HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-02-01, Page 10DEADLINE FOR TAKIN.3 CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER TAE • For VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service call DON TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED Exeter, Ontario. Phone 235-1100. CIRITER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652. -18tfn HOME DECORATING? BORROW FROM OUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATION AND HOME IMPROVEMENT LIBRARY-FREE See us before,you Over 4000 photos. BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482-3320 -gctfn We Specialize in CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING To individual Requirements. Cattle and hogs are Government Inspected in our Modern Abbatoir for your protection. Slaughtering on Monday Only All Processing Guaranteed. EXETER FROZEN FOODS Call 235-0400 C.M. Hall - c39tfp. O. 0 140,_ evA.. 1 '4 ,e(*.0 BUILDER 1st for custom built homes 1st for remodelling 1st for quality 2nd only in price Featuring "FLEETWOOD" Kitchen cupboards and bathroom vanities. CLINTON 482-7108 PIONEER SEED CORN IS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH JACK MAYHEW R.R. 3, CLINTON PH. 482-3176 (SOME VARIETIES IN SHORT SUPPLY) FOR SALE Two used DeLaval magnetic milker units com- plete with 40 lb. pails and one extra pail. 1 No. 73 vacuum pump (3 yrs. old), one vacuum regulator, vacuum controller, vacuum gaugel and timer convertor. Phone 4824652 CHUTER PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC 46 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. c5tfn Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY 'THURSDAY AT 2:00 P.M. All classes ol Livestotk COMPETENCE CONFIDENCE COMPETITION Victor 11 rg rea vas 4n2.7511 Clinton Jack Doug Itiddall Itiddt'll 2:17.3431 2:37.3576 Dashwood Dashwood 10-CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSRAY, FEBRUARY 1 1973 TOWN TA Y D CL ASS F EDS ,M.IIIMIINENVIIMME.IMMI••••••MNI.111111MININimpil !ARTICLES FOR SALE 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6. ACCOMODATION TO RENT 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE • - MUSKRAT jacket, size 14, $20,00, Phone 524,621L-gc5 FAST 2-hour car buyers, Loan ser- vi c e _- loans $50.00 to $5000.00 Call Brad Hamilton, Trans Camula Credit, 524-8319. - I 97 I PLY MOUTH Duster, :140 e ngine, automatic transmission, four new tires. Call Joe's 13.P., 0871,- -ge:Itf 1/2-TON CHEVROLET truck, heavy duty suspension. Phone 482- 9133.--c4,5,6p 1.111111.11.11111118111111111111111111MMIIIM 3 BEDROOM house at Vanastra, stove, frig, hardwood floors throughout. Large basement, oil fur- nace, laundry tubs, dryer hook-up. Cable T.V. Phone immediate possession 482-7496.-eltfn LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W.N, Counter. Clinton, Ontario, - c tfn .011, 41110- 41.110• la Ai& RICHARD LOUD 1971 BOA-SKI, 292 cc, Mk2, 19 hp good condition, $350,00 or best of- fer, Phone 482-7426.-c5b EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER #, led I - APPRAISER CLINTON. ONT. PHONE : 482-9431 or 482- ?!1It:._..osp...__.,...ti 1971 SKIDOO, wide track, excellent condition. Reasonable price, Phone 482-7727,--c5b Albert Street Of (ice 482.3821 SMALL two or three bedroom cot- tage for rent. Apply 482.6694 daytime, 482-9678 evenings.--c5tfn WHEELCHAIRS- The C.P. & T. Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Doug Cantelon, 482- ;3866,-49 STEREO SALE-Four only Elec. trohome stereos, two at $199.95 and two at $229.95, MA. Dutton Ap- pliances, Brucefield, 482-3232.--e5b SPENCER STREET 4 bedroom, frame insul-brick sided house, P.A. gas heating. An economical comfortable home priced at $7900,00. MODERN 4 bedroom semi- detached home, Frig and stove sup- plied. 13 Regina Road, Vanastra. $100 per month. Phone 482- 7727.--c5tfn 1966 V-8 Automatic G.M.C. pick- up, Good condition four new tires, radio. Former owner Dearborn Steel Phone 524-6087.-gc4,5p SKIDOO Olympic, 1970, 12.3 model, with cover, 16 hp motor, good condition. Phone 482- 7670,--e5b !ARTICLES FOR SALE !ARTICLES FOR SALE STAN BLOWES Travel Service, 32 Wellington Street, Stratford. For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaid arrangements for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710,49 CUSTOM 'KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates-Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237.3314 Dashwood.-cltfn . BRICK-2 STOREY $19,900.00, New exclusive listing, 4 or 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, family sized modern kitchen, plus dining room, living room arid utility area. The ideal home for the larger family, WE NOW have a VACANCY at the Holiday Home for a retired person, Private room, three meals a day. $6.00 per person. Apply to C. Van Damme, 482-6685.--c5tfn AVAILABLE at Special Savings! Poodle needs - 'coats, sweaters, collars, leashes, grooming aids, shampoos, toys - almost anything to keep your small dog happy, We also do clipping, bathing and styling. During the remainder of January and all of February save 10% on every purchase you make from present stock. Book appointments soon by phone (524-7744). We are located at 394 Huron Road.-gc4t- fnc SKATE SHARPENING, 50 cents a pair, at Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods, 80 King Street. Clinton, Ontario. - c42tfn 1964 VALIANT, 6 cylinder, good running order. Phone 482-3231 after 5.--c5b 300 CEDAR FENCE posts. Also 30 cords dry furnace or fireplace wood. Phone 565-2861.-c5p MODERN HOME overlooking park and Conestoga College, Available April 1, Phone 527-1174 evenings.--c5tfn INCOME PROPERTY Out-of-town owner anxious for of- fers. Live in the spacious 3 bedroom unit and let the other side of this duplex help to make your payments. Our pleasure to arrange an appoint- ment for you to see through this property. Electric motor repair supplies and equipment. Three phase winding head, single phase winding head, reamers; complete set, magnet wire, start switches, tapes etc. May be seen at 91 West St, weekends only. -cgt 7t f WESTINGHOUSE refrigerato7,* apartment size, like new. Lady's brown imitation fur iacket, size 14. Two :39" mattresses. Electric retlec, tor heater. Phone 482-771:3 after 3.-c5b VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK FIVE room downstairs apartment, self-contained; heated. Centrally located. Phone 482-7304.--c5btfn VARNA 262-5748 gctfn ...1•1•11 SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print, either 4" x 5", 5" x 8" or 8" x 10". Order at 482- 9502.--c5tfnx FIVE year old Beatty wringer washer with pump. Above average condition, Phone 262-5282.--c4,5b 4 BEDROOMS 2-Storey frame, newly covered with color-lox siding. Has modern -kit- chen, living room, bath and I bedroom down. Economical F.A. gas heating. Asking $12,500.00, Please call our office for more infor- mation. One 1-bedroom and one 2-bedroom apartment for rent. Self-contained. Centrally located. Phone 482- 7304,-c2tfn ORDER your crisp juicy apples from Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Spy, Delicious, Mac and Courthuul, fresh cider, potatoes and honey. Free delivery. Phone 524-80:37..---gc49tf 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JACK'S WOOD TURNERY CUSTOM WOOD TURNING AND GIFT ARTICLES JOHN PLUMTREE 482-9695 CLINTON (At Rear Of 84 Albert St.) 27' TRAVEL trailers fully self- contained; on tandems. Phone 482- 9700.-c4,5p 11111111111M10116 One bedroom heated furnished apartment for rent, Apply to Ceriel Van Damme. 482-11685.-atfn THREE teachers desks, double pedestal, wooden, birch finish. May be seen at Central Huron Secondary School. Offers should be submitted ton.-c5b t BAILEY to Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clin- 340 and 440 1971 TNT SKIDOOS. Excellent condition. Phone 482- 9728 and 482-7724 after 5.--cg4p APPLES, choice quality. Northern Spys, Delicious $250 bushel and up. Bring containers. After 4 daily. Anytime weekends or phone 482- 9136. Ross Middleton Storage, 1 mile east of Hayfield, north of river.--c4,5b CLARKE ZINN 100 North St. S Clinton. Phone 482-7838 .4111=1111•1111111MINIMINI 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS LARGE, four bedroom, brick house, newly decorated in Goderich. Ap- pliances available. Phone 482-9728 and 482-7724 after 5.-cg4p - 5 tfn TORO Snow Blower, Call Joe's B.P., Goderich, phone 524- 6871.-gc4tf IN THE ESTATE OF STELLA ALVERETTA BIGGIN, late or the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. Real Estate TRI-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax Returns - Business - Farm - Individual Record Preparations LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St. Clinton Phone 482-7988 GORDON CHARTER 201 Albert St. Clinton Phone 482-9654 17 1 12 ft. WHITE water canoe; plans or finished boat. Call Goderich 524- 7886 after 5:00 p.m.-gc4,5x 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT 8. HELP WANTED 82 Albert Street Clinton 17 foot CABIN cruiser, 50 hp motor plus trailer. Phone 482-7221.-c4,513 .1•11111.1111•1111011•1•11111MMIMMINEME•11 ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 21st day of November, 1972, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 12th day of February, 197:3, after which the assets will be destributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of January, A.D. 1973. E.B. MENIES, Q.C. Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, -4,5,6b At Tall Pines Camp Grounds, Kissimmee, Florida, we have a 17 ft. travel trailer fully equipped on a site with heated swimming pool, just 12 minutes drive from Disney World. For further information call Travel-On Sales and Rentals, Clin- ton 482-3364.-c2,3,4,5b OPPORTUNITY for family to stay together. Employment offered in small factory for individual man or wife or either with family old enough to work also. Heated apart- ment available. Phone 842-2718 or 842-5:368 Tillsonburg.-09an PHOTO LISTING SERVICE' 1 1 /2 storey, 3 bedroom frame home in Clinton with gas heating and a carport. 2 blocks from uptown. LIGHT blonde human hair wig, slightly used $85.00, with case $10.00 more. Phone 482- 9149.-gc5tf Completely redecorated l floor home in Goderich, 2 bedrooms, full basement, laundryroom. New shag carpeting in livingroom and master bedroom. HURON PINES REALTY LTD. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482.7304 NOW ORDERING Sulky Hubs and Parts for your Racing Carts. For further information phone Don's Bicycle Repairs, 30.5 Ontario Street, Clinton, 482-9941.-gc5x WANTED - Experienced legal stenographer. Apply Donnelly & Murphy, 18 The Square, Goderich.-gc 1 If FORMAL RENTALS For all oc- casions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. I Clinton and Goderich. ----114tfn • vvi CONSTRUCTION equipment. for rent. Power trowel, small mixer. pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Form ties stocked Phone 2:36-4954. evenings or Saturdays - Ain - - FORMAL RENTALS for men wit! boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear. .182-9:351. - c22tlit 2 storey frame home, close to post office and shopping area in Low down payment will handle. Lake Lots Por Sale (Port Albert Areal LOTS FOR SALE .,j,RptI cki., „FAR, Selection of ,-, quality fish, aquariums, aqua plants and equipment. The Fish Bowl Mrs. C. Taylor, R.R. 3 Lucknow. Phone 395-5443,-ge5,6 EARN extra money with Avon-for those secret "extras" your household budget won't allow. Have more money to spend the way you want. Call for an appointment evenings: Mrs. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 451- 0541.-gc4,5,6 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Money doesn't make happiness; it only makes misery more pleasant. -cg5h Clinton's ne‘N est subdivision. large frontages, s con i c Raglan St 'eel. 11 so Com me rc i a 1' lots, 210', Ilight%a,% 8 frontage for sale or lease building, FOR SALE: 1968 Chewy II, 327- 275. four barrel, four speed, tack, gauges, body and motor good con- dition, Call between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. 524-6998.-gc5 CONTACT MASON BAILEY PHONE 482-9371 PART-TIME bookkeeper who is capable of double entry system. Ap- ply to Box :31, Clinton News-Record, Clinton Ont.-c5b Properties bought, sold and leased. Will build to lessee's specifications. GENERAL duty help over 18 required for parttime work on weekends. Phone 482-9772 after 8 p.m.--c5b 6. ACCOMODATION TO RENT FOR RENT-Three houses at Vanastra, three miles south of Clin- ton. Hardwood floors. Stove and refrigerator equipped. Dryer hook- up. Rent $90 month, Immediate possession. Phone 482- 7144.-c3,4,5b Campbell's Soup Company Ltd. 9. WANTED (General) A- FOR SALE A- FOR SALE MOM LISTOWEL, ONT. Requires the services of WANTED-White ash logs or lum- ber. Best cash prices paid. Phone collect or write for information, Elgin Handles Limited, St. Thomas, Ont, 631-0330.-c4,5b ANIMAL medications, cleaners and disinfectants. Livestock feeds blen- ded for profitable results, available in bag or bulk. Your Purina dealer is at your service, Durst Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St. Clinton, 482-933:3. Closed Saturday after- noons only.--c50tfn - ONE WELDER - ONE GENERAL MECHANIC TWO bedroom wartime house TWO bedroom, unfurnished, heated apartment and one bedroom unfur- nished apartment. These new openings have been created in our Maintenance Department to cater for future expansion. The welder should be experienced in several types of welding and have some general mechanical experience. The general mechanic will help maintain and service production and parking equipment. Similar experience in an Industrial Plant could be an asset. Attractive wage rates and comprehensive insurance benefits are offered. Applications should be addressed to the plant personnel manager. 12. AUCTION SALE JANUARY BRIGHT 2 bedroom apartment, fridge, stove, kitchen set, drapes and some living room furniture in- cluded. Also 3 bedroom, self contained apartment, near schools. Contact Lawson & Wise, Clinton, 482-9644.--c3tfn SUIT SALE AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS 3-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5, Clinton, $95 per month, all utilities paid. Phone 482- 9742 or 482-7725 anytime. --c46tfn BRUCEFIELD, ONT. SPECIAL GROUP 65 ONLY mi••••=imvo, Offer the most modern auction, methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE Sales Help Wanted D - LIVESTOCK Apartment for rent. Apply to 482- 7833.-c3tfn FOR SALE: 1 standardbred mare. Phone 523-4207,-c5,(3,b FULLY furnished oil heated, 2 bedroom trailer for rent, 38' x 8' on your property, $85.00 month, Morgan's Trailer Park, Clin- ton,-c3-6b Lifetime opportunity if you qualify and reside in the vicinity of Goderich, Clinton or Wingham-You may receive: TWO WEEKS OF HIGHLY SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN TORONTO, EXPENSES PAID. ▪ FIELD TRAINING BY PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS OUTSTANDING COMMISSION EARNINGS 4. A STEADY INCOME FROM OUR ESTABLISHED AC- COUNTS IN THE INCOME PROTECTION FIELD. TO qualify you must be: * LEGAL AGE OR OVER * AMBITIOUS it AGGRESSIVE * BONDABLE * OWNER OF A RELIABLE CAR If you are the person who qualifies this Could be the opportunity of a lifetime to advance into the field of higher income, Take the big step now and phone for tin appointment. BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 --(..xtfn SUITS SPORTCOAtS CO-ORDINATES :3 HEREFORD second calf heifers, TWo due in February, one due in July, J. Landsborough, 527- 1826.-c5p 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE SPACIOUS self-contained duplex, two bedrooms, bath, living room, large modern kitchen-dining room, sunporch. Lovely yard. Phone 482- 7398.-ctfn ASSTD. SIZES AND STYLES REGULARLY PRICED TO $140.00 SPEARIN and Hall, snowblowing, at reasonable price, not too dear, Driveways, parking lots etc. Phone 482-7254. -c52.4p APARTMENT TO RENT, close to uptown. Apply to 44 Huron Street, Clinton.--c19tfn CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing, Scholl's Food Market, Hensall, Beef-Monday; Pork - Tuesday, Pick-op service available. Hamburg patties made on request, 262.2017, - c40tfn NOW 399! 4443.11110 LARGE two bedroom downstairs apartment, rugs in living room and bedrooms. Private entrance. Basement, Close to hospital in Goderich. $90. Phone 524- 7014,-gcl tf Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON REMODELLING, renova ti roofing and floor laying, expertly clone. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialt. Phone 482.7676. Ken McNairn, - c2tin A Pickett alCampbell Limited Clinton TWO bedroom duplex, living room, kitchen and bathroom. Close to Square in Goderich. Heated. $100.00 monthly, Phone 524. 7014.-gc4tf 1:30 p.m. TERMS: CASH JOE COREY SAMS Manager Mr. K. tayior (S19)-3954443 1 p.m, to 7 p.m. TWO bedroom apartment in Salt- QUICK cash to pay bills or make a ford, $75.00 monthly. Available ht. purchase. Call Brad Hamilton, Trans cl0tr Canada Credit, 524.8349, - mediately, Phone 524-7014.-gc4tr