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Clinton News-Record, 1967-01-12, Page 7
>n Auburn and District WES BhAPHPCK-~--C^r>,eBPon<l^nt--r-!>hone 524-759S i an v Thurs., Jan. 12, News-Record—-Page 7 ■"S * NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Local Plant Planning for Expo Exhibit Norman Young, left, general manager of Harriston Fertilizers Limited, . Clinton, is shown here with Dr. George Fisher, assistant project co-ordinator of the.agricultural pavilion of Expo. Theme of-,the pavilion is “Man the Pro vider”. . The meh; met at the annual convention of the Eastern Canada fertilizer manufacturers in Quebec City in December; The local plant along 'with other fertilizer manufacturers is cosponsoring a project in the soils’building at the Expo agricultural pavilion. The theme of the project will be “soil ahd its ‘•'fertility’!.' •’ ' ’/ , \ ■ An ^enffhusliastie. group of'12 m'ambers-of St? James’ Women’s- ' Auxiliary. launched their' 1967 guild, and mission-program, with iritefesitiing new... thoughts-1 and . plans for the coming, year; The '.roll .caijl' was „ansiwierpd-by the payment of; membership fees. . Mrs. Don - Middleton Was . hostess.- for th’©- January 4 meet ing. " z The 'president; opened the meeting with ’New * Year’s thoughts. The ihstallatibn of of ficers for .1967. .follcnybd With the' Rev. E. J,. B. Harrison of ficiating,’ ' ' . Worship service was conduct ed .by the- leader -for the month, Mrs.-,;.Ed. Wise,. Thoughts on what -the Ceiitenhfeil Will mean to -the 'individual Oanadian' and ■ - to 'the rural "W.A', group -as a whole were. expressed ” by the president. She reminded mem bers of the Prime Minister’L. B, Pearson’s hopes for each Canadian’s" acWe^participhtion’ dh the smaller, communities’ Centennial program where they will learn fo> kriolw ones own district, as well, as our country, even better; • : She suggested that to add to the already ■accomplished Cen tennial prod edts’ of the WA each member should keep a’personal ‘Centennial .Social' S'eiryice Cal endar. This -would be a record of all riei'ghboiurs, shut-ins, or friends that they may visit or entertaiin each month* and! a' re port of this would be recorded . at each regular ■ WA meeting 'during the-year. This, was later * approved by the group. -A social1 convener Was ap pointed, Mrs. Alvin Dutojt,- "wiho Will set up a plan Where’ each- month two different members will provide and’ serve one thing for lunch and the hostess will be responsible only for tea. Mrs. Storey and Mirs? -John Grigg displayed' .sample, choir gowns and plans were developed ■ for.th© makmg oif gowns for the church Choir. Members will be ■contacted very shortly for as sistance in completing, this pro? ject. - ’ . Arrangements were made for the customary'card parties’ held at HolmJCsville with dates set for Saturday/ January 14 and Friday, January 27. Because the Bake Sale Funds proved’so satisfactory in 1966 it was unanimously decided to carry oh the same idea, of 25c a week tax per member for 10 •months rather than having a ...... ’ ' ■ .............' Announcing the Opening of ■ WESTERN ONTARIO'S NEWEST HEARING AID CENTRE With the finest, quickest service available in yoUr ? t home or at our office. . . summer bake sale, < The regular December .reports' were given by their respective leaders and also excellent ‘ an nual! reports, for 1966 were given thus: secretary’s ’ report, Mrs. John Grigg; treasurer’s, Mrs. Keith Miller; Doteas, "Mrs. John Smith; Card, .t Mrs. Ray ’W!iSe; Ohirtfetmas card sales,. Mrs. Ed. Wise.. - The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison announced1 the vestry meeting would be held Tuesday evening,’ January 17, the place yet to HOLMESVILLE Robert. Grigg accompanied by Biiil Sha’ddidk, - Lo.ndeisboiro, left oh Thursday' for Winnipeg to visit Mr. -and 'Mrs. William Wiillkes and family. Mr.*-and Mrs. ’William/Nor man and Sbiirley and Mtr. and .Mrs. Doug/Norrnan attended- a family dinner on Sunday at/the home of Mr; arid Mrs.- Herb Hinz, New Hapiburg;- the- oct oasion ’ belling the, 90'flhbliribhday 'of ■ Mrs./ Frank- Noiriman..^. . be decided.' ' . Master Jim Middleton flavor ed .the members/ with two musi cal setfecteons on his electric Hawaiian guitar.- i*Mr. and Mrs,' Robert J. Phil lips: spent 'New^^ta4^ Pay wbh Mrs. Dora Jewellandfamlily at. Davgt’s: Street, Gpderi<?h.‘ - '$jrs, Richard Jbyth, wiiih be the guest speaker at the Auburn Women’s Institute nj^eitlihg'to be held‘on January 17. iij, Auburn Community Mem orial Hall. Mrs. Robert' Turner convener of Agriculture ' and Canadian Industries, asked Mi’S. Snell to, be special speaker.’ The rpli call ’is'■to be answered by naming: an industry that was. operating, ip ;thi^ community -100 years: ago, The president, Mrs, Donald Hairies, is ’asking every member to bring suggestions how We .can celebrate. Canada’s Qentehniai year. ’ . / . ; Mr, apd Mrs. John R, Weir; London, 'and her mother, Mrs,. Eustace visited' ewer the week- end With’: thjeljr daughter, Mrs’., tVi'llitan Stiles and Mr- Stiles,’ Friends of Mrs, Ed, Davies will*' be pleased to hear that she is recovering from surgery in St, Joseph's Hospital, .London; Mr. Davies- is vtiiSliting with Mr. and Mrs- Cliff Bastla of Lon-' d'ori. . . • .. Mr. ■ -and. Mrs,. Wilfred San derson and • daughters, . Misses Margaret ..and Mary visited last Monday- with Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Yodngblut and family and Miss Barbara Sanderson" at Woodstock. Mrsi Froitz Daterna left re cently :by plane yfor a* three week's visit. With relatives..in Groningen, Holland, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Tlarniil- ton and ferh'ijy,. .Goderich, visit ed last Sunday with Mr. and; Mrs,' Ben Hamilton, Loftus Street. ' . Miss Clara. Shultz went lust Wednesday to make her home in Huronvlew after several Week’s a patient ip Clinton Kippen Boys . Hurt In Crash / Two local boys' met with accident on Wednesday even ing, January 4 on No, 4 I-Iigili- way at Kipperi. Al Kyle, 19, son of Mr, - and Mrs,- William Kyle ■and'’Bob Leppington, 18, Vvehe in cobision with a. bulldozer, their oar .-being a. complete wreck, ■ s . Pr, • D. A. Ecker of Exeter, was? called- to the scene1' and had Kyle removed by Westlake Ambulance, Zurich, to South Hubon 'Hospital, . Exeter, and Leppington to St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London. Al is reported to have a broken collar bone, facial, head and back injuries while Bob had surgery on a crushed heel-and several stitch es on his face. -----------o_---------- IT S TOGETHERNESS After a New Year’s Eve celeT bpation in the’Wigan, England, town centre, police found'- a set- of false .teeth, still gripping a cigar. / ■ e ■ . '* Public Hospital. Friends are pleased to- see William J'. Craig able to be- up street-after has fab. when he in jured his ankle, Mrs, Beth Lansiing and Miss, Bernice Mcpougab began• th'eiir new positions at- the new Bel grave Distinct School last week. Mi’s, Lansing -has been at SS 16, East Wawanosh and Miss McDougall has been at. the Westfield school. Both these schools in East Wawanosh. have been closed. 1 • J. Robertson returned last week 'after spending Christmas week in Hamiilton wW his daughter, Mrs, I-Iarold Kitchen, Mr. Kitchen and' family. * Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tucker smith are requested by the Council to not park cars on Township Roads and streets during the winter months In order to facilitate snowplowing operations. - >. .... .. /' Council wifi riot be responsible fpr damages to any vehicles parked on, roads or streets. Council requests that the residents of the Township of Tupkersmith do ppt push or dump snow on Township Roads. # jaivies i. mcin.tosh, Clerk-Treasurer, Tuckersmith. 2-3-4b 7 1. p| I TRAIN TO TORONTO tc^roA/$? 20Ask about convenient departure and return times 1 , ’ . ’ ’ * . V* f For Information, phone the local. . CN Passenger Sales Office IsMwr OM CANADIAN NATIONAL fare i ! i’ ♦* 40-65 £ ? i i, ?‘ r Grinds! '.Mixes!- Delivers! AUNT MARY’S STARLAC 1 1 lb. 49c ¥ ■MRMM) f 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7b iti.ibi.iMbibJrt'HiMi.Wail diiiitiiiiiii i'Miiiii Abi5f<ES§ .................. iiUAir i ^£>Ulir 1 jiii'iiiiitf ftlii'oiXr • ilali.ilfr . ‘MiMiiUB 'ifyitikH- BUTTER Make us Prove if wif h a Demonstration I H. LOBB & SONS, EQUIPMENT Bayfield Road CLINTON — Phone 482-9431 Mbte fhan SPECIALLY SELECTED VALUE CHECK'D TENDER YOUNG LOIN OF PORK TENDERLOIN PORTION FOR ROASTING * PLAIN FEEDER • CRUSHER HEAD PRODUCE The Gehl Mix-AU, with econoihy plain feeder and exclusive' crusher-feeder attachment, grinds, mixes and delivers the most uniform on-the-farm feed. Here’s proof:' Samples of feed grains, ground by Gehl and competitive mills, were compared in a "sieve -shaker” analysis (a grinding uniformity test used also by com- s mercial feed • manufacturers). In test after test, Gehl samples were the most uniformly ground. And, the more uniform the ’grind, the better the mix! In the Mix-All hammermill, 66 thin, alloy-steel ham mers cut . * . not pound ingredients on a big grinding surface for, faster feed flow with reduced “fines.” Come on in for a close-up look, at all the Mix-All features,’ including the, swinging auger-feeder. 6 century of • PORK CHOPS 79c lb COPACO - WHYTE SIMCOE BRAND COPACO - WHYTE BRAND SKINLESS WIENERS "FRESH" PORK LIVER % Ontario Potatoes 25 lbs. "FRESH" MEATY PORK HOCKS 69c CELLO — 14-oz. TOMATOES 2 for 49c Goderich Hearing Aid Service 100 ANGLESEA STREET GODERICH — PHONE 524-6562 able, behind thb Canadian made, only one in the world, a design^award winner this year from $259.00. EYEGLASS. aids.ahd mariy others the smallest aid tri, the world, fitting right in the eat will do' rtiost people. WRITE or telephone us today’ for an ap- polntment W home service. Highest trade- in allowances, all batteries in stock and . guaranteed fre&i? YOU WILL NRVfeR BE SORRY YOU CALLEb US GODERICH HEARING AID SERVICE 100 ANGLESEA STREET — GODERICH — PHONE 524-6542 MclNTOSH or SPY APPLES 5 lbs. for 59c OUR MOTTO — Service, Satisfaction or Money Refunded. Special Until Feb. 15: Any aid shall carry 2 year warranty and free service,v YES, we have'Japanese bearing aids at $39,95, but don't be fnisled by city adver tising that states they will dd all pebple.' A cheap hearing aid is like a cheap car — not too much good. CANADIAN aids from $179.50, recharge-' tSODRRfCH REAhMOi Alb iWvftk ’ bears Site: Please have your reptesehtativti cal I on US Re Purchase Q Re Service □ 9f a heaflin& aid NAME! SUNKIST ORANGES 2 Doz. 99c 7 save 20c COPACO - WHYTE PURE PORK SAUSAGE COPACO - WHYTE BOLOGNA - By The Piece FRESH "LEAN" MEATY SPARE RIBS FRESHLY GROUND CHUCK STEAK - Minced BREAD 5 Loaves $1.00 INSTANT MILK 3 lbs. $1.00 WITH PURCHASE Of 2 G.E. LIGHT BULBS AT REGULAR PRICE 59c