HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-02-09, Page 8Page 8Clinton News-Record -w Thurs., Feb. If47
- - Clinton Sports - -
Rec. Committee
Peewees Win and Tie,
Playoff With Mitchell
, Clinton Kinsmen Peewee
Pollies have a win and a tie .in
their' first two put of three
WOAA Peewee “B” series with
Mitchell, The third game is in
Mitchell Saturday evening at
6;30 o’clock.
Clinton 4 — Mitchell 0
At the Lio-ns arena on Mon
day night Brian Langille scored
twice and Bill Cantelon and
Paul Kelly one each to give
goalie Robert Andrews a shut
out. Kelly, Langille- and Robbie
Stirling packed up assists. Of
the five penalties handed out,
dinton had tour of them. Mit
chell were without the services
of their star forward John Law
Clinton 4 — Mitchell 4
Back jn Mitchell on Tuesday
evening, with Lawrence back in
the lineup — and scoring three
goals — Mitchell held Clinton
to a 4-4 tie. Clinton's regular
goalie suffered a knee injury
and G. Allen replaced him in
the third period'.
Clinton's goals were scored
by Mike Anstett and Robbie
Stirling in the first period, and
Bill Cantelon and Brian Lan
gille in the third. Cantelon,
Langille, Paul Keilly and Barry
Edgar picked up assists.
Mait Edgar is the coach and
Bert Clifford, manager of the
peewee Ponies.
Clinton: goal, Robert And
rews; defence, Barry Edgar,
Randy Blake; centre, Brian
I^angille: Wings, Bill Cantelon,
Mike Anstett; ’ subs, Cal Frem-
lin, Rod Campbell, Robbie Stir
ling, Patil Kelly, Danny Colqu,-
houn, Paul Kay, Torn Murph,
John VanLoo; sub goal, G,
Clinton 13 — Zurich I
In the last game of the regu
lar schedule on Wednesday,
February 1 at Hensail, the
Ponies downed Zurich 13-1.
Paul Kelly led the scoring with
four goals; Cantelon, three;
Colquhoun, two, and singles go
ing to Kay, Mike Anstett, Paul
Anstett and Stirling,
Seaforth; Now Meet Mitchell
Clinton Fish and Game Club
bantam hockey team eliminated
Seaforth two games to one in
their first of three semi-final
series and now meet Mitchell
for the league title.
: First of the best of three
series is in Clinton Lions Arena
at seven o’clock Saturday even
ing, February 11 with the sec
ond game back in Mitchell
Monday at the same time. .
-Clinton Legion midgets also
play Mitchell, on the same even
ing in a best of three. league
final series. The midget games
are scheduled for 8:30 o’clock.
The midgets eliminated Sea
forth in two- straight games on
Saturday and Monday last
. The bantam team coached by
Clarence Neilans, lost the first
semi-final game at Clinton last
Thursday 7-5. Scoring for Clin
ton were Bob Langille and
Ricky May with two each and
Gary Cummings. Danny Muir
scored five Seaforth goals.
Bank in Seafortth Saturday
night, 'Langille again scored
twice, as did Glenn Irwin and
Mark Jenkins got the other one
when Clinton won 5-3. Muir was
held to a lone goal.
Win on Tuesday ,
The third game on Tuesday
evening in Clinton was won at
14:45 of the third period on Bob’
Langille’s second goal of the
Cllinton ran up a 3-0 lead in
the first period on goals by
Gord Berry, Gary Cummings
and Langille.
Danny Muir scored once in
the second, then added two
more in the third to tie the
score 3-3, but three minutes and
20 seconds later Langille won
the game for Clinton with his
Clinton: goal, Jim Engel; de
fence, Paul Bartliff, Gord Berry;..........
< Selection* by Norman
• Lubott Choir, Ann-Margret,
| Peter Nero, Arthur Fiedler
I and many others.
with your purchase of «iy
Your Colour TV
Service Dealer
CLINTON 482-3841
centre, Bob Langille; wings,
Glenn Irwin, Brian Edgar; subs,
Daye Fawcett, Gary Cummings,
'Ricky May, Wayne Cantelon,
Jim Keller, Dennis Delline, Mark
Jenkins,'Ron Graham; sub goal,
David Slade.
Cougars And
Flyers Win
Peewee Games
In . the Kinsmen Peewee
hockey league games at Clinton
Lions Arena last Saturday
morning, the Cougars trimmed
Millionaires 9-1 and Flyers de
feated the Bayfield Lions.
Mike Anstett got four con
secutive goals for Cougars; Bob
by Atkinson scored two and
Barry Edgar, Danny Colquhoun.
-and .Ray Lobb got singles. Bill
Cantelon scored Millionaires
lone tally.
Brian Langille scored five for
Flyers and Eckert got two for
the Bayfield1 team in the second
On Saturday, February 11,
Millionaires vs. Lions and Cou
gars play Flyers.
Federal Minister
To Speak at
Liberal Meeting
Hon. J. J. Greene, Canada's
Minister of Agriculture, will
speak at the annual meeting of
the Huron Liberal Association
on March 3.
Announcement of the meet
ing and of Mr. Greene's -accep
tance of an invitation to -at
tend was made by William Els
ton, association president fol
lowing an executive meeting
Thursday night. Mr. Elston said
the dinner meeting would be
held in Exeter Legion Hall,
with a reception commending at
6 o’clock. Tickets would be
available from municipal chair
men he said.
The meeting will be the
first held since redistribution-
enlarged the Huron riding to
include Tumberry, Howtek and
Wingham in the north and Bid-
dolph, M'cGilvary, Ailsa Craig
and Lucan from Middlesex
County in the south.
Mr. Greene .recently has re
turned from attending agricul
tural conferences in Europe,
where he represented Canada.
Since becoming minister of ag
riculture he -has been abroad
. on a number of occasions pite-
senting the Canadian viewpoint.
UCW Unit 3 To Meet
Unit Three of Ontario Street
UCW will have a pot-lubk sup-'
per and social evening in the
Church parlour on Monday, Feb*-
ruary 13, beginning at 7 p.m.
Members are urged to attend
and to bring a friend.
Clinton Recreation Committee
is looking tor entrants ’ for its
Centennial ice queen contest at
the arena tomorrow (Friday)
Arena manager Doug And
rews has secured a lovely silver
tray for,tlie winner. Her name
will be engraved on the tray
The first annual ice carnival
sponsored by the rec committee
gets underway at 7:30 when
peewee-age hockey players take
on their fathers m a hockey
game. It is hoped to have mem
bers of Clinfon Figure Skating
Club put on some displays and
there’s prizes for fancy- and
comic costumes and prizes for
races. Those in costume will be
admitted free to arena.
There’s also prizes for the
oldest male and female skaters
and a special prize for the best
Centennial costume.
The First Column
(Continued from page one)
feelings understood or to see
his wants fulfilled. Often it
Seems that a group of smug
politicians appointed to “Study
committees” do little else but
push complaints from their con
stituents and all Canadians: into
a great, -huge computer. The
solution is so condensed and so
exact there can be ho room for
individual argument’or personal
“The average Canadian” is
What we hear over and over
again. Who wants to be “aver
age” and who, tor that matter,
really and truly is “average”.
Manufacturers need to know
What the “average Canadian” is
looking for in the products he
buys; it is helpful to most bus
inesses if they know what the
“average Canadian” is likely to
need; the government certainly
must have an idea about the
thoughts of an “average Can
Still, things have gotten out
of hand to the point where we
must conform to the average or
run the risk of ’being branded a
rebel or an odd-ball or a dis
•K *$»
The average Canadian mar
ines somewhere between the
ages of 20 and. 25. So what
happens if a man or a woman
chooses to remain single for
life? Income tax is geared to
the average married man' with
an average family on an aver
age income — and the single
soul is • taxed within an inch
of bankruptcy.
We are told the average Can
adian lives in a $15,000 house
and drives a car which is three
years old. So everybody thinks
the couple on the comer in the
two-room shack with the 1967
sports coupe are some sort of
cranks from whom the children
should be shielded.* * *
Clothes are made for people
of average size; homes are de
signed with three bedrooms for
the average family; prices
eventually reach the level the
average income can bear; TV
programs are planned for the
average viewer; music is played
to suit the average listener; and
on and on and on it goes.
* st-. *
Had a discussion the other
day with a clergyman who
didn’t like my inference that
religion, too, 'is changing to
suit the average Canadian.
When I insisted that religioUB
leaders the world over -are
shouting that the church and
its program must be up-dated
to appeal .to the average think
ing persoh, my collared friend
hedged and admitted that times
change the meaning of words.
Seems to' me this is a day
when to be average is the sup
reme test of a man’s worth. As
the introductory statements
suggest, the average man is
just a statistic and statistics
don’t have much of a voice at
the best of times.
Euchre Next Week
Regular monthly meeting of
the Goderich Township Federa
tion of Agriculture will be held
on Thursday evening, February
16 in the Goderich Township
Hall at 8:30 p.m. Euchre will
be played and a pot-luck lunch
Will be served.
Malicious damage to Hydro
-installations can cause power
interruptions or create hazards
to life and property. The cost of
repairs is ultimately reflected
in the cost of power,.
Local Snooker Champ
For the past month, 26 local snooker players
have been engaged in a tournament at Bill’s Bowl
ing and Billiards to declare the winner of a trophy
donated by proprietor Bill German, At the right is
the winner Howard Grealis’ receiving his trophy
from Mr. German. The participants were divided
into senior and junior divisions. Brad Dutot won
the junior division and was defeated by senior win
ner Grealis in the playoff last Saturday.’
(News-Record Photo)
Huron County Orange Lodges
To Build Memorial Cairn
As Their Centennial Project
(By Fred McClymont)
At a recent meeting of
Varna Loyal Orange Lodge
No. 1035 -it was decided to
support .the County’s Orange
Lodges in their Centennial
Clinton Lady
Mrs. Ray Fear
Buried Saturday
• Mrs. Norma Rebecca Fear, 95
Raglan Street, Clinton, was
buried Saturday, February 4 in
Brussels Cemetery.- Mrs. Fear
passed away in Cllinton Public
Hospital on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 1 following a lengthy ill
ness. S'he was 77 years old.
Funeral was from the Beattie
Funeral Home with Rev. Grant
Mills of Ontario. Street- United
Church in charge. Pallbearers
were Cliff Stewart, Arthur
Aiken, Ernest Brown, Gordon
Rathwe-ll, Edigar Rath well and
Bob Sparling.
The deceased was barn Dec
ember 7, 1889 in Grey Town
ship, daughter of George and '
Mary Sparling. She was mar
ried in June, 1912 to Raymond
Fear who survives. The couple
farmed in Tuckersmiith Town
ship from 1921 to 1947 when
they moved to- Clinton.
Other survivors Include two
daughters, Mrs. Reta Hamather,
London, and Mrs. Jaimes (-Marg
aret) Landsborough, RR 3, Sea
forth; four sisters, Mrs. Myrtle
Rathwell, Collingwood, Mrs:
Muriel Collett, Niagara Falls,
Ontario, Mrs. Walter (Adeline)
Munday, California and Mrs.
Mildred Arnold, Toronto; seven
grandchildren and six great
The project, a stone cairn
to be erected in Clan Gregor
Square, Bayfield, will be in
memory of members of the
many Orange lodges that
once dotted1 the Huron County
There are now only eleven
Orange Lodges in the County
of South Huron, as well as
several Ladies Lodges and
Royal Black Preceptory
Many of the small rural
lodges have gone the way of
the ' small churches and
Lodges that are now dosied
in the Varna area include
Goshen, Hdlsgreen and sev
eral in Goderich Township.
Anyone wishing to donate
to the cairn fund in memory
of former members may do
so. The "Varna Lodge will ac
cept donations up to the 12th
of July.
Since no canvass is planned
it is hoped relatives and
friends, as well as local
Orangemen will support this
Operate Arena
The local lodge is again
-operating the skating rink in
Varna and will hold the sec
ond annual skating carnival
on Saturday, February 11,
Varna Lodge is holding its
regular meeting (tonight)
Thursday, February 9.
Legion Ladies Aux.
To Meet Monday
The February meeting of the
Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal
Canadian Legion will be held
Monday, February 13 at 8:15
p.m. Mrs. E. Carroll, Zone Com
mander, will be in attendance.
Group 1 will be in charge of
s3 20
For Information, phons th# kcal ■
CN Pamngar Salo Office J j I
Askaboutconvenient departure
and return times
Smoke Signs
"MocsTo Minnie"
Anj"Qne witfe % pah’ of size"
eight or nine fo Iqian
might get fo touch with Reeve
Minme Noakes qf Hensall who
advised she has need pt
them in time for .Saturday’s
Challenge Snowshoe Race to be
featured as part oif Hensall’s
Kinsmen Centennial Winter
Mrs. Nbakes- who reported
to be dynamite pn snowshoes,
h$s issued a cliallenige to $11
Mayors $nd Reevps in Huron
County to try and beat her at
the sport. So far only, one man
has indicated he wijtfies to
tangle snowshoes with the {sure
footed lady reeve.
Entries are coming in for the
the various contests sponsored
by the Kinsmen at their carnL
val. Century-old' pasttimes liil;e
log -cutting and cutter races
Will provide interesting enter
tainment for spectators.
The event wall get under way
$t an pld-tyme dance in Hen-
sall Arena op Friday evening
when . a Snow QueOn will be
crowned. The winner will riidb
in the Carnival Parade set for
Saturday at one p.m.
RATE; Four cents a word;
Minimum 7b cents
Thursday, Feb. 9 — BINGO
at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg
ular games tor 85.00. 2 share-
the-wealth games. 1 special
game for $25.00, the first letter
“L” and first letter “T” applies
on this game tor $2.00 each. 3
share-the-wealflh games, jack
pot applies on those 3 games
$60.00 in 60 numbers. 2 door
prizes tor $2.00 each. Admission
50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for
$1.00. tfb
-Friday, Feb. 10 — Women’s
World Day of Prayer, 2 p.m.,
First Baptist Church, Huron
St. All ladies invited to attend.
Friday, Feb. 10 — Cash Bingo
in Legion Hall, SOatorth, 8:15
p.m. 15 regular games- for $10;
3-$25 specials; l-$50 jackpot.
Sponsors, Branch 156 Royal
Canadian Legion. • 6b
Saturday, Feb. 11 — Skating
Carnival, Varna Rink, 8 p.m.;
prizes for young and old;
broomball. Admission 50c and
25c. All in costume free. 6b
Saturday, Feb. 11—Valentine
Euchre,, Clinton Orange Hall,
sponsored by LOBA. Free door
prize and lunch. Mus'ic for
dancing. 6b
Saturday, Feb. 11—Valentine
Tea & Bazaar at St. Andrews'
Presbyterian Church, home
made baking and miscellaneous
booths — 3 p.m. Auspices —
Madeleine Lane Auxiliary,
3, 5-6b
Tuesday, Feb. 14 — BINGO
at Huron Fish and Game dub.
Jackpot $58.00 in 58 numbers.
Six door prizes. .8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 14 — Holmes
ville Local 219 of Ontario Far
mer’s Union will meet in Town
ship Hall, 8:30 p.m. Guest
speaker — Malcolm Davidson,
Thursday, Feb. 16 — Euchre
Party, sponsored by Clinton
Women’s Institute, Clinton
Council Chambers 2-4 p.m.
Everyone welcome. 6b
Friday, Feb. 17 — Annual
open meeting, dinton Horticul
tural Society, 8 p.m. Council
Chambers, dinton. Charles
Brown will speak on “Begonias'”
and Alan Galbraliith will show
slides of his 1966 trip to Greece,
Italy, etc. Door prizes. Every
body welcome. 6-7b
Thursday, Feb. 23 — Bus to
Ice Capades, Kitchener. For in
formation call Bartliffs Bakerv.
482-9727. 6-7b
Albert Street — CLINTON 482-9525
Grade “A" Frying or Roasting
Lean Young
Small Link
BOLOGNA, by the piece
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37c lb.
99c lb.
59c lb.
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VALENTINE BOOKS ... 15c - 29c - 59c*89c
DECORATIONS — Hearts, Cupids,
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CUMBY & 9OKEY ...... 9te each
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WINKLES • TROLL DOLL ................... 98c 0a«l>
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■M TBIUMPH Spitfire Roadster.
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These are classy! We have others in almost any
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Our large stock of good used vehicles
includes Station Wagons, Compacts, 4
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Your Friendly Chavrolot, Oldsriipbillt Dtafor
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