HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-01-18, Page 2GROUND BEEF Top Valu Vacuum Packaged Highliner Cooked & Breaded SKINLESS PERCH WIENERS I lb. cat pkg A FISH STICKS MARY MILES Vacuum Packed SKINLESS WIENERS 1 lb.. pkg. L11.39 Burns Sweet Pickled COTTAGE WE GIVE YOU MORE.... qp Personalized The Finest Service Quality the lowest meat specials in town, featuring Canada Approved Grade 'A' Red Ribbon Beef Supplied I Serviced By N. Loeb Limited CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK Completely Bonelos CUT FROM THE CENTRE LOIN PORK CHOPS BLADE ROAST York Fancy Green Peas or CREAM STYLE CORN 4 ltnotz. 2nd Nature Wood Panelling CLEANER B, 16 at. Preservative "'IA 79 Shirley Gay FRESH APPLE PIE 24 Oa 49` Donguelr6zen Chickon, Turkey, Salisbury o MEAT LOAF DINNERS 11.z. AMP" 47 Clinton mayor calls for hockey support Ontario Street UCW holds monthly meeting FROZEN KNIFE CUT CHICKEN -. LEGS 1 69 c ROLLS 89c With mild weather and a few brighter days this week, one almost thinks it is spring, The walking is better, the birds are twittering and it is just a real Pleasure to be outside. As long ago as January 3, Mr. Bram Rndenhurg saw his first groun- dhog of 1973. Although there is still plenty of time for blustery weather in February and March, we have had a good breathing spell. * * * Miss Joyce Falconer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falconer, and a friend, Miss Mary Campbell of Lon- don, have left for a tour of Europe. The girls expect to be away for three or four months. * * * At the regular meeting of LOBA NO. 377 on January 9, the most recent candidate, Mrs, Louis Clark of Hensall was initiated. This was unique as the candidate has a daughter, son-in-law and grandson in the lodge, each of whom took part in the initiation ceremony. 40th WEDDING ANNIVER SARY In honor of their parents 40th wedding anniversary, the family of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volland entertained them to a supper and presented them with corsages at the Hotel Hensall Saturday evening. Friends and relatives arrived later for a social evening and card party, A short address was given by Keith Volland and many beautiful gifts were presented, after which Clarence and Aldene graciously thanked everyone. A delicious lunch was served at the close of the get-together, OBITUARY J. ROSS CHAPMAN Passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on January 9, 1973, J. Ross Chapman of RR 3, Kippen in his 69th year. Surviving are his wife the former Grace Coleman, one son Jim, Exeter; and one daughter (Gladys) Mrs. William Talbot Jr. RR 3, Bayfield, Six grandchildren also survive. The late Mr. Chapman rested at the Bonthron Funeral Chapel in Hensall, when funeral service was held on January 11, 1973 at 2 p.m., with Rev. Paul Packman from Brucefield officiating. Inter- ment was in Bairds Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jack Cooper, Pearson Charters, Wilber Keyes, Russell Dallas, Lloyd McKenzie and Jim McNaughton. Flower bearers were Sandy Doig and William Caldwell. EUCHRE PARTY A euchre party, sponsored by the Rebekah Lodge was held in the Lodge rooms last Friday evening, with five tables in play. Nellie Riley won ladies' high, Vera Smale-ladies' low; Howard Lemmon won Men's With three generations of one family and four members of the same, the LOBA looks forward to better things in future, * The Rev. L.S. Lewis, Mrs. Lewis and children have retur- ned home from a three-week working visit to Florida, While Mr, Lewis was styding, his -family was able to enjoy the very pleasant weather. Concern about the bad effects of smoking inspired the plastic cigaret• filter which, besides its intended function, possesses two notable qualities; it floats and it persists. This fall, says the ministry of natural resour- ces one yard of vegetation on a Killbear Provincial Park beach revealed no fewer than 24 of the tiny cylinders lodged in the ribbon of dead grass, leaves and sticks delineating the high water mark. So we are cleaner inside but dirtier outside. And the maxim that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction is proved again. high, and. Mrs. Maggie Camp- bell (acting as a man) won mens low. Mrs. Fred Slavin from Clinton won the lone hands. A draw on a cushion was won by Mrs. Ross Richard- son, and Jim McEwan won a box of chocolates. NOTE OF INTEREST The new West Mount Presbyterian Church on 521 Village Green in London is holding a service of dedication to mark the completion of its new Church building. The congregation is planning the dedication service on January 21 at 3:00 p.m., conducted by the London Presbytery with the actual dedication being perfor- med by the Moderator of the 98th General Assembly, Rev. Max Putnam D.D.,special guest for the day. The minister of the Church is Rev. John B . Fox, who was a former minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church in Hensall. Some friends plan to attend the ceremony. PERSONALS Miss Carol Elliott, Hensall, and Miss Monica Flynn Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Theo Flynn of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skea and David visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mason in London. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Miller, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Gary Houston and Tina of London Saturday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Olson, Elizabeth and David, London, Visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling. Huron Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Church was held in Knox Church in Goderich. Those attending the meeting from Hensall were Mrs. Rachel Schwalm. Mrs. Elizabeth Faber, Mrs. Myrtle Orr, Mrs. Maggie Campbell and Mrs. Grace McEwan. The General meeting of the Ontario St. United Church U.C.W. was held in the church parlor on January 10th at 8 p.m. The president Mrs. Ross Trewartha opened the meeting after which Mrs. Harvey John- ston of the afternoon Unit took the Devotion and a hymn was sung. Mrs. Johnston said prayer. Mrs. Ross Trewartha then conducted the business of the meeting. The Annual reports were given. A reading entitled Take Time was given by Mrs. Cecil' Elliott. The minutes of the last General meeting were read by Mrs. Geo. Colclough and Mrs. Geo Colcleugh and Mrs. Roberta Plumsteel gave the treasurer's report and thank you notes were read. The Annual Presbyterial meeting will be held at the Nor- thside United Church in Seaforth on February 28th. On March 14th in the evening, an Executive meeting Clinton sends society rep. Canadian Cancer Society volunteer Mrs. Gordon Raith- well of Huron Street, Clinton, will be representing the Huron Unit in Toronto at a two-day Campaign Conference of the Ontario Division, January 20 and 21. Volunteers workers of the Cancer Society will be coming from towns and cities across Ontario to attend the meetings at the new Four Seasons- Sheraton Hotel, Highlighting the sessions will .be detailed discussion of plans for the Society's April campaign for funds. Last year, Ontario Division volunteers raised almost $4 million to support cancer research, services to can- cer patients and public education programs. will be held in the church parlor and on April 11 at 8 p.m, the next General meeting Will be held. The afternoon Unit FAMILY PACK LOIN PORK CHOPS 9 to 11 chops ..854 Mary Miles Vacuum Packed SLICED SIDE BACON 1 lb for 15 pkg Sir c Mayor Dqn Symons is again calling upon all Clinton citizens to support Minor Hockey Week in Canada, which starts Satur- day, January 20th. In announcing his support of young Canada's most impor- tant week, his Worship suggested that the local citizenry would "do well to `keep in step with Canada' by attending minor hockey games this week". "It is our duty, and I share it with every local citizen" he said, "to show our appreciation of the efforts of those who make participation in Cnada's National Sport possible for our youngsters. Minor Hockey Week is Canada's most suc- cessful amateur sports promotion, and it is our duty to see that the local observance is equal to that of any in Canada." The Mayor pointed out that we have a minor hockey program 'operating here that does not need to take a back seat to any in the country, but, he said "it needs our support". "The best way to support the program is by buying a ticket. That starts a chain of events that really supports the local project. First the money helps finance the program. Then the ticket induces us to attend, and our presence encourages the youngsters and those whose ef- forts are necessary to the stir cess of the local league." He urged, however, that ou support should not stop at en couragenient, The Mayor wen on to say that "we must pa: public tribute to the men, am ladies, who spend so man: hours organizing and operating the many leagues arid game; for our youngsters. By the" work they are providing our youngsters with an opportunity to play hockey, Out of this comes better bodies, healthier can m in dws e, tbetterwpe fobro?y, s, and better citizens. What greah teer asked. The Mayor concluded by saying "Because participation in Canada's National Sport provides healthy exercise that will improve the body, discipline that will train the mind, teach co-operation, team- play and a respect for rules, the boys are sure to benefit. When the boys benefit, the community benefits, and because the com- munity benefits, the community must contribute. We do this best by supporting Minor Hockey Week. I can suggest no better way than by observance of the official slogan, which is "don't send - take your boy to the arena", and if you do not have a boy of your own, drop in and watch the others. I know you'll enjoy it". 2—CLINTON Ngws-Rscono, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973 .0.0,010000“ Taik BY MARQ ROOD Township of Mississauga Aquatic Club (TOMAC) swimmer Becky Wild shows off form which gave her second place in the 11-12 year old girls' butterfly finals during a CASA sec, tion meet at the Clarkson Pool Sunday, December 3rd. The two-day meet hosted by TOMAC, attracted some 250 swim- mers from Scarborough Swimming Club; University Set- tlement Club, Oakville; Scarborough Dolphins and the host organization. Becky is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wild of Mississauga and granddaughter of Mrs. C.M. Shearing of Clinton. Becky does competitive swimming in the United States, Quebec and Ontario. (photo by Ray Seitz of the Mississauga Times) will be responsible for the Mrs. Trewartha closed the program and the Evening Unit meeting with the Benediction will lead the Devotions and and lunch was served by the af- Lunch. ternoon Unit. Frozen Canada Grade 'Utility' F.W. Fearman's Fully Cooked Burns Vacuum Pocked ROASTING SMOKED PICNIC ALL BEEF ClfiCKENS 6 411s1:. 43c SHOULDERS 61h1:. 67c WIENERS News of Hensall 4 3:79c Burns Triple Pack 16 0 SLICED COOKED MEATS Mary Miles Pork & Beef ULSTER FRY BRAND BREAKFAST SLICED SMOKED SAUSAGE lb. 59c SAUSAGE psi ikt14..$ z. Top Vole Vacuum Pocked SLICED SIDE lb. 79c BACON Top Vela 1 lb. pkg. SLICED pkg. 89c BOLOGNA 1 lb. 95c pkg. lb. 57C WE AVE DEC ARED WP13,AGAINT, INFLATION! 111f 1R11DM 11411101 BETTY (ROCKER ssorted Varieties KRAF.T....::,.,:. ....;!SMOOTH:..... • BONNIE OR .c. .. • R ' • • • ' PEANUT....: COLORED .:CAKE .' • BUTTER MARGARINE MIXES'. ,k \* SILVERDALE Frozen Concentrate 36 at. illak9c pkg, 5 800 MONTHLY INCOME Guaranteed during Training Period for Qualified Personnel A client of ours dealing in financial planning services requires mature, personable individual who is interested in entering the sales management field. This position could lead to executive management with exceptional earnings. Previous selling is helpful but not essential, For interview and personal analysiS of future sales position please contact Robert P. Kopf,. located in Mclntee Real Estate Head Office Building, Walkerton, Ont, Mail resume to Box 549, Walkerton, Ont., or phone 881-2270 during office hours, ABBEY CANADA DIViSiON OF I.T.T. INTERNATIONAL TELEPHON8 ANC) TELEGRAI'I-i (Serving People and Nations Everywhere) BOLD WDERED ETERGENT 58 Top Vela Assorted Flavours SOFT DRINKS24 10 rbinzi 2r 19 Hl-C Sweetened Assorted Flavours FRUIT DRINKS 48 fn 35t CASHMERE ASSORTED COLOURS Bathroom TISSUE 25 2 roll Pk& 11 tO a/. 4 2 lb, 16 oz. bag Pkg. 38 Schneider Mild Coloured Medium or Old Leaver Highliner Frozen COLOURED OR WHITE PIECES & STEMS BLUEFISH 5c CHEDDAR CHEESE'ZZS5e MUSHROOMS '%;39` FILLETS FRESH PRODUCE U.S,A. NO. 1 FLORIDA Kerr's ASSORTED CANDIES3 Red Rose ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS BONUS DISCOUNTS ICE CREAM TOP VALU. Assorted Flavours VALLEY FARM CHOICE FROZEN FRENCH FRIES Tang ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 4 79c Top Vale 5 Varieties ASSORTED SOUPS 6 CHEESE BURGER Canada No. 1 Ont,, Yellow U.S. NO, 1 FLORIDA ONIONSCOO G ZIPPER SKIN 21 I b ' 33' TANGERINES1M do digt, U.S, NO. 1 FLORIDA FOR YOUR FIREPLACE - 3 HOUR WHITE OR RED _ Multi-Colour Horning GRAPEFRUIT 8 tar ;79c FIRE LOGS U.S, NO. 1 t10810A CELERY STAILKS .00). 45c CHRISTIES Morn, Salted CRACKERS or ORANGE SALTINES JUICE 3 limo 1 20x. Kellogg's CORN FLAKES "462c "1 29 int is ALPO BEEF CHUNKS TRIO, CHICKEN Ok CHOPPED BEEP 25 os bag lb 4114Fit 9 01. In Oil or Tomato Sauce Goy Lea Quality Gerber's INSTANT POWDERED BRUNSWICK STRAINED 39, "g$' 1.U0 SARDINES7 1 .00 SKIM MILK 31,1:4 1.49 BABY FOOD 4$, ibr 16c Maxwell House INSTANT pkg.49`. COFFEE PET FOOD SALE'? Cat's Pause CAT LITTER Superbowl 'Burger BITS OR CHUNKS DOG FOOD .59 TOP BREED BEEF OR CHICKEN each ast CAT DINNER A 29 mot onto, Ueti& CtOtING tAtUltORY JAP40881` 26, PM Wf eftayn tAr Wig id OW glIANIftiis to zvitzsi to kointiviisirs filik OR SWEET LAID 14 Oz. $1 TANGELOS 2A9C Prop 15 or. fins • lint sib bog 19' Top Valu 16 lb 77c CAT OR DOG imp KIBBLE