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Clinton News-Record, 1973-02-08, Page 9
m We take it for granted. And yet it sparks our whole modern way of life ...work, production, recreation, leisure, even protection. Flick a switch and lights go on ... a miracle in itself. Think of all the other marvels we enjoy, Wheels that turn. Wires that hum. Magic machines that take the drudgery from our days: washers, dryers, heaters, coolers, toasters, ranges, broilers, freezers, cleaners, polishers, television. And all the music- makers ... from stereo record players to organs and guitars. The benefits are endless. So are the possibilities. We're looking forward to exploring and expanding them further -. to make life brighter and better yet for you and for your family. For the whole community. Electricity is for people. We keep that in mind—and we're proud to serve you, proud to have a part in bigger and better dreams. SHOCK ABSORBERS "YOUR SILENT PARTNER" WHERE QUIET BEGINS rem . my window 111111011111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111 BY SHIRLEY el. KELLER CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1973-8 00.0 '000060000 troost)eeeoree)efse 0f0Ce)erf000 0.4,00,0e0000fefAf0 fF0CPCifeeffifOr fqrM-fft(121,e0r0r, $000f0gMlieorgtetfeterfft0OfOtt00044040pottt4R400000tOttostel, a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Today's the day, Today's the st day at the office before I eave on the wonderful acation I told you about a eek or so ago. I just cannot lieve the time for departure s so close. Now that it is here, I rather ate to leave. I can't explain it eally, but it seems that once it arts it will soon be over .... nd when it is over it will be a ong, long time before it will tart again. Can you under- tand that? Grandma is going to Come to tay with the kids for the short hile we're away from home uring our holiday. Grandma's re just wonderful ,.., especially ur grandma. She comes in and akes over. Aside from the fact hat she has a different routine and cooks a little differently to oat) our children hardly know e're away. Noticed the other day that he hints about "what to bring e" are just beginning. Our lit- lest son noted that if it so hap- ened that we were trying to elect something to bring home o him, we should consider a new hockey stick. And for the past few days whenever there's a disagreement around the kit- chen about this or that, the kids remind each other they had better watch what they say lest mom and dad forget them when the goodies are passed out after holidays. So everybody at our house is preparing for our vacation ,.. and today is the last day before it actually begins. I maybe should tell you that sometime during our vacation we're planning a jaunt down to hio to see an old and dear friend. She and her husband, a recently graduated minister, are moving to a small rural ongregation in that state. They won't be any more than nicely ettled when we arrive .... and hat should make their month a otal disaster. We hadn't planned to visit his couple until we heard they ere moving within easy ravelling distance of our esidence. It has been three ears since we last saw them nd it seems like about time we ook them up again. Also sometime between the apering alid the painting and he scrubbing and the cleaning anned for our vacation at im ommmwmal Mom, Dad or all the Kiddies may be photographed as a group home, hubby and I will attend the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Convention in Lon- don Ontario. I've never been to a newspaper convention and I'm truly looking forward to it, I've heard all sorts of wild and wonderful rumors about con- ventions of all kinds and I'm going to find out if it is really and truly right what they say about them. I'll not be writing this jib- berish for about a month. I'm really going whole hog this vacation and I'm severing all ties with my readers for a period of three or four weeks. Let them have a vacation from me, too, I say. Judging from some of the scuttlebutt, one really wonders whether the public appreciates the efforts of the weekly newspaper or its writers. In the town where I live (and I'll wager in your village or town as well) there are people who call the newspaper "the local rag". I had one lady tell me .one time that she wouldn't even line her birdcage with the newspaper I helped produce! A few weeks ago, I heard a new description for the newspaper with which I'm presently associated on a regular basis. This person called it the "seven to one edition" seven days to produce and one minute to read. Is it any wonder I need a holiday .... or that I think you probably need a vacation from me, too. Not long ago, a fellow was in my office complaining about the paper. He like so many other folks, said the newspaper had no reading matter in it. He should have said the paper had nothing in it which interested him .... but he wasn't that sharp, I guess. Anyway, I ignored his remark and went on to discuss with him one of the local con- troversies. It was obvious he didn't know •the facts in the matter and he was surprised at my knowledge on the subject. "Where'd you learn all that?" he asked, amazed. "From the horse's mouth," I told him. "And it is all written up in that paper you say has no news." Hooray! It is get-away time for me.... and for you. THURSDAY - FRIDAY FEBRUARY 8 and 9 12 NOON - 8 P.M. AT CORRIES RED & WHITE FREE ONE INDIVIDUAL or GROUP PORTRAIT IN a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Electric Power Means Progress: In 'the Home...Convenience ,,,,„ On the Farm ...Efficie15y In Factories... itforeVittput Everywhere...More Comfort MMMMMMMM I CLINTON, ONT. CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP IMUFFLERMAN LIFETIME COARANT -En FREE MUFFLERS . I INSTALLATION ERIC SCHELLEMBERGER LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Clinton 482.6646 Albert St. AND 15 MIN. SERVICE HAROLD WISE LIMITED ELECTRICAL - PLUMBING ANC, HEATING CONTRACTOR OPEN MON.-IFRI. 8 - 6 SAT. 8 - 3 aim 271-5560 738 Ontario St. Stratford 2 QUALIFIED ELECTRICIANS ON STAFF Plumbing Heating - Electrical - Sheet Metal Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 24-hoer service 1,6(rtgetty t'0,`611, ea,,to 0 00t 0.00f0000©0 000 Phone 262-2114 482,7062 Henson