HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-02-08, Page 21$1f MAIM . RUPP BY WILMA OKE Tuckersmith Township Council meeting in regular session on Tuesday night decided, after a long dismission, to go ahead this summer with building the bridge over Silver Creek at the Seaforth Golf Course. Next year they plan to reduce the curve in the winding road from Egmon- dville to the golf course and to reroute part of the road at the Egrnondville end of it — moving it a block north of the present road. The engineering firm of Burns Ross of Goderich will be asked to complete plans for the construction of the bridge which is estimated to cost $30,00Q. Council will seek approval from the Ministry of Transpor- tation and Communications and then ad- vertise for tenders. Kenneth and Rod Doi of Seaforth, owners of the golf course, were at the meeting, Mel Graham of Brucefield, Secretary- Treasurer of the Tuckersmith Township Municipal Telephone System attended the meeting to present a written request that the council will be asked to act on at a later date. "The following is a motion Hydr 0 • • • (continued from page 1) make sure poor farm land is used for utility corridors whenever possible instead of good land and to seek ways to use the same corridors for multiple uses such as new highways. He warned that people must become aware that not only those in the pith of the line are affected, but everyone. "It's our landscape that is being used" he said. He said people had to stand up and let Hydro know that "it's our land" and we want some say in how it is used. The meeting passed a resolution to the OFA that the OFA ask the government for an indepen- dent feasibility study of the route of the line and all future power routes. passed on February 2, 1973 by the com- missioners of the Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System that the system request the Council of the Township of Tucker- smith to issue a further debenture in the amount of $125,000 for the Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System to proceed with the installation of approximately 350,000 feet of cable within the system. The commissioners feel that this program is necessary to, provide better service to the rural areas." Mr. Graham explained the system plans to provide four-party service (four subscrip- tions per line) in all rural areas. He said private and two party service will be available too if desired. Mr. Graham said they had decided to remove the telephone rates from the tax roll and the rates will be billed along with the long diAance tolls on a monthly basis. At the annual meeting of the telephone system in Brucefield on February 21, Mr, Graham will present the, above request to the subscribers and it must be approved by 10 percent of them (about 100). When ap- proval is received, Tuckersmith Council will be asked to give its approval. The third delegation to attend the meeting were eight members of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture and the Tuckersmith Federation to ask Council to reconsider the grant given to the Tucker- smith Federation of $600. At the last meeting the Federation had asked for a grant of $900. However the council had, by majority vote, reduced the grant to $600 and had divided the remaining $300 among the three area recreation councils — Clinton, Hensall and Seaforth, Federation members attending were: Adrian Vos, Blyth; Allan Turnbull, Grand Bend; Stuart Wilson, RR 1, Brucefield; Harry Arts and Bruce Coleman, both of RR 4, Seaforth; Kenneth Moore of Egmon- dville; Robert Lawson. RR 5, Clinton and Stanley Johns icif RR 3, Seaforth, Most of them spoke, presenting the work done by the Federation to assist the farmer and of the need for money to continue the work. Council took no action on the Federation request but will consider it at a later meeting. Allan Nicholson, Road Superintendent, was authorized to tender for 18,000 cubic yards of gravel to be put on the one hun- dred miles of roads in the township. The township will supply the gravel, In other business, council passed for payment accounts totalling $9,032.71. These included $5,369,77 for roads; $719,79 for the Brucefield street lights; $160,50 for the cost of a fire attended by Seaforth firemen; $877.50 for drains and $1,911.15 for general government. Mr. Nicholson will install new signs at the intersection of the perimeter road around Vanastra and the second con- cession of the township. These were ad- vised by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications following a recom- mendation of the jury at an inquest into a double fatality at this corner last summer, Council approved land severance of property (parts of lots 36, 37, 38, and 39) sold by John Van Gastel and Fred Ginn, both of Vanastra to the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority. Brucefield.., (continued from page 1) homeowners not at the meeting to ask which cost system they would prefer and to get easements signed where necessary. The surveying firm of B.M. Ross and Associates, Goderich, will be asked to con- duct a survey and prepare plans that may be registered. Council will seek the ap- proval of the Ontario Municipal Board for the debenture issue. Tentative approval has already been given by the Ministry of the Environment. Tuehersmith to build Silver Creek bridge omeone ou Lone will love the taste of 0d-fashioned candies made with sweet dairy cream and fresh country butter. In beautiful Valentine gift boxes. Valentine Candies from $ 100 to $750 Choose from our selection of VALENTINE CARDS 10' to $3" Clinton, ntario CUT FROM THE CHUCK-BLADE BONE OUT BEEF BLADE ROAST LB. CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BONELESS $ 09 BLADE ROAST LB. 4 TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED • SLICED SIDE BACON DAVERN PORK & BEEF BREAKFAST SAUSAGE ib.59° 1 lb. ellee pkg. BONUS DISCOUNTS KOTEX PLUS OR SUPER OR KOTIQUE FEMININE NAPKINS g'fkig 53c DAVID'S CARROUSEL BISCUITS OR FESTIVAL COOKIES 21,1,b6 99e ASSORTED VARIETIES FROZEN CHUN KING Meat Dinners 1 14: 75e BLACK DIAMOND REGULAR PROCESS CheeseSlicesal .59 MONARCH ASSORTED FLAVOURS SPONGE PUDDINGS 3,,,,?ra79c PREPRIOED 59,-REGULAR OR WINTERFRESH COLGATE TOOTHPASTE Tug 49e KOTEX REGULAR FEMININE NAPKINS cn 53c TOP VALU EVAPORATED MILK 19 oz, tins FOR BONUS DISCOUNTS OLD TYME TABLE SYRUP "Al: 63c KRAFT VELVEETA PROCESS CHEESE ioai 89° SARA LEE-ASSORTED VARIETIES FROZEN Pull A Parts 1.4: 69c KRAFT COLOURED MARGARINE, 69c FIVE ROSES ALL PURPOSE FLOU 89c bag rpm. .111n uU III IIIIIIIIIII GRANULATED FINE WHITE SUGAR 5 lb. bag 494 LIMIT 1 BAG PER FAMILY WITH COUPON AND 5.00 PURCHASE COUPON EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 7-13, 1973 I ., t / 101. 100. / 2---,CLINTON .144WS,FMOOK), THURSDAY, 8,1073 a Everyone connected with Winter Carnival is hoping fer lots of snow between now (Wednesday) and Friday, While haying the' streets so bare and dry is great from one point of view, it is disastrous as far as the snowmobile part of the Carnival is concerned. The. parade on Saturday fOrrrIN up at the LEGION HALL ON KIRK STREET, not the arena as originally planned. ******CC** The restriction on visitors at Huronview is still in effect. This is necessitated because of the influenza which is still prevalent in the area. ********** Clinton recreation director, Mike Stephens has an assistant for a short time. He is Ken Roulston who is enrolled in the recreation director program at Fanshawe College, London. Ken, who calls Lucknow home, worked in the recreation program there last summer. He will gain some more prac- tical experience while here and also help Mike. Ken is seeking information about recreation available to senior citizens of Clinton and about what types of recreation might be desired. Anyone with ideas and suggestions may reach him through the Clinton Community Centre. President of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Jo Ann Bullen, called the January 22nd meeting together with each girl repeating the opening ritual. Roll call and minutes were read by Marion Durnin and this was followed , by Treasurer's report given by Linda Meade. President, Jo Ann, announced that ap- plication forms were ready for the convention which is to be held in London June 1-2-3. Vice-president, Vivan Roy, has received news of a new transfer member and she has been asked to come out and meet the girls. Mary Jean Glew, Ways and Means chairman, along with Mrs. W. Harrett presided for the regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary which was held on Monday, February 5th in the hospital board room. Mr. Pipher of Toronto was present and demonstrated in- dividual T.V. sets, which can be obtained, for the use of patients, and answered many questions of the members con- cerning same. Mrs, Shearing opened the meeting with the Auxiliary prayer and Mrs. L. Bond read the minutes and the correspon- dence in the absence of the secretary. The treasurers report was given by Mrs. A, McMurray. Miss Carol Steepe of R. R. 2 Clinton was awarded the R, N. A. Bursary, and has been ac- The progressive euchre party on February 1, sponsored by the LoaA in the Orange Hall had nine tables in play. The ladies' _prizes went to: Mrs. Viola Lampman, high; Mrs. Danny Glidden, lone hands; Mrs, Sadie Fonger, Lon- don, low. The men's prizes were won by: Mr, Charles Cunningham, high; Mr. Milton Wiltse, lone hands; Mr. Ernie Brown, law, Two draws for ten pounds of sugar each were won by Mr. Asa Deeves, of Hensall and Mrs. Fred Slavin, Clinton, ********* On a recent visit to New Brunswick, one of our readers found some names of streets, villages and towns which he thought might be of interest to you. We hope that those of our readers who call New Brun- swick home won't become too homesick. There is Madawagonish, Ketepec, Loch Lomond, Quispamsis, Pamdenac, Ken- nebecasis, Spar Cove, Millidge, Musquash, Passekeag, Nawigewauk, Candlewood Lane, Green Head, Dipper Har- bour and Plumweseep. Some of these have an Indian sound, don't they? ********** Have a happy Carnival week! her committee will soon be distributing felt badges made to hold soroity pins. Social Chairman, Marjorie Dobson, gave a lengthy discussion on arrangements for the dance on March 10. Members were to meet at the home of Sharon Carter, Publicity Agent, February 6 for instrumental practice at 8 pan. The cultural programme titled, "The Dance" Ballet given by Sharon Carter, and she had a very interesting topic as, the girls were shown the traits of this dance by Mrs. Zablocki and helper Wendy Bell. Our special thanks to Mrs. Zablocki for inviting us to her home and for the demon- stration . cepted for training at Hamilton General Hospital. Mrs. Paul Walden, who had completed two and a half years as president of the Auxiliary, was presented with a past- presidents pin by Mrs. Beecher Menzies, on behalf of the Auxiliary. The hospital cart will be staf- fed by the Eastern Star group during February and the Legion ladies during the month of March. Tray favors will be donated by the Girl Guides for Valentine's Day "and the Wesley --Willis Messengers for St. Patrick's Day, Once more the Auxiliary is holding Vanishing Card Parties Under the convenership of Mrs. Howard Porter and Mrs. A. McMurray. a a n n n n • a a n a • • a n , a a • n n n n a a n a • • • • • • • • • a • • a • a a a a a a • aa a a n a a • IIorierileirlarriiiiaiinierrilistrillianurirrilisaliiiilmiimirarriaiiimilit Hensall news FELLOWSHIP TOUR Five couples from ...the Adult Fellowship Group of Hensall United Church motored to Lon- don last Wednesday evening to the London Theatre to see the performance of "Boeing, Boeing", which was very much enjoyed. A bowling party is in the plans for February. Obituary HAROLD D. PICKETT Harold D. Pickett of Ontario ,Street in Clinton passed away at Clinton Public Hospital on January 31, 1973 after an illness of several weeks. He was 84. He was born in Clinton on March 8, 1888, the son of the late George and Margaret Pickett. He lived in Clinton for his entire life and worked for many years at the organ factory. He was single. Mr. Pickett was a member of Ontario Street United Church and of the Masonic Lodge in Clinton. Funeral service took place on February 3, 1973 from the Beattie Funeral Home. Rev, Lewis was in charge. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Harold Tyndall, Ken Pickett, Keith Tyndall, Allan Hughes, Clark B-4111 -Lawrence Plumsteel. Flowerbearer was Alex Inkley. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Glen (Effie) Cornish of Clinton. He was predeceased by one brother and three sisters. Make V and G your mortgagee Eighty years of experience in custom-building mortgage loans to fit the purse and the circum- stances of thousands of satisfied customers — that's the plus you get when you invite V and 0 to help you buy or build your home. Or Summer cottage. Or buy your improved farm, Friendly, reliable know how you can depend on — yours today at Victoria and Grey. CVl 70— GREY TRUST COMPANY SINGE: 1E109 INN It, Zurbrigg Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich $24.7381 FROZEN CAN. GRADE 'UTILITY' ROASTING CHICKENS Vi° fb 44c ESSEX PACKERS BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA FRESH PRODUCE SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT She 48's FOR PRODUCT OF ISRAEL-SWEET EATING JAFFA ORANGES 'a:1'z: CANADA FANCY ONTARIO McINTOSH APPLES bag 51b, ogs I U.S:A. NO. 1 FLORIDA NEW GREEN CABBAGE 2 ibs.29. CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO CRISP CARROTS a lb, bag 39c FROZEN FOOD SALE RICH'S FROZEN COFFEE RICH DOWNEY FLAKE FROZEN WAFFLES 10 oz. Pkg. OA Cc flaV GREEN GIANT FANCY FROZEN GREEN PEAS 'IA 85e RICH'S FROZEN CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS 55 McCAIN'S FROZEN CRINKLE CUT FRENCH FRIES 2b1,14 47 MINUTE MAID FROZEN CONCENTRATE ORANGE CHICKEN FANCY CUT GREEN N CHIPS la: 99c OmbEs EFFECTIVE UNTIL cLOBINO SATURbAY, kE9AU FROZEN JUMBO SMOKED FILLETS ib.79* ESSEX PACKERS VACUUM PACKED WIENERS r3jgb.. 57* WE SPECIALIZE IN WEEKLY SPECIALS 9 AYLMER RASPBERRY, CHERRY, TOMATO OR STRAWBERRY OR. PEACH _ St. William's 1 JAM (With poollit) 24 oz. jar CORONATION SWEET MIXED or Bread N Butter PICKLES 15 oz. jars BONUS DISCOUNTS TOP VALU FANCY FRUIT . COCKTAIL 47c KELLOGG'S SPECIAL "K" CEREAL 114: 65c SHIRLEY GAY RAISIN PIE 2401,r 49c BABY SCOTT REGULAR DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Sr% 1 .69 SAICO SOLID WHITE TUNA 7 %63° CHEF GOY AR DEE MINI BEANS 4 "V; 88* ARV 0,1973 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SiIpplIpd bed Soevlbeit by M. LosIl Limited Sorority learns ballet Hospital Auxiliary meets arBIBIRMIXIXOXIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIMOIMINNIXIXIMIXXIIIHIXIIIMIIHNIIIIIIIIINNIMINIIIIMINE 19 1 • 19 X X L3 91 HURON (PRov.) LIBERAL 1 • es• • • AS SOC1ATION ss nci ais uala n NOMINATION ri ro is 13 a MEETING 9I X 11 a91 To seleCt a Liberal Candidate to contest the Provincial ri 111 Riding of Huron in the By-election to be held Mar. re 3 15/73. X X X u All persons who are members in good standing and on the it membership roll of the Huron Liberal Riding Association, 72 1 13 hours prior to the holding Of the nominating convention shall ay be eligible to vote. The constitution also allows that any im- a mediate past member of the association may renew his mem- a bership at the convention, prior to the commencement of the is voting. si 1 Membership tickets at $2.00 each are available i or throughout the riding from municipal chairmen ge es Guest speaker: 61 I I, ROBERT NIXON • • • i m a LEADER OF THE LIBERAL PARTY IN ONTARIO THURSDAY FEB. 15 AT 8:30 P.M. PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM HENSALL lb29° 3201. all 9c pkg. V WE GIVE YOU MORE.. MI Personalized Service "The Finest Quality lithe lowest meat specials in town, featuring Canada Approved Grade 'A' Red Ribbon Beef U S A NO. 1 WHITE OR RED MARSH ASSORTED COLOURS DECOR BATHROOM TISSUE 2 roll:pkg. GREEN GIANT FANCY MBLETS CORN 12 oz. tins AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES 19 oz. tin dote" 89e VEGETABLE SOUP c 10 oz. tins HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE i4 ex. tins PANTRY SHELF FANCY TOMATO JUICE 37, 49 oz. tin ROM, ELBOW MACARONI, SPAGHETTINI, RIGATONI, oR SPAGHETTI 3 2 lb. pkg. Juice 2 VA 59c RAViOLI IS 74; 39c McCAIN'S FROZEN GREEN GIANT CREAM STYLE CORN or CALIFORNIA 3 HOUR Colour Burning MAXWELL HOUSE CROWN BRAND each 850 FIRE LOGS INSTANT CORN FOR HOME BEAUTY-ASSORTED COFFEE gra SYRUP 3 TROPICAL PLANTS PLANTS 4 Inchpot 990 5 oz. lar • 2 lb. jar WPM ••••••,. .041/00 .0114. Assorted Varieties CARLTON CLUB SOFT DRINKS Full Case of 24/10 oz. tins 39 111111111111111111 1140 LIMIT 2 PER FAMILY WITH COUPON AND 5.00 PURCHASE COUPON EFFECTIVE FROM FEBRUARY 7-13, 1973 TOP VALU 1ST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 1 lb. print E LIMIT I CASE PER FAMILY WITH COUPON ANO 6.00 PURCHASE doulioN EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 7.1a, UM BURNS 3 to 4 lb. SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL, 79c I TOP VALU VACUUM PACKED WIENERS g: 650 I SKINLESS