HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-22, Page 12pec. 22, 19£6*^CIinton Y2 f TH E O NTARIO LOAN AN P p.gB E JM T y R E Q 0 M PA NY . Established 1870 As$et§ $75,000,000 > Capital & Reserve $9,000,000 OZ paid on 3,4 & 5 year /C* debentures or 6’/4%paidon ■p 1 & 2 year debentures mi . Offices; Toronto • Hamilton * Ottawa • St. Thomas CLINTON Kinsmen Ponies BeatMitchell 6-4 OlliTLlpir Kinsmen peewee lpst itiieijg? home game here on Monday to Mitchell -by a. 6-4 score. ;•* Mitchell led 2-Q at the end of the first period, 4y2| .at the end of the second and .each team added, two in ths third. Brian Langille led the Ponies with three’gpals,'and he assist- ed Bill Oantelpn wiith the other gqal, Stirling; Edgar, Blake and Can tel on picked up assists. , , On Monday night at 6:30, Hensall plays here, with the next home gome on January 3. Clinton goes to Mitchell January 2.' ------------o-----■.— Bantams Tie Zurich 5-5 The Clinton bantam hockey team, sponsored' by Huron Fish and Game dub are still looking for a win in the WO AA league after two starts. Last Wednesday in Hensall arena, Zurich held the Clinton team to a 5-5 tie, and Clinton had lost to Hensall the previous week. Next home game here is on Wednesday, January 4 with Sieafloaith. On Friday-the locals go to HensiaU, next Wednesday, December 28 tfiey play in Mil­ verton and in Mitchell on Mon­ day, January 2. -----------o----------- Clinton Colts Still Winless Clinton’s young intermediate hockey team-, the Colts, have had their troubles thus season; they haven’t won a game yet. Last week they took two bad beatings. At Port Elgin they lost 18-8, then took a 23-3 trim­ ming at Durham Friday night. Raymond Garon, Budd Boyes and Doug Macaulay were the scorers. Last* night they played the CFB Clinton team in the Lions Arena here. The next; home game is on Wednesday, December 28 when. Durham will be here. -----------o----------- ROYAL BRANCH CANADIAN 140 Signature OI) George McGee and George Gilfillan From The Drivers At Please complete coupon and mail with cheque to: , ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY ' 137 Dundas Stre’et, London, Ont, Phone 432-4158 Amount .................... , Years □ Accumulative □ Coupon Mr./Mrs./Miss Address CLINTON CAB Turkey Winners. In OES Draw Mayor Don Symons made the draw' on Saturday afternoon for Clinton Chapter of the Order of the. Eastern Star’s annual Turkey draw. The three winners were .Reg. Clifford and Mrs. R. Macaulay, diniton and LEGION DRAW FOR A 7.PAY AW. EXPENSE PAID Trip For 2 To Nassau in The Bahamas Winner May Take Trip or $500.00 Draw to be made at New Year’s Eve Dance at Legion Hall TICKETS: 25c or 5 for $1.00 \* Available from Legion Members (Trip arranged courtesy Stan Blowes Travel Service) Calvin Mpody^ Chairman Nassau Draw' 49-51b Phone 482-7011 ; 's* .. » ■ Use Our Radio Dispatched Cabs for a More Joyous Holiday DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE . OUT OF TOWN TRIPS A SPECIALTY to you, our customers. We thank you for your pat­ ronage and wish you a joy­ ous holiday! From the Staff at SUTTER-PERDUE HARDWARE i McEWAN’ Last 3 Days Christmas 's ■ Special Sale -TOYS- Walkie Talky 17.95 Secret Sam 7*96 Johnny Seven 7.95 Doctor Kits 2.49 Movie Viewer 1.98 See-a-Show 1.95 ; -GAMES- Monopoly 3.98 Eldon Race Game 14.95 Mouse Trap 6.95 Etch-a-Sketch 3.39 Switch & Go Cart Set 7.95 -DOLLS- Cheerful !’. Tearful 9.99 Kimmie Doll - 1.98 Stuffed Toys 2.25 &2.95 TREE DECORATIONS 25% Off AFTER . CHRISTMAS SALE Wed., Dec, 28 3w GIFT WRAP 25% Off Clinton Persons at Liberal Meeting The towfn of Clinton was well represented at the annual meeting of the Huron (Provincial) Liberal Association .at Elm Haven Motor Hotel last Thurs-■ day evening. Shown here are, left to right, Antoine Garon, Robert Mann, Clar­ ence Denomme; Murray Gaunt, MLA for Huron-Bruce; Kenneth Burke and Mait Edgar. (News-Record Photo) Bayfield Council Discusses Drainage, Schools, Library GODERICHONT. RESERVE FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE Tickets Now On Sale For Reservations Phone 524-9371 ____ _____orJ24-9264_____________ Teen Club 67 Christmas Dance Monday, Dec. 26 — "The Win Jammers'1 Dress Casual Dancing 9-12 Admission $1,00 BAYFIELD At their regu­ lar meeting on Monday Bay- field council received a letter from Earl Pounder, Dow Street, regarding surface water drain­ age; coundil instructed the clerk to reply and express the hope that drainage projects , al­ ready scheduled might alleviate the situation. Briig. G. L. Morgan Smith reported to Council that the new Central School at Bruce- flield will not be available for occupation until Easter or later. Replying to questions by council members, Brig, Smith said that statistics showed that a better education opportunity was usually offered by larger school units and in areas where a single Board administered several schools. • Asked if Bayfield would be able to supply transportation facilities for village students', he said that he felt with so many public school, children in the village very few township child­ ren could, use the village bus and express service would re­ sult. He foresaw more than one pick-up point being required Cougars Strong Teams In The Cougars and Flyers ap­ pear to be the stronger teams in Clinton Kinsmen Peewee Hockey League which plays two games every Saturday ’morning at the Dions' Arena at 11:30 and 12:30. Last Saturday, the Flyers led by Brian Langille with four goals’, beat the Bayfield Dions 8-0. Other Flyer scorers Were Paul JSay wiith two, John Van- Loo and Rod Campbell. The Cougars and MUlionaires played to a 3-3 tie. Paul Kelly scored two. for the Millionaires and assisted BUI Oantelon on the tieing -goal midiway through the third period; Scoring for Cougars were .Tom Murch from Danny Colqu- houn and Robbie Stirling from Mike Anstett, both in the sec­ ond period. Early in the third period Danny Coiquhoun sent the Cougars ahead when he was assisted by Barry Edgar and Bobby Atkinson. This corning Saturday, Dec­ ember 24, the Millionaires play Bayfield* Lions at 11:30 and Cougars and Flyers meet at 12:30. On Saturday, December 31, Millionaires', vs.^ Flyers and Cougars' play tire Lions. The following week, January 7 completes the. regular schedule. BOXED XMAS CARDS within the village itself. . On the subject of the disposal of Bayfield School, Brig. Smith said that four members of Huron Area 1 Board have stat­ ed their intention of insisting that it be sold by public auc­ tion. Council asked Smith to make every effort to persuade the Board to name a price for the property. They stated that ■it was' Council’s duty, as far as it lay within their power, to ensure that, in vielw of its loca­ tion only a desirable type of business be permitted to locate there. Brig. Smith said that he would do his best in the 'in­ terests of the village, but said that the Board was doing' all that it could to keep the school mill rate down;' he also men­ tioned that the government grant towards the new school would be based on. 16 rather than 18 classrooms because Bayfield School, being less than 20 years old would not mally be due for replacement or write-off. A resolution of Council ap­ pointed. Mr. John MacKenzie, Mrs. F. A. Clift and Mrs. R. B, Johnston as the Bayfield Lib­ rary Board. The Releve will be .a member of the'Board and an advisory committee consisting of Mrs. G. N. Rivers, Mrs. Robert Scptohmer, Mrs. W. E. G. 'Bellchamber, Mrs. Harold Weston, Mrs. H. H. Ormond, Mrs. William Metcalf and Mr. H, H. Ormond was also ap­ proved. Christmas Tree The public works department of the town of Clinton through its chairman., councillor ‘ J’iim Armstrong has offered to pick i _ " - — - ■ Thursday, January 5. up all used Ohrisltmias trees on" Thursday, January 5. If all householders will'*put their used yule tree out at the curb in the morning the .public works cneiw will dispose of them. The town’s garbage collector will not pick up this type of refuse.' The garbage collector Jias in­ formed us that there wiilll be no pickup on Monday, Decem­ ber 26. Persons on this' route are requested, to put. out their garbage on Tuesday, December 27. Other routes are hot affect­ ed over the holiday period. ------------o----------- Adastral Park Groups Entertain Huronview (Continued from Page One) the Auxiliary was Mirs. Walter Boissevain. • Huronview residents, Glee Club members and the Women’s Auxiliary are looking forward to repeating the evening’s events next Christmas. COMING EVENTS RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents Thursday, Dec. 23 — BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall, 15 reg­ ular games for $5.00. 2 share- the-wealth games. 1 special game for $25.00, the first letter ”L” and first letter “T” applies on this game for $2.00 each. 3 share-the-wealth games, jack­ pot applies on those 3 games $55.00 in 55 numbers. 2 door prizes for $2.00 each. Admission 50c; extra cards 25c or 6 for P1.00. s tfb Tuesday, Dec. 27 — BINGO.. at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $56.00 in 56 numbers. Six door prizes. 8:30 p.m. Fri., Jan. 6 — Euchre Party, Varna Hah, 8:30 p.m., sponsors Varna LOL, admission 50c. Ladies please, bring sandwiches. 52, lb . “A SERIES OF PRENATAL CLASSES will begin Wednes­ day, January 11th, 1967, at 2:00 p.m. at the Health Unit Office, Clinton Nurses’ Residence, Clan­ ton. These will be held at week­ ly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date, or phone the Public Health Nurse —• Clinton 482-9661, between 9:00 -'9:30 a.m. or 4:30 - 5:00 p.m?’ , 51, lb / l CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE STORE HOURS Thursday, Dec. 22 ... Friday, Dec. 23-.... /Saturday, Dec. 24 ... Monday, Dec. 26 .... Tuesday, Dec. 27 ... Wednesday, Dec. 28 Thursday, Dec. 29 . Friday, Dec. 30 ....... Saturday, Dec. 31 ... Monday, Jan, 2 ....... . Open to 9:00 p.m. . Open to 9:00 p.m. . Open to 6:00 p.m. . Closed All Day . Closed All Day to 6:00 to 6:00 to9:00 to 6:00 .... Closed All Day ......Open ......Open ...... Open ......Open p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. ■s WISHES! JOLLY GOOD To all Of Our customers: best Wjsties for a happy holiday. May our friendships contirtue. CLINTON MEAT MARKET Art Colton Grant Irwin Lome Brown Motors Ltd Yowr Friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile & Envoy Doctor. Ontario Str—t — CUNTON — Pho— 482-9321 A MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our friends, Have a happy holiday! J. w. COUNTER Builders* Supplies In the friendly spirit of the Christmas Season, we wish you i all an old-fashioned Yuletime just packed with cheer and happiness. Merry Christmas to you all! ■ LORNE J. BROWN GEORGE KNIGHTS E. J. "BUTCH MacLAREN FRED SHROPSHALL LARRY McGLINCHEY DEAN REID DOUG THOMPSON 1 ORLAND JOHNSTON PERC. BROWN DOUG. CARTWRIGHT ARNOLD CRICH WALTER PEPPER STEPHEN BROWN PLEASE NOTE Closed all day Wednesday, December 28 for Stock-taking.