HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-02-02, Page 7Auburn and District MBS. WES BRADNOCK—Corra»pond<ntrr-Phoiie 526-7595 Base Commander Helps Win His Own Trophy I Mi's. Gordon R. Taylor spent [the weekend ip London visiting with her husband in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Jane Martin, Pont Al­ bert, spent last weekend with her sister, Mrs, William Stew­ art,- ’ Miss Jane Doran, Kitchener, ipent the weekend with her par- ?rits, Mr, and Mrs, Bent Doran md Michael. Hensail Reeve Winter Carnival Race Entrant HENSALL — Hensall Reeve Minnie Noakes challenges May- ■rs or Reeves from Huron bounty to a Snowshoe race on aturday, February 11 at the [ensall Kinsmen’s -Centennial filter Carnival. Activities include Old Tyme lancing at local arena; crown- ig the Snow Queen; a parade; any cutter races; snow shoe ices; snow mobile race; log Jitting contest; and a i>®st lowman contest for the kids, nyone interested in entering ie. contest can contact niem- ?rs of the Kinsmen dub. ’ Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Roberts spent Monday of this week in Tdrqntq clearing customs on their posessions which have just arrived from Argentine/ Mrs., Ed Davies is improving jn health and is staying with her sister, Mrs. Cliff Bastla and Mr. Bastla, 157 Victoria Street, London. Mrs. Elslie Eustace returned home on Sunday after visiting with her granddaughter, Mrs. William Stiles and Mr. Stiles for a week. Mrs. Eustace now makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. John Weir and Mr. Weir and Robert in Lon­ don. She sold her home in Ottawa a few months ago. John Hamilton and friend from Toronto spent the week­ end with Ms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Durst, Clinton, visited last Sunday With Mr. and Mirs. Robert J. Phillips. Rev. and Mrs, R. M, Sweeney, Gorrie, visited1 last Wednesday With Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig. All girls in the community Wishing to take the new 4-H project, “A World of Food in Canada”, please contact the leaders, Mrs. W. Braidnock and Mrs. Frank Raithby. This Cen- Auburn Presbyterians Elect New Officers; Hear Annual Reports AUBURN — The 106th an- lal meeting of Knox Presby- rian Church was held last ednesday with Rev. R. U. acLean presiding. He opened e meeting with Scripture ading and prayer. The min- ps were read by secretary, >nald Haines. Reports were received from » secretaries. The clerk of sion reported for the congre- aon and Mrs. W. Bradnock /e the financial statement; s. Roy Daer presented the lies’ Aid report and Mrs. aid Haines; Church organists, Miss Mar­ garet Sanderson, Miilsls Margaret Haines; church secretary, Don­ ald Haines; treasurer, Mbs. W. Bradnock; ‘auditors, Mrs. Ed Davies, Miss Luella Wagner; historian, Miss Frances ton; ushers, Gordon Gordon Daer, Kenneth Wilfred Sanderson and Scott. tennial project is a study foods fpom other countries which are very popular in Can­ ada today, ' . ' u......... Drama Club Elects 1967 Officials Jack Guthrie has been nameci president of the Pegasus Play­ ers drama group which has con­ tributed recently ,to the cultural life of this community. Vice-presidept is J e n n y Black; secretary, Jaequa Bra­ bant; treasurer, Bill Poppenk; librarian (new post), Lillian Jones. Anyone interested in reading one or all of the plays kept in the Pegasus Players’ library should contact the librarian. She will be pleased to loan these copies out at no charge. Since the group is endeavour­ ing to select a suitable play for its next production, play read­ ings are being held at the home of Bruce Abbott, 114 Townsend Street, Clinton, Here, all those interested in drama are invited to gather to read aloud to help the director, actresses and act- ; ors decide on the play which is most appropriate for the pro­ posed cast. Anyone interested is welcome at the next play reading at the Abbott home on Thursday, Feb- ' ruary 2 at 8 p.m. -----------o----------- Members of the curling rink in the Base Commander’s Bonspiel receive their prizes from the draw master, .Flight Sgt. Rene Brochu (centre). Left to night are: “Gil” Bradford (lead), Group Captain K. R. Greenavyay (third), FS Brochu; Captain Jerome Bergerman (skip), .and Sgt. Frank Pyke (second). ' (CFB Clinton Photo) Sunday School Attendance Awards Presented to Auburn United Pupils AUBURN — Sunday school attendance certificates were presented’ by William Stiles on Sunday at Knox United Church. Those receiving the certifi­ cates were Donald Lichty, Gerry Bere, David Bere, Mari­ lyn Archambault, Faye Seers, Siy'lvila Rutkowicz, Marie pey, Neida Hallam, Greg lam and Kathryn Bere, Second year seals were Em- Hal- co­ ThurtfX Feb. 2# 1967 Clinton News-Record r— Page 7 The Base Commander’s Bon- spiel was held at CFB Clinton curling lfnlc JLfxsit Saturday. Six­ teen rinks, from the surround­ ing area entered the annual event. The bonspicl was nm on a. three game tcdial point basis and involved several close mat­ ches, The wjnmpg rink was skipped by Captain Jerome Bergerman and included Group Captain K. R. Greenaway, Sgt. Frank Pyke, and “Giil” Brad­ ford. Runner-up was a Gode­ rich rink skipped by J. Hazlitt. Prices were awarded following the final draw on Saturday evening. Curlers from London, Wing­ ham, Walkerton, Goderich, Sea­ forth, Hensail, Clinton, and CFB Clinton entered the bpn- spiel. A laid Haines and Mrs, Alvin vtherland gave an account of Women’s Missionary Soc- he CGIT report was encour- ig with 20 members from all *s£2 CONCRETE SILOS ■ ■■■■ Thirty years of experience, I can build a silo to suit your needs — 12’, 13’, 14’ up to 55 feet. a few vacancies yet to fill, place your A\\V^\-=?==s== order soon — By Contacting CONTRACTOR and BUILDER 92 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich — Phone 524-9437 3-5b ............................ • i CREST Hardware and Furniture Hous- Do'bie, Scott, Keith Labels New - Contents? churches in the village. fter business discussions it accepted by the members have a Centennial project, increase the budget 'givings this year and to try and t the allocation set for the fregation”. le election of officers for..f.or. a devotional period and also AUBURN — Knox United Church held its annual meeting last Thursday in the Sundlay School room of the church. A pot-luck dinner was served at 1 p.m. by members of Unit Two of the • UCW. Rev. M. R. Roberts presided resulted as .follows: session, R. U. MacLeian, John ston, Alfred Roilinson, J. ueth Scott, William Wag- Axthur Youngblut and aid Haines, clerk; rnanag- Major Youngblut, Ed es, Roy Daer, Wilfred San- Mi, Gordon Dobie and Wil- Wagner; .trustees, Aruthur lgblut, Harvey McGee, Don- for the business meeting which followed. The nelw elders elected were R. |! Koopmans and Maurice Beian, replacing Oliver Ander­ son and Charles Scott. New stewards elected were William de Jong, Sidney Mc- Clinchey, Ted East and Stewart Ament; new trustees elected were Robert Armstrong Henry Brindley; Other officers elected treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth and ! Conference ght Lieutenant R. S. Cum- s, Base Supply Officer at dian Forces Base Clinton nong the more than 20 srs from Chilliwiack, B.C., arnwallis, N.S., who will d the first integrated ting Command base supply ■rs conference in Winnipeg, !ay and Tuesday, January . Also attending from this is Squadron Leader C. J. ie, from CFB Centralia. Monday, representatives training bases, three sup- chools and Training Com- headquarters were briefed noup Captain F. E. Baker Iateriel Command head­ ers, Rockcliffe, Ottawa, Paining Command’s plans iplement integrated train- ind will discuss solutions ipply problems caused by change. nel discussions were held lay on the follolwing sub- Introdfucing the base cori- of “retail” supply opera- ; the transition from '-service “wholesale” sup- ;upport to tri-service use; ying clothing at a base to jers of any service Under jresent single-service sys- : control of equipment and y management. nmander R. A. Darlington innipeg, senior supply staff ir at Training Comhiand planters, Will be chairman. are: Mc­ Dougall; secretary, Mils. Oliver Anderson; M and M fund, Everettt -Taylor; assistant M and M fund, Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer; usher captain, Ken­ neth McDougall; convener of church flower fund, Miss Viola Thompson. New members • of the manse committee, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham. A short memorial service was held in memory of departed members who 'had passed' to Higher Service during the past year. Rev. M. R. Roberts dosed with prayer. Confused about the labels for canned fruits vegetables? The Canadia Department of Agriculture now requires new contents declarations on the labels of canned fruits and veg­ etables, whether processed'here or imported and sold in Canada. The Consumer Section of the Food Council, Ontario Depart­ ment of Agriculture and Flood', says, “Don’t let this confuse you. The size or contents' of these cans ils no different than before. Cans previously marked 20 fluid ounces will be marked as 19 fluid ounces; 15 fluid ounces will now be changed to 14 fluid ounces. “The 8-fluid-ounce can of vaccuum packed sweet com will be marked 7 fluid ounces and the 15-tfluid-ounce will be changed 'to 14 fluid ounces.” These new. contents declara­ tions were brought about as a result of surveys instigated by the Consumers’ Association of Canada, which showed that cans marked' 20 fluid ounces, for instance, often contained slightly less. This was due to the small air space at the top of each can, which is necessary in processing. These changes only apply to products canned! after Decem­ ber 31st, 1966, so for the next few months we are likely to see some canned fruits and veget­ ables labelled with the "Old”, and' some with the "new”. Don’t worry about the dif­ ferences. The contents will re­ main the same and the quality of Canadian canned' fruits and vegetables has not changed. They are still rated tops throughout the world. new and pre­ sented to Linda Sproul, Andrew Koopmans and “ CllnChey; third Donna Baecihler, Greg Arthur Wightman; Fourth years Seers, Keith Lapp, Eldon Cham- ney, Doreen McClincfhey, Faye Hildebrand, Allen Hildebrand, Glen Wightman, Barbara Em- pey and Katherine McClinchey; fifth year seals, Murray Wight­ man, Ronald Wightman, Doug­ las Dumin, Karen East and z Douglas Me- year seals to Yvonne Bean, and Marilyn seals to Gail Dana Bean; Sixth year seals, Lynn. Tur­ ner, Douglas Chamney, Jayne Arthur, Larry Plaetzer, Ray­ mond Hildebrand, and Randy Machan; seventh. year seals, Larry Chamney, Giail Miller, Wanda Plaetzer, Lorraine Chamney, Trudy Machan, Sher­ ry Plaetzer and Arva Ball; Eighth year, seals, Stephen Haggitt, Nancy Lapp, Paul Chamney, Eldo Hildebrand; ninth year seals, Barbara Car­ ter, Gary' Ament, John Koop­ mans; tenth, Mark Arthur and. Marie Plunkett; Eleventh, Rickey Archam* bault, Brenda Ball, Deryk Ball, Daryll -Ball, • Shelley Grange; twelfth year seal, Betty Moss; 13th, Nancy Anderson, Jennifer Grange; 14th, Brenda Archam­ bault, Klaske Koopmans; 15<th Douglas’ Ardhambault, Margie Koopmans, Martie Koopmans;. 1.8th, Bernice McDougall. STORE-WIDE SALE Continues on all Home Furnishings AV rfaW Bhi SIMMONS DEEPSLEEP SALE offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! Si /" INDIVIDUAL and GROUP RATES AVAILABLE Inquire to-day from: Robert McMillan. RR 2, Seaforth Peter Roy. Clinton Gordon Richardson. RR I, Brucefield Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth or at HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 82 Albert St., Clinton Phone 482-9751 Will your child attend College? REG. 89 50 NOW ONLY $ W I a jr •■x MR■Mi :or The Best n Appliance Service epairs and Electrical Work — Call derich Appliance rvica and Wiring ) Anglese* 8t, Goderich Phone 524-6562 5tfb PORK LOIN SALE $1 Drive A Little And Save A Lot BONELESS PORK LOINS With Dressing .... LOIN or RIB END ROASTS or CHOPS lb* s RUBY’S MEAT MARKET SEAFORTH PHONE 527-0040 He should—-when you consider a university educa­ tion is worth at least an extra $150,000 more in lifetime earnings. The Man from Investors can work out a profitable and flexible educational plan for your child. And it won’t even strain your budget. Your son will be ready for a university education before you know it. You, too, can be ready. Why not start an Investors Syndicate Education Plan now. See the Man from Investors today. DEEPSLEEP DE LUXE Quilt-Top Mattress and Box Spring. Simmons Quality means sleeping comfort—now at a once-a-year savings: Deepsleep features 405 Adjusto-Rest* Coils, crush-proof, felt-backed border, luxuriously smooth damask Micro-Quilt* cover, bonded to foam. Mattress and box spring, each at savings of $24.55!0 “SERENE” PILLOW/ Save on this famous pillow, filled with Fortrel 7 — the CEL-CIL fibre­ fill that’s non-allergenic, cuddly- soft yet firm, will never lump or lose its shape. Reg. $7.95-get several at the sale price of just SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS SEE WHAT $1.00 WILL BUY SKINLESS WIENERS BOLOGNA, by the piece LEAN BEEF PATTIES PORK SWEET BONE Homemade HEADCHEESE SLICED BREAKFAST BACON I ‘/2 ANY ONE ITEM 2 3 2 5 3 • • 1 lb. lb. lb. lb. lb* V •fe MAMIE ADDRESS,. COY/TOWM W. G. "Bill11 Campbell 9.0. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 527-6452 —*Or mall this coupon——*' 8e Albert Street CREST Hardware & Furniture Phone 482*9505 SIMMONS SIM-QUILT’ CONTINENTAL Truly tremendous savings on a complete Sim­ mons Continental: luxurious Micrd-Qtiilt* cover, exclusive Atfjusto-Rest* Coils, complete with . matching box spring and legs! Regular price — $144.00 (Headboard extra) Now Only < - Ihh Illg >*: $ SYNDICATE LIMITED Without Obligation, please send me mdre Information.