HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-22, Page 8Page 8—Clinton News-Record-—Thur*., pec. 22, 1966 X*"11. ■ .1111 I1"."". —............. Ill n II11.1111 ■■ii—i.ii . Ill, .. I .. .. BEAUTIFUL BREEZY . . . BAYFIELD By BELLCHAMBER HAPPENINGS Bayfield T ' ' ' >1 ■'........... ..................................................... PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Phone 565-2864, Subscriptions, Classified A<^ys. arid Display Advs. all accepted by the Bayfield correspondent. Mi's./ George Hopson spent last weekend in ; Burlington yisiting her sister, Mirs; Pearl Sharpe. ' ■ John Stewart has returned to hiis home? from Clinton. Hospital. Mrs. J. E. Howard is a pa- ........... "..."""""i!.................. I tient in Clinton Hospital, ' K Captain J. S. R. Seek, Ottawa, stayed at the Albion Hotel on Tuesday and Wed­ nesday of last. week. Ray Bauer, Waterloo, spent Thurs­ day at the hotel and Mr. and Centennial School Nears Completion Huron Centennial School, which will serve the Town- ’ ships of Stanley and Tuckersmith, also the Villages of Bay- field. and Egmondville, now nears completion. Due to'slow-, delivery of steel and, glass, as well as roofing delays, it is not possible to fit an gxact opening date. However, the board chairman, Vern Alderdice, Kippen and the principal, Arnold Mathers agree that all classes will be moved Into the newt school before Easter. Kindergarten classes will begin after the Easter holidays. Mrs. Hl. Kanterthroughout the year. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS o: I The new school boasts 16 regular classrooms, a special class, two kindergartens, a library and a spacious audi­ torium. ' ' ,OPEN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27th FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE "Joy to the World" May your Christmas truly be a joyful one, rich in spiritual blessings and the i happiness of family and home. Bayfield, Ontario 5$ I Squire Gifts Cana<,i°"Christmas Highway 21 South Goderich An announcement will be published later as to the opening dates for the new Central School and 'for the new bussing schedule. Merry Christmas It is the season to be jolly! We wish you, our wonderful friends and customers, a joyous holiday season! Blessings to you! Merry Christmas! FROM FRED HUDIE and STAFF $ • > ■■■———..■111...... ..... ....... i mininiji i uni .1 "Mrs, George Peter, Stratford, and Justice Maurice King and C< McLiliargey,. also of .£5tfat- fo.rd were luncheon gueists there on Sunday,-December 18. Bible Society Report ; The president,. Lorne Sparks and the* secretary-treasurer, Mrs.. Lloyd Makins of the Bay­ field branch of1 the Canadian Bible Society report that this, year’s canvass realized $310.’ Those taking part in the can­ vass were Mrs, RT if. Larson, Mrs,. W. E. Parker, Mrs. Glad-, win Westlake, . Mrs. George Heard; Mrs. William Metcalf, Mi1?. Fred Arkell, Mrs. Fred LeBeau, .Mrs.. Harry Baker, Miss Brenda ^Makins, , Miss. Colleen Merner, M-rS;. Kaptein, Donald! McKenzie, Mrs. Ted Dunn, Mrs. John Watson, Mirs.. V. Morton, Mrs. Ji B. Higgins, Mrs. Grant Stirling and Lome Sparks. o Varna Explorers Christmas Meeting The. Varna Explorer’s held their Christmas Meeting at the home of their, leader, Miss Carpi Taylor. The program con­ sisted of Christmas songs pre­ sented by Sylvia Wilson, Linda- Webster, Nancy Fawcett,. Janet Taylor, Brendla Taylor, Donna Taylor, Cheryl Webster and Wendy Mustard. A reading was given by Nancy Fawcett and the pro­ gram ended with a play called “A Real Santa Oaus” with Linda Webster, Donna Taylor, Cheryl Webster, Wendy Mus­ tard, and Brenda Taylor as the cast. ' The rest of the evening was spen playing games and ex­ changing gifts. Lunch was then served, by Mrs. Robert Taiylpr. -----------04-:-------r BAYFIELD — The annual Candle-lighting ’.Service was held in St. Andrew’s United Church on Sunday evening. This is- one ef the special events of the Christmas season to- which many look forward and the Church Was well filled for the occasion. * The church was beautifully decorated with Christmas /trees. and poinsettiias, the, light -being provided by the many colored lights -and the candles, carried by the ■ choir. ' , The choir-loft was filled by some 20 singers who rendered a number of' songs and anthems. The solo- paints Were taken by Mrs. VanEgmond, Miss Doreen McKenzie and Ted' Dunn. Mrs. Cox presided at the organ and the congregation joined in the singing of old Christmas carols. Mir. Beck was the narrator, reading ' the Christmas story as found! in the gospels. An interesting part of the evening was. the baptismal ser­ vice, conducted by Rev. Peter Renner of Wiiarton, a former rhiinis-ter of the congregation, when nine • infants and. small children1 were presented for baptism by their parents. .The parents were: Mrs*. John Siertsema, Mirs.. Percy Renner, Mrs. Ron Scotehmer, Mrs. Ken Brandon, jftfes. Glenn Brandon, Mrs. Beattie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Teifomd. \ J Sik Lesson Carol Service At Trinity Church BAYFIELD — On Sunday morning, ' December 18, the choir and congregation of Trin­ ity Church, joined in a ' tradi­ tional Act of Worship, the six lesson carol service. , The service commenced with opening prayers from the regu­ lar service of Morning Prayer, after which, the rector, Rev. E. J. \B. Harrison, announced the lessons and carols. Lessons were read by -the-- rector, James A. Cameron, Harry Baker, George Bell­ chamber, ' Terry Fitzsimons, Llpyd Scotehmer and J. Brown Higgins. Carols were sung by the choir, led by Mrs. J. B. Hig­ gins, accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Donald Johnston. Solo­ ists were, Cathy McLeod, Monica Gemeinhardlt and Rhea Sturgeon. After the service, the rector presented a Prayer Book to Karen Fitzsimons in recognition of faithful attendance ait both Sunday Services and choir prac­ tice Ser-The Six Lesson Carol vice .was held in St. James’ Anglican Church, Middleton, on Sunday last. Under the direction of the rector, Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, the following laymen took ' part in the Scripture readings: Messrs. John Smith, James ^torey, David Middleton,. Edward Deeves, Edward Wise, Ray Wise and John Deeves. Christmas Eve, Service will be held in St. James’ Church,- Middleton, at 8:30 p.m.; there will 'be no service on Sunday, Christmas Day. The regular service of Holy ..................1 onCommjuniOn will be1 held Sunday, January 1. -----------6-----------' KIPPEN MRS. NORMAN LONG Phone 262-5180 Mr. and Mrs* Bert Faber spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhaile ait Bay­ field1 and attended thie carol service ait Bayfield United Church. -----------o----------- Classified Ads. Bring Quick and abundance in your home! W. G. "Bill" Campbell P.O. Box 659 SEAFORTH, ONT. Phdne 527-0452 SYNDICATE LIMITED BAYFIELD — First Bayfield Group Committee pf Boy Scouts of Canada met on December 15. Scoutmaster Renner report­ ed that several boys had' quail-- fied for their Fireiman’s Badge, three had pgssed the Pet­ keeper’s Badge and one had earned the Cooking Badge. • He also reported that the Scouts ■ wer# still not- registered and the committee decided that all registrations should be com­ pleted .immediately and the boys’ contributions collected as spon as possible. Cubmaster Erickson reported that all cubs had been register­ ed before November 30 with the exception of one boy who had joined' the pack in Dec­ ember., Mrs. Erickson also men­ tioned that David Renner had earned his .collector’s badge with an exceptionally good dis­ play of nature specimens.- The 22 cubs will be assisted by the scouts .at a Christmas Party for parents, Lions Club members., and’ committee mem­ bers, to be. held on December 21. George Whittle who has re­ cently moved into “Shangri-La” with his wife and children was introduced to the meeting. Mr. Whittle is a Registered Scouter and was Scoutmaster in Scar- boro before moving to Bayfield, registered as an Assistant Scoutmaster and expressed the hope that the boys might be interested in following the Bay­ field River ' from Seaforth to the lake by canoe and portage. He has also offered his services IJVLU MCTXVF.L c LU _ — He has kindly e consented to be lom •Lx>ean’ A well-known summer resi­ dent of Bayfield, Mrs. Margaret L. Kanter, 77, widow of Charles A. Kanter, of Grosse Pointe, Mich., died on Tuesday, Dec­ ember 6, in Bon SbcourS Hos­ pital. Funeral service was held from her home at 16805 .Maumee, Grosse Pointe and burial followed' in Elmwood Cemetery. Mrs. Kanter was past presi­ dent of both, the Women’s City Club and the Protestant Children’s home of Detroit. Survivors include four daugh­ ters, Mrs. Arthur G. Reeves, Mrs.’David. W. Murray ‘Jr.’,' Mrs; David L. Luck, and Mrs; Rich­ ard H. Dick;. 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS ALBION HOTEL—Bayfield ‘open 1 P.M. - 9 P.M CLOSED MONDAYS When you ore out for a drive this weekend drop into our Squire Gifts and browse through our very large variety of Christmas gift ideas. FOR THIS WEEKEND ONLY ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS Regular $ 1.50 — 95c Ea 15% OFF I STOCKING-STUFFERS TOYS -- JIG-SAWS -- PUZZLES Indian Hand Crafts Tom-Toms — Indian Dolls — Etc -----■------— WISHING YOU jW»3i We would like to opportunity to thank all our patrons for making 1966 a wonderful year. SQUIRE GIFTS take this Bingo Winners At Bayfield Announced as a waiter safety and i diving-examiner to both the Bayfield Group and Huron Dis­ trict Scouts. *----------Q---------- ^Clfb^ To you and yours during this most festive season. MERRY CHRISTMAS BAYFIELD The following persons were winners ait the Lions Club Ringo in Bayfield: Turkeys —- Mrs. Yoe Koene (2); Mrs. Dorothy Weston (2); Mrs. Stan Telford; Mrs; Lloyd Scotehmer; Doug Telford; Mi's. Lloyd Huffman; Mrs. Tom Lo­ gan; Mrs. Maude Weston; Mirs'. Berthena Hammond; Mrs. Eve­ lyn Frances (2); Mrs. Dick Mc­ Lean, Goderich (2); Mrs. Abel Ducharme,' Zurich; Mrs. Outt, Goderich (2); Miss Peppy Payne; Doug Gemeinhardlt; John Haimmond; Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Varna; Mel Martin; Mrs. Ken Pollock, Hensall; Clint Bowden, Grand Bend. Share-'t'he-wealth — Ken Brandon and Mrs. Bob Talbott; Mrs. Jim Hutchings, Sherry Mitehell and Ramona Verho­ gan; Mrs. Walter Erickson; CHUTER Heating and Electric CLINTON 482-7652 TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS • MAY OUR PLEASANT RELATIONSHIP CONTINUE THROUGH A PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR . Elwood and Audrey Mitchell, HOVEY'S GENERAL STORE from all your friends at.. • r s Beauty Salon VERNA MORGAN, Prop.