Clinton News-Record, 1966-12-22, Page 10«'5
V ........................... . „ . ..—
Mr, and Mrs. William Kruse
and Elizabeth, Kitchener, visit
ed last Sunday with’ MY, .and
Mrs. Oliver Anderson and
Nancy and Mrs. Edgar Lawson,
Charles Scott spent a few
days last week in London.
’ Earl MeKriight, Sarnia, visit
ed with friends in the village
last Saturday,
Mrs. Harold Kitchen, Hamil
ton, visited last Friday with her
father, J, J, Robertson.,
Former Resident Dies
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott
received word last week that
a former resident of this village,
Dr. Mabel Mortimer, 86, had
passed away. She was one of
the oldest graduates of the Ont
ario Medical Women’s College.
She had spent most of her
childhood in China where her
parents were missionaries.
After completing her medical,
training in 1902 she went out
in 1905 to Chengu in West
China as a medical missionary.
There she married Rev. Williaim
J. Mortimei’ and they contin
ued to' serve until 1924.
On their return to Canada,
her husband held churches in
Auburn and Oakland, before
they retired in 1939. Dr. Mor-
tinier W33- a^so known as a
talented organist and composer
of both sacred and secular
rnusic. A number of her compo
sitions were published.
She " leaves her husband, Rev,
William; a son,. Arthur and a
daughter,1 Mrs. Harold Craig,
all of Toronto.
# * * .
60 At Carol Service
The annual carpi service
the Auburn Community was
held on” Sunday, evening in the
Sunday School room .of the
Baptist church with about 60
present. Mr. Jacn Heynen, stu
dent minister was in charge of
the service. The plilanist was
Miss Nancy Anderson and Don
ald Haines was projectionist.
Rev. M. R. Roberts read the
Scripture lesson from Sit. Luke.
Many carols were sung and
-Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor sang a
solo' accompanied by Miss Judy
Arthur. Misses. Margaret Haines,
Marian Youngblut,' Marjorie
Youngblut, 'Margaret Youngblut,
Joyce Leatherland, Mary Sand
erson. and Sheron Collins sang
“Only a Child in a Manger”,
accompanied by Miss Margaret
Mr. Heynen chose for a mes
sage, “A Mother’s Proud Word-
of her Son”, based on the
Christmas story,. Misses Betty
Moss and Nancy Anderson sang
a duet, “Christmas'Night, Holy
Night”, accompanied by Mrs.
Norman Wightman.
Torrance Tabb spoke on the
Wprk of the Canadian Bible
Society and' an .offering was
taken in support of 'this work
by James Rice and Frank
Raithby. Mrs. Gurnos James of
Clinton sang a solo, with guitar
accompaniment by her father,
Robert Hollenbeck.
. Phone 482-3214
A White Gift Service was
held in the United, Church last' Sunday with1* the paster, Rev..
M. Morrison in charge. Mem
bers of the choir .- assisted in
the service and members of the
Explorer, Group sang a carol.
During the seryipe bach Sunday
School class came to the front
of the church and placed a gift
uhder a brightly-lit Christmas
tree. Next Sunday the Christ-
mas Service will be held at
10:15 a.m.; Supday School will
be withdrawn.
Charles Reid is at present a
patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London, 1 4
Ernest Pollock, treasurer of
the Varna1 and Goshen Bible
Society, has forwarded $141.75
to headquarters which was col
lected in this district.
AUBURN “In the .Begin
ning was the word” was the
theme of the National Christ?
mas Vesper service held last
Sunday afternoon at Knox
Presbyterian Church when the
members of the CGIT group
conducted their annual service,
The president, Brenda Ball;
led the service, assisted by
Wendy Schneider’ and Margaret
Youngblut. Betty Moss preside
ed at .the organ.
An impressive living picture
was .the Nativity scene done in
Indian costume. Shelley Grange
played, the role of Mary and
Sheron Collins was Joseph. In
dian hunters represented
Gail Seers, Marie Plunkett
Margaret Roberts took
place of Luke’s .shepherds
Indian 'chieftains played
Donna Baechler, Cathy Schnei-
der and Linda Sproul as Matt
hew’s shepherds, all brought
their £if.ts to. the Christ Child.
The, setting was in front, of an
Indian tent with a lighted bon
fire among the birch logs. The
leader, Mrs. W. Bradnock ex
plained the settling.
. The candle lighters were led
into, the church by their leader,
Miss Laura Phillips, They were
Ruth Bere, Joyce Lefathferiand,
Brenda Archambault and Nan
Lapp. *
Rev., R, U. MapLean gave a
short message paying tribute to
Canada’s early 'settlers, the In
dians. He stated that the teach
ings of. our Master, Lqve for
aflil mankind, can be compared
wiith ithe love of God for all the
people oh . earth no matter
where they reside. Rev. M, R.
Roberts, of Knox United Church
pronounced the benediction. •
Hohnesville OFU
Discusses Article
Holmesville Local 219 of the
Ontarjiip Farmers’ Union held
its December 13 meeting in the
Township Hall, Holmesville
chaired by president Ken Tyn
dall. ,
Informative first-hand re
ports on the' Farm Union Con
vention were given by Mrs.
Frank Potter and Mrs. Jan
Koehe. Edgar Rathwell also re?
ported on .activity alt the (con
Mrs. ,Mac Thompson told of
the work that goes on behind
the scenes to make an event
such as the Convention run
An article concerning volun
tary check-pff on beef in a
current farm newspaper provid
ed the basis for a lively dis
Sunday School Pupils Present
Indian Play and Christmas Pageant
AUBURN — ' Knox United
Sunday School pupils and their
teachers presented their annual
concert last week in the church.
’ The superintendent,, Harold
Webster was chairman and or
ganist was Miss Bernice Mc
Dougall. Rev. M. R, Roberts
opened the program with pray
er and carols were sung led by
the choir of members' of the,
’ Sunday School. A. welcome song
was sung by. the pupils of Mrs.
Leonard Archambault’s class;
She was assisted' by, Mrs. Ross
• Andrews. ’ 1
The explorer girls presented
an Indian,-play, telling of Can
ada’s early history ’"with the
Indians. Father Brebeuf was
played by Trudy Machan;' the
trapper, Doreen McClinchey;
trader, Arva Ball and the medi-,
cine man, Melanie^ Sprung. The
band of Indian warriors was led
. by Lorraine Chamney.
A Christmas, pageant was
' presented with Betty Moss as
the narrator and Nancy Ander
son as the soloist. GaJil Seers
played the part of Joseph and
Marie Plunkett was Mary. Al
lan McDougall was the inn
keeper and the Shepherds were
-David Bere, Rickey Archam
bault, Allan' Hildebrand and
Eric Scott. Th.e wisemen were
Gerry. Bere, Larry Chamney
and Margaret Roberts. The
angels were- Trudy Machan,
Faye Seers, Yvonne Bean and
Faye Hildebrand.
Mr. Roberts told how Christ
mas. is celebrated in Argentina,
where a sheep . is roasted and
everyone takes-their own knife
and helps •themselves. He stated
that although they dream of
snow, the temperature is over
1.00 often on Christmas day.
Margaret Roberts sang “Jesus
'Loves.Me” in Spanish.
The director of the Indian
play and pageant was Mrs.
Maurice Bean and Norman
Wightman was in charge of the
lights. All were invited, to1 the
Sunday School room where
gifts and lunch were given to
the pupils and their parents.
AUBURN — The United
Church Women of Knox United
Church held their annual
candle-light service in the Sun
day School room with Mrs. Oli
ver Anderson in charge.
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read by the sec
retary, Mrs. Albert McFarlane
and the financial statement was
read by the treasurer, Mirs.
Norman McDowell,
A memorial service was held
for UCW members who had
passed to Higher Service dur
ing the year. The late Mrs.
Robert Arthur and Mrs. John
Wheeler were the members re
membered. Quiet music was
played by Mrs. William J. Craig
during the sevice..
A duet was sung by Mrs.
Gordon Chamney and Mrs.
Walter Cunningham, accom
panied by Mrs. Norman Wight
man. The scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. Jack Armstrong
and prayer was taken by Mrs.
Arthur Grange. The responsive
Bible reading was led by Mrs.
William Empey, ’and the offer
ing was received by Mrs. Bert
,Craig and Miss Vibla Thomp
son; Christmas music was play
ed1’ by Mrs. James Jackson.
■ The- Christmas message pre
pared by Mrs.
read by Mrs.
The special
prayer and the singing of the
hymn “Silent Night”. Taking
the part of the candleliighters
were Mrs. Kenneth McDougall,
Mrs. Albert McFarlane, Mris.
Bert’ Craig, Mrs. Elliott Lapp,
and Mrs. Harold Webster. The
service was closed with prayer
by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. A
Christmas lunch was served.
Clinton News-Record
offer* a complete selection of
wedding announcement*'
styled for the diicrim.
inating. > *
ask for, • • jBai
jkjr ,7> jjB
Ed Davies was
Norman Mc-
The special candlelighting
service was led by Mrs. Ken
neth McDougall followed by
Classified Ads.
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January 9, 1967. Applications must be clearly marked as
to contents and must be in the Clerk’s office not later
than January 7 at 6:00 o’clock p.m.
All applicants will be interviewed by the Council
when the-details of the contract of employment will be
discussed in detail.
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