HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1966-12-15, Page 9Middleton St. James WA
Annual Reports Show Progress
the chair.
Deeves was in
devotional Ser
in '‘The Living
* Mrs. Fred "Middleton was
hostess for the annual meeting
•of the Women's Auxiliary of St,
James’ Anglican Church, Mid
dleton, on Wednesday afternoon.
December 7.
President Mre, Donald Mid
dleton was ip
Mrs. David
■charge of the
vice as fo-ixnd.
■Message”. Mrs. James Storey
gave "The Prayer Partners’
Mrs. John Grigg presented
"the secretary's report and the
roll-call, a favorite carol, and
its origin, was. answered by
the twelve members: present.
The favonjte was the old Ger
man Carol “Silent Night, Hojy
A letter of thanks was sent
to Mrs. Clifford. Epps for assist
ing in the Centennial planting
at the church and' also for don
ating two of her chdice peonies.
A letter of thanks was read
from Mrs. Arnold Miller ■ from
the Clinton Hospital.
A Christmas card signed by
all present was sent to Mrs.
The president expressed her
appreciation for the wonderful
(Continued from Page Four)
the theatre.
The next week, she’s been
talking to someone who has
just spent a year there and
was half-frozen for 12
months. Or she says flatly,
“If you th'ink I'm going to
leave my comfortable home,
treasured piano students1, and
•all my f riends, to go and live
in some cold, clammy dump
. among a lot of strangers, etc,
Sometimes, she wavers, and
asks me what England is
really like. The trouble^ is, I
haven't been there for over
20 years. About all I can do
dis describe some • first-rate
pubs, and tell her how easy
it was to, lose your girl in the
fog or blackout, unless you
clung to her. Somehow, these
descriptive gems don’t fan
her ardor for the trip.
As I said, no one in his
right mind wants to spend a
year in the U.K. I know I'll
come home either riddled
with rheumatism, or in • a
wooden box with, a sheen of
fog on it.
And it isn’t sentiment. Ad
mittedly, there are a few old1
puibs I’d like to re-visit. But
they’ve probably changed in
to raucous road-houses that
‘ serve -martinis instead, of half -
and half, and the waitresses
•are insolent pups instead1 of
buxom barmaids who called
you “Luv”, or “Ducks.”
And there are a few old
girlfriends I’d like to revisit.
But a friend of mine did this
last year, taking his wife
along. Somehow, he said,
there Was a lack of rapport.
And they were all so old.
And, even worse, they
thought he was old.
And I sure as heck don’t
want to go and stand on
some deserted, dilapidated
air-drome and think of the
old days. Old runways; are for
support she had received, from
all the. members' during the
year and hex* personal special
thanks to those former mem
bers and other friends Who as
sisted in various WA projects,
quilting etc.
Mrs. Storey, the church or
ganist, showed several samples,
of choir regalia, The WA voted
$20 to assist in purchase Of
choir gowns.
The annual reports of the
various offices were presented:
Mrs. Keith Miller, the financial
statement; Mrs. John Smith
for Supply (Dorcas); Mrs. Ray
Wise, card convener; Mrs; Mc
Cullough, birthday box.
Mrs, Edward Wise is in
charge pf Christmas cards and
Mrs, Stewart .Middleton re
ported $135 for the "In place
of a Baking Sale Fund”.
The following monies were
voted: $25 to the Sunday
School; Honorariums to the or-
gariist, Mrs. Storey, to Mrs,
Edward Wise assistant organist
and also to the fireman, Fred
Middleton; $250 'was voted to
the church wardens, with $130
ear-m!arked for roof repairs and
the rest for budget.
Mrs. Don Middleton, also
the birds, who make much •
better landings on them than
I ever did.
No, what sparks my desire
to go away for a year is
none of - these. It is the
thought of spending the
whole 'of Centennial Year in
Now, I love this land. But
the idea of an entire year of
having Expo rammed d'own
my throat, of watching mun-
idipalities solemnly snip the
ribbon at such sparkling Cen
tennial projects as 'the new
public lavatories, or the new
parking lot, makes me want
to throw up.
And what better place to
do that than the U.K., where
I must admit I have done".it
before, on a number of occa
sions, after an evening of
warm pints of bitters.
T Superintendent of the Sunday
School reported plans for
Christmas treats, for- oyer 4Q
Mrs. Edward Wise provided
ani interesting program, includ
ing a very thought provoking
article “Let's Take a Closer
Look at Santa Claus, Delight
ful Fantasy or Gross Dishon
esty?” and a poem “Lots of
Love at Christmas”,
Rev. E. J, ,B. Harrison, who
has 'always beep rnoslt welcome
ait the WA meetings, voiced his
appreciation of the efforts of
the WA and of thp gupday
School officers.
Mrs. Ray Wise and Mrs. Jack
Cole, the nominating commit-
tee, presented the following
slate of officers for centennial
year, 1967:
;' ‘ Honorary president, Mrs.
Fred Middleton; president, Mrs.
;Donald Middleton; first vice-
president, Mrs- Edward Wise;
second vice-president-, Mrs, John
! Smith; secretary, Mi’s. Ray
Wise; treasurer, Mrs, Keith
Supply (Dorcas) commlittee,
i convener, Mrs. John Smith,
Mrs,, Deeves, Mrs. Alvin Du-
tof; program, Mrs. John Cole,
Mrs. John Grigg; worship con
vener, Mrs. Fred Middleton;
social service secretary, Mrs.
Joseph Storey.
Prayer Partner secretary,
Mrs. Joseph Storey; birthday
box, Mrs. McCullough;, pianist,
Mrs. Edward Wise; press secre
tary, Mrs. Donald Middleton.
Mrs, Don Middleton read a
poem “Your Food For Thought
For The Chhistm'as Season”,
after which the Rev. E. J, B.
Harrison closed the meeting
With prayer.
Makes a Wonderful
Christmas Gift
Beef Cattlemen
Hear ODA Head
At Seaforth
Speaking to the annual meet
ing of the Perth-Huron Short
horn Association in Seaforth
last Thursday, C, A. Gracey of
the Ontario Department of Ag
riculture and Food said that
performance and opt pedigree
should be the guide when pull
ing and shaping a beef herd.
“Th,e show rfng is next to
useless jn assessing the value of
beef cattle” said Qracey, Bepf
cattle ate more inefficient than
dairy cattle and swtine in meat
He spid livestock scales and
record keeping are important
tools in the beef cattle business
and added that only eight herds
in Ontario use a performance
Gracey, assistant director of
the beef improvement branch
of the department said that
meat production should be dou
bled by 2000 when 7.4 billion
persons will inhabit the earth.
Stewart Proctor, RR 5 Brus
sels succeeds William Turnbull,
RR 2 Brussels as president of
the association. Qhrence Swit
zer, RR 1 St. M jys is first
vice-president; Ja hes Smith,
RR .2 Brussels is Vecond' vice-
president; Doug Miles, Clinton
is secretary-treasurer.
Huron County directors from
this area are William, Pepper,
Brucefield; Bruce Keyes, RR 1
Varna; Frank Falconer, RR 5
If you have been contributing to the Canada Pension Plan, and if
you will be age 68 or over by March 31,1967, contact your Canada
Pension Plan District Office now. Contributors who are under
70 years of age must have retired from regular employment to
qualify. Those who are age 70 or over may qualify without retiring.
Lodge JDle^jts
Members of LOL 1035 met in
their lodge looms last Thurs-
day evening fox' their annual
meeting and election of officers.
It was preceded by a turkey
supper which was enjoyed' by
Flection of officers was con
ducted by the District Master
pf Biddulph, Mr. Lenard Smith,
Ivan McClymont was re
elected for another year as
Worshipful Master,
Other officers are: Immediate
Past Master, Charles Reid;
Deputy Master, William Dqw-
son; Chaplain, Louis Taylor;
Recording Secretary, Ralph
Stephenson; Financial Secre-
tary, Ronald Coleman; Treas
urer, Fred McClymont.
Marshal, Grant Webster; 1st
Lecturer, John Ostrom; 2nd
Wednesday, December 21
Thursday, December 22
of Students attending
Central Huron Secondary School
Hensail, Ontario
Malting barley contracts have been cut by 20%.
Contracts now available, sign up while they last.
Please be advised that Students
First Report Cards will be issued
to them Friday, December 16th
Thur»./ Dec,.15Z 1964~~C|mton ''.N.cw^Rf >
Carol Service
Sunday Afternoon
At Middleton
dldtpp, Sw$ay afternoon, Dec
or nix? r 18 at the regular hour
of 2:30 pm,
A special Christmas Service
of meditation and the .Sbf-
Lesson Carol Service wiil'l be
held in St. James’ Church, Midi-
Classified Ad$.
Bring Quick
______fred McClymont
Phone 482-3214
Lecturer, Wayne Taylor; Com
mittee, Robert Taylor, Wa'tson
Webster, Wilfred Chuter, Orrin
The County Master pf South
Huron, William McIlwain pf
Bayfield installed the officers
for the poming year, ,
The United Church is hold
ing a White Gift Service next
Sunday, December 18 at 10; 15
am, with the pastor, Rev, M,
Morrison in charge.
Mr, and1 Mrs. Harvey Billyea,
St. Marys and Miss Ruth
Mistele, Rodney, visited on Sub
day last at the home of Miss
Joan McClymont.
Classified Ads
Bring Quick