HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-22, Page 2i Pagd 2—-Clinton News-Record—-Thur*., Dec. 22, 1966 T x Open Bowling EVERY NIGHT OVER HOLIDAYS At Crown Lanes •/ OPEN BOWLING Friday, Saturday, Sunday Afternoon and Sunday Night ALL YEAR Call 482-77()2 for Reservations The Meaning of Christmas ■‘The Meaning of Christmas” is often lost or forgotten for a time as the celebrations pf the modern Yule tide Season take precedence over»,all else. Because this is so, and because children can express themselves so clearly without prejudice or malice w*e asked the students at Calvin Christian School, Clinton to write brief essays on what Christmas means to them. Principal Peter Fedema has selected seven essays from his class pf Grade 7 and 8. We are proud to publish them here so they, may add extra blessings to your Christmas 1966, Teend Postma, Grade 8 On this bay a child was born in Bethlehem. Angels pf God spread the pews. Wiisemen paid homage to the child. This child was the Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour af the world. He would die on the cross to from our sins. Many people think, that Christmas is a presents and Santa- Children write to Santa and visit him. in ment stores. Of course, receive gifts 'forget the Christmas. We should spend the 25th of December praising Gad for sending His only Son to save those who love, fear and obey Him. save us however, time for Claus, the large depart- everyone likes to but we should not real meaning of also know shepherds Him and glory. Eileen, Poelman, Grode 8 TBibles' to those that do p.o>t have Tony Roest, Grade 7 Christmas does noit mean time -for Santa Claus but means the birth of Jesus Christ pur Saviour. We give gifts because of God’s great gift, Jesus Christ Who was born, to save us from, our sins. We should be more 'thankful for this great gift than any Christmas gift we might receive. Jesus humbled himself when he came, into this world. He be­ came a baby lying in a manger 'wrapped in swaddling clothes. He became poor that we might become unspeakably rich! OBITUARY , C. H.. a it Christmas has come agalin with tbe bright holly, lights and presents, Bat, amid ail this do we think of whait Christmas should, mpan to us ? Sure, a child was born but that was not all. He came to seek and to save that which W.as 1‘ost. Here’at last alter the many years of waiting J.esus name.' All these people were wait­ ing, hoping, and' longing, for Him and then look at the way He got treated! People loved Ejfim. as a child but then as He grew older they began to hate Him. They’ killed Him to get rid of, Him but, His dearth be­ came life to those who believe in Him. To which group of people do you belong? one. I am sure this is what God would likfe us to do. Or maybe you oopild even send money 'to poor people in India and other countries. This would be better than what most people do. Some people just give gifts because it is a custom of Christmas. ait % CHEER May you 4 enjoy a very happy holiday! From the stpff of andI Trudy Koskamp, Grade 8 I’m sure everyone in this dis­ trict, .young or old knows the Chnistm'as story, Christ the new-born Saviour was born in> a manger in Beth­ lehem where shepherds and wise men worshipped Him. But how many stop to think what this rea'lly means? How many actually warship Christ and praise God for His wonder­ ful gift? Most of us will go to church and sing carols but are we . cele­ brating Jesus’ birthday or are we having our own Christmas in our own fashion? Did you ever, stop to think that if Christ was not bom there would be no Christmas? What is our attitude towards this glorioUs event? ---------—o----------- V /* SCRUTON'S TIRE AUTO SERVICE and SCRUTON FUELS 238 Albert St, N. — CLINTON — 482-7681 What Do You Do With a Used Christmas Tree? ........— ...... ' ) The Public Works Department of the Town of Clinton George Lubbers, Grade 8 i'Chnistmas is the day when everyone Shoulld be happy. It is the day when our dear Saviour, Jesus Christ came to conquer Satan, to cleanse man’s Wicked heart and to establish His Kingdom. Christmas, brings back to my heart the glad tidings of the Good Shepherd, who. set his own life aside coming from heaven, a place of rightousness and peace, to this destructive, wick­ ed world, among ’sinners to seek and to save that which is lost. Christmas also shows me the love of God, my Farther, in John 3:16 saying "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten' son, our Lord, Jesus .Christ, that we should not perish”. Let us worship our Saviour- King. Will Pick Up All USED CHRISTMAS TREES on THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 Carol Service Christmas Eve At Wesley-Willis A speoial Christmas Eve Carol Service will be held at Wesley-Wiil'lls Church at 11 p.m. on Saturday. In addition to the singing of the favourite caroils, the "H)i-C Club” will take part in appro­ priate Readings and Dr. A. J. Mowatt will tell the story of “The Black Madonna”. To illustrate the story, the cho'ir will sing "The Little Black Boy” with Mrs. Don Andrews .the soloist. The words are by William Blake and' 'the music was composed , by Donald Mowatt especially for the Can­ adian S'ervices College Oholir at Royal Roads. ,A11 are invited1 to attend. Funeral service was held Ball Funeral Home for Charles, Henry Bell, Bayfield, Who pass­ ed away in Clinton last Satur­ day, December 17 after a lengthy illness. Rev. R. JJ. Mac- Lean, Clinton, offkl’iaited at the service and interment. was in Bayfield Cemetery. Born July 27, 1902 on the Bayfield Line in Goderich Township, he was a son of Wil­ lis Bell and Emma Lawrason. He married Jean Lindsay on December 1,1928 and resided in Goderich Township until mov­ ing to Bayfield 32 years ago. He was a member of the An­ glican Church' at Holmesville and of ' Goderich Township Lodge 145. He is survived by his wife; two sons, George W. of Bay- field and Donald L. af Clinton; two daughters, Mrs. Allan (Evelyn) Galbraith, Clinton and Mrs. Howard (Joyce M.) Arm­ strong, Zurich; two brothers, Fred of Goderich and Harold of Bayfield; five glisters, Mrs. Thomas (Etta) Leathern, Acton, Mrs. Will (Edith) Powell, Mil­ ton; Mrs. George (Stella) Hall, Wingham; Mrs.’ Harry (Laura) Powell, Goderich; and Mrs. Roy (Irma) Wilson, Goderich; and six grandchildren. . ’ ‘ Pallbearers were Meredith Wilson, Arnold Be'li, Arthur Bell, Hugh Powell, WH'llis Hall and Norman Bell. Flower-bear­ ers were Anthony Hutchings, Allan Hutchings, George Lind­ say and Donald Lindbay. The1 Garbage Collector Will Not Pick Up Old Christmas Trees. Put Your Used Christmas Tree Only Out at the Curb on the Morning of Thurs., Jan. 5 and the town will dispose of it, T Mr. and Mrs. Anising see the Wo and the Joseph Herman Crich, K. C. COOKE-Florist 61 ORANGE STREET S., CLINTON Phone 482-7012 ... TO ALL AT CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY 1967 . Richard Hoogendoorn, ‘‘ Grade 8 happy time, MERRY Hope you WISHES JEAN - TOMGORD Herman's Men's Wear V > • • to our FRIENDS K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE > "Dan" Colqubouh H. & "Hal" Hartley John Wise Mrs. Margaret Carter We appreciate your patronage Jolande Anising, Grade 8 We usually celebrate Christ­ mas on the 25th day of Decem­ ber. Most people know that Christ was born in a stable on this date’. Most of us that wise men and came to worship angels sang of. His Do you know why he came? It might surprise1 you to know that-he came to earth to redeem us from our san-filled ways. He was sent to wipe out yours and my sins by. His own death. It depends on whether we accept this truth on hot to be saved. This' is our task! Know that we sin, ask for for­ giveness and then serve God. Most people have a commer­ cialized view of Christmas. Tur­ keys, gifts, trees and lights seem all a part of Christmas. This is not wrong, mind you, but sometimes we (jan’t through the frills down to deep heart of the matter.’ must think of Christmas Easter together to grasp whole meaning of it. This Christmas let’s all cele­ brate it with the, whole and true meaning in our hearts. r 3ood wishes "bloom’' for you at Classified Ads Bring Quick Results v, HOTEL CLINTON We Are Now Accepting Reservations for NEW YEAR'S DINNERS SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 Two Sittings 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. VICTORIA STREET » 482-3421 Wm Popular Fellow — Even With Oldsters Santa Claus dropped in on the Huronview Christmas Party last Thursday to dispense good- , will and a cheery “ho-ho-ho” to the assembled residents., (CFB Clinton Photo) Christmas is a not only because you receive gifts but because, the Saviour was born so that he could die to save us. Since God gave such a gift to us shouldn’t we. give some gifts to the poor or needy? One gift is sending money to an organization that gives OBITUARY J. H. 97 Rattenbury, St., Clinton, passed •jaway in Victoria Hospital, Lon- fdori, last Tuesday morning, Dec­ ember 13, Hie. was 68. The deceased was burn Dec­ ember 10, 1898 in Tuckersmith Township, a son pf Joseph G. Orioh and Eliza Rowcliffe. In June 1926, he married Grace Enniline Vod'd'en and wliith ‘hits wife, farmed in Tuckersmith Township. ‘ S'ix years ago, the couple moved to Clinton where the de­ ceased' was employed at Bart- liff’s Bakery. He was a member of Ontario Street United Church and was a former eider of that Church- and of Turner's Church. Surviving are his wife; one son, Ross Neil Crlilch of Galt; two daughters, ■ Mrs. Ross (Helen) Trewartha and Mrs. Fred (Lois) Taylor, both, of Clinton; eight grandchildren; two brothers, Nelson of Gode-' rich and Harold of London; two sisters, Mrs. R. Lee, Ruthven and Mrs. J. Townsend, London. Funeral service Was from Ball Funeral Homo on Decem­ ber 15 with Rev. Grant Mills officiating.’ Interment' was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers ' were Eldon O'Brien, Robert LaW&on, Frank Falconer, Ernest Crich,' Elmer Townsend1 and Elliott Bartliff. Flower-bearers were .Douglas Trewartha, Fred Trewartha and Murray Taylor. Friends and, .relatives attend­ ed the funeral from London; Ruthven, Galt, Chesley, Sea­ forth, Goderich, Sarnia arid other paints. WALTON HALL Tuesday, Dec. 27 Desjardine's Orchestra SPONSORED BY WALTON W.l. LUNCH BOOTH EVERYONE WELCOME May we merit your will for many years* f 1 f 80 King St. CHRISTMAS have a sportin' holiday! AND MRS. ELLWOOD EPPS AND STAFF AT SPORTS CLINTON — 482-9622 / e wish you the good cheer of this holiday season. And may the New Yeat bring to your family success and lasting happiness? from the staff af I EE*C LADIES\ MEN'S LEE J and BOYS' WEAR Next To Newcombe's Drug Store ~ Clinton