HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1967-01-12, Page 4CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (REVISED May J, 1966) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within IQ. days of the last insertion, REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 50c DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notice? FREE. DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 b—■IJI.I., ■■■I,,.,, ", , Page 4--—Clinton News-Retard—r-Thurs,, Jan. 12, 1967 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT i FURNISHED heated one bed­ room apartment. Ceriel Van Damme, Phone 482-6685. 2tfb ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, furnished or unfurnish- . ed, Lloyd , Batkin, 482-7057.'2tflb 2. BEDROOM COTTAGE, with modern conperiiences, unfurn­ ished. Phone 482-9087. • 2-3-4b 2 ■ BEDROOM- unfurnished apartment. Phone 482-6675. ONE 2 BEDROOM unfurnished upstairs apartment. Phone 482- 6694. 40tfl: APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, un­ furnished, centrally - located, a- • vailable February .15. Phone 482-7779. \ 2h COUNTRY HOME for. rent; all modem, conveniences; Oil fur­ nace, 8 miles from CEB ''Cl'in- ton. 'Phone 482-3251. 1, 2t FARM HOME, furnished or un­ furnished, new oil furnace, and plumbing, rent reasonable to in- . terested tenant. Phone 527- 0466. ._________. ' 2p 2 BEDROOM HOUSE on high­ way near Bayfield. All con­ veniences, .. furnished, oil furn­ ace, Available ri<nv. Phone 482- 9244 after '6 p.m. ’ 47tfb ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished, fully modern, all con­ veniences paid ■ with rent. $75; per month. Paul Bunyan Apart­ ments, Bayfield, 'Phone 565- 2422 2tfb 1 BEDROOM apartment, fpr- nishpd, heated, private bath, washing • facilities, . Available January 15. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after 5 p.m*; 2p tfb 3 < BEDROOM unfurnished ground floor. . self-contained apartment. Alsq a 2 bedroom unfurnished apt. 46 Princess St. W. Phone 482-9005/ / 49tfb ACCOMMODATION wanted FURNISHED. Housekeeping room wanted by single service- main Apply to Box 20,. Clinton News-Record. 2b ARTICLES FOR SALE BABY’S CRIB with mattress in good condition. Ph. 482-9228, 2b GENERAL ELECTRIC refrig­ erator, .small size in good con- dlitiion, Phone 482-9318. 2p NEW POTATOES for sale; also vegetables and beefzand pork by the half. Phone 482-7578. IGtfb i SIMPLICITY Washers now a- vaijable at T. A. Dutton Appli- - ances, Brucefield. Open even­ ings. 38tfb CAREFREE HEATING — For. the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we' give free burner, • service. A. G- GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. tfb 20%’, DISCOUNT ON ALL HOCKEY EQUIPMENT in stock, at ELLWOOD EPPS Sports Shop, King Street, Phone 482-9622. , ' . - . 2b APPLES, Spys, Delicious, Snows, Greenings, Baldwins, etc. Free, delivery in Clinton and CFB houses. Phone 482- 3214, Fred McClymonit, Varna. . • ’ . -47tfb TWO SINGLE metal beds- wliith springs; youth bed, complete; crib; play pen; .cammode chair; Stroller. Phone 482-7339 or 46 Winnipeg, Road, Adastral Park. . 2, 3b WOOD FOR SALE, heavy hard maple and beech slab Wood. De­ livered to your yard — 7 cords far $28. or 5 cords for $20. Craig’s Sawmill, Auburn/ Phone 526-7220. l-3b PICTURE > FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture 40 eow ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE FOR SALE — cedar posts. Cut your own — Reasonable. Phone 482-9209. 2, 3b APPROXIMATELY 300 bales wheat straw. Phone 482-3216. _________ 1, 2p BLOW the snow with a Snow ‘ Blow. Has the clearance for deep snow. Three-jpolint hitch or can be mounted on any« tractor. George Troyer, RR 2, Hensall. Phone 262-5282 or 236-4072. ' ■ l-8b FARROWING CRATES save baby pigs, all steel easy adjust­ ment, mounted troughs for easy feeding or trough and bowl. George Troyer, RR 2, Hensall, Phone 262-5282 or 236-4072, • ‘ 50-17b i CLINTON FARM CENTRE Now Open . 22 Isaac Street • PURINA FEEDS • SANITATION • FARM SUPPLIES Regular Store Hours M. W. DURST - Phone 482-9333 BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 Rattehbury Street East Clinton Sanitary Steel Stabling Gutter Cleaners Silo Unloaders Pressure Systems, etc. Inquire about our new Universal Wagon and Chain Harrpws Phone 482- 9561 WANTED PIANO BENCH for family use. Phone 482-7483. 2b BOY’S SUIT, size 16-18, waist •30”, charcoal preferred, phone 482-7780. 2p FOR SALE 2000 BALES HAY for sale, good quality. H. Bovetn, Plhone 482-7170. . 1, 2p LARGE QUANTITY of hay, straw and grain. Will deliver.' Don- Greidianus, Londesboro, phione 523-4420; 1, 2p HALF CARLOAD baled shav- ings arriving in Clinton about January' 24, approx. 350 bales. Ken Thompson, RR 1, Londes­ boro, Phone 527-1915. 2p SERVICES OVER 30 YEARS' dependable service at low cost. John Bach, Seaforth, Phone 527-0120. Your IH dealer. 32tfb ARROW. Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvoline iriotor oils and greases — delivered to farm ■— new equipment loaned, Gordon Grigg, Phone 482-9411, 39tfib AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Licensed, arid capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482-3384. ' 7tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING . & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 482-7269 Licence 25-C-66 482-3384. il■V ARTICLES FOR SALE DRAPERY PtJLL ' RODS — Trapk, curtain rods, Venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win­ dow blinds. Free estimates giyen. Irwin's Dry Goods. __________ ‘ ‘ ’ '' ‘ tfb 3 GLASS SHOW CASES, 6 ft. and 8 ft.; magazine stand, sten­ cil righ. writer set; 2 two-deck .store tables,- 5 ft. and 9 ft.; 3 small display cases, 2 small tables. R. R, McK'ihdsey, Sea­ forth, Phone 527-1504. 2p VACUUMCLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoSes and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach­ ines of dll makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 262-5350 .tfb FEED THE BIRDS Sunflower Seeds Wild Bird Food Mixture Bird Feeding Stations Available At WETTLAUFER’S FEED MILL 35 Mary St., Clinton Phone 482-9792 2b HOBBERLIN Tailored-To-Measure SUITS, EXTRA PANTS FREE OR 20% OFF I PANT SUITS SAVE UPyTO $40.00 SALE PRICE FROM $75.50 HERMAN'S * MEN'S WEAR 2-3b After stock taking we find our total exceeds our insurance— This js your opportunity to cash in on real bargains. EXTRA SPECIAL FIRST QUALITY STRETCH BANLON TOP NYLONS 39c per pair Only 1 pair to a customer. BAYFIELD WOOLLEN SHOR Phone 565-2813 2b ARTICLES WANTED AUTOS FOR SALE 1965 CHEVY H Nova, 2 door hardtop, 283 stick shift. Phone 482-9150 after 6 p.ni. 2b 1965 PLYMOUTH Fury HI Convertible. Still under guaran­ tee. Will accept trade. Phone 482-9613: . 2p CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SNOW ploughing — driveways, lots etc. Evenings or weekends. Jack tapping ton, phone 482-9789. 2p .FOR YOUR ANTENNA sales and service contact Hartry Land, RR 2, Goderich, Phone 524-6488. ’50-2b DECORATING, paper hanging and painting •— interior or ex­ terior. Doug Dalton, Seaforth. Phone 527-0962. l-4p JACK’S FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP. Furniture and other wooden articles repaired; At rear of No. 84 Albert St. Phone 482-9695—John Plumtree. 21tfb ORTHOPEDIC’ and general Shoe Repair. Our Clinton De­ pot is. at 55 Albert Street at Aliasings Store. Hank’s Shoe. Repair, 71 Hamilton St;, Gode­ rich. I '• 38tfb ■I CALL REG. SMITH SIGNS for truck lettering, farm signs, sale banners, highway, bulletins, plastic signs, gold leaf. All work guaranteed. Corner East and High, Clinton. Phone 482- 9793. 42tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modem Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or phone Harvey Dale, Seaforth Phone 527-1406 24tfb CLINTON CAB CALL GEORGE McGEE At 482-7011 24tfb USED ALUMINUM wheel­ barrow wanted. Phone 482-3226. 2b L White Ash Logs Best cash prices paid. fiLGlN HANDLES LIMITED* 631-0330 st. Thomas, Ont . l-4b Clinton CommtiniYy Auction Soles EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 pjiL Government Inspected SoalM Cattle Srild by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager ......................................................... 'i i "ini i We Specialize In . , . .. Furnace installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plurfibing lristailatidn$ Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES * SERVICE 46 Kina Street Phone 482-7652 Is Travel Our National Past Time? CUSTOM WORK WATCH REPAIR fe a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter’s Jewellery, Huron County'^ Oldest; Esta­ blished Jewellery Store. tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert­ ly . done. All odd jobs around the home., Kitchen cupboards a specialty, Phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn, 52tfb HELP WANTED MALE GOOD opportunity — Make extra money in’spare,time; sell Rawleigh Products.-, No experi­ ence or investment. Write Raw- leigh’s Dept. A-169-1911, 4005 Richelieu S*t„ §t, Henry, Mon­ treal,, ■ 2b LOST AND FOUND LOST — Male Beagle, brown( black and white. ’Phone 432- 3807. ___ _________ 2> 3p FOUND —. large ■black cat. O wner or anyone wanting a pet may have same by phoning 482- 9630.' . 2b MISCELLANEOUS Notice To Creditors In the Estate qf MABEL IRENE WALKER, Married Woman, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, de­ ceased, • All, persons claiming against the above Estate are -required to forward full particulars. of their claims to' ihe undersigned, on, .or before the 2nd day of February, t A.D. 1967, Which date the assets . will distributed, ' DONNELLY & MURRHY Barrister A? Solicitors, 18 TJie 1 Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for fhe Estate, ■ A a Notice To Creditors In the' Estate of GEORGE REGINALD McKIEL Late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County Of Huron, Retired Farmer^ « All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their-claims’ to, the undersigned on or before, the 19th day of January, 1967, after which date the assets'wMl*'be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 51, 1, 2b TV 'Itieutb * 1 dr> •* after fee 2, 3, 4b DAILY CAR RENTAL, rea­ sonable rates. McGEE’S, Gode­ rich. Phone 524-8391. 3tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don’t take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs, arid pearl re­ stringing. W. N. Counter. tfb NOTICE TJRI-TOWN Bookkeeping Ser­ vice — Phone 482-9260. 49tfh. ANYONE wishing to bent the Zurich Community . Hall or Arena please contact Mr. Lou'is Schilbe, Zurich, Ont. Phone 236-4982.'________’ ■ 51, 1; 2b PET STOCK GOOD HOME wanted for 2 pup- ipies, 6 weeks old. Will give a-, way all together or separately. Phone 482-3364, __________2p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth dainage and Other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv­ ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. REAL ESTATE EXETER — Modern 4 bedroom ranch style brick and cedar — attached garage, den, dining room, large living room with open fireplace, 4 pee.' and 2- pce baths, full- basement,- rec­ reation room, close to schools, churches and' down town, large landscaped lot. Terms to be ar­ ranged. 404’ Edward St. Phone 235-2835. .. 38tfb SERVICES SNOW CLEARING — lots, driveways, etc. Phone Shorty’s B.A., 482-7661. , 1, 2p ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin. Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. ' 18tfb MUSIC — Dance to the string Dusters Orchestra. Now open for' engagements, for the New Year. Phone 262-2143 Hensall. - 2p E. IL DOUCETTE Automatic Sharpening ' Service Hand saws re-toothed to any size, cleaned, set and sharpened. Circular saws and cross cut saws gummed and sharpened. Old saws made to cut better than new. Any make of . kind of saw repaired, meat saws, webb saws, swede saws, pruning saws, keyhole saws, .miter saws, stiff back saws. SKATE SHARPENING Rotary lawn mower blades sharpened and balanced. Sharp­ ening of chisel, plane and joint­ er blades, shears, snips, scis­ sors. Sharpening of wide range of household, industrial and farm tools. E. R. DOUCETTE (1 Block .East of Hospital) 168 Queen Street, Clinton Phone 482-9741 BIRTHS .CAMPBELL, — In Clinton Pub- lie Hospital on M°inday, Jan­ uary 9, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs, Dwight Campbell, Blyth, a daughter. CHETTLEBURGH — In Clin- ' ton Public Hospital on Sun­ day, January 8, 1967 to Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth Chettile- buvgh, Hensaili, a daughter. GALLON .— In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, January 6, 1967 to' Sgt. and Mrs. Henry' Gallon, Clinton, a daughter. . . CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all who sent cards during my recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr, Oakes and the nurses on first floor of Clinton Public Hospital.—GEORGE WALKER’. __ 2P The family of the -late Cor­ poral Clifford J. Wagar wish to sincerely thank all persons who ..were so thoughtful by their many acts of kindness and ex­ pressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to personnel at CFB Clinton, Bartliffs Bakery; Sgt, Fred Wood of Moose Jaw, ■Padre S/L Paul DeLong and Ball Funeral Home . —•, MRS, BETTY WAGAR and FAMILY. 2b ’ The family of the late George A. Leitch, wish to express their sincere thanks to all theiir friends, relatives and neighbors, ladies of Constance United Church, Hullett Masonic Lodge, Canadian Order of Foresters, Rev. TschJanz and Rev. Britton for kindnesses shown during -the illness and death of a 'dear hus­ band, father, and grandfather. — MRS. ANNIE LEITCH, MRS. ELMA JEWITT • and FAMILY. 2p We wish to express our sin­ cere thanks to all those who remembered us with floral tri­ butes, charitable donations, cards and acts of kindness dur­ ing our recent loss of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Bonthron Funeral.Chapel, Rev. E. Donald Stuart, Ladies of Brucefield United Church and the doctors and nurses at Clinton Public Hospital. To all those who help­ ed in so many ways. We wish to express our gratitude and thanks. — THE JARROTT FAMILY. - 2b l-52b Notice To Creditor? Irt the Estate of ELIZABETH MACDONALD, late Of the Town of Clinton in the County of - Huron, Widow, deceased. All, persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 10th day of December,1'A.D. 1966, are required to file full par­ ticulars thereof with the under­ signed on ot before the 30th day of January, A.D. 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the dairhs Of which the tin* dersigned : shall then . have notice. Dated Tat Clinton, Ontario, this‘9th day of Janhaiy A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, ............ ..............2,3,4b Classified Ads* Brintj Quick Results DEATHS HARRISON — At St. Mary's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, January 10, 1967, Rev. Law­ rence C. Harrison, Chatham, in- hiis 77th ye(ar. Rector at e Woodstock, Oldcasltle, Clin­ ton, Lucan and Dorchester and assistant rector at Bishop Cronyn Memorial Church, London, far several years after retirement in 1959. Fun­ eral service from Holy Trin­ ity Anglican Church, Chat­ ham, on Thursday, January 12. . Cremation, Woodland Crematorium, London. Burial in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London. JARROTT — In Clinton Public ■■ Hospital on Tuesday, January 3, 1967, Mrs. Eldbn Jarratt, Brucefield, formerly of Kip­ pen, in her 60th year. Funeral service from Bonthron Fun­ eral Home,, Hensall, on Fri­ day, January 6 with inter­ ment 'in Biayfield Cemetery* JOHNS — At Hospital for Side • Children, Toronto, on Tues­ day, January 10, 1967, Health- eh Elizabeth Johns, 332 Pat­ ricia Street, Kitchener, 3 day Old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon H. Johns. Surviving besides her parents; a sister; Jennifer,. at home; grand­ parents, Mr. and Mis. I-Iow- ard .Johns, RR 3, Seaforth and Mrs. Eric Staples, Owen Sound. Private service at 2 p.m. to-day from Bail Funeral Home, Clinton, with ary ehtamlbment Mausoleum* McCUNGHEY ■— 1. Public Hospital on , January 6,1967, Mrs* William McOlindhey, Clinton. Funeral service on Monday, January 9 from Ball Funeral Home With interment in Bayfield Cemetery. MOON In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday* Januiaxy 6, 1967* Carman Moon, RR 1, ■Londesboro. Funeral service from Dall Duntaal Home, Clinton, on Monday, Jahttoy 9 wGIth temporary entomb­ ment in Clinton Mausoleum.-j. ^m-Wfutihg . Ten. years ago a letter to the editor .appeared in ThQ Toronto Telegram complaining about Front Page Challenge. “I feel compelled to drop you a line to see what, if anything, can be done to have the program kept off TV screens.” .About the same time a tele­ vision reviewer wrote in his col­ umn: “W.e- think disaster 'is not far off,” i Originally planned as a sum- mer replacement, “Challenge” is currently celebrating its 10th season on CBC-TV. The original panel consisted of Alex Barris, Scott Young, Toby- Robins, and Gordon Sin-, clair. Moderator was Wiin Bar­ ron.. x -• After the first 13 weeks, Fred Davis became the moderator; Pierre Berton was signed “ up; Gordon Sinclair arid Toby Robins stayed, and guest panel­ fats Were .introduced for show. A few years later, left for England and her was taken up nedy — thus panel that has ever since. The list of such diverse and pewswioritihy people as: Harold- Wliilson, Gypsy Rose Lee,. Gordie Howe, Eleanor Roosevelt, Gyoucho Marx, Mary Pickford, George Jesteel and Zsa Zsa Gabor. The first program in 1967 featured Sir John A. Macdonald ■ ('in the person of actor Robert Christie) and Prime’ Minister Pearson- — the first time a cur­ rent Prime Minister has ap­ peared on Front Page. Chal­ lenge. Sinclair, the s'ole original panelist, never missed an ap­ pearance .until his illness last fall. He is now back — first re­ turning as a “mystery guest” in December thus gliving his -fellow panelists the chlance to ask him all about the money he makes. The present Front Page per­ sonalities should be able to make the show last another ten. years. >!s . * - * . . 1 The world’s most famous television policeman ■ will soon be back on TV — and the only thing new about him will be the fact that he has' been die-- moted. Jack Webb, star *and producer of the new half-hour, colour Dragnet series, says that Joe Friday Will be the* sarnie man’ the fans enjoyed during the series’ prize-winning days of the ’50s. But when the series went off the air in .1959, Joe Friday had been promoted to lieutenant. He’ll drop back down to ser­ geant in the new series. . “Having Joe Friday as a lieutenant • was a mistake. It limited us. too much,” explains Webb, a stickler fori reality. “The sergeants .are the guys who do the questioning and the leg work — and’that’s what' I want Friday to be. doing, so there goes’ his promotion.” “People are' more interested in law enforcement today than they ever have been in the past,” says Webb. “We'- will show them- how it is actually done —- with no ‘poetic license’ and no convenient gunfights to solve the story.” each Tciby chair Ken-by Beitfy completing the remained intact guests include I, DEATHS NIXON — In Seaforth Com­ munity Hospital on Wednes­ day, January 4, 1967, Mjiss. Mary Jane - (Minnie) Nixon in her 92nd year. Survivors:: sisters, Mrs. John (Mabel) Brindley, Goderich; Mrs. Joseph A. .(Florence) Smith, Seaforth; brother A. Dale, R'R 4, Seaforth. Funeral ser­ vice from R. S. Box Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Saturday, January 7 With temporary en­ tombment in Pioneer Mem­ orial Mausoleum, Seaforth. At HuronvieW on Tuesday, January 10, 1967, Mrs. James A, Reid, formerly of Seaforth, ih her 91st year. Survivors, include a daughter, Mirs. George T. . (Marty) Sin­ clair, London; sister, Mrs, John. (IMyrtle) McAsh, Varna. Funeral service from G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Sea­ forth on Thursday, January 12 at 2 p.rri. with interment in Bayfield Cemetery. REID hi in tempor- Clfntofi CHnton Friday; BY DOROTHY BARKER I think one of the most frus­ trating experience^ is ip not being able to challenge a state­ ment made by a person being interviewed on television. Or, as in the- case I am about to relate, an opportunity to cor­ rect the irrterviewef. ’ A charming .continental,- a young woman born and raised in Berlin, .Germany, who has choSen Canad'a as her adopted country’ recently returned (to the Jand of her birth. The early trend pf her interview on’ a noontime broadcast was the fact that there has been no publicity,on thie European Con­ tinent for. Dxpo 67. ' She safid she had visited as many tourist bureaus during, her summer va­ cation as it was possible to contacj;, but in not one had she ‘ found ■ any literature whatever promoting pur World Exhi­ bition In several though she found ,CN brochures outlining the advantages of travel by rail in .Canada. She contended this country is missing a bet in not organizing bus and rail tours to attract Europeans to our shores, during our centennial celebrations. . . • Elwood Glover,’ well known TV network personality) con­ tended' 'Canadians are not in­ terested in travel which mlilght aepount for the fact that they, are not tour .conscious. I want­ edto climb right into my TV set and quote a recent para­ graph from the Washington Daily News which read: “It may’ come as a shock to some United States citizens but they are not the world’s ‘traveling- est'- people. Statistics reported by ASTA -Travel News, publi­ cation of the American Society, of Travel Agents, reveals . that a much higher percentage of the Canadian- population takes foreign trips. ‘ ' Canadians spend $35.20 per capita bn travel, which is dose to four times the $9.70 spent by US citizens.” Should Know Own Country Mr. Gloverasked his guest if, during her ’ travels, across . Canada she had met many Can­ adians. His remark was that few-had ever travelled outside the 'environs of their own pro­ vince. CNR's outgoing President Donald Gordon, however, has' contended that Canada’s pub­ licly. owned' railway passenger services Will be a paying propo­ sition by 1971. Tourists from outside our country cannot make it come true. Canadians must contribute a large part of this expected revenue. I cannot argue about Expo 67 publicity abroad'. I. know its public relations department has done an outstanding job in its national publicity Treleases’. I can, however, dispute. Mir. Glover's statement. I expect I cross' Canada from coast to coast by rail as frequently as any traveller. I would estimate, because of the .conversations I /■'".......... ..■■■■ u ,haye bear'd during the coffee hour in the lounge,, cars of transcontinental trains, that Canadian passengers, as against the tourists, number •ait' least five to one.' Travel agents, who dp pro­ mote tours, haven’t any time to lose if they want to benefit from the attraction of Expo 67. The point made by this broad­ cast was that Europeans have a habit of making their travel plans well in advance. I‘must commend this young lady for her interest in Canada and con­ cern for Expo’s attendance. She will- certainly be cordially.wel­ comed When hdr anticipated Canadian citizenship is award­ ed her two years from now. ------- _o------,— Edward Keating, Seaforth Druggist Died on Sunday ■V J, Edward Keating, 71, a Sea­ forth druggist and foamer mayor, .died Sunday at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. A druggist there since 1923, ■Mr. Keating served, on Seaforth ' council for 13 years, during -which he held the mayoralty for two .years.. When he died he was finance chairman of the Seaforth Com- muniity Hospital Board and had been secretary-treasurer of Britannia Masonic Lodge for the past 37 yeans. He was a charter member of Seaforth Lions Club, member of Seaforth Legion and was a Stainer, ' During the'First World War he served overseas ' from 1914 to 1918. - • Surviving are his wife, -the former Elsie Hagerman; a daughter, Mrs. David (Merle) Hoover, Sbaforth; a son, Ken­ neth E., Hartford, Conn.; and a sister, . Mrs. George (Mabel) Swanston,. Toronto. The funeral, service was held Wednesday at the R, S. Box Funeral Home, Seaforth, Rev. Douglas O. Fry, First Presby­ terian Church, officiated. Tem- porary tatofnibment'’''' was in. Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum, Seaforth. ' ’ ------------o-------—■ - IT TAKES MONTHS TO GROW ONE A Montreal lawyer selected a bright student at McGill Uni­ versity to join his law firm after he. completed a year’s study- abroad. The young man returned with a beard. The at­ torney looked him over at some length ' when he reported for work. “Young man,” he said at last, “I have no objection to that beard. Just don’t wear'it dur­ ing office hours.” . JANUARY CLEARANCES AND GAT TTGS pSPntnh JU JEl ■■'.R'R',- BUY NOW AND SAVE MEN'S WASH PANTS " Well Known Brand, 1AII Sizes *-*• All Shades......... Clinton News-Record offers a complete selection of Werfdfnjg ahnouhberrtohts styled for the discrim­ inating. (tskfof1* Pickett & Campbell Limited Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 482-9732 .........;...- .......—.............................................. .. ■ ,< BOYS’ WASH PANTS Sanforized Cottort. Sizes 12 to 18 yrs......... ONE PRICE BOYS'DR Rayon Blends Sizes 12 td 16 OWE PRICE