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Clinton News-Record, 1967-02-02, Page 6
4V Page 6 Clinton News-Record m Thurs.r, .Feb.* 2, 1967 .. W'l 11 BEAUTIFUL BREEZY . , , , , By BELLCHAMBER n a vptpt n/ DA &.JF IDl*U ' mSQHM ITIMS • CHURCH HiWS > CWI ACHTOTlii • MAPPiNIHGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Phene 565-28641 Beyfield Subscriptions, Classified Advs. and Display Advs. all accepted by th© Bayfield correspondent, Reg. Francis, campaign chair man for Bayfield and District cnib canvass, ra^orts that $150.60 was raised in the area. This amount is turned back to the area to be used1 for CNIB work, - Mrs. Malcolm Toms has been in Kitchener for the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs, Lloyd Westlake and OPP Cor poral Westlake. The Hospital Card Parties are again in full swing; recent hos tesses have been Mrs. G. Mayor, Mrs. K Blair and Mrs. J. B. Higgins. New’ hours have been an nounced for the Bayfield Posit Office. Effective immediately the wicket will be open from 9:30 a,m. until 12:30 p.md from 1:30 unfil 5:30 p.rp.., daily, in cluding Saturday. Ed. Sturgeon is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peters and their daughter, Linda, re turned to Detroit on Sunday, after being the guests of the former’s' sister, Mrs. Harold Weston and Mr. Weston. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Maynian were in Toronto and Hamilton over the weekend. Guests at a dinner party given* by Mrs. George Hopson On Monday evening were: Mrs. Tom Bailey,, Airs. Ruby Arm strong, Mrs. Carrie Heal’d, Mrs. Fred Mote, Mrs. Percy Weston, Mrs; B. Menerey, Mrs, John Pearson, Mrs. Fred Wallis, Mrs. David Dewar and Mbs, Charles Bell, ’ • '■ * , * Mr. and Mrs. Robert'Marshall and daughter, Tracey, London, spent the weekend with Mr.' arid Mrs. Fred Weston, Mr. and Mrs.' Piaui Moss, London, were weekend guests BAYFIELD w The annual meeting of St. .Andrew’s United Church was held on Friday evening, January 20, vrith tdie minister, Donald Beck in the qhairi Ho opened the meeting With Scripture reading and prayer, Donald McKenzie was ap pointed secyetm'y for the meet ing. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and adopted. The report of Session was given by John Campbeli showing baptisms 12; funerals three; total membership 200; new members appointed to the board,.: John Watson and Ross Merrill. Report of Unit 2 of UCW, .‘given by Carol Penha'le, show ing an amount raised of $1,145.- 10; report of Uni-t 1 of UCW, given by Margaret. Scotchmer with amount raised of $1,280.87; Memorial fund raised $269,16. Allocation account was $379.50, Sunday School report was given by Ted Dunn. He report ed regular classes held each Sunday during church service. The Sunday School raised $210.28. The Board of Stewards report was given by Wbyd Makins, showing total .chiwh giving^ to ourrent revenue, $5,890.93; fur nace fund, $7Q6,52; reserve fund, $785.28; Report of paysonage board given by Lloyd Makins, raised $591.74; the choir raised $108.25. Missionary and Maintenance re port. given by Mr. Beck showed total givings $621.72. New members appointed to the Board of Stewards, LeRoy Poth, Charles Scotchmer, Mar-, garet Seortahnier and Donald Campbell, The church treasur ers, the trustees, the M & M Committee all to remain the same; $nd the parsonage board to remain the same with the addition of ElyaM^tcelf, The Sunday School board to remain the same with the ad dition of Doreen, MagKenziie, Mrs. Ray Cox and Bonnie Cox. Representative to the United Church Men, Elgin Porter; to Presbytery, Bert Dunn; church auditor, LeRoy Poth. Mr. Beck thanked the mem bers for their help and co-op eration throughout the year. I ■ ■ Li 11 .ijijiiiiM' with Mr .and Mi’s. Fred Beau. » ; > Mr- and Mrs. "Ken. Ferguson had ,R. Ferguson London as their guest last week. Spending the: weekend the A. F. Scotchmens were Miss Diane . Jim McLepd; Miss Sug Prost and Jeriry Lynch, all of Toronto, The following.;^jprecd- ate toe g^erous respibf^prgiven to their March ;of Dames ; can vass over the wd^d-d: Mr,s. Mol Martin, Mr^;.,Robert Snell- Mrs. Ellen Lindslay, Mi^, Roy Scotchmer, Mrs*,.-J. ’E< Hovey, Mrs. Joe Mayman/ and Mrs. G. Bellchamber. The final re sults were $100.34. Mrs. Leroy Poth home on Friday last, •ing- in Toronto for three weeks visiting her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, R, Poth and their infant son, Michael Roland. z* Ervine Pease, London, was at bis village home for the week end. Bayfield Rollarena Com mittee have been busy organ izing construction of a booth in the arena for -the convenience of all who use the community centre. Those who have given freely of their time and labour to build it include; Robert Mac- Vean, Ken Brandon, Bob Ma loney, Bob Snell, and Warner Payne. The booth is portable and it is expected to be ready by February 8. -----------o----------- BRUCEFIELD returned after be-Trinity WA Hears Anglican Church History at Annual Meeting at “The Hut” on afternoon, January members were pre Huron County's Farmstead Improvement Award Hon. William A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food, presents Bin Gerrits, RR 1, Clinton, with a plaque in recognition of winning the top Huron County prize in the Farmstead Improvement Centennial Competition conduct ed by the Department of Agriculture and Food. Over 4,000 Ontario farms took • part in the beautification project. Bill attended the banquet in Toronto last . Wednesday at which all county winners were guests. • • I BAYFIELD — The. annual congregational meeting of Trin ity rAnglican Qiurch in Bay field was hield on Friday even ing, January 20, in the Parish Hall, with the Rector, Rev-. E. J. B. Harrison presiding. While the attendance was extremely small the full business of,the evening was taken care of most satisfactorily. t Following the opening prayer and Scripture reading by the Rector and the reading of min utes of the last annual meeting by the secretary, Harry F. ■ Baker, the; Rector gave his re port, extending thanks to the Wardens, the acting Sunday School Superintendent, Mrs. M. Memer, and her assistant on . the staff, Mrs. Morris Taylor, of Varna, who were given spe cial commendation in trying to hold the little Sunday School together. Thanks was also ex tended to the officers and heads of all organizations and to the organist and choir director for faithful services in every way. k* Appreciation and thanks were extended to Lloyd Scofchmer, the p^iple’s warden,.. for, .his • many actStof^servie^, ai^d.rr^aid^ ktelp far Beyond the duties of ms office. Thanks also were extended to Harry F. Baker, the chairman . and,.his.,.organ committee for the most success ful culmination of the campaign. for the purchase of the oi^an which Was fully paid for at the time of dedication. The Rectal’ advised that, the heavy outlay for parish Ueno- tjations and re-decorating had completely wiped out the te-; serve funds of the Cent-A-Meal Fund, and that of Trinity Palish Guild by which this work was made possible. .,. f., . There were 107 Sunday set* vices held mid the average at- tendance Was 44 persons; silk children were baptized; one member of the Bayfield parish was confirmed at .the stawice of Confirmation held in Middleton church (the service is a cihte rotating each year between Bayfield and Middleton church-. es) arid there was one ^arria^ perfortried and five burials. , The rector’s warden,, Fred Arkell, now on an extended trip to British Columbia, -sent THE BAYFIELD HOCKEY CLUB BINGO — Friday. Februaiy 10 ’ BAYHEtb Shirb-The-Wdisifli , Defer Prize s Admitiian iSc 8:00 v his thanks and appreciation, This was read from a personal letter he had sent to the rector. Lloyd Scotchmer, the people’s warden, gave a detailed report of hi s stewardship and of the extensive improvements made during the year and extending thanks to all concerned. > Reports Were presented on behalf of Trinity Parish Guild, Women’s Auxiliary, Trinity Club (now inactive), Sunday School, Chancel Guild, envelope, secretary, the treasurer, organ, committee chairman, lay dele gate to; Synod, Cent-A-Meal fund chairman and the auditors. « The rector named Mrs, Wil liam Parker and Mrs. Percy .Weston as • scrutineers for the election.. He expressed regret that Mrs. .John E. Howard was not able io continue on/as par ish treasurer due to ill health and also Mrs. John Jowett, en velope clerk, both of whom had served so <■ faithfully for many years and there was deep thanks <and appreciation extend ed to them. .. , The Trinity Guild served an ehjoyable, lunch at the con* clusiph of the meeting. The,,church officers are as follows: .rector’s warden, Fred ArkSl;.,people’s warden, Lloyd W.. Scotchmer; board of man agement, (by election), Mrs. Wm. E. Parker, Mrs. Percy Weston,..Harry,jr. Baker, Mrs. LloydScotdimer,;..Mrs. J. R. Larson arid- Robert Turner| board of management (appoint-; ed by the rector), Mrs. Alfred LeBeau, . Jbhn M. Stewart, George „ Bellchamber, Mrs, Leonard Smith, J. B. Higgins ahO. , ;; .Alfred Le- Bcau; enyelopg .glork,.vMrs. Wm; E. Parker; vestry, cierk-secae?. tary to the bbaJijfy Harry Fl Baker; lay delegate io Syhod^ Lloyd W. SCotchmer; sub-dele,-’ gate to Sybod. Fred Arkellf bh^rmaii of ridtsmen, Lloyd W# ^tostoHmer,; sub-cihaiirmen, Fre4 ArkejL.and Hdriry F, Bakert auditors,., J. E. Hovey, George Bellchamber , and t Harry Fl Baker; chairman ’ '’of Cent -A* M&al Fund, Mrs. George Bell* Chgto^1'’' ^dodt representatives,- George,BellchamibOr and Robert Turner. The ladiies of Unlit Four of Ontario Street United Church Women gathered for a delicious pot luck supper in the church parlour on Monday evening, January 23. The meeting was .opened' by the group leader, Mrs. George Colclough, who gave a reading entitled “Beginning of the New Year in UCW work”. Mrs. Roy Wheeler read the scripture and the worship period ^closed with prayer. A chapter from the study book about the co-operation be tween the churches and the Government in Canada was given by Mrs. Keith Tyndall. A quiz on Canada was also en joyed. During the business period, Mrs. Ross Trewartha was ap pointed program convener for Unit 4. Plans for a Centennial project were discussed. Brucefiedd United Church held its annual congregational meeting in the' Sunday School rooms after a pot-luck supper on Wednesday evening, January 18. Rev.{ E. Donald Stuart was chairman of the. annual meeting and1Melyiu Graham was ap pointed secretory. . • Financial reports were guven by, all church' orgarMzajttons. .Rev. Stuart, heartily thanked all organizations for a busy and profitable year. He especially thanked the organist-, Miss Bar bara Swan and the choir. Rev. Stuart was also thanked for his fine work .in- his first full year as pastor of the Bruce- field-Kippen pastoral charge. Stewart Wilson was appoint ed to the board of stewards for a three-year term. Retiring stewards were Alex MdBeath, Gerald Horton, Glen Swan and Mrs. Mel Graham. W. D. Wilson and Elgin Thompson were re-elected to the session for a five-year term. William. Fotheringham is clerk of the session. The meeting was closed with prayer in memory of members who had passed .away in 1966: Mrs. Isabella Ann Kennard, Mrs. Margaret Rebekah Reid, William J. Reid and Lome Pepper, During the year there were three marriages in the church and two baptisms. Eight per sons, joined the church on pro fession of faith and five by transfer during the past year. —......■■■■ ■■■»■—■< D. ‘Sew’ for Spring New Spring Sewing Materials have arrived — and are selling! WOOLS — COrtONS RAYONS— SYNTHETICS THREADS — ZIPPERS — BUTTONS BUTTERICK PATTERNS In Slock Make; our store yoUr head quarters f6r sewih'4 needs. REMNANTS Steet talcing j>r6clG6^d i lot of new Rlffirianfs Leek them over. ALL WINTER GOODS COATS — STRETCH SUMS — SKIRTS—DRESSES. Are being sold if '^RicJiculously L6# Prices"* There is a lot of Winter still Be dressed for if* *0 / fV LckHm' Wear and Dry Good* ' f if BAYFIELD — Rev. E. J. B. Harrison conducted the instal- •latiOn. service for the officers of Trinity Branch Women's Auxiliary Thursday 19. Seven sent, Mr. Harrison expressed thanks and appreciation for the work of the branch arid1, in tihiis Centennial year he adjured the members to remember our heri tage and the gift God has given to His Church. Mr. Harrison conducted exer cises and Mrs. J. B. Higgins, president, read a poem. Mrs. G. N. Rivers; .treasurer, gave a splendid financial report for the year in detail, showing all committments jnet and a balance on hand. The secretary, Mrs. C» E. Diehl, read an appeal from the Students, Christian Movement, University of .Western Ontario, for support, and! a donation of $10.00 was. given. Thanks was expressed ■ for Rowers received at Christmas by shut-ins. It was decided to hold a card party on Shrove Tuesday, ^February 7 in the Parish Halil in the evening, instead of a pan cake supper. Mrs. G. R. Rivers agreed to be convener and chose her committee. Mrs. Morgan Smith, educa tional secretary, touched briefly oh the history of the Church of England. The early part was in Newfoundland. In 1750 it be came established1 in Nova Scotia., Rev. Charles Inglis, a missionary here was consecrat ed Bishop in 1787. Then he or dained priests. At that time, Bishop Inglis* see was from: Halifax, west in Canada. Bishop Mountain came Jo Quebec and that Diocese was set aside in 1825. The church worked west. Later, Bishop Strachan became the first Bishop of Toronto and has territory included the Huron district. Mrs. Smith pointed out in teresting facts concerning the Family Compact as it has be come known in history, work of the theran Lay Mennonites. Mrs. Eric interesting letter from Sister Dorothy Dykes in Nigeria and led in the Prayer Partner’s prayer. Following the closing prayers said by the rector, Mrs. F. A. Clift, hostess, served tea. She was assisted by Mrs. Morgan Smith. the Methodist and Lu- readcrs, and the Earl read a most Clinton Women’s Institute met in the Agricultural Office Board Room on Thursday after noon with Mrs. Wilfred Col- clough presiding. Members, an swered roll call - by naming changes in Clinton in the past year. Projects, for the Centen nial were discussed. Misis Lang ford gave a humorous reading and conducted a contest, won by Mrs. McGill. A euchre party is planned for February 16 in the Council Chambers. A dele gate is to be sent to the Officers Conference in Guelph in May. Mrs. Crich’s committee served a dainty lunch. WE PICK UP AND DELIVER Open Saturday 10-12 Noon PHONE 482-9491 Remember — "A pleased customer is our best advertisement*' u iii. - L <. ■ M v' w ATTENTION! SHAMROCK CHEMICALS LONDON LIMITED ■ Movies - - Refreshrnenfs 4 MEETING In Cehtral Huron Secondary $cKool Auditorium. Princess StM Clintoii Thur. Feb. 9 at 8:00 Hear Aboyf fh^ Latest in Weed Cbntfol And Find Out ^bout IMRAN'S Talks »■ *I|MW For news, for views, for wide and varied entertain ment, nothing can beat your weekly newspaper! And all for just 12c per week when purchased at a newsstand; OR Subscribe By The Year Only $5.00 Clinton News-Record t(The Home Paper With The New^J The Clinton News-Record may be Purchased at +he following Clinton and District Stores: In CUNTON— BARTLIFFS BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON IGA STORE NEWCOMBE'S Rexall DRUG STORE McEWAN'S BQOK STORE GORD LAWSON BILIARDS BILL GERMAN'S BOWLING ALLEY MILT & MABEL'S RESTAURANT CLINTON NEWS-RECORD OFFICE In BAYFIELD— CLIFF UTTER'S STORE In LONDESBORO— THOMPSON'S STORE LONDESBORO LOCKER SERVICE In BRUCEFIELD— PATERSON'S STORE In HOLMESVILLE— D. E. GLIDDON'S GENERAL STORE In VARNA— W. T. McASH GENERAL STORE At CFB CLINTON C. & W. GROCETERIA In GODERICH— BLUE'S SUPERMARKET FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP CRAIGIE'S POOL ROOM In SEAFORTH— KEATING'S DRUG STORE In HENSALL— WILSON'S DRUG STORE In KIPPEN— KIPPEN STORE In AUBURN— G. IL TAYLOR'S STORE