HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-22, Page 7I CAL V Centennial Church Services 1967 a.m. a.m. 2:30 p.m.a.m. MERRY L, /■Programs sponsored by Clinton Ministerial Association J *s ST. PAUL'S — ANGLICAN ..................T1:00 FIRST BAPTIST .......... 11:15 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 10:00 CANADIAN FORCES BASE: PROTESTANT CHAPEL ONTARIO STREET — UNITED WESLEY-WILLIS — UNITED ... ' 1.......Brt—U——4I-..IB II, AND STAFF SHOP CLOSED MONDAY, DEC. 26 TUESDAY, DEC. 27, MONDAY, JAN. 2 AIKEN’S Luggage and Clothing CLINTON a.m. — Divine Service, noon— Holy Communion For Quick Results Attend Your Church feEVERYONE READS AND USES Sunday, December 25 Sunday School Classed Cancelled Christmas Morning 10:45 a.m.—Public Worship — Theme "Christmas” Special Music by Choir Everyone Welcome MAPLE STREET GOSPEL HALL , CLINTON ' Sunday, December .25 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service » Speaker: Neal Lowey, Colborhe. Tuesday—8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ALL WELCOME _ . ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th.; Rector Mr. W. H. Bishop, FRCO, ARCM, Organist .... CHRISTMAS SERVICES Saturday, December 24 —- Christmas Eve • 4:00 p.m.—Holy Communion 11:00 p.m.—Gallery Carols 11:30 p.m.—'Midnight Holy Communion Sunday, December 25 — Christmas Day 10:00 a.m.—Shortened Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (both said) ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minister Mrs. M< J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director JUUesdeg-'Millis—^olntesirille (Hlpnxlfea REV. A. J. MOWATT, C.D., B.A., B.D., D.D., Minister MH. CHARLES MERRILL, Organist MRS. VIOLA -VANEGMOND, Choir Director Christmas Eve Carol Service —- December 24 — 11:00 p.m. AU are invited Christmas Day — Sunday, December 25 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Christmas Service Subject: "He Shall Reign For ■ Ever and Ever” HOLMESVILLE 1:00 p.m.—Christmas Service 2:00 pm.—Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH h REV. G. J. HEERSINK, Minister . h Sunday, December 25 ;! . 10:00,,a.m.—Christmas Servteb 2:30 p.m.-^-Service’in Dutoh Every Sunday, 12:30 noon, dial 680 CHLO. St Thoma*, !: listen to “Back to Grid HOUr”, 11 EVERYONE welcome !; ST. JOSEPH'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH — CLINTON CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Sunday, December 25 MASSES—Clinton, Midnight,'8:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon Blyth,, Midnight arid 10:15 a.m. New Year's Special Centennial Prayers MASSES—Clinton, 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon Blyth, 10:15 ■ a.m. Use Classified Ads.CFB Admin. Officer Transferred to Toronto ilian(z you jot .youz fii&ndi and c^e. fzo^'E t/zat only' good, tlztngi. ’ will coins to you tlzii,’ fzoUdayttniE,, Still q good selection of V V V V V V V V FOOTWEAR V BRIEF CASES V LUGGAGE BILLFOLDS KEY CASES SLIPPERS SOCKS SWEATERS SPORT SHIRTS GLOVES Dec. 22, 1-Clinton News-Record-—Page 7 Wing Commander "Lew” Lomas, Canadian Forces Base Clinton’s Base Administration Officer since July 1964 has been posted to CFB Toronto. He is expected to assume his new position asBase Adminis­ tration Officer early in the new year; WILLARD and ARTHUR AIKEN A native of Mimico, w/C Lomas enlisted in. the Royal Canadian Air Force at Toronto March 30, 1940, He was trained as a pilot at Belleville, Oshava and- Hagersville, earning his Wings in September 1942. During World War II W/C Lomas served as a Coastal Command pilot in the West Indies, Africa and India. In 1944 he was reassigned to fighter operations in Western Canada and became sector con­ troller for the Western region, After .a tour in Central Flying School in 1949 where he held an instructor’s rating on four- engine, twin-engine, single- engline piston and jelt aircraft he was transferred to thetieiw- ly formed Air Defence organ­ ization in-Sth Hubert’ where he initiated arid established . the training system and. schools for the RCAF reserve fighter con­ trollers. Later he was respon­ sible for plans, training and the formulation of fighter intercep­ tor tactical procedures for the regular forces. In 1963 W/C Lomas'- was* ap­ pointed Commanding Officer, of RCAF Station Sydney N,S,, and in 19.57 he returned to Air De? fence Command Headquarters to serve as the Command Ad­ ministrative Officer and Execu­ tive Assistant. to the Air OffL cer Commanding. After graduation from the RCAF Staff College, ' W/C 'Lomas was transferred to NORAD Headquarters in Colo­ rado Springs^ where his varied duties included the formulation mf War Gaming Techniques, Fighter Operations and Aero­ space. Environmental Systems, Commanding Officer of Hie RCAF ' Support Element and Aide to the Deputy Commander in Chief of NORAD, Air Mar­ shal C, R. Slemon. ' . Wirig Commander Lomas is married to the former Olive Quigg of Galt; and they have: Six children. Canadian Forces1 Base Clin­ ton's new Base Adiministratlion Officer will be Squadron Lead­ er’ “Con” Perrier of Ottawa. Mrs. Marion Seeley and four ladies from Goderich and Lon­ don left today for a month's holiday in Florida. Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, London, has been visliting recently with Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eeppihgtari, "'her' ’sister' '‘‘ahd' brcftiherdn-lafw, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leibold, RR 2, Clinton •and her brother • and sister-in- law, Mr. and1 Mrs. Jack Lep- pington and family, North Street. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rad­ ford, Gregg and . Tracey of Elmira, New York, visited 're­ cently with their immediate relatives here and at RR 3 Clin­ ton. John ■ E. Cumnghame of Cooksville paid a pre-Christ- mas visit to his parents Mr. and Mirs. Gordlon Cuninghame last­ weekend. Due to illness hfc family were unable to accom­ pany him. Make this year your best. / Begin i+ with a prayer. (Attend Your Church) Sunday, January 1 . .11:00 12:00 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL ..........Mass 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m; ST. ANDREW'S — PRESBYTERIAN ....10:45 a.m. ST* JOSEPH'S — ROMAN CATHOLIC Clihton — Blyth — 1 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Special Interdenominational Hyfon Festival Sunday, January 1 at 8:00 p.m. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH Music By Cehfe.nnial Youth Choir EVERYONE WELCOME " • .. .................................................... ............ ...1 ■ ■ ■ ............. ■ ■ ■........................................ Interdenominational Christian Fellowship Hour Pot-Luck tjlhtlfec. For Church Officials arid Wives WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4 7:00 P.M. Stratford Church Amidst a setting of miniature Christmas trees reflecting -their blue lights on baskets of white and, blue tinted.'mums,: Shirley Dianne Faber arid Peter Fran­ cis DeWys exchanged' rings and vows in ■ Parkview' United Church, Stratford; on, Saturday afternoon, December 17. Ripv, Howard K. Plant offici­ ated. ■ ' The bride’^ parents ■' are Mi', and Mrs. Egbert Faber of Kip­ pen and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. George DeWys of Stratford. , ' Given m marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor­ length gown of white.peau-de- faille fashioned wiith biy- point sleeves, portrait neckline and accented with Alencon lace. The gently controlled skirt end­ ed in a double train. The main centre of attention was focused on the. detachable .cathedral train cascading from, a tailored bow at the backHempire and also accented by the same Alencon lace appliques. To complete her bridal outfit, the bride wore a tiered siik-iHuston fingertip veil held in place by a petal rosette of peau-de- faille edged' with tiny seed pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of red rqises, trailing white ribbon and . dotted 'with white baby ’mums. ; MissSandra Bolton was maid ’ of honour. Senior brides­ maid was Mrs. Carol. Penhale, sister of the bride, bridesmaids were MJiss Emma Oesdh -and Miss Eleanor Wright and junior bridesmaid was Miss, Patricia Anne Faber. The brad'al. -attend­ ants provided a colourful back­ ground in their . floor-length gowns of chiffon-'' velvet, the maid of honour in American beauty and the bridesmaids' in royal blue. The basic sheath style featured 'an empire waist, accented with braiid and i’os- ettes of powder blue and puff sleeves. To 'add a final .touch .to t'heir ensemble .they wore matching .petal rosette head­ pieces of chiffon velvet edged with seed pearls accented by a tiered' silk illusion -shoulder- length veil and they carried cascade bouquets of tinted ’mums,’ White carnations and large white „ satin -bows to match their dresses. Flowergirl, Wendy Penhale, short, white chiffon velvet dress with full skirt and cummerbund of American Beauty Velvet. Her 'headpiece was similar to that of the other 'attendants in American Beauty and she car­ ried a nosegay of roses and white streamers.- Groomsmen were George De­ Wys, brother 'of the groom and Leonard Holston. Guests were ushered by Kenneth Faber, brother of the bride and Joseph Clifford. Richard Penhale, nephew of the boride, was junior usher. Master James Veri was ringbearer and carried' the rings on a white satin heart shaped pillow. Organist was Miss Lynda Rader, cousin of the bride and Miss Joan Sinclair was soloist. She sang "The Wedding Pray­ er” just before the dose of the wedding service and "O Perfect. Love” during the signing of the register. The briide’s mother received the guests in a street-length dress of gold chiffon over taf­ feta. Her hat was of beige and gold brocade and her accessor­ ies were black. She wore a corsage of pink cymbldium or­ chids, The groom’s mother wore a powder blue dress of metallic jersey, black velvet hat, black accessories and 'a' corsage of pink cymbidium orchids. Following a wedding dinner in the church'parlour a recept­ ion and dance was held in the evening in the Zurich Commun­ ity Centre. ' The bride changed to a. gold metallic jersey dress, beige fur coat with brown and gold' ac­ cessories and a corsage of red roses for travelling, to Honey­ moon Haven in Pocono Moun­ tains in Pennsylvania. PadreAwardedMedal On a recent parade, Group Captain K. R: Greenaway presented the Canadian Forces Decora­ tion to Squadron Leader Paul DeLong, CFB Clin­ ton’s Protestant Padre. This award is made for 12 years , of meritorious service in the Canadian' Forces. . (CFB Clinton Photo) Memorial Gift ’ Dedicated A public address system re­ cently installed at St. Andrew's Presibyteriaii Church in Clinton •was dedicated last Sunday in the regular worship service- con­ ducted by Rev. R, U. MacLean. The equipment was, the gift of R. G. Sbortreed, in memory .of his mother, Mi’s. Janet Shortreed and ..his sister, Mis's ■Mary L. Sh'ortreed RN. SEASON’S BEST WISHES! McPherson Bros. Garage CARMAN and HAROLD May the Star of Bethlehem inspire all men's hearts! PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 482-9511 Clinton, Ontario NOTE—ALL SERVICES on STANDARD TIME; FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec)" Pastor: Jack Heynen, B.A. Sunday, December 25 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Church Service ALL ARE WELCOME HERE Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Sunday, December 25 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m,—Christmas Service TURNERS' UNITED CHURCH Sunday School and Service withdrawn. TO ALLA CHRISTMAS H. F. SWAN AND