HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1973-01-11, Page 3Mike Stephens, left, Clinton's new Recreation Director was hard at work last
week as he put in his first week at the post at the Clinton Community Centre. He
is shown discussing schedules with assistant facilities manager, Jim Collins.
Mr. Stephens moved to Clinton from London where he worked for three years.
(News-Record photo)
Cayley Hill of Goderich, left, is the new chairman of the
Huron County Board of Education. He was chosen Mon-
day night at the inaugural meeting of the new board.
Wilfred Shortreed of Walton was acclaimed to the vice-
chairman's job. (photo by Wilma Oke)
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The Clinton
CLINTON Ngws-rigoolio, THURSDAY, -JANUARY 11, 1973 '
New Rec. Director.
"I love the place"
Melfillop Council sworn in
Clinton's new Recreation Director, Mike
Stephens, 23, has only been in town a week
and "I love the place."
That comment came during a interview
this week with Clinton's third rec director
in a year.
Mike, who took up his post January
second, said the reason he picked a small
town like Clinton to live and work in was
because "there's no cohesiveness in a rec,
director's job in the city, Here we have a
better chance of community development."
Mike is no stranger to recreation, After
graduating from Centennial College in
Toronto, where he specialized in
Recreational Leadership, he went to Lon-
don for three years where he was director
of Therapeutic Recreation for emotionally
disturbed children at the Salvation Array
Children's Village,
He also worked while he attended
college and was a Youth Centre manager
for a year and a Community Centre
manager for the other year,
Since he has come to Clinton, Mike says
he has "never received so much
operation. I couldn't beleive the people
could be $o friendly,"
Mike has a girlfriend, Jenny Kozak, who
works as recreational director at the
Salvation Army Children's Village in Lon-
He intends to conduct a survey in Clin-
ton to find out what recreational programs
people are involved in and what ad-
ditional programs they would like set up.
"We definitely need more varied.
programs for the people," he said.
Ralph McNichol of R,R. 4 Walton, a
veteran on McKillep Township Council,
tee* the oath of office as the first deputy
reeve of the township at the inaugural
meeting Monday morning.
Following a brief meeting members of
council, , Clerk-Treasurer Mrs. Kenneth
McClure, Road Superintendent Kenneth
Stewart, grader operator Frank }hilly and
the press representative were guests of
Reeve Allan Campbell at a dinner held at
the Commercial Hotel in Seaforth.
In the afternoon session, the road
superintendent's wages were raised from
$2,60 per hour to $2,90 and the grader
operator's wages were raised from $3,00
per hour to $3,30 per hour.
Council decided that if the grader is
hired for private work it is to be at $12 per
hour with a minimum of $6 per laneway
for removal of snow and for back filling tile
the minimum is $12,
Reeve Campbell will represent the
Township on the Ausable-Bayfield Conser-
vation Authority and on the Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority. Reeve
Campbell and Councillor William Leeming
will represent council on the Seaforth Fire
Area Board for a two-year term.
Council paid the membership fee of US
to the Ontario Good Roads Association
and the $30 fee. to the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario.
The drain trench inspector is to receive
$2,50 per hour plus 10 cents per mile and
the fence viewers $15 per trip plus 10 cents
per mile.
Monteith, Monteith and Company of
Stratford were re-appointed the auditors
for 1973 for the township.
General accounts of $1,566.08 were
passed for payment and road accounts of
$4,422,35, There were two tax refunds due
to barna burned for a total of $132,34.
Mrs, McClure reported 94 percent of the
taxes irethe township had been collected
for 1972, with 50 properties with taxes
totalling $13,428. not yet paid. She said
there were 11 properties with taxes of
$3,370.30 that are three years in arrears
and if not paid will be sold by tax sale in
Seven copies of the Municipal World are
to be ordered for township use,
The meeting adjourned about 6 p.m.
Goderich man heads new school board
By Wilma Oke
Cayley E. Hill of Goderich was elected
chairman of the Huron County Board of
Education at the inaugural meeting Mon-
day. He succeeds Robert Elliott of Clinton.
Mr. Hill and John Broadfoot of R.R. 1,
Brucefield, were nominated for the position
of chairman and the vote that followed en-
ded in a tie. On the second ballot Mr. Hill
was declared chairman.
Nominated for vice-chairman were
Charles Rau of Zurich, Wilfred Shortreed
of R.R. I, Walton and Mrs. Marion E. Zinn
of Dungannon. Mr. Rau and Mrs. Zinn
withdrew and Mr. Shortreed was ac-
Six new trustees, along with the ten
trustees re -elected, took the oath of office
administered by Judge R.S. Hetherington
of Goderich. The new trustees are J.P.
Alexander of Wingham, Ken C. Cooke of
Clinton, Jack Riddell of Hay, Herbert
Turkheim of Zurich, Mrs. J.W. Wallace of
Goderich and John Westbrook of R.R. 2,
Judge Hetherington in his address told
the trustees they had a very challenging
role to carry out. He said. "With the rapid
development of a new era caused by ur-
banization and scientific development, our
standard practices of governing ourselves
through all known establishments such as
government at all level's, boards such as
Bayfield council
ned over to the roads committee for com-
pletion and will be returned to the
A $500 grant to Bayfield Volunteer Fire
Department was approved,
An invitation to attend a Seminar for
Councillors from the Good Roads
Association was received. Two sessions will
he held on the inornine and afternoon of
Monday, February 26 at the Royal York in
Membership fees were voted to be paid
to the Association of Municipalities, of On-
A letter received from the Dundurn
Press, Sarnia asking for information on
tourist spots and attractions in this area,
yours, the judicial system itself our chur-
ches and other democratic institutions, all
of which are manned by human beings,
have not changed as rapidly as the new
world in which we live. Our thinking is
away behind and there is a lack of syn-
chronization between the human element
and the scientific."
The result, he said, is a feeling of unrest
among people in general and an inherent
distrust in all our minds as to the
suitability of our present institutions to
properly fulfil these tasks. He said this
results in considerable criticism and almost
lack of co -operation. This is to be expected,
he said and they should not be discouraged
or frustrated if progress is not as rapid as
He concluded by saying that with in-
tegrity of purpose followed up with per-
severence, that in the not too distant
future, the gap will be closed and all the
establishments of authority will again be
able to accomplish that which is required
and with the respect and co-operation of
all concerned.
D.J. Cochrane, Director of Education
and Secretary of the board, presided for the
opening of the meeting and for the election
of the chairman.
Mr. Cochrane welcomed back the
trustees with whom the administrative
team had worked before and extended an
especially warm welcome to the trustees
(continued from page 1)
for the compiling of a book, was referred to
the parks chairman for answering,
A letter from the Ontario Association of
Rural Municipalities regarding a conven-
tion on Sunday through Tuesday, February
4,5 and 6 at the Sheraton Hotel, Hamilton,
dealing with Education was discussed,
Clerk Graham informed council of a call
he received from a representative of the
Housing for Senior Citizens, stating she
will be in the Village Tuesday, January 9
to discuss same.
In other business, council discussed the
Old Town Hall, the Beach Management
AgreeMent, requests for street-lighting, an
amendment to the traffic by-law and light
fixtures in the Municipal Building.
who had just become members of the
Mr. Cochrane said, "Yours is not an en-
viable position. Many times during the
coming years you will find yourself caught
between differing expectations of
ratepayers, municipal councils, teaching
employees, non-teaching employees, and
the administrative staff."
He offered, "The only advice I can give
you in such situations is to 'play it cool'.
Remember that collectively, acting as a
board of education you have the power to
legislate, set policy and generally oversee
the operation of a multi-million dollar
business dealing with a very precious and
very fragile commodity--children."
He asked, "Will you also bear in mind,
however, that individually you are just
that--individuals. As an individual you
must accept the decision of the board and
just as we must do our utmost to carry out
the wishes of the board, so must you. The
fact that we do not always agree with the
decision is immaterial. The important
thing is that it is the will of the majority of
people charged by the residents of Huron
County to make educated, educational
decisions, that counts,"
Continuing, he said, "The year that lies
ahead is going to be fraught with a number.
of thorny problems. Almost before -you,
have time to become actuStotned to -yourll
'new positions around the -board -room
tables you will be faced with the task of
striking a budget for the 1973 calendar.
"A preliminary examination of the 1973
grant regulations from the Ministry of
Education seems to indicate that, in spite
of assurances received last year, we will he
in difficulty again, insofar as expenditure
ceilings are concerned. It will be necessary,
therefore, for the Board to examine, re-
examine and finally establish priorities, to
ensure that the number of dollars we are
told we can spend are spent in such a man-
ner as to maximize the opportunities
available to the young people of Huron
"Add to this the responsibility of
negotiating two salary agreements with the
teachers and a Union Contract with non-
teaching employees and you have four
major tasks that lie before the Board this
"This does not take into account a
myriad of other tasks that include policy
review, review of communications
procedures, evaluation and possible in-
troduction of new courses in the schools,
the setting of new policies and the unexpec-
ted day-to-day problems, that evolve in the'
field of human relations. As I said, yours is
not an enviable position but I do believe
you will find it challenging, exciting,
frustrating and, hopefully, interesting," he
At this point Mr. Cochrane outlined
several procedures for the nomination and
election of the board chairman and then
the vice-chairman,
Following the vote an ad hoc striking
committee was appointed, consisting of
Board Chairman Hill, Mr, Shortreed, Mrs.
Zinn and Mr. Rau to form the committees.
The trustees were permitted to express
their wishes in which committee they
would like to serve. The new committees
will be presented at the next regular board
meeting, January 15.
Huron County Warden Elmer Hayter of
Varna, who attended along with over 20
spectators, spoke briefly and invited the
trustees to attend the inaugural meeting of
Huron County Council on Tuesday when a
new warden would be elected to replace
The spectators joined the trustees for cof-
fee following adjournment.
Ceremonies like this one were conducted throughtout
the area last week and this as area municipal councils
were sworn in for the next two-year term.
Mullett clerk-treasurer, Clare Vincent (far right)
swears in the. Hullett council at its inaugural meeting
on Monday, The Members of council are (left to right)
Charles Scanlon, deputy-reeve, Milton Dale,
councillor, John Dewitt, councillor, Tom Duizer,
councillor and Hugh Flynn, reeve, The next day
Mr. Flynn missed by two votes becoming warden of
Huron County.
Hullett told to be creative "rebels"
The inaugural meeting of the Hullett
township council was held in Londesboro
:Hall• on Monday morning. • • •
Present: for ,the .opening ceremonies were
ey. Stan MacDonald of LondeShOro•
United Church, members of the grade eight
class of Hullett Central School and several
Following the oath of office administered
by Clerk Clare Vincent, council called on
Mr, MacDonald for a brief address. Mr.
MacDonald called the inaugural ceremony
one of the most significant services in a
municipality and said that so often it slips
by unnoticed. He said he was glad to see
school children and other interested people
present for what could be the last
inaugural meeting in Hullett if regional
government is brought in.
He challenged the councillors to be
rebels, He said there were two kinds of
rebellion, the destructive kind such as the
rioting in the streets he had seen while he
was a minister in Regina, or the natural,
purposeful, stimulating creative style of
rebellion which brings progress. He urged
the councillors to be the latter kind of
Deputy Reeve Charles Scanlon was the
first of the members of council to address
those present. He said people had come to
take for granted the fact that there would
always be a council but that if the govern-
ment continued its present course, they
would soon be phased out. He said local
councils have been in operation for many
years and have been beneficial to the com-
He said inflation was one of the biggest
headaches facing the council in the coming
year because it made it hard for council to
continue to provide services without
raising taxes.
Each of the other three councillors,
Milton Dale, John Jewitt and Tom Duizer,
spoke saying they did not know what
problems the coming year held for them
but they would try to deal with problems
as best they could.
Clare Vincent told those present that all
regular council meetings are open to the
public and they are welcome to come and
see the workings of council.
Mental Health Ass'tt well attended
At the last regular meeting of
the Goderich and District
Association for the mentally
retarded for 1972, which was
well attended, it was decided
that the Annual Meeting for
the Association will be held on
Monday, January 15, at 800
p.m. in the Queen Elizabeth
School, with the subsequent
election of a new Board of
Members hope for a good
turn out.
At the regular meeting, mem-
bers were informed by Paul'
Carroll that, at the November
17 meeting of the Town County
oil, Mrs. Betty Reid had been
appointed as the Association's
representative on the
Municipal Day Nursery School
Committee. The Association
voted to keep a-financial in-
terest ins the Day Nursery
School in so far ria it affected
the retarded children.
The meeting was made in-
teresting through a talk by the
ladies 8. Malabar, M. Dickson
and I,. Douglas, Paha Health
Nurses from Croderich and
Winghain. They explained and
demonstrated the role of the
Health Unit in infant care and
how slow learners can be detec-
ted even at an early sae.
They also noted causes of
retardation that made it clear
that many cases developed af-
ter birth through illness or