HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-02-08, Page 3ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" MINISTER: LAWRENCE S, LEWIS, B.A., 0:1'11. Organist and Choir Director: Mrs, Doris McKinley, A. Mu.. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1973 No Sunday School Ontario St. Church will worship at Wesley-Willis today ALL WELCOME Wesiey•Willis—Hoimesville United Churches REV'. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B,D,, DO., Minister MR. MURRAY McNALL - ORGANIST MRS. WM. HEARN - CHOIR DIRECTOR WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH "THE CHURCH THAT CARES" SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1973 10:45 a.m. Hymn Sing 11:00 a.m. Worship Service and Sunday School Theme: "THE URGENT COMMAND" today. St. Church and Sunday School will worship with us 1 p.m. Worship Service & Sunday School EVERYONE WELCOME CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Clinton 263 Princess Street Pastor. Alvin Baukima, B.A., 0.0. Services: 10:00 a.m., and 2:30 p.m, (On 3rd Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Dutch Service at 11:00 cm.) Church of the "Back to God" Hour every Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME .Preacher: Rev. Lawrence Lewis HOUVIESVILLE UNITED CHURCH The OPTOMETRY INSURANCE J. E. LONGSTAFF K.W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 482-7804 HAL HARTLEY Phone 482-6693 OPTOMETRIST CL)NTON—MON. ONLY 20 ISAAC ST. 482-7010 SEAFORTH BALANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST, 527-1240 LAWSON AND WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 R. W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 J,T. Wise, Res.: 482-7265 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS AUCTIONEER NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER For Air-Master Aluminum Doors and Windows and AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERVIS SALES Jervie,-68 Albert St. Clinton-482.9390 Prompt, Courteous ; Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete tale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235,1964 EXETER DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repalrod For All Poptolar Makes Huron Fuel Ifileetkm Equipment Bayfield Rd., Ctinton402,79/1 —7— lusiniss and Professional Directory ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. T. C. MULHOLLAND , Minister CHARLES MERRILL, ORGANIST SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1973 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship & Sunday School Madeleine Lane Auxiliary meets at the home of Mrs. Ron McCann, Feb. 12, EVERYONE WELCOME BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: REV. L. V, BIGELOW SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1973 Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m Evening Gospel Service: 7:30 p.m. Meeting; Wednesday at &OD p.ml, ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Clinton SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1973 EPIPHANY 6 10:00 a.m.—Parish Communion FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE ST. (1 street west of Community Centre) 9:45 a.m.—WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 a,m,—SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE HOUR 2:30 p.m.—GOSPEL SERVICE Tues., 8:00 p.m.—PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For Information Phone: 482-9379 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Street Pastor: Leslie Hoy, 524-8823 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. Friday, Young Peoples ALL WELCOME Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER SEAFPRTft LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE CLARENCE DENOMME DAYS 4.82-9505 NIGHTS 482.9004 vtitsitimssms Who are they ... * Anna Mae and Virginia are sisters * Toured to 22 states and 7 provinces * Recordings *Television, Radio *Composers, Arrangers *13 Years experience in Gospel Singing * Part of Rev. Pall McPhail Evangelistic Outreach IN PERSON AT WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR 2 P.M. HURON NIENt CHAPEL, AUBURN 8 P.M. Rev. Cleve Winger WILL SPEAK AT BOTH SERVICES "You're as welcome as the flowers in May" EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING Meat, the unique talents of Canada's Singing Slates "For it is good to sing praises unto our God" Psalm 147:1 CLINTON NEWS-RgCORP, TKRSDAy, FEBRUARY 8, 1973-4 ayfield women revive lost art BY MILVENA ERICKSON An almost forgotten art was vived in the Village last week hen members of Trinity nglican Church Guild along Nth other Village ladies put- p a quilt and were quilting it the Parish Hall. It seemed ironic that the hurch is almost 125 years old, nd the hand-made iron clamps sad to tighten the wooden uilting frames were almost 00 years old. Mrs. Percy Weston had ieced the beautiful "Butter- y" quilt top and donated it to he,J,adies Guild; and when I rived the ladies were seated n either side of the quilt, uilting with very fine stitches II around each butterfly and round each block and in- ricately working small pat- erns in each corner, It was ertainly fascinating to watch he ladies at what our an- estors called a "Quilting Bee". The regular meeting of the nglican Church Women of rinity Church was held ebruary 1 at the home of Mrs. arl Diehl. The meeting opened with a ymn, prayers and scripture eading. The main business was the arranging of the Bridge and uchre•Party to be held in the rinity 'Church Parish Hall on ebruary 16 at 8 p.m. A most njoyable social hour was en- oyed by all at the close of the eeting. SENIOR CITIZENS The Senior Citizens held heir February meeting in the unicipal Building on Friday vening,February 2. Nineteen embers were present. Wishes for speedy recovery ere sent to Mr. George Brown, r. Walter Westlake, Mr. and rs. Bill Parker and Mr. arold Bell. The meeting was presided wer by the second vice- resident Mrs. Greta Scotch- mer. The singing of the 'National Anthem and repeating the Lerd's Prayer in unison, opened the meeting. Mrs. Margaret Larson, secretary, gave her report, which was adopted and no correspondence was received. In the absence of the treasurer Mrs. Vina Parker, no report was received. Five members paid their yearly dues, three of whom were welcomed as new mem- bers, Mrs. Nora Orr and Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith. The Club has purchased four new,card tables and a vote was unanimous to loan our card tables to the Agricultural Society for their Euchre and Bridge party. These tables will not be loaned to any group other than those authorized by the Senior Citizens, namely the local Euchre and Bridge Clubs whose authorization has already been granted. The meeting was adjourned and Euchre was enjoyed. Prize winners were Greta Scotchmer, Edna Mote, Fred Mote and George Clark. Fred Mote was the winner of the lone hand prize. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser and their two children of Lon- don were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder and family of Lambeth at their village residence. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ben- newies, Greg, Chris and Lisa, Seaforth, spent Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Rob Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Art Latimer, Bill, Gil and Christy, Toronto, visited for the weekend with her Mother, Mrs. Gilbert Knight. Mrs. Walter Westlake, Mrs. Bev. McClinchey of Bayfield, Mrs. Albert Leitch and Miss Viola Leitch of Goderich have returned from a very enjoyable seven week holiday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Rex and Larry Johnston of R.R. 1, _ . Varna were also their guests for three days while on a holiday tour of Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosnell,. Goderich,. visited Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Percy Weston. Registered .guests at the Albion .Hotel for the weekend were Dr, and Mrs. G. Shepherd of Windsor; Mr. Justin Lance and Miss Mary Nave of Royal Oak, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. George .Kalan, zis,. Birmingham, Michigan, were at their village residence for the weekend. Varnct By Fred McClymont The United Church Women met in the basement of the church last Thursday evening with 15 members present. The president, Mrs. Ralph Stephen- son, opened the meeting with the poem "The Perfect Church" and Group Two had charge of Devotions, Mrs. Roy Elliott read a poem' "Love of God". Mrs. Mervyn Hayter and Mrs. Roy Elliott gave the scrip- ture readings followed by prayer. The offering was taken up by Mrs. Murdock Morrison and dedicated by Mrs. Harvey Hayter, Mrs. Elliott gave a poem "Committed to Love" and Mrs. Hayter "Warm Thoughts for a winter day", The business meeting followed and Mrs. Gordon Johnston read the minutes and roll call. Mrs. Ida McClinchey read a thank-you note received. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Stephenson, There were 30 calls made to sick and shut ins during the month of January. Varna U,C.W. will host the World Day of Prayer meeting on March second and will in- vite members from Goshen to attend. The U.G.W. Presbyterial will be held in Northside United Church, Seaforth on Feb. 28, the theme being "A Light for Christian Development". It was decided to donate $25.00 to Mrs. Malcolm David- son for her concerns in India. The members also decided to hold a Pancake Supper again this year on March 6th. Mrs. Robert Taylor gave an interesting commentary, along kith ite.restoofher slides of lier :trAtkot,0; last summer. Lunch was served at the close. PERSO NALS Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Taylor returned home last week after spending a couple of weeks in the sunny South. The members of L.O.L. 1035 with their wives spent a pleasant evening Bowling last Friday evening. Afterwards, they were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McClymont attended the South Western Ontario Syrup making Convention in London last Wednesday, The Children of the Com- munity have enjoyed their first full week of skating at the arena. It has been a poor year to keep ice in shape. Peter Malcolm of Seaforth pipes in Legion president George Campbell and Mrs. Campbell and members of the Legion during opening ceremonies to mark the Twentieth Anniversary of the building of the Legion Hall. About 150 members and guests were treated to a four- course dinner and dance to mark the event. (photo by Rob Kellestine) Fourteen girls became Golden Bar Brownies at a recent ceremony in Clinton. Front row left to right are Lorie Mann, Karen Drennan, Mary McMahon, Laura Hill, Denise Corbett, Julie Proctor, and Nina Nelson. Back row are Susanne Clark, Ruth Munning, Laura Colquoun, Rhonda Strickland, Christine Cooke, Ann Deichert, and Carol Andres. They were assisted by Mrs. D. Wood and Julie Bartliff, (photo by Jack Hunt) Pictured above are girls who moved up to Brownies from Tweenies recently in a ceremony in Clinton. Front row left to right are Sue-Ann Smith, Margaret Wise, Cheryl Armstrong, Ann Lavis, Ann Marie Hall, Tina Strong, Sharon Ducharme and Janice Elder, Back row are Laureen Craig, Terri Murney, Margaret Dupee, Brenda Dupee, Dianne McNichol and Carol Brautigam. Also shown are Retired Commissionaire Mrs, D. Flowers and Brown Owl Mrs, S. Carter. (photo by Jack Hunt) it CHURCH SERVICES ALL SERVICES ON STANDARD TIME MARY'S SEWING CENTRE 17 ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. AUTHORIZED WHITE - ELNA DEALER SPECIAL SEWING CLASSES ON LINGERIE KNITS and MEN'S WEAR. PRECISION SCISSOR SHARPENING USED MACHINES — REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 37tin THE SINGING SISTERS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1 CARNIVAL VALUES Luggage Specials Broken & Discontinued lines from • Samsonite • Carson • Dionite Save up to 1 /3 Real Savings on - Snowmobile suits - Parkas - Winter jackets Warm winter boots - Sport Shirts - Cardigan sweaters AIKEN'S 482-9352 Clintbn