HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-15, Page 12Page 12-^-Clinton NewRecard^Thure., Dec. 15, 1965 Colts Hockey Team Needs Support; Play Wednesday Clinton’s' new intermediate hockey team, the Colts, lost their first two games inthe'OHA schedule to Kincardine. They played last night in Port Elgin. A game with Port Elgin here last Friday night had to be cancelled because of poor ice conditions at the local arena. On Friday night the Colts go to Durham and the return game is back here on Wednes­ day, December 28. Play Against CFB The Colts have an exhibition game lined up with the CFB Clinton team tor next Wed­ nesday, December 21 at the Lions Arena. Ait this game a. draw will take place foi* five big turkeys on which players and manage­ ment are now selling tickets. The club needs a good response to the draw and attendance at home games because inter­ mediate hockey had to start from scratch after a lapse of over ten years here. . The team is coached by R. J. “Bud” Schoenhals and. is com­ prised of the following players: goal, Robbie Farquhar and Gary Black; defence, Ken Daer, Bill Mumey, Don Freeman, Bob Cook and Don Bartliff; centres, Dennis Williamson, Budd' Boyes and Keith Alien; forwards, Paul Draper, Ray­ mond Garon, Bob Livermore-, Bruce Cooper, Randy Glow, Doug McDougall, Bud Yeo, Jack Meriam and Robbie Lawrie. Bantams Lose First Game; Get New Trophy Clinton’s bantam hockey team lost the'ir first game in the WOAA schedule on Satur­ day night at the local arena to Hensall by a 6-4 score. Clinton is a “B” team and Hensail “D”, They played again last night in Hensall against Zurich, an­ other "D” team. The local Fish and Game-sponsored club doesn’t play again until December 23 at Hensall. The next home game is on January 4 when Seaforth will be here. Between the first and second period here Saturday night, Mrs. D. Ronnenberg, Kitchener, presented the new WOAA ban­ tam “B” championship trophy to the Clinton club who were 1965-66 champions. The trophy is in memory of her husband Don, who died following a hockey game last spring. He; played . tor Monkton in the WOAA intermediate “D” series, and was an insurance agent in Monkton.’ Clinton Hockey Team First Winner of New Trophy The Clinton bantam hockey team which won the WOAA bantam “B” championship last winter is the first winner of a new trophy in that class. On Saturday evening Mrs. D. Ronnenberg, who do­ nated the lovely trophy in memory of hpr late hus­ band Don, drove up from Kitchener to make the official presentation. Shown here at the Clinton Lions Arena are, left to fight, Clarence Neilans, coach of this year’s and last year’s bantam team; Bill Stirling, captain of the 1965-66 team; Stewart Mustard, co-captain; Mrs. Ronnenberg and Stewlart Taylor, president of Huron Fish and Game Conser­ vation Association which sponsors ' bantam-age sports in Clinton.’ fNews-Record Photo)—------------------t------------------------------------------—-— Festival of Carols Scene On TV Christmas Day Clinton Enters Midgets In Six-Team League The six-team WOAA midget hockey schedule has been re- leased by convener Hugh Hodges of CFB Clinton. The Clinton entry managed by Eric Switzer and’’ cpach&d by Bill Mumey plays .their home games in the Lions Arena at 8:45 p.im ' Clinton, Listowel, Mitchel] and Seaforth are competing in WOAA “B” classification Monkton and Zurich are teams. 18—Monkton at Clinton .19—Zurich at Monkton 21—Clinton ,at Seaforth 23—Miwn 25—Seaforth 28—-Listowel February 1—Listowel at at at Las towel Zurich Seaforth Clinton Two ' Clinton area bantam hockey teams — one from the town and one from Adastral Park — are entered in the WOAA bantam league which has seven entries. The town team is sponsored by Huron- Fish and Game Con­ servation Club and is managed by Don Jefferson and coached by Clarence Neiilans. In charge of the Adastral Park team is Ed. McFarland and Vic Paulin. The Hensall entry is managed by Ken Parker. Clinton; Seaforth ^and Mit­ chell are “B”. dassifiealion; Milverton “C” and RCAF, Hensall and Zurich “D” teams. Clinton’s home games- are at 7 p.m. and ’ Adasitral Park Clinton Ponies Bomb Zurich By 14-1 Score Clinton* Ponies, the Kinsmen sponsored peewee hockey-team downed the Zurich peewees by a one-sii'ded 14-1 score in a game. •played in Clinton Lions Arena on Monday evening, December 12. The Ponies got off to a fast start in the'game as they netted the firsit goal after playing only 27 seconds. Peter Vantze scored Zurich’s' only goal at 7:37 of the first period to tie the game. Clinton’s top scorer was Mike Anstett with 3 goals and 2 as­ sists; followed by Brian Lan- gille, 2 goals, 3 assists; Bill Cantelon, 2 goals, 2 assists; Robbie Stirling, 2, goals, 1 as­ sist; Barrie Edgar, 1 goal, 2 assists; Paul Kelly and Robert McMahon, 2 goals each; Cai Fremlin, 2 assists, and Donnie MacDonald, Paul Kay, Walter Leppington, Randy Blake and Tom Murch, each -with one as­ sist. Tom Murch played between the pipes- for the first period and1. Robert Andrews took over for the second and third periods. The Ponies’ next game is scheduled tor Clinton Lions Arena next Monday, December 19 at 6:30 p.m. The Mitchell Peewees will provide the oppo­ sition. ! - '““O’---------- High Scores In Peewee Hockey Last Saturday morning in the Kinsmen Pedwee hockey league. Cougars blasted Bayfield Lions 8-0 and Flyers beat Millionaires 5-4 at the Lions Arena. Storing for Cougars were Danny Colquhoun, Tom Murch and Batry Edgar, two each, and" Mike Anstett and Bobby Atldnson, one bach. Robbie Stirling and Anstett picked up two assists each, and Murch and Edgar hiad assists. In the ether game, Captain Brian Langihe led. the Flyers With four' goals with Paul Kay getting the other one. Bill Cantelon, captain of the Mil­ lionaires Scored three times and Paul Kelly onto. ■ Games this Saturday are: at 11:30, Cougars vs. Millionaires and at 12:30, Lions Vs. Flyers.^ games at 8 p.m. in their re­ spective arenas. ' The complete schedule is as follows: December 10—Hensall at Clinton (Hensall 6 - Clinton 4) 10—Mitchell at Seaforth 12— Seaforth at Mitchell 14—Clinton at Zurich (at Hensall) 14—Seaforth at Milverton 16— Zurich at Hensall 17— Milverton at Seaforth 19— Zurich‘at Mitchell 21—RCAF at Milverton ■ 23—Seaforth, at RCAF ' 23—Clinton at Hensall 26— RCAF at Mitchell 28—Clinton at Milverton 28—Mitchell at Zurich ■ 30—Zurich at RCAF ' January 2—Clinton at Mitchell 4—Seaforth at Clinton ' 4—Mitchell at Milverton 4—Hensall -at Zurich 6— ‘Clinton at RCAF 7— Zurich at Clinton 7—RCAF at Seaforth 9—Milverton at Mitchell , 11—Milverton at Zurich 13— Mitchell at RCAF 13— Seaforth at Hensall 14— Zurich at Seaforth- 14—RCAF at Clinton 16—Hensall at Mitchell 18— Mitchell at Clinton 18—Zurich at Milverton 20— Mitchell, at Hensall 20— Zurich at RCAF 21— Clinton at Seaforth 25—Seaforth at Zurich . 25—Hensall at Milverton 27— Milverton at RCAF 28— Hensall at Seaforth February 1—RCAF .at Clinton Two games to be arranged: Milverton at Clinton and Mil­ verton at Hensall.... ------:--------0-------------- Midgets Play Here Next Wednesday Clinton’s midget hockey team held Listowel to a 6-6 tie in their first game. They played last night against Zurich. Next Wednesday, December 21, the midgets can be seen in action at the Lions arena when Mitchell will be here. Then comes the holiday layoff with the next game in Clinton on January 4 against Seaforth. --------------o--------— Local Young Men At Referees' School Six men from this area at­ tended the Ontario Minor Hockey Association referees school at Goderich arena last Sunday.' The school was pro­ moted by the WOAA with OMHA instructors in ah effort to get better officiating 1 in minor hockey. Those attending from Clin­ ton were Robert Livermore, Robert Gates, Robert Collins and Randy Glew; and from CFB Clinton, Vince Cunning­ ham and Rick Gans. ■.-----------o----------- BLOOD-ALCOHOL LEVELS Alcohol is a poison. If a lilttie over one-half of o-ne per cent of the blood' stream is'alcohol, the person Will die. Smaller amounts of alcohol can have severe effects. Some Legislators have set one-tenth of one per cent in, the blood as the legal upper limit above Which is too drunk to drive his safely: * At a recent meeting of Michigan State Medical So.ciety, Dr. Horace Campbell t held that a minimum safe limit would be .05 per cent of alcohol in the blood. This would result ‘from two drinks’ taken in fairly rapid succession on an empty stom­ ach. He contends that even such blood levels “produce impaired driving behavior in a substan­ tial portion of people.” Their scientists have reached similar conclusions. Tests at the Medical school of the University of Washington in Seattle indicated ability to drive showed a measurable sag at one or two drinks1. At four drinks the ability to drive fell 85 per cent of normal. one car the Part one, “The Birthday of Christ” of the Festival of Car­ ols presented by the junior choir of Ontario Street and Wesley-Willis United Churches Will be ’ taped at OKNX-TV studios and shown on Christ­ mas Day at 5:30 p.m. as part of the Singtime program, The fourth annual Festival of Carols played to full houses at Ontario Street United Church auditorium last Friday and Saturday evenings with over 600 persons seeing the Christmas pageant. Mrs. William Hearn and Miss' Lois Grasby have been the choir directors in charge each year of the festival. Miss Gras- by said she was very' delighted at the quality of the program and stated that it is improving each year. She also reported that any profits from the pa­ geant are used; by the two choirs to purchase music. Narrator for “The Birth Of Christ” was William Hearn and the director was Mrs. William Craig with assistants Mrs. Wil­ liam Murch and Mrs. Don Pullen. A male chorus made up of Rev. Grant Mills, Wil­ liam Craig, Don Symons, Don Andrews, John Lavis, Ralph and the BELL TELEPHONE BOWLING LEAGUE W L Pts. Fin Heads .............6 0 14 John’s Hurricanes ... 5 1 13 Scramblers ............, 3 3 10 Merry Makers .......2 4 8 Novices .......... .........15 8 Fire Crackers ........ 1. 5 7 High bihgle,' ladles, Betty Daar, 265; . men, Bob Pearson, 291; high triple ladies, Betty Baer, 665; meh, Bab Pearson, 692; high average; ladies, Betty Daer, 214; meh, Bob Pearson, 225. A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Make* a Wonderful Christmas Gift ALL SUMMED UP IN' ONE SIGN The Ontario Safety ^League quotes this sign’ by a private farm road: “NO TRESPASS­ ING — NO SPEEDING — NO HUNTING — Survivors will b'e prosecuted’’. - Holland, Charles Gates George Cull sang during pageant. Parts two and three of program included dances per­ formed by the students of Mrs. B. A. Zablocki which were di­ rected by Mrs. Zablocki. Other persons involved in the directing and producing of the program were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aiken, Mrs. Maurice Bateman, Brock Olde, James Engel and Carl McClinchey. Choir accompanists were Miss Carolyn Hibbert and Mrs. William Weils. Rev. Grant Mills and Dr. Andrew Mowaitt led the carol singing during intermission. cominTevents The full schedule is as lows: December 5—Clinton at • Listowel 12-r-Zurich at Listowel 12—Seaforth at Mitchell 14—Clinton at Zurich (at Hens'ah) 17—Monkton at Seaforth 19—Zurich at Mitchell y 19—Seaforth at Listowel 21— -Mitchell at Clinton 22— Seaforth at Monkton •26—Monkton at Mitchell 28—Mitchell at Zurich - 29—Listowel at Monkton January 2—Clinton at Mitchell 2—Monkton at Listowel 4—Seaforth at Clinton 4— Monkton at Zurich (at Hensall) 5— Mitchell alt' Monkton 7—Mitchell at Seaforth 7—Zurich at Clinton 11— Listowel ait Zurich, (at Hensall) k 12— Clinton at Monkton 14—Zurich at Seaforth ’ 16—Listowel at Mitchell’ at 100 YEAR OLD TRADITION The Salvation Army, now, more than a century old, brings the spirit of Christmas to pris­ oners, invalids, hospital pa­ tients, unwed mothers, under­ privileged children and others who. would otherwise have a bleak holiday. ........ the RATE: Four cents a word; Minimum 75 cents /READ — I AND REAP... t I RESULTS’' HELP KEEP/i HOMES INTACT Christmas is for giving and sharing. Help share happi­ ness with a gift of good health — your contribution to Christmas Seals. Do it today! Thursday, Dec. 15 — Turkey Bingo, Legion Hall, Clinton, 15 games for turkey prizes, 3 share - the - wealth, Jackpo-t game, 56 in 56 numbers. 1 game for $25. Admission 50c, 2 tur­ key door prizes. 50b EIGHT TB AND OTHER RESPIRATORY DISEASES WITH NEWS-RECORD CLASSIFIED ADS Friday, December 16 — Bay­ field Lions Turkey Bingo>, 25 games, 25 turkeys, Share-the- wealth, Bayfield Town Hall, 8:30 p.m, admission $2.00. 50b . Friday, Dec. 16 — Cash Bingo in Legion Hall, Seaforth, 8:15 p.m. 15 regular games for ^■$10; 3-$25 specials; l-$100 Christmas bonus Jackpot to- go. Sponsors; Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion. . 50b Tuesday, Dec. 20 — BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers. Six door1 prizes. 8:30 p.m.V f................. ................. — g, A Ibl^C 7 ALBERT STREETQI IVICE W All J NEAR MAIN CORNER — CLINTON /■ .- ’’’ ’ -with a ' TAPE RECORDER ) TAPE RECORDERS $24.95 ELDON RACING SET SPECIAL ) BRASS and COPPER PLAQUES $ 2 50 to $12.95 LEATHER WALLETS AND KEY CASES $1.00 to $10.00 LEATHER TRAVELLING CASES $4.00 to $8.95 TRANSISTOR CLOCKS Wdlnut Base $24.95 to $59.50 BIBLES Black and White $2.25 to $12.95 treasure at CWKlsiMAS PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS Black and White $5.75 to $10.75 READING and USING NEWS-RECORD Classified ACTION Buying, Selling, Renting, Hiring Is Never a Problem With These Little Marvels TO PLACE YOUR AD Phone 482-3443 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday Open 12:30 p.m. Saturday, December 24 Closed All Day Monday and Tuesday December 26 and 27 > Open 12:30 p.m. Saturday, December 31 Closed All Day Monday, January 2 CREDIT UNION J YEAR END SALE! Our Fiscal Year ends Dec. 31st. We want to reduce our inventory. You really have a choice at the price you want to pay. *61 to *6 4— most popular makes and models. Station Wagon or Compact? Look over our lineup. A TRANSISTOR RADIOS $19.95 & $29.95 'ANYONE CAN MAKE A MILLION" By Shulman..... $5.95 UNITED CHURCH HYMN BOOKS $1.19 to $9.50 COOK BOOKS . $2.59 Io $7.50 ''Centennial Rose" BONE CHINA DINNERWARE PIECES $2.10 to $10.95 BISCAYNE BEL AIR IMPALA CAMERO CHEVELLE CHEVY II </2 TON PICKUPS DICTIONARIES $2.75 to $9.95 BOOK ENDS $3.95 to $5.75 pr. "THE DOCTORS" By Gross............$8.75 "HURONCOUNTY" By Scott $5.00 CUTLERY SETS With blue decorated handles $6.95 to $22.95 DINNERWARE SETS By Ironstone $32.95Jo $79.95 We'll shave the price again if you take a stock model SHOP AT McEWAN’S-" J Lome Brown Motors Ltd. Yator Frioridly Chovrolot, OMtmobUe A Envoy Doalar. Ontario Stroot — CLINTON — Phono 482-9321 Opoii ouch trotting until 9 for your convottloncO * t