HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-22, Page 1(Column
By S. J. J£.
Architects Sketch of New Community Centre
THIS Christmas Bidle>tin
came to us from one,of Ctebl-
ada's largest trust companies.
We thought it contained a mes
sage ’.worth repeating this
Giyriksitrnias;. ■ | _
“Recently we Jpsit one of .our
stenographers; surely an every
day occurrence. .She has gone,
•to have her first child, and we
wish her well.
“Her departure has left its
impact on fellow-worker's who
-remember her unfailing smile
and quiet good-humour, her
competence in dealing with the
most difficult assignments, her
boundless energy in the face
of heavy work-loads, ' her in
itiative and pride in her work
. ,. . her simplg, dignity.
.“There, wtould perhaps be no
great significance .in hex* leav
ing were it not for the racial
turbulence which has affected
so much of the world in recent
months, A credit to her race —
this young woman is not of
Caucasian extraction — she re
minds uis of the folly of pre
judice and the warmth of hu
man .kindness. ' . ‘
“For this is the message that
ye heard' from the beginning,
that we should love one an
other. I John 3:11”.
* . Mt *
one came from
office of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture and
Food: • • ,.y
“As thfe year' draws to a
dose let us all pause to:
^Remember what'.-other people
have done for us
* Remember what we owe the
^Remember our fellow men are
just as real as- we $re -
’'•Remember to dose our 'book
of complaints'' against • the
management of the universe.
And may the meaning of
(Continued on Page Five)
(Additional Local News on
Pages 3, 5, 7 and 13)
Dec. 14
May the timeless beauty of the holiday season enrich
loved ones, ive extend our very best wishes for a joyous and prosperous Christniasl
Mrs* Shirley Keller
. . . Wins
From the Stef f
of the
Dennis Whitney
Clinton News-Record
JClinton News-Record
THE NEW ERA — 100th Year v THE HURON RECORD84th Year
No. 51 —r- The Home Paper With the News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1966 $5.00 Per Year—12 Cents Per Copy—12 Pages
18 Year Old Airman
Donald Michael Quinn, 18,
-Canadian Forces Base Clinton
.died’ in Victoria Hospital, Lon
don on Tuesday morning after
he and his companion, Gehald
John MacDonald, 20, also of
Canadian Forces Base Clinton
were struck'by a car as they
walked north along the right
hand side of Highway 4, south
of Clinton early Saturday even
AC2 Quinn was a trainee at
the base and is a son of Mr. and
Mrs, Adrian Joseph Quinn,, of
RR 1, South Bar, Sydney,
High Low
The Weather
High Low
Raid: .22”
Snow: 2”
service will
December 24
Church with
Nova Scotia.
The body was sent to Sydney
where a funeral
be held Saturday,
from Law Point
burial at Sydney.
Airman Quinn received sevea-e
head injuries and was taken to
the London hospital. The acci-
dent happened one-tenth of a
mije north of the intersection
of No. 4 Highway and the road
leading to the base at 6:53
p.m., Saturday, December 17.
MacDonald suffered a frac
tured1 left' wrist and contusions
in the accident.
The car driven by Rita Mary
Gilmore, Lucknow was also
northbound. A second vehicle
driven by Mrs. Bessie L. Fal
coner, 'Rrucefieid was south
bound and in collision with the
Gilmore Car. The lady drivers
escaped injury.
Constable John Phillips of the
Godhrich: detachment of the
Ontario Provinoiiai Police in
Mail Service
At Post Office
Over Holidays:
Postmaster Arthur Ball: has
announced the following Sche
dule of mail service. to,i^|ihe
Christmas and New Yea^i^tpili-
day period, at Clinton
flice. ' " W
There will .be no mall
on Christmas Day, Sunday,
December 25 or . New Xetof
day, Sunday,- January T.
On Monday, Decj^mbej' ^6^-
Monday, January^1#
be no, rural, roUftb’xdelifyerlieS^t)
wicket or lock .bo^r-service Jit
the post office, the street letter boxes will be cleared " of
letters at 4:15 p.m. and mail
leaving the local post office
must be in by 6 p.m. There M,
an outside letter box and stamp*
vending machine at the Well-: ington Street entrance to”*th^
post office., ’ ■ .
On Tuesday, December 27,
which has been proclaimed
Boxing .Day in Clinton, .there
will be the full regular postal
service at the local office.
At the left is the architect’s
sketch of toe ou'tside of the new
community centre which will be
built to plintoh • Community
Park when approval to issue de
bentures js obtained from the
Ontario Municipal ‘ Board,
The Waterloo firm, of Shantz
& Hicks Coaistruction Limited
submitted a tender: of $224,660
which was accepted by Clinton
town council at the December
meetlmg last week,
Police Chief Gives Gifts to His "Safety Patrol
Clinton’s Chief of Police H. Russell Thompson personally gives Christmas
treats to members of the public school safety patrol each year in appreciation'
of their every day duties. On Saturday afternoon eight pf the ten-member?
safety patrol group were at the towh hall to receive the chief’s greetings and
- treats. From the left, David Fawcett, Grace Strong, Ove Christensen, Walter
Leppington, Chief Thompson, Paul Anstett, Frank Doyle, Rudy Bakelaar and
Katherine Kromrey: Absent were Greg Leeworthy and Doug Peterson. This is.
the second year that there have been girls in the patrol. (News-Record Photo).
Adastral Park
Entertain at Huronview
Present Wheel Chairs
Now in his second, year at
the University of Waterloo.,
Richard Shaddick has won-
one of the Huron County
scholarships valued .at $100.
He is in the honours physics
and chiemfeibry course. A
graduate of CHSS, Richard is'
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Shaddliek, Londesiboro.
Christmas Eve
Service at 11 p.m.
There will be a Christmas
Eve service in Wesley-Willfc
United Church this year at
11:00 p.m.
The .215x104 foot building
With arena ice surface of 80x180
feet had been previously ap
proved by the building com
mittee of Clinton and District
Community Centre Centennial
Fund. David Beattje is chair
man of the building committee
and Matt Edgar is chairman of
the finance committee of the
fund, , ’
Ip last week’s issue we re
ported the arena seating ca-
, ?.....".... ..........g
Last Thursday evening the
•rafters rang in the Huronview
auditorium to the sounds of
Christmas .parols, festive cheer
and fellowship. The occasion
was the annual Yuletade oom
cert and party jointly sponsor
ed by' the Adastral Park Glee
Club and Women's Auxiliary.
Over 100 Huronview residents
attended the concert.
The Glee Club under conduct
or Flight Sergeant Fred Wild
ish presented a varied program
of old-time Christmas favour
ites. Soloists for the hour-long
program were Sally Ratuse,
Eric Humphries, George Sinker,
•Frank Pyke, Wally Marcell,
Rene Brochu, Maureen Rol
lings; and Mary Brown. Har
monica,- selections wiere played
by Millie McFarland and other
instrumentalists were Sergeant
Norman Stone, piano; Flight
Sergeant Angus Abbott," bag
pipes, tand Ricky Brown, trum
During the intermission two
wheel chairs were donated to
Huronview by the Women’s
Auxiliary of Clinton’s
pacify to be only 500; this
should have been 750 seats and
standing room for another 300.
The building also contams a
78x30 foot auchtoriuin above the
front of the building.
The contractors will start to
work as soon as OMB 'approval
is obtained and the town gives
third reading to the bylaw,
Mr. Hicks pf Sanitz and Hicks
estimates the building can be
completed jn 4% months.
Sergeant’s Mess. ^Huronview
Superintendent, Harvey John
ston, accepted the chairs from
Doris McConnell, Women’s
Auxiliary president and War- _ .
rant Officer Harry Sewell, PMC
of the Sergeants’ Mess.
After the concert, the party
got underway with the arrival
of Santa Claus, Refrshments
were saved to the Huronview
residents by members of the
Adastral Park Women’s Auxili
ary assisted by female Glee
Club Singers. Co-jordinator for
(Continued on page 12)
No issue of the Clinton News-
Record will be published next
week, December 29 to allow the
staff to enjoy a holiday.
The office will be open, how
ever. for the convenience of
customers on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday during the
usual hours.
^11 1I i fe
■■ n i F l A
A. L Colquhoun, Publisher
Tom Colquhoun Mrs. Gladys VanEgmond
Al Broken shire Harvey Scott
Mrs. Poarl Hartman Arthur Currie
... .Hl II..I Hi Il..il.li..n, hi , imi I,
Welcome Christmas Gift for Huronview
Dui-ing last Week’s Christmas Party at Huronview two wlheel chairs were
donated to the home by the Adastral Park Women's Auxiliary and CFB Clin
ton’s Sergeants Mess. Left to right are: Harvey Johnston, Huronview Super
intendent; Mrs. Doris McConnell, president, Women's Auxiliary, and Warrant
Officer Harry Sewell, PMC of the Sergeants Mess. (OF& Clinton Photo)