SERVICE THE UFFIRMAN OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 - 6 SAT. 8 - 3 CHARGEX 271-5560 738 Ontario St. Stratford RCILLCHFLEX The by INTEREST FREE I YOU'VE SEEN THEM HANDLE AND PERFORM ON THE TRACK ... NOW COME AND DRIVE THE CONTROLLABLE, "WILD ONE" BY ROLL-O-FLEX AT HULLY-GULLY Sports at Recreation Ltd. R.R. 'I, VARNA, ONT, 519.262-5809 4111.111111k. During the remainder of February you can pUrchase on an 8 Month interest free basis at Hully Gully snow Sports cumroN NEWS.RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1073-3 A uburn By Mrs. We BradnOck Tho February meeting, of the Auburn Women's Institute will be held on February goth at 2:15 p.m. with Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, convenors of Education and Cultural Ac, tivities in charge. They have in, vited Mrs. Berylt Nicholson of Seaforth to speak. She is a member of the Student Services Personnel for the Huron County board of education working in the specific learning disabilities. • Rev, Keith Stokes rector of Auburn St. Mark's Anglican church announced that he had resigned to take up his new ap- pointment at Leaniington the first of April. Mr. and Mrs, J.A, McIntosh and Miss Margo L.McIntosh of London spent the weekend with Mrs, Frances Clark. Miss Diane Kirkconnell of London spent laSt weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. Miss Carol Beadle of Kit- chener spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Rodger of Goderich visited last weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Emil-lemon Rodger, Mrs. Cameron Howlett of Lambeth visited last Thursday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert McFarlane. Mr. William Rueger and Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day Ferm Varna Stockyard CALL rSAYFiELD 56S-2636 By 4:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No i Charges on Pick-up tf daughter Carol of RR 2, Clin- ton spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs, Donald Cart- wright, Mr. Cartwright, David, Derrick and Lorie. Correction-In the report of Knox United Church annual meeting it should have read Robert Armstrong instead of Robert Arthur appointed to the Board of Trustees of that church, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett of Amherstburg visited last Saturday with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, William Straughan, All girls between the ages of 12 to 26, wishing to take the spring project "Sewing with Knits" please contact the leaders immediately. The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mrs. Alfred Rollinson whose sister, Mrs. William Ferguson (the former Dorinda Lawlor) passed away recently in Windsor. Mr. Gordon Powell was a patient 'in Goderich hospital last week. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Trom- mer and Miss Connie Trommer visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, Od- bert and Miss Lily Odbert in Stratford. Mr. Fred Lawrence of Fort Erie spent the weekend with his wife and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Donald Haines spent Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. Ronald Liver- more, Mr. Livermore, Robbie and Donald at Fordwich. Many from this community attended the Valentine dance of the Eastern Star at Blyth last Friday evening. Miss Judy Arthur spent a few days last week with her friends in Montreal. Miss Carolyn Clark and Mr. Ed Goodfellow of Toronto visited recently with Miss Laura Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. Mrs. Gordon Taylor visited last week with her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Mr. Rathwell, Michael and Janice at Parkhill. Mrs. Walter Cunningham is a patient in Wingham hospital, we wish her a speedy recovery. BY DORCA BALLANTYNE For Kathleen and Erlin Whitmore 200 acres at RR 1, Seaforth is all they want to cope with right now. On their mixed farm operation they grow their own crops, produce their own grain and raise their own livestock, Holstein cows are crossed to get their beef cattle, and they average between 50 and 60 head. They buy weaned pigs and feed finish them and market about 150 a year. Kathleen's views on farming were mixed. "In this part of the country there are quite a few farms in cash crops, and some get them and some don't," she said. "We always figured if we had a little bit of a few things we had a better chance to survive." "There's a great deal of hard work in farming for the amount of return, and yet it's a wonder- ful way of life." "I feel that today you have to have a lot of courage to start out to farm, and you certainly have to have equipment which is very expensive, With the un- certainty of success in specialized farming, or with a failure in cash crops, there's such a terrific setback." • "Too, you either have to have a lot of land of your own, or 'eetee2dol custom ,tart,, • • farming today you have to .have 0:A417.44d US amou nt and stamina." Married for 30 years, she came to the farm as a bride and shared the house with her husband's parents. After her mother-in-law's death her father-in-law continued to live with them as long as he was able. She still continues to do some chores and most of the book work, and says that like the majority of farm women everywhere she helps where she can. "I'm what you might call the 'chore boy' around here," she added. "I also, with my daughter's help, look after the flower and vegetable garden, keep the grass cut during the summer, and do quite a bit of my own home decorating." Outside interests have in- cluded being a 4-FI leader over HURON COUNTY SOARD OF EDUCATION KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION For School Opening in SepfeMber, 1973 HULLETT CENTRAL FEB. 27, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. HOLMESVILLE PUBLIC FEB. 27, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. HURON CENTENNIAL MARCH 1, 9 a.m. 4 p.m. CLINTON PUBLIC MARCH 2, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.• To be eligible for Kindergarten enrollment, a child MUST be five years of age on or before December 31, 1973. The parent will meet the Kindergarten Teachei and the School Nurse. Please bring proof of age and any health records which might be available. 7,8b , W.I meets , ,, •,:, '‘ ,"." ,,Z"?.. .:; u SEED CORN G4082 — 80 — 82 Days G5150 — 85 ,—,Days GOOD YIELD and STAN DABILITY FREE Spring Delivery on Early Orders. SPECIAL VOLUME DISCOUNTS • Distributed in Huron County by: • MILTON J. DIETZ LTD. PURINA CHOWS - SANITATION PRODUCTS - SEED CORN LAYER CAGES - VENTILATION (WHOLESALE & RETAIL) SEAFORTH, ONT.— R.R. 4 PH. 527-0608 Area women featured in W.O. Farmer the years. For several years she has been the 4-H co-ordinator for the Seaforth district. Explaining her work as co- ordinator Kathleen said that at the present time they have 12 clubs in the Seaforth district and her job was to see that these clubs had leaders. "Basically OMAF is back of this arrangement. They have the training school and achievement days and I, as co- ordinator, work through OMAF, and generally the In- stitutes and leaders. It's a sort of a triangle." "We are quite delighted with the fact that within the last three years the number of 4-H clubs went from six to 12, and it's going to continue to grow." "A lot of the leaders are parents of girls who are active in 4-H. I have a leader who has led 25 clubs, and and she says she has never yet come back from a training course that she hasn't learned something, We do have a good group in the Seaforth area, and there's always a lot of interest. Which, of course, makes my work that much more pleasant." "When we had a rural church up the line I taught Sunday School there, but when it closed I stopped teaching, I wouldn't presume to try to teach today; the whole concept of religion has changed, and children's outlooks and values are very different now." Past president of the Seaforth W.I., she feels the In- stitutes need to draw in the younger people to survive, Also a life member of the IJ.C.W., she is not active in it at the present time. • Their 17 year old son Ralpfi was killed in a car crash last , March, and this has left a big gap in their lives. Sixteen year- old Karen, their only child now, is going to school. Kathleen felt that at the moment she didn't have or want too many outside in- terests. "My daughter's in- terests are really mine at the present time. We sew together, shop and bake together. I also do a little knitting, crocheting and needlepoint." "My whole interest, basically, is people. And I hope a little later on to be able to devote my time to them, I was thinking in terms of perhaps visiting nursing homes, or working with the Children's Aid or some similar organization where they need help with people." tro can e p you tax man and pile up $100,000. f.!tv. mr; L I The secret? A Sterling Trusts Regis- tered Retirement Savings Plan.The Govern- ment of Canada wants you to live well when you retire. So they allow you to deduct contributions to our Retirement Savings Plans from your taxable income. We pay you compound interest on the plan, and they don't tax that, either. So if you contribute steadily, you can accumulate a nice little fortune. For example, let's say you're married with two children, you earn $15,000 per year, and you can contribute $1,000 per year. Your plan will be worth well over $100,000 in 35 years. (Based on current income tax rates and an interest rate of 61/2 % compounded). You can contribute more—as much as $4,000 a year or 20% of your salary, whichever is less—or you can contribute less, In fact, you can start a Ster- ling Trusts Retirement Savings plan for as little as $100. And a Sterling Trusts Plan can often be coupled with an existing com- pany pension plan. You' re eligible to save1972 tax money until March 1st,1973. 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