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The executive of the new Optimist Club of Vanastra Clinton were sworn in by Governor-
Elect Jack Mahoney (background) at the Charter night of the new club held last Saturday
night, Left to right are: Lloyd Garland, two year director; Peter Barnard, one year Director;
Vince Fowlie, two year director; Robin Gates, one year director; Bruce Collins, vice.
president; Peter Brown, president; Harvey Hammond, vice-president; James Thomas,
secretary-treasurer; and Norman Lacroix, two year director. Wayne McFadden, a one year
director, was absent, (News-Record photo)
Institute to host card party
Will Be
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that the annual meeting of producer members of the
Huron County Pork .Preducers' Association will be con,
vetted at the hour of 1 B.B.T. on the ith of February,
1973, at the Legion Hall in the town of Clinton for the
purpose of the proper business of the annual meeting,
the _elections of officers and the election Of substitute
Amendments to the county constitution will be con+
pidered with a vote of two thirds of the county
producers present necessary for adoptions Producers
may examine the proposed amendment before the
meeting at The Legion Hall at 12:30.
Take further notice, licensing of pork producers will
be discussed and voted on.
James Williamson
Lloyd Stewart
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In the county where I reside
there's a jail. Not too unusual,
you say. Well wait until you
hear the full story.
The jail in our county is over
130 years old, It is a unique
building, the only one in North
America so we're told, In fact,
the provincial government
through its historical depart-
ment, has expressed a great in-
terest in our jail calling it of
tremendous historical value.
In my work as a news repor-
ter, I've had occasion to visit
the jail since it was closed last
year. I must say it wasn't, to
me, the most pleasant spot to
visit, It is dark, musty, drafty
and bare. It is depressing, up-
setting and totally unhomelike.
But what else would one expect
from a jail, I ask?
Have you ever been inside a
jail - on business or not? How
many have ever toured around
contemplating the cells, the
bars, the cots, the little win-
dows, the exercise yards? How
many, I wonder?
Not many, I'd wager, though
not many folks can deny
they've often wondered what it
is like behind the high stone
walls of a jailhouse. I doubt
that anybody has viewed any
jail anywhere from the outside
and not been curious about the
inner place and its occupants
Well, in our county we have
a jail. A unique stone building,
the only one of its kind in
North America. It no longer
houses prisoners. Its usefulness
has ended, say penal people.
The jail has been turned back
to the residents of the county ,..
and the people of the county
now have a voice in the fate of
the jail.
What are the people saying?
Well, a few of them are
ignoring the whole affair. They
say they could hardly care less
For us to repair
your watch! Our
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Moderate fees.
Why Let Old
Jewelry Hang
Let us make it
look like new,
Then — wear it
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repait, clean; new,
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tstabilshefi 1950
' Clinton
Seaforth Walkerton
about what happens to the jail
which is located in the county
town. They may be packing
their bags for a holiday trip to
Rome to look at the ancient
ruins or for the eastern part of
Ontario to visit Old Fort Henry
,,. but they don't give two
hoots about the part of their
own history just a few miles up
the road, Typical, I guess,
because they'll foot the bill if it
is maintained.
A group of citizens in our
county r elected officials all of
them - called county council
want to remove a portion of the
jail walls. They feel they are
being extremely soft-hearted.
After all, a goodly number of
them would have little concern
if the entire building was torn
down and the land used to
build more modern, up-to-the-
minute edifices.
Are the people disturbed?
Some-of them are. In fact, a few
citizens are circulating
petitions right now to save the
jail walls. The response they
say, is overwhelmingly in favor
of letting the jail walls stand ,..
but the members of county
council only smile from their
plush seats in the county cham-
bers as if to say, "Let them
petition. It makes them feel
wanted and needed. But we
know that some of the jail
walls will come down, poor
But for the most part, the
people in the county where I
live are not worried about our
heritage falling under the
wrecker's hammer, They don't
know the full story of the old
stone jail and they aren't trying
to find out. They are probably
the best examples of today's
apathetic populace which is
content to let someone -else
make the decisions - right or
wrong - and to complain later if
necessary, or to rebuild at even
greater expense in another
decade or so. Anything's better
than stirring out of one's com-
fortable rut now.
That's what county council is
depending on, too. They are
trusting that people will not
rise up against them - on this
issue or on any other. They are
hoping that the ratepayers of
the county where I reside will
remain mute and silent and let
them get on with the job of
making ''tlie7!. mistakes which':
is entitled to t '
And so far, the people of the
county where I reside are
giving county council just that
right. They are so busy earning
the money to pay the taxes and
keep wanton wolf away from
the door that they've no time to
get involved and no inclination
to stand up and be counted.
Where do I stand on the
issue? I hate like hell to. be a
partner to destroying
something as historically
valuable for generations to
come. Not one stone should be
touched, I believe, no matter
what the cost. Let's have
something left to show of our
past in the future.
The Women's Institute held
their January meeting on
January 25 in the Council
Chambers of the Town Hall.
Mrs. Popp presided.
Following opening exercises,
the roll call was answered by
"My way of reducing".
Mrs. Popp thanked the mem-
bers for their co-operation that
made their card party a real
Several thank you cards were
read, also a letter from Miss
Helen McKercher.
The 4-H girls course for
Spring is "Sports wear from
knits". The leaders training
school is to be held Feb. 5th
and 6th in the Wesley-Willis
It was decided to donate $5
again to the Clinton Spring
Fair. The donation to be a prize
for the needlecraft section,
The Women's Institute will
again be in charge of the euchre
party held in conjunction with
the Winter Carnival at the
Community Centre. Cookies
and coffee will be supplied by
the members for the usual fee.
The date: Feb. 14, at 2 p.m.
Mrs. E. Radford and Mrs. C.
Nelson gave a report on Sum-
VY .arc4 p19p,sed t9 ,raporc that
Li Plimeef V"
Mr, Wesle"; team, 'Huntsville
spent a few days with his
mother and aunt, Miss Mary
E. Swan.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allan
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Elliott London.
Mr. Duncan Aikenhead
Seaforth formely of Brucefield
celebrated his 93 Birthday. He
was visited by his relatives
from Brucefield and London.
Miss M.E. Swan is a patient
in University Hospital London
having undergone surgery.
The I.O.O.F, of Brucefield
and Varna held their annual
fowl dinner on Thursday
Evening. Wives and friends
were their guests.
mary day on Ontario Fruits
and Mrs, Nelson read a well
composed poem summing up
all points of this course.
Mrs. Alice Lawson gave the
motto, "If you believe all you
hear, you will eat all you see."
She read two poems that very
well described this motto. "Be
Silent and Self Denial." The
topic for this meeting, delt with
Family and Consumer affairs.
Miss Catherine Hunt spoke to
the Institute. Her topic "Care
symbols for Canadian Tex-
tiles." As of Dec. 1172, it
became law that all garments
must have trade name, address
and fibre content listed on
label. Penalty for violation of
this law can be as much as
$10,000 and a year in jail.
She went over these symbols
which are red, yellow and
green. Red - meaning- do not,
yellow- caution, green - do.
Symbols - such as iron,
machine wash, dry clean,'
bleach, or drip dry are in-
cluded. Each member received
a leaflet. Leaflets on Canadian
Food guide, Cooking of
Rutabagas were also
It being Robbie Burns birth-
day, Miss Sylvia Wilson enter-
tained with several Scottish
dances which were much en-
Barbara Elliott and Sandra
Good who have just received
Provincial honors in 4-1-I work
were presented with a gift from
the Women's Institute. Both
girls thanked the Institute and
spoke a few words on how 4 -Fl
work has been a benefit to'
The meeting closed with
"God Save the Queen" and
lunch was served and a social
half hour followed.
The 1973 annual meeting of
Brucefield United Church was
held on Sunday evening in the
Church hall. Rev. Paul Pack-
Mari opened the meeting with
In the absence of Mr, Mel
Graham, Mrs, Edith Swan ac-
ted as secretary, Reports for the
year were given by different
organizations, including Mr.
Allan Hill for The Stewards;
Robert Fotheringham, for the
Building Committee; Ross
Scoll, for Trustees; Mrs. ,lean
Henderson, U.C.W.; Mrs. M.
Broadfoot, Choir; Mr, Elgin
Thomson, Session; Mrs, Wm.
Scoll, Memorial Committee;
Mrs, Berry, Flower Fund; Rev.
Packman, other inactive
Mrs. Jean Adams, and Mr.
W. Jackson were re-elected on
the Steward Board. Mrs. A.
Paterson, who ' retired, was
replaced by Mrs. Y, Aldwinkle,
Mr, X.K, Cornish and Mr. Mel
Graham were re-elected, as
auditors for 1973.
A lively discussion followed
on the use of the Church Hall.
The decision was left over to
The Session. The meeting
closed with prayer by Rev.
Packman, Refreshments
served by the Ladies,
Mrs. Stanley Rumble,
Toronto, visited recently with
her aunt Mrs. J.W. McBeath.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Hargreaves are vacationing in
Florida for two weeks.
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Mrs.
Ross Chapman and family in
the loss of her husband and
Mr. B.O'Rourke who under-
went surgery in London
Hospital has returned home.
Brucefield I.O.O.F held their
first card party on Friday with
a large crowd attending.
You've got to oe good to get in, ei