HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-02-09, Page 5HOLMESVILLE NEWS United Church to Beautify Grounds As Centennial Project; S.S. Officers More Money for March of Dimes Adastral Park The annual congregational meeting of the Holmesville United Church was held on Tuesday everting, January 31 with a good attendance, Rev. A. J. Mowatt opened the meet­ ing with a short worship period, Reports of the past year were received and showed finances to be in a healthy condition. James Lobb and Orville Blake were elected to the Session and Ben Whitely and Gordon Steepe to the Board of Stewards. The Centennial project of the congregation is to be the bcauti- tying of church lawns and win­ dows. Wesley-Willis UCW Makes Plans At January General Meeting The first general meeting of the Wesley-Willis United Church Women for 1967 February 1 and Mrs. M. Durst. Minutes were .secretary Mirs. William Grigg and the treasurer’s report was giyeri by Mrs. B. Sutter in the absence of the regular treasure er, Miss Billie Stewart. Two letters from the group’s foster child and several cards were read. Mrs. Charles Nelson reported that the bale for the Indians at Blind River was packed. Mrs. Don Jefferson said that Unit Two is also sending a bale there. Mrs. N. Holland reported that the Spring Thankoffering is to be a joint meeting with Ontario Street United Church, with the speaker to be Rey. Winch, “The Padne of the Pubs”. The Centennial, choir will also sing at the April 23 event. The group made the following recommendations: to visit the Ontario Hospital in Goderich in September; to hold April and June regular meetings at 8 pm.; to have Grandma's Album as a Centennial project on June 21; to .Ixdd a fowl supper on October 18; to remind all that was held on conducted by read by the Visitor’s Day will be June 7 and that those unable to corrie were to be visited June 8, The United Church Women’s Presbyteriai is set for February 21 in Wingham, Miiss K. McGregor was in charge of the program which opened with the 'gospel story of Lydia, The topic for discussion was “Gambling” and'a skit was presented by Mrs. E. Davies, Mrs. D. Jefferson, Miss Mc­ Gregor, Mrs. B. Sutter, Mrs. B. Menzies, Mrs. R. Neilson, Mrs. A. J. Mowatt, Mrs. C. Stewart, Mrs. N. Holland, Mrs. J, Nedi- ger, Mrs. P. Livermore, Mrs. J. MacLaren and, Mrs. M. Steepe. /—........ — ...................—N- * * SS Officers At the close of the congre­ gational meeting the Sunday School annual was held; aver­ age attendance of 50 was re­ ported. The officers for 1967 are as follows: superintendent, Jim Lobb; assistant superintendent, Caiman Tebbutt; secretary, Barrie Walter; treasurer, Wil­ liam Norman; missions co-or­ dinator, Mrs..Les Jervis; pianist, Lucille Bond; assistant pianists, Shirley Norman, Marilyn Teb­ butt; Teachers: beginners, Norma Walters, Mrs. Ray Potter; prir many, Mi’s, J. Lobb, Marilyn Tebbutt; junior, Mrs. D, Nor­ man, Mis. R. Miller; intermedi­ ate, Mrs. E. Grigg, Mrs. J. Grigg; senior, Mrs. W. Norman, Mrs. H, Cudmore; Bible Class, Iryine Tebbutt, Mrs, L. Bond, Personal Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patter at­ tended1 the Ontario Farm Deal­ ers’ Equipment Association Show in Toronto recently. IVfrs.. Douglas Andrews, gen­ eral chairman of Clinton d'ist- rict annual March of Dimes funds campaign, reports that the total collections up to Tues­ day were $1,076.27. ' In last week’s issue it ,was' reported that $987.92 had been collected ip the drive on Janu­ ary 30. Mrs. Andrews says there will be more money forth­ coming from district groups. Next year the March of Dim­ es will be under the chairman­ ship of Mi's. Alvin Lobb of the Order of Eastern Star. ------O—------------ 9167 St. Paul's Guild A very enjoyable time was had at St. Paul’s. Anglican Church Friendship Guild Valen­ tine euchre and “500” painty last Wednesday evening, February 1 in the Panish Hall. Winners at “500” were; high scores, Mrs. Ed. Nickle, Bert Rowden: low scores, Mrs. Wil­ lard Aiken, Milton Wiltse. Euchre winners, 'high, Mrs. Wil­ fred Colclough, Charles Cun­ ningham; low, Mrs. Mel Crich, Rev. R. Wenham. At the Guild meeting on Jan­ uary 25 the ladies were request­ ed to eater to two banquets on February 22 and March 3. The social committee asked the girls to bring a decorated Valentine box lunch to the next meeting on Wednesday, Feb­ ruary 15 at 8:15 in the Parish Hall. At the January meeting Miss Fred'a S'choenhals showed lovely slides of her trip to the British Isles last summer. Township of Hullett TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Township of Hullett for the construction of a Municipal Drain known as: "BRANCH NO. 1 DODDS MUNICIPAL DRAIN" The drainage works is describ­ ed as follows: 7,175 lineal feet of open drain (2,600 cu. yds.) Tenders are to be clearly marked as to contents and must be received by 6 o’clock pm. Saturday, February 25, 1967. Plans, profile and specifica­ tions may be seen at the clerk’s office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk-Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ont 6-7-8b PTTCC! Where The 0VU-H-SS Action Is ' (Ry Arnston and • Thursday, February 2 was the day for the basketball games against Goderich. Scores were CHSS Seniors,.75, Goderich, 40; CHSS Juniors, 43, Goderich, 35. Girl’s game was 27-20 for CHSS Seniors. Ten girls are practising every spare minute for the day when they will show their gymnastic abilities. The day is February 23. The place is Stratford North-Western and the spot­ light will be on CHSS, Friday, February 10 is the return of the Blue’s Men Re­ view who never made it the first time. The Student’s Coun­ cil is hoping for a good turnout to hear this fabulous band, which is one of the best from London. Upcoming is the “At Home” Diane McKinley) to be held in the School audi­ torium on February. 24. A word to the What? Exams are school days away, ber, opportunity once! wfee! Guess only 12 more And remem- only knocks Foo.’ its February meeting, unit one of Ontario Street Un­ ited Church Women met Tues­ day in the church parlour and in the absence of the leader, Mrs. G. L. Mills, Mrs. George Potter was in.the chair. Mrs. Amy Crich in charge of devotions, took ais her theme “God’s Voice Within”. The study book was presented by Miss Edna Jamieson who show­ ed how the Protestant church­ es were established in the1 Mari­ time Provinces 200 or more years ago. Mrs. G. L. Mills was appoint- .ed as delegate to the annual meeting of the Huron Presiby- terial United Church Women to be held February 21 at Wing­ ham. Members enjoyed musical numbers contributed by Ivan Crittenden. on his electric gui­ tar. In charge of program. plan­ ning for the day were Miss Ed­ na Jamieson, .Mrs. Crich, Mrs. C. Martin and Mrs. C. Venner. Members of the committee serv­ ing lunch were Mi’s. L. Lawson, Mrs. E. Brown and Mrs. R. Tyndall. The first women’s group in Clinton to promote a fund-rais- .ing affair for Clinton and Dist­ rict Community Centre Centen­ nial Fund is the Catholic Wo­ men’s League of St. Joseph’s Church. The group has planned a big euchre party for St. Patrick’s Day, Friday, March 17 at 8:30 p.m. in the parish hell,, James Street. AU proceeds will go to the community centre fund. Rev. Father J. E. Kelly, the parish priest, has donated a special door prize — one adult passport to Expo in Montreal. Mrs. C. Trott is the present president of .the CWL. It was to this group of ladies that Mait Edgar, finance chair­ man of the community centre - fund, made, his first public talk about the new centre. Since and his to and drive to are any ton or district who want information on the new munity centre, they can get in touch with Mr. Edgar (482- 3892) after school hours. ------------------------>o------------------------- Detroit Man Buried Here Last Friday Geraldi Ernst Kendall, Rohns Ave., Detroit, Mich, pass­ ed away suddenly following a heart attack at 'his home on January 30, 1967, He was 69 years old. He was born January 8, 1898 in Winnipeg, Mam, a son of Caroline and Jacob Kendall. His wife was 'the former Esther Pil­ grim East whom he married on lyTay 21, 1949, He had resided in Detroit for 53 years where he was merchandising manager of the United States Rubber, Company there. Retired 'in recent years, Mr. KendaU was a deacon at First Presbyterian Church of Detroit and a member of UAW Retired Workers’ Association. Survivors include his Wife; one step son, Murray East, RR 1, Clinton; three granddaugh­ ters, Linda, Janet and Sharon East, all of RR 1,. Clinton; one brother, Harvey of Winnipeg; and five sisters, Mary Kendall, Mrs. Julia Yank, Mrs. Louise Bachman and iMhs. 'Emma Schlippert, all of Winnipeg and Mrs. Lena Baker, Amarth, Man. Body rested at the Crabb Funeral Home in Detroit and the Ball Funeral Home in Clin­ ton. Services were hold in De­ troit on February 1 with Dr. Allen Frew, Detroit in charge and in Clinton oh February 3 with Rev. Grant Mills officiat­ ing. Interment was in Clinton Cemtery. Pallbearers were George Pilgrim, Canhington; Edward East,' Auburn; Wil­ liam East, London; William Blacker, Jack VanEgmond and Douglas Farquhar, all of Clin­ ton. Persons attending from., a, dis­ tance were Harvey Kendall and Mr. and Mrs. E. Schlippert of Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mahberg and Mrs. Gelorge Goite, all of Detroit; George and John Pilghim, Cannington; Mrs. Annie East and Mr. and Mrs. William East, London. that time, Mr. Edgar commlititee have spoke explained the funds other groups. If other groups in there Clin- more com- Township of Hullett WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDERS --------—uO—:-------- BRUCEFIELD NEWS Mrs. Mary Crawford, Lon­ don, spent a., few days with her brother-in-law and sister,, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling, Brucefield. . , Ontario Street UCW Unit 2 to Meet Unit 2 of Ontario Street Church UCW will hold its’ monthly meeting ' on February 14 at 2:30 p.m. in the church’ parlor. Mrs. Arthur Groves and her committee will be in charge of the meeting. -----------o----------- Use Classified Ads. For Quick Results Tenders will be received by the Township of Hullett for the spraying of cattle for Warble Fly Control in the municipality. Tenders must be clearly marked as to contents and must state the price per head per spray. The successful bidder must be fully covered for any damages incurred, with liability insurance, and also state what type of equipment will be used. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, and the tenders must be received not later than 6 o’clock pm. March 4, 1967. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk-Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. 6-7-8b by MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL PHONE 482-9792 CLINTON MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Beef Farmers — WOULD YOU INVEST 80c IF YOU COULD GET BACK $8.00 IN 100 DAYS? AND HOW CAN IT BE ACCOMPLISHED? Beef $teers marketed at 1,100 pounds — Dressing 2.6% less than Purina fed steers, yield 28.6 pounds LESS Beef at 28c per pound, ar — $8.00 LESS RETURN PER $TEER. PURINA $TEERFATENA SPECIAL 32% would have cost the farmer 78c per $teer MORE than the concentrate fed to these cattle — BUf WHAT A PENALTY THE FAR­ MER PAID—$8.00 LESS RETURN PER $TEER!! PURINA IS RESEARCHED FOR RESULTS — NOT FOB PRICE PER BAG. SEE YOUR PURINA DEALER FOR CONTRACTS!! Clinton Farm Centre MILFORD DURST P*S.“ St* Louis Farm Trip, by car or plane, leave Feb. 18. Inquire re a special rate for this trip! 1 5 ■s Clinton Newt-Record * I & Service Social Notes Phone 482-9179 Kathy Dieroff celebrated her eleventh birthday by taking a few friends to the show and having refreshments afterwards. Greg Sinker celebrated his tenth birthday, Wednesday, February 8, 0. L. Switzer Passes Away At Age 70 Funeral service for the Oscar L. Switzer, formerly of Clinton was from the Beattie Funeral Home on Thursday, February 2 with Rey. A. J. Mowatt of Wesley-Willis United Church in charge, The deceased passed away in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London on Monday, January 30. Bom May 12, 1896 in Goderich Town­ ship to Samuel and Jane Swit­ zer, Mr. Switzer had,farmed in this area until 1953 when he moved to Clinton. He had been in hospital since 1962. Mr. Switzer, a bachelor, was a member of Wesley-Willis United Church in Clinton. He is survived by six nieces and two nephews. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Howard Crich, Ernest Crich, Wally Crich, Lan Rehorst, How­ ard Johns and Roy Pepper. Editor: Mrs. Sandra Sinker Protestant Chapel Guild A cordial invitation -is ex" tended to. the ladies to’attend the monthly meeting of the Chapel Guild in the Protestant Chapel Annex on Monday, Feb­ ruary 13 at 8:15 pm. Mrs, Joyce Kromery is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Sgt, Gordon Shoard is a pa­ tient in Westminster Hospital, London. In Clinton Public Hospital are Mrs. Mary Reid, Mrs. J. Ouellette and Mrs. M. Rudy. Mrs. B. Larpnde from Ot­ tawa was visiting wiith her daughter and sondn-law, Sgt. and Mrs. W. Willberg, 54 Win­ nipeg Road. KIPPEN MRS. NORMAN LONG Phone 262-5180 Mr, and Mrs. Eric Jensen, Fergus, visited during the week and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson attended the funeral Monday of a friend, the late John Par­ kins of Thamesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McBearth returned Friday from a holiday spent at St. Petersburg, Florida. Miss Debbie Anderson spent the weekend with Miiss Glenyce Anderson of Londesboro. Larry Robinson, RR 3 Kip­ pen, who is employed by Gode­ rich Manufacturing Co. at Goderich, lost tihe first finger on his left hand up to the first joint in an accident at the plant. Dr.' Jackson attended. . . -.Qi-I -J'-—.............' Clinton Personal Miss IJnda Murphy received her cap at a capping ceremony held at Holdsworth Auditorium, Victoria Hospital School of Nursing, London, last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Miss Ruth Murphy and Dean Reid attended. -----------o----------- Mrs. I. Nelischer To Speak To Aux. The February meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday even­ ing, February 14 at the home of Mrs. Edwin Freeman, 32 White­ head Street at 8:15 p.m. Guest speaker at this meeting will be Mrs. Irene Nelischer who is on the staff at Central Huron Secondary School. Mrs. Nelischer will talk about her •recent trip at Christmas time to Switzerland where her husband is stationed with the Air Force. Select Your Valentines How Valentine Cards Children's Make, Your Own . Jumbo Valentine Packs....... 25c - 39c - 49c Valentine Gift Wrap 5c to $2.00 29c late 25 c Valentina Serviettes Valentine Stationery ............. $1.00 See Our Displqy of VALENTINE HEART CHOCOLATES 50c to $4.95 . 35c PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482.9511 Clinton, Ontario Township of Hullett* WARBLE FLY SPRAY TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Township of Hullett for the supplying of 750 lbs. of Warble Fly Spray Powder in 15 lb. bags, and 50 lbs. to be in 1 lb. bags. The tender will state the price per pound and also the brand name of the product. The successful bidder will de­ liver the powder to the Town­ ship Garage in Londesboro. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be clearly marked as to contents and must be received not later than 6 o’clock p.m. March 4, 1967. by HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk-Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. 6-7-8b VALENTINE SPECIALS at GINGERICH'S ■— CLINTON Frigidaire Pull'll Clean ELECTRIC RANGE kwiiiiiwwiwwmwWWIW “F 1i |l>. FFLIQIDAIRE ■ S230.00 ■■■IlH WITH TRADE VALENTINE SPECIAL ON FRIGIDAIRE FRIG, with "On Air Ride" of No Extra Cost GINGERICH SALES and SERVICE 57 Albert Street — CLINTON Phone 482-9634 Also Stores at- Seaforth and Zurich Home need DO IT NOW with HFC cash! Making home improve­ ments during the winter is a smart investment. Why? Materials are in stock.,. labor is avail­ able ... off-season prices are low and you’ll in­ crease your home’s value. An HFC House­ holder’s Loan can pro­ vide you with up to $5000 to pay for repair­ ing remodeling or re­ decorating your home. Then, as you enjoy the’ new beauty of your home, you repay HFC conveniently, as shown in the table.Above payments Include principal and Interest and are based an prompt repayment, but du not Include the cost of Ufa Insurance IMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS do months 48 months 88 months 30 months 20 months 12 months * 100 1.......1.......1........$....$6.12 $9.46 300 18.35 2837 550 .........1 23.73 32.86 51.24 1000 ..........41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 57.72 2500 73.35 90.18 3000 ..........88.02 108.22 4000 101.01 117;37 144.30 TT'”’ 5000 126.26 146.71 180.37 ..................... Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates HOUSEHOLD RNANC GODERICH 35A West Street-Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours NOTE—ALL SERVICES on STANDARD TIME J Attend Your Church FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1! (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) l[ Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. ); Sunday, February 12 ;• 10:00 am".—Sunday School <! 11:15 am.—Church Service !; Fri., Feb. 10 — 2 p.m. Women’s World Day of Pfayer ;; ALL ARE WELCOME HERE ' A h-rvn VM. I Salp-11 ¥ Ontario Street United Church “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS. B.A. Organist: MISS LOIS GRASBY, A. R. C. T. Sunday, February 12 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Youth Sunday Service conducted by HiC’s. Guest Speaker: Emery Hathaway, Courtright, Ontario TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH 2:00 p.m.—Church Service 3:00 pm.—Sunday School ^olmesbille Mmteh <£I]urrlj£S REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., DX>., Minister MR. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist - MRS. VIOLA VANEGMOND, Choir Director Sunday, February 12 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: “Taking God Seriously” HOLMESVILLE 1:00 pm.—Worship Service 2:00 pm.—Sunday School ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH ReV. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist Sunday, February 12 Lent 1 8:45 a.m.—Holy Communion 9:45 am.—Church School 11:00 am.—Morning Prayer Wed., Feb* 15 — Friendship Guild, 8:15 pm. Thurs., Feb. 16 — Chancel Guild at the home of Mrs. Ed Nickle, 8 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director Sunday, February 12 9:45 am.—Sunday School 10:45 am.—Public Worship Everyone Welcome 1 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Mlnltter Sunday, February 12 10:00 am.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 2:30 pm.—Worship Service in Dutch Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO, St. Tbomaa, listen to “Back to God Hour”. EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE ST. GOSPEL HALL Sunday, February 12 9:45 am.—Worship Service 11:00 am.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Speaker: Chas. Shorten, London Tues.,. 8:00 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study ALL WELCOME ¥ t J