HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-01-25, Page 98-,—,CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 Middleton Bayfield news LATEST FEATURES OLD TIME VALUES • WHITE SALE SPECIAL $3249! ORIGINAL APPLIANCE • TV • STEREO Westinghouse Frost-Free Refrigerator * 13.1 cu. ft. of well planned food storage * adjustable 10 position shelves * butter keeper full width porcelain crisper. WESTINGHOUSE Automatic 30" Range * Infinite heat bontrols * Plug-out elements * full ,width platform light and oven light. WFIJTE t 95 SALE SPECIAL AI IW WT CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP ERIC SCHELLENEIERGER Albert Sty Clinton Phone 482-6646 Mr. and Mrs. George Kalan- zis, Birmingham, Michigan, spent the weekend at their village residence. Miss Rhea Sturgeon, Lon- don, visited with her parents Mr, and Mrs. J.B. Sturgeon for the weekend. Rob Erickson, was a weekend guest with Mr. and GRADUATES MUFFLERMAN I 1 SHOCK ABSORBERS "YOUR SILENT PARTNER" WHERE QUIET BEGINS CHUM! 738 Ontario St. OPEN MON.-FRI. 8 - 6 SAT. 8 - 3 271-5560 Stratford FREE INSTALLATION AND 15 MIN. SERVICE Mrs, Ralph I3ennewies and family, Seaforth. Miss Barbara Graham, Fan- shawe College, London, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Pat Graham and family, Nancy and John. Mr, Don Southcott, who is seeking the Progressive Conser- vative nomination in the up- coming by'- election for the Huron riding, and who was the former Executive Assistant t Honourable Charles S MacNaughton, was in th Village Monday, renewin acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. loon Steckl Sr. spent a couple of days las week in St, Thomas visitin their son-in-law, daughter an grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs J.W. Taylor, David, Paul an Lynda. See Bonny Brady MISS DOMINION OF CANADA COME ,CON EhVERYONE! CLINTON & DISTRICT WINTER CARNIVAL FEBRUARY 9th to 17th 1973 "BIG AL" -CKCO-TV PER WILL BE ON HANDTSOONmAL.IcTY , THE FESTIVITIES SUPPORT YOUR CARNIVAL COMMITTEE 50c ADMISSION TO ALL EVENTS EXCEPT THE SNOWMOBILE RACE AND SKATING CARNIVAL 9 DAYS OF WINTER FUN AND GAMES Friday, February 9 8:00 Torch Lite Parade - Clinton Snowmobile Club 9:30 LIONS CLUB WINTER CARNIVAL DANCE - Scott's Or- chestra. (Miss Dominion of Canada will crown the 1973 Winter Carnival Queen) Judged by out-of-town Guests frbm Ottawa, Goderich, & C.K.N.X. Radio. Official Opening - Mayor Don Symons Tickets available from - John Wise - 482-9644 - Mr. Glen Price 482-3211 Price $5.00 per couple including lunch. Master of Ceremonies - C.F.P.L. RADIO Saturday, February 10 1:00 WINTER CARNIVAL PARADE Miss Dominion of Canada; 1973 Carnival Queen; Big Al from C.K.C.O. 2:30 WINTER CARNIVAL CHILDREN'S DAY Central Huron Secondary School Master of Ceremonies - Big Al, C.K.C.O. Prince and Princess Contest (Crowned by - Miss Dominion of Canada) Children's Folk & Square Dancing - Mrs. Story - Seaforth; Mr. Yates Blyth; Mrs. TelfOrd - Goderich; Mrs. Broadfoot BrUcefield. Comedy Act Lynn & Lyle Kernighan, Komoka,Ont. Majorette - Laurie Biggin, Vanastra Fashion Show - by Roy Wheeler's Group, and other perfOrmers. 8:15 WINTER SKATING CARNIVAL (T.V, on ice), Sponsored by Clinton Figure Skating Club. Sunday, February 11 1:06 KINSMEN SNOWMOBILE RACES 815 WINTER SKATING CARNIVAL, (T,V, on ice), Sponsored by Clinton Figure Skating Club Monday, February 12 7:15 - 9:30 Broomball Semi-Finats(Kinsmen, Fish & Game, Hydro, Goderich Two.) 9:30 - 10:30 Police Dept. vs Kinettes W Broomball Ttiesdayt February 13 1:15 - rs:303 Hockey - Girls - Clinton vs Fanshawe 8:45 - 10:15 Hockey Clinton Old Tinter*, vs -Farishawe Old tenors Wednesday, February 14 6:00 - 7:30 Family Skate Night 8:45 - 11:00 Surprise Program, (on ice surface) 8:00 - SNOWMOBILE NOVELTY RACES sponsored by Clinton Snowmobile Club 8:00 - WINTER CARNIVAL VALENTINE HOSPITALITY NITE, Arena Hall. Thursday, February 15 7:15 - 10:30 - GIRLS HOCKEY TOURNAMENT, Clinton, Merton, Wingham; Thedford or Gordo. Friday, February 16 Sponsored by Kinsmen & Kinettes 7:30 - 9:30 - SNOWMOBILE RIDES - Free for Children (Snowmachines wanted) GIGANTIC OUTDOOR WIENER ROAST (bonfire) Snowmobile Dance (old fashioned Mecassin Dance on arena ice surface) 9:30 - 11:00•MONTE CARLO NIGHT - Arena Hall (Games Night With play money) Prizes for High Winner man and woman; PrizeS for Costumes - man and woman 11:00 - Dancing, lunch. Saturday, February 17 10:00 - 1:00 PUBLIC SCHOOL SKATING RACES 1:30 - 2:30 BROOMBALL FINALS 3:00 - 4:30 GIRLS HOCKEY FINALS 9:00- WINTER CARNIVAL DANCE Fish & Game Club Music by - Four Country Gentlemen. TicketS available from Marie COIclough, 482-3867 at $4.00 couple, Lunch & Refreshments. 0:00 WINTER CARNIVAL DANCE LEGION HALL - sponsored by Legion Branch 140 Music by - Country Cavaliers Tickets available from George Campbell or Member* 482-9061 at $4.00 couple Lunch & Refreshments. COMPLETEb: Picture & Poster Contest for Elementary SChot31 children, will be judged by the 1.0.0.E. and the Eaistern Star Ladies. On display in the business establishments In our Com- munity, Carnival Toques $2.00each, available from Kinsmen Menthol's and Merchants proceeds to go to Cystic Fibrosis. The annual Vestry meeting of St. James Anglican Church, Middleton was held Monday evening January 15th at "Clovelly" in Bayfield, the home of the Rector and Mrs. George Youmatoff. There was a good attendance with 21 members present. The meeting was opened by the Rector with prayer and Scripture reading. The Vestry clerk, Mrs. Ross Middleton read very complete minutes of last year's annual meeting. Those present were each given a typewritten agenda which contained copies of the various reports which speeded up the business part. The Rector expressed his gratification with the outstan- ding successes of the centennial year. "You refused to allow your size to influence the scope of your celebration of 100 years of service to God and man," he said. "We must avoid the tendency to let up a little after a hectic, heady year, We must go on from success to greater success - otherwise we let down those who entrusted to us the task of keeping the Church alive. have been happy as your Rector and after this year, I have no fears for the future." The Rector's Warden, Mr. John Deeves, also expressed his pleasure with the year's accom- plishments. "How well Mr. and Mrs. Youmatoff have fitted in and they and all the members did a wonderful job. Everybody was there working. The "Wise" bell and belfry enhance the ap- pearance of the church. Other centennial additions were a beautiful painting and plaques," concluded Mr. Deeves. Mr. John Smith people's warden, was unable to be present. The Treasurer and Envelope Secretary, Mr. Edward Wise, presented a very concise en- couraging financial statement. There are only 20 church families receiving weekly en- velopes, including four single persons. The A.C.W. under the Presidency of Mrs. Don Mid- dleton also played a large part in the year's projects and suc- cesses. These included the sale of recipe books, centennial plates, notes and cards, the Rummage Sale, and food booth, hobo teas, quilts, social service to Hospital, catering to a wedding reception and assisting at the big picnics, held at Ross and Stewart Mid- dletons, which included making wreaths to decorate the church windows, for the christmas season. Mrs. Ross Middleton gave audit approval to all the church books, which she and her husband had inspected. The Treasurer, Mr. Edward Wise, plans to use a new system of quarterly receipts. The Rector thanked Mrs. Don Middleton and Mr. John Deeves for acting as a nominating committee. Mr. Youmatoff commented that "Every family is represented on the board, It couldn't happen anywhere else." This is their report with some additions. These are the Officers of St. James Church, Middleton, for the year 1973: Rector's War- den, Mr, John Deeves; People's Warden, Mr. Ray Wise, Secretary, Mrs. Ross Mid- dleton, Treasurer and En- velope Secretary, Mr. Edward Wise, Press Secretary, Mrs. Stewart Middleton; Board of Management, (appointed by the people) Mr. Jack Smith, Mrs, Edward Wise, Mr. Keith Miller, Mr. Donald Middleton, Mr. Jack Cole, and Mrs. Fred Middleton, to Board of Management (appointed by the Rector). Mr. Ross Middleton, Mr. James Middleton, Mr. Stewart Middleton and Mr. Dean Aldwinckle, Lay Delegate to Synod, Mr. John Deeves; Sub. Lay Delegate, Mr. Stewart Middleton; Auditors, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller; Chairman of Sidesmen, Mr. Don Middleton; Mrs. Joseph Storey, the church organist and Mrs. Don Mid- dleton; President of the A.C.W. are also both on the Board executive officers. John Deeves moved a hearty vote of thanks to the Rev. and Mrs. George Youmatoff for len- ding their home for the meeting. Mr. Youmatoff presented the A.C.W. with rich red velvet super frontals for use in the church. Mrs. Fred Middleton an- nounced receiving cash donations to be used as memorials to the late Miss Kathleen MacNaughton and to Mrs, Elizabeth Thompson (nee Elizabeth Middleton) by her family. Early in the new year, Mr. Ray Wise plans to make the new cupboards etc. in the church basernent. The Rector closed the meeting with prayer after which the hostess served a lovely lunch. A social hour followed, concluding a very suc- cessful meeting. By mlivena Erickson A general meeting of the Hayfield Figure Skating Club was held during regular skating sessions last Saturday. The car- nival, and ways and means of raising necessary funds were discussed. Several ideas were brought forward, tossed around, and mulled over, before finally settling on a draw at the carnival; a bingo; and the sale of utility bags, similar to the Adidas bags; and last but not least; a theme for the earnival. The draw will be for two prizes of $25. each of merchan- dise vouchers. Tickets will be on sale by the children, mothers, and at the stores in the village this weekend, They will also be available at the bingo which is scheduled for Friday, February second at 8 p.m, in the Community Centre. It will be the usual type bingo complete with share-the-wealth rounds and snacks available in the kitchen. • The utility bags can be or- dered from any "skating" mother. Mrs. Anne Chapman will have one on display at the bank during open hours, or you can see one at her home. These bags are very useful and of a good grade of heavy vinyl with contrasting trim. Treat your- self, a friend, a relative or your family to one of these for their sports equipment, picnicking, or what-have-you and help us to help our skaters. "Around the World in 80 Days" is to be our carnival theme this year, and is set for March 10. Some discussion regarding holding a matinee arose, but nothing definite has been decided. More infor- mation will be available through this column as soon as everything is arranged. Please don't be backward in coming forward to assist us in any way possible, even if it's a monetary way for the draw, bingo or bags rather than a physical way in setting up scenery, lights and all the other requirements for a pleasant and enjoyable carnival, where many hands make lighter work. "C4rection" - Last week's, issue stated "Vina Parker heads A.C.W." This is in- correct; Vina Parker heads the Trinity Church Ladies' Guild. Mrs. Evelene Earl is the new president of the A.C.W. TRINITY ANGLICAN MEETING The Annual meeting of Trinity Anglican Church took place in the Parish Hall, Thurs, evening, January 18. Members of the various com- mittees are as follows:- Rectors Warden, Harry Baker; People's Warden, Fred Hulls; Vestry Clerk, Philip Du Boulay; Treasurer and Pay Master, Greta Du Boulay; Envelope Secretary, Vine Parker; Sunday School Superintendent Bill Parker; Organist, Jacqueline Johnston; Choir birector; Eric Earl; Members of the Board, Brig. G.L.M. Smith, Kelso Fitz- simons, Vera Heath, Evelene Earl, Catharine Cluff, Milvena Erickson, Ernie Hovey, Brown Higgins, Robert Turner, Greta Scotchmer, Helen Le Beau, and Beulah Smith; Lay Delegates, Gordon Graham, Pat Graham; Substitute lay delegates, Harry Baker, Fred Arkell; Auditors, Gordon Graham, Pat Graham. Reports of Committees were read and approved and the Rector, Rev. George Youmatoff expressed his thanks and ap- preciation to Mrs. Margaret Larson who had faithfully ser- ved for the past eight years on the Board of Trinity Church. A lovely lunch was served by the Trinity Church Guild and a social hour enjoyed. LADIES AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary meeting was held at the home of Kathleen Siertsema on January 16 with just a handful of ladies present. Mrs. Gozzard and the Sea Rangers will look after collecting for the "Ability Fund" in the near future. We are in urgent need of a Cub Leader; and this was- thoroughly discussed. The next meeting will be held at the home of the President Rosemarie Taman; on the evening of Tuesday, March 20, so ladies take note and we will see you all there. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and a, delicious lunch was served by, the hostess. PERSONALS Misses Myrna and Joyce Scott of Calgary, Alberta,' daughters of Mr. and Mrs,' Morris Scott of Bayfield, left Calgary in December and spent Christmas in California and visited Disneyland. Leaving there, they travelled to Tujuana, Mexico, on to Baja Country to Ensenada. From there they went to Santa Rosana. It took them three days to cover 247 miles. The roads were so crooked, full of potholes, and very stony, On to Guaymas And through the very beautiful Sierra Madre Moun- tains, they spent a week in Aquascalien-Tes. Leaving there, they went to Mexico City where they spent another week sightseeing and from there to Acapolco. They are presently heading 'for South America on an exten- ded holiday. Best wishes to Mrs. Margaret Fawcett who is presently a patient in Victoria Hospital in London. Baby Paula Desjardins of Goderich, spent the weekend with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Wild; uncles Peter, Joe and Pat and Aunt Theresa at R.R. 3, Bayfield Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Wild and family of R.R. 3, Bayfield, were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Blayney and family of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Westlake. and Joanne Chapman spent Friday in St. Marys at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barber. On their return home. they were accompanied by the formers daughter Wendy, who is attending Waterloo-Lutheran University and who remained for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Layard of Burlington were registered guests of the Albion Hotel for the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Tillman and family, London, Mr. Nor- man Brown. Vicky and Buffy. also of London spent the weekend at their respective cot- tages. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bauer, Peter and E.J. of Waterloo, were weekend guests in the Village. Who does this nose belong to? It is the Clinton.News-Record's second guessing contest and will be presented in four parts in the next lex/ weeks. Piece all the pieces together and when you think you know who it is, send your answer into: Contest, Clinton News-Record, Box -30, Clinton, Ontario. Y94 could win a year's free subscription to the News-Record. Judges' decision is final. (News-Record photo) Douglas Darnbrough, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dar- nbrough of Bayfield, will receive his Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Guelph at the Winter Convocation, January 26, 1973. Doug received his primary education in Bayfield Public School, his secondary education in Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton and attended the University of Windsor before entering the University of Guelph. Skating Club to hold carnival